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22696583 No.22696583 [Reply] [Original]

>Say to those who disbelieve, “You will be defeated, and rounded up into Hell—an awful resting-place.”
Quran 3:12

>> No.22696590

Religion of peace moment

>> No.22696610

Nobody in the Korab had a problem with Momets Monad deity; the main complaint against him was that he was bad son for turning his back on his ancient duty to protect the Kaba shrine, and he went in and smashed it up.

You can tell he was a Jew in many of these instances.

>> No.22696614

Tell anti slavery niggas all those verses about proper slave and slave master etiquette, totally not a tool for control you guys

>> No.22696617

All religions are like that when they are not neutralized by secularism. In fact, christians and pagans larpers in the West deep down resent muslims, for Islam refuses to bow down before the forces of modernity.

>> No.22696622

>pagans larpers i
as a pagans larpers I recognize Islam as being far closer to Roman paganism on many things (lunar calendar, fasting, prayers during the day), only weaker in the discipline for fasting less and having less prayers during the day.

I see in Islam a lot of soldiers waiting to follow the Ottoman Caesar and finish the job.

>> No.22696627

I invite you to go online and peruse the infinite catalogue of feminist, intersectional, genderqueer muslimas, my ignorant friend.

>> No.22696641

Ever noticed how these woke muslims are only allowed to exist in the West? Curious, huh

>> No.22696761

Islam has its own laws about how every aspect of life, of the country and of the world should be organized, it is an integral part of the revelation of God, christcucks on the other hand see this as "worldy" and focus only on the afterlife instead of the whole picture, because they know they are too weak to enforce anything and are used to submitting to foreign rule, from the pagan roman empire to liberal democracy

>> No.22696769

What madhab do they get their teachings from? Untrained people, especially women are not allowed to interpret sharia, they are not muslims otherwise.

>> No.22696787

A shame muslims are so bad at creating places anyone actually wants to live in. Even the richest arab nations are some of the worst places imaginable to live in unless you are the son of an oil sheik.

>> No.22696790

I don't know how dumb people have to be to find the countless holy text quotes going "anyone who disagrees is big dumb poopy head who will suffer forever" to be profound. This is true for the Bible as well. Okay there are some trolls, but also plenty of retards.

>> No.22696807

The taliban will revive the caliphate inshallah

>> No.22696817

And then you guys will all try to flee that shithole to a secular western country.

>> No.22696824

that's the plan. FOR SOME REASON Allah is really on board with lowering wages in western european nations.

>> No.22696844

we are called to give dawah, us muslims are conquerors at heart a secular country is just another target for us.

>> No.22696852

Mulsims are all literal cocksuckers

>> No.22696855

you're no conquerors, you are just extremely rude and ungrateful guests. You're here because we literally invited you in because we took pity on your and decided to help you. Now you can argue that this was a very stupid thing to do and that you took advantage of it, but you can't call yourselves conquerors. Not any more than a homeless beggar could call himself a conqueror for being invited into another man's home, who offered them food and shelter and then the beggar kills the man in his sleep.

>> No.22696859

>we literally invited you in because we took pity on your and decided to help you
tat's not trooo

story of how muslims ended up in europe is almost as fucked up as learning that the nazis helped found israel,

enoch powell brought them into england wanting them to live in shacks outside of the cities, is the simple version of it.

>> No.22696870


That's how all English people live though! There's nothing unusual about that.

>> No.22696880

Still they are no conquerors. Guest workers or refugees, either way they were invited in. 2nd and 3rd generation muslims living in the west are spiritually homeless. They don't identity with the nation they live in, yet they never stepped foot into their parent's home country and the vast majority of them can't even read or write in arabic. They have to read the Qu'ran in translation.
These are the people that then overcompensate by creating this weird fantasy that they are here in the west as conquerors and soldiers of Islam, rather than because their dad spent his life savings to escape to the west in order to give his children a better life and a future.

>> No.22696903
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I've just started studying the Quran and it really reads like a bunch of random preaching piled together in a totally arbitrary order. It's not incoherent, but it's like if someone sat down by a street preacher and wrote everything he said, no matter how many times he repeated himself, went on random tangents, or contradicted himself.

The story of Satan's rebellion is told seven times with different details each time and events happening in different orders. I can't help but agree with the academics who say that Muhammad was repeating and remixing Jewish and Christian stories he'd heard orally. I don't see any divine revelation in it.

>> No.22696909

t. Abdul Khan al Burminghami

>> No.22696923

>I see in Islam a lot of soldiers waiting to follow the Ottoman Caesar and finish the job.
*smacks lips 30 times a second*

>> No.22696941

>even the least sadistic theist fantasizes about the eternal suffering of nonbelievers
Why should I believe that theists are worthy of ethical consideration at all?

>> No.22696945

The whole Muslim program is Arab chauvinism. Far as I can tell, Muslims aren't even allowed to worship in a language other than Arabic. The Muslim declaration of faith amounts to little more than "An Arab man is God's prophet".

Chauvinism is understandable, though not commendable. What I don't understand is why non-Arabs get on board with this.

>> No.22696950

It’s because the daily rituals of Islam are more or less the imperialism of everyday life and social space. They all exist to impose themselves on nonbelievers on such a way that they grind away any resistance than can be had to it.

>> No.22696951

what are salafis doing on /lit/? they can't read anyway!

>> No.22696956

Gulf money funded e-missionaries think this is a good place because they know their religion appeals to frustrated young men with violent fantasies.

>> No.22696992

This is the answer they will give:
Arabic is used not for any political reason but because it is the only language chosen by god to communicate with man in which the direct, exact communication has been preserved. Using the language is not declaring any state submission to any existing people or political body, but the submission to god alone.
If you are a Muslim, this answer is satisfactory. If you’re not, it isn’t. This isn’t an argument worth having because there is a answer that can satisfy believers and not unbelievers, and examples to the contrary will be convincing to the latter but not the former.

>> No.22697010

That whole paragraph could be summarized as "We believe God is Arab". My point is made for me.

>> No.22697042

God choosing Arabic and god being Arab are two very different things.
I do agree with you on your larger point. As some who isn’t a Muslim, I do agree that Arabic comes from and represents a people and culture and that requiring its use for religious practice is tantamount to being branded by that people. I just wanted to let you know that Muslims do have their own reasoning as to why that isn’t the case in their view. The larger point that I was trying to stress is that there are a rather large number of positions taken on each side that allow both to reach their respective conclusion. In this case the gap created by this is ultimately unbridgeable.
The response you provided here is just so wrong that it’s silly. Even though, as I said before, I agree with your broader point, I have to tell you that you’re just failing to understand their perspective with this one.

>> No.22697144

Islam has always been an Arab supremacist movement, that's not new.

>> No.22697157

Islam is very anti-nationalistic and egalitarian, you as a ignorant foreigner have no idea what are you are talking about since your whole knowledge of the subject is 4chan memes

>> No.22697162

>Islam is very anti-nationalistic and egalitarian

Because all will submit equally to the Arabs and their god. Simple.

>> No.22697168

>their god
There is no use debating with you since its obvious you are brainwashed by scientism

>> No.22697171

Cope and sneed.

>> No.22697182

>all religions
Abrahamists are retards.

>> No.22697183

You are the one that will burn, not me

>> No.22697217

>he doesn't know
No one cares homeboy, it's the 21st century and libertarian socialist muslimas will play an ever more prevalent role in your society :)

>> No.22697295

>this conversation playing out exactly as I said it would.
You retards are so predictable it’s like you’re posting off a script.

>> No.22697428

if you're mindless and just go with the flow of what le words of god say like most "serious" followers of abrahamic religions do and are a male of course then you'll probably have a good time in an islamic caliphate. however if you're a woman or intelligent enough to question the religion morally or logically then you'll hate your life having to pretend that you actually believe this bullshit

>> No.22698422

Found the resentful pagan

>> No.22698617

>Still they are no conquerors. Guest workers or refugees, either way they were invited in. 2nd and 3rd generation muslims living in the west are spiritually homeless. They don't identity with the nation they live in, yet they never stepped foot into their parent's home country and the vast majority of them can't even read or write in arabic.
Oh I agree, but it didn't come about from refugees in the first instance is the only point. Most of this stuff is the result of post WW2 policies designed to fuck up the labor market and finding moral reasoning to guilt the Victors into letting it happen. Most today are refugees from our bombs and foreign policy; either way I agree that it's not a conquering thing at all.

>can't speak arabic even
Oh no word of a lie, I grew up with friends like this; they speak nothing well, some revert to extreme church-going and resemble the 4chan tradcath in their dumb self-righteousness; that peanut brain demeanor.

Well on the plus side of things something that nobody understands or mentions is that many of the first generation and the refugees -hate- their religion. Something keeps them going to the Mosky once in a while (arguably the degeneracy and poverty they see in the goyims is the biggest reason why they hang onto that culture) but they left those countries and people in the first place.

It's strange that no side has ever wanted to just observe this point. I guess it sounds like racist to the libs and doesn't fit the invasion narrative of the cons.

>> No.22698670

> why non-Arabs get on board
it's a good point, it also means they don't understand 99% of the religion and can't possibly be following it; like the christians who were forbidden from translatig the latin bible and couldn't speak latin and got sermons in latin ... there was no way they were 'christians' as a consequence, they were just forced to be there (legally or emotionally) and give money, but none of them could describe anything about the religion.

It's a fucked up thing that after the bibles were translated you had rational-hedonist atheists on one hand (who recognized the religion was obviously not the word of god or anything good), sober reformists on the other (who recognized the catholics were lousy stewards and didn't want to give half their tax revenues to them), and then that third party ....

... who read the bible and believed they were the ancient hebrews and went to america.

>> No.22698713

>>abrahamists are retards
>resentful pagan
he's being factual; literalism is regressive infantlism: "no it's not a metaphor (obviously it is) it's literally true" operates like a tumor on your emotional and intellectual development, you grow up a bit and reach the point where you should know better then you turn ignorance to reality into a virtue.

>> No.22698728

ignorance, denialism - self-denialism, logic becomes the enemy due to the conscious awareness that a smart person will unravel your narrative in a couple of seconds of meeting them

>> No.22698731

but then it's a disposition whch hates truth, and resmbles more the character of 'satan' in those religions, paradoxically.

If I was still "into abramism" I'd be calling chrstians, muslims and jews all deluded Satanists.

>> No.22700378
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bedouin bump
lean yet plump

>> No.22700382

if you ask me, the arab women were better off when they were naked and worshiping the three graces of jupiter at the kaba, rather than abrahams dumb jealous god.