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/lit/ - Literature

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22698415 No.22698415 [Reply] [Original]

Aight which one of you wrote it lol xD

>> No.22698441

Michael M. Anderson

>> No.22698450

>Michael M. Anderson
Are you Michael M. Anderson?

>> No.22698503
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Mr. Anderson

>> No.22699873

Reading it now and it's total shit and nowhere near as based as I thought. Author either has no understanding of alt right thought from that era, put no thought into having a coherent main character, or is trying to make a self contradictory parody that fails because it's too goofy
>I need a silly drug experience for my gonzo style book, but the MC is a straight edge. I know! Sleep deprivation!
>nonsense pretentious drivel sections. Is it supposed to be poetry? The MC himself should be calling it degenerate art
>pretends to be incel, but constantly approached by women and turns them down
>doesn't want sluts or demure asian waifus (maybe commentary on Fuentes types being gay?)
>jews are bad, but we need to worship their torah messiah
>we're only degenerate slaves because we are imperfect slaves to jesus
>unironic muh holocaust and 6 million reference, MC is supposed to be alt right
more than halfway through and nothing of worth has been read so far

>> No.22699907

the book is overhyped drivel and has nothing to offer

>> No.22699913

Has some pretty funny moments but you might as well just read greentexts

>> No.22699940

Pretty much this. I more or less enjoyed reading it but it's not something I'd actually sit down and read again.

>> No.22699955

It’s not good. If you want to get anything I’d avoid this completely and read gothic violence, which isn’t good either, but multiple times better than this.

>> No.22699974

Imagine reading a book written by some dweeb on 4chan. I know for fact none of you will ever write anything good.

>> No.22700459

>Imagine reading a book written by some dweeb on 4chan.
>a book written by some dweeb on 4chan.
>written by some dweeb on 4chan.
>some dweeb on 4chan.
>dweeb on 4chan.
>on 4chan.


>> No.22700852

I know right? We're called 4channel.

>> No.22700907

Idk I thought it was pretty good. The ending was sort of lame but I genuinely enjoyed it.

>> No.22701105

also...who is 4 channel?