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/lit/ - Literature

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22695199 No.22695199 [Reply] [Original]

what are some lit-approved manga?

>> No.22695218
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>> No.22695331

From what I've seen people here seem to enjoy Vagabond, Vinland Saga, and Berserk over most others.

>> No.22695342

not attack on titan that's for sure

>> No.22695344

not this shitty manga for one

>> No.22695347

Ashita no Joe

>> No.22695442

Seconding this. One of the most soul crushing books I've read.

>> No.22695476
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I need more /lit/-quality manga but it's so few and far between :(

>> No.22695602

I can recommend to read a real book for once, how about that?

>> No.22695614

Hotel Since A.D. 2079

>> No.22695626

none lol

>> No.22695634 [DELETED] 
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>le thinly veiled SnK thread
What books should I read if I have an intense pseudo-religious schizophrenic obsession with this character?

>> No.22695758
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I don't really think manga is getting any better, the japanese psyche is progressively more focused on navelgazing since the economic bubble burst. That being said AKIRA is definitely one of the best manga, alongside Berserk and Hunter x Hunter and Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm primarily focused on male demographic mangas because I don't have experience with female oriented stuff.

>> No.22695762

manga plateau during the 00s and has been in the decline with all the other mediums

>> No.22695774
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Hunter x Hunter, unironically

>> No.22695775

Reread the golden age a couple weeks ago, excellent story all around. Do you guys keep up? Is Guts carrying around a Behelit atm? Last I read was with some witch and Kushan beard guy sending tigers to a ball dance.

>> No.22695785
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I very cautiously recommend Berserk. Just read the Manga and never interact with the community or any discussion related to it.

I have never seen such a vile fanbase. It's the "he's literally me" kind, but without understanding the difference between real human emotion and fictional emotion

Pic-related disproves any stoic Berserk discussion.

>> No.22695790

What did you all think about the ending?

>> No.22695802

Are you serious? The central theme of Berserk is to carry on living despite how shitty your life gets. That's literally the opposite of nihilism.

>> No.22695806

>It's the "he's literally me" kind
Zoomers think that the point of fiction is to self-insert as the main character. I don't remember Berserk fans thinking they were supposed to personally relate to Guts back then.

>> No.22695811

Read a biography of any decisive, dispassionate, "Chad-esque" historical figure, so I would recommend the biographies of Julius Caesar, Alexender Suvorov or Otto von Bismarck.

>> No.22695824

i thought it was shit the second "le evil guy use genocide for better world" trope came up
so overused and reddit

>> No.22695894

>muh Barsak
I'm at the beginning of the fantasia arc and I already want to delete that shit from my computer.

Just read the golden age and black swordman arc and be done with it, the quality has a massive drop after that.

>> No.22696297

>Do you guys keep up?
Stopped after the writer's death. With that being said, I think the entire story after the Golden Age arc was pretty mediocre anyway, but that arc specifically is a masterpiece.
>I have never seen such a vile fanbase
Nintendo fans are probably the worst fanbase out there.
100%. It's honestly baffling how mediocre the 'adventure' of Guts became.
Honestly, as far as writing goes, I can really only recommend Vagabond and Kingdom, with that caveat that the former is on an indefinite hiatus and the latter tends to be pretty goofy in its artistic style/presentation.
With Berserk, I only recommend the Golden Age arc and after that it's not worth it. Ashita no Joe is good, but it's pretty boxing centric.
If you're into action-heavy webtoons, I can also recommend Mercenary Enrollment, though don't expect a literary masterpiece, but more of a mindless action story with a badass chick magnet as the protagonist.

>> No.22696374

I recommend Reincarnation Colosseum. Its a gripping story about a young man who has to survive in slavery using only his ingenuity and resourcefulness. It has some solid character developments.

>> No.22696526

honestly the gold age arc is imo the worst part of the manga and super overrated
it's literally just the ending that saves it

imo "falcon of the new millenium" is superior to "gold age"
and "tower of conviction" is quite possibly the best arc, as it's the tightest and most consitent arc

>> No.22696528


>> No.22696607 [DELETED] 

shut up nigger.

>> No.22696608

>carry one doing whatever regardless of how situations might change
Sounds kind of nihilistic.

>> No.22696733
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Toward The Terra
It's a pro-Eugenics shojo space opera.

>> No.22696754

>keep living even when theres nothing to live for
this is how most nihilists live since theyre cowards anon

>> No.22696897
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Manga is literature

>> No.22696905
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>> No.22696907
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>> No.22696917
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>> No.22696952
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only correct posts

>> No.22696960
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Did the same girl who wrote Houski no Kuni make this?

>> No.22697116

>mongolian comics for teens are literature
light novels is, and are worse than young adult novels btw. Shitty literature.

>> No.22697156

It's called willpower. Guts wouldn't kill himself even if he had the chance. He's the anti-nihilist.

>> No.22697177

>half of it is just junji ito
>chainsaw man
>usagi yojimbo, which is not even a manga
just all-round awful list, where did you get it from?

>> No.22697208
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>> No.22697223
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I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. /lit/ has fallen

>> No.22697243

Is it anything more than misery porn for teenagers?

>> No.22697256

no it's misery porn for people in their late 20s.

>> No.22697272

Gantz is PEAK /lit/ and the best manga ever made.

>> No.22697276

It's due to it being bad.

>> No.22697284
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Wasn't that based on a sci-fi novel too?


>Nintendo fans are worst
Star Warrs fans
Marvel fans
Harry Potter

There's a whole lot worse

>> No.22697296


>> No.22697304

Best thing to ever come out of anime/manga, nothing compares not even berserk, and especially not shitland saga

>> No.22697308

We all know fandoms are toxic, stop having a dick measuring contest over which fandom is the worst
>nintendo, sonic, star wars, undertale, capeshit, overwatch, minecraft

>> No.22697343


>> No.22697351

Wild Adapter

>> No.22697429

Ever heard of Kpop fans? They are the worst period.

>> No.22697516

The most overrated pretentious manga ever
Brown hands alert

>> No.22697558
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>> No.22697570

Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show

>> No.22697613

I read it while suffering from covid, made me feel even more miserable. I refuse to read depressive shit now.

>> No.22697620
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Thanks anon. Been meaning to learn more about Suvorov anyway. I would also appreciate some fiction recs though
Absolutely based take btw. I think the manga only really comes into its own with Conviction. Golden Age doesn't really offer anything particularly new or interesting other than the relationship between Guts and Griffith and then the Eclipse.

>> No.22697634
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Picrel is the only manga I've ever read that I would call "literary"
I'm a pseud: the manga

>> No.22697647


>> No.22697714


>> No.22698011


>> No.22698023

based. do you know where I can find the dark horse complete translation online? Wanted to re-read it.

>> No.22698032

I remember when I read this when I was 13 years old and I thought BASEDJACK WOWZAZS then I read it more recently and the mc is biggest faggot put to paper he's a pathetic bitch with no redeemable qualities he's like fucking naruto wants his life to get better but does literally nothing to improve it, his life isn't misfortunate or sad he just wants it to be so
>tldr only a teenage faggot could ever think this is good

>> No.22698057

This. There's a lot of Nietzschean philosophy in Berzerk (yeah I watched that cuck philosophy video essay)

>> No.22698075

I just read ajin demi-human. I really like the power used in the manga and how they gamified the abilities (using the rules to its max creatively) I also liked the fact that everyone was useful. That sounds silly but that’s an important thing to say when your coming from Shonan manga with a crowd of useless characters

>> No.22698082

If anyone ITT likes DBZ/Jojo, I strongly recommend Yu Yu Hakusho, with the caveat that the first season with the spirit detective shit is gay as fuck and you just need it for setup. Luckily it's short, just put it on 2x speed and get the gist. The next couple of arcs are solid, but the real shit starts with the tournament/Toguro arcs. They are amazing.

Avoid spoilers and go in blind.

>> No.22698102

Yuichi Yokoyama

>> No.22698115
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Retards in this thread need to be reminded that something not being marketed towards young boys doesn't automatically make it "literary".
>Azumanga Daiou
>Katabami to Ougon
>Voynich Hotel
>Ozanari Dungeon
>Ichigo 100%
>Dragon Head
>Franken Fran

>> No.22698131

Nishi is literally unironically just like me

>> No.22698149

>failed normie: the manga
Pretentious and mediocre, like anything Asano does

>> No.22698153

Houseki no Kuni
Blade of the Immortal
Kokou no Hito
Gunslinger Girl

>> No.22698321
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>> No.22698360


>speeding through "Kuwabara: A Promise Between Men"

>I shiggy diggy

>> No.22698425
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>> No.22698561

What are boards for, if you don't respect their topics?
I don't see the anons of /sci/ or /an/ forcing Japanese slop in the catalog. I don't see anons from /co/ asking for a stupid Super Man comic on /lit/ either.
Is not just the images btw, I'm talking about the thread subject, like this one, where you're asking for comics on a fucking book board. What the fuck is your problem?
Just go back to >>>/a/.

>> No.22698729
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>> No.22698776

What makes it "literary"? I'm interested in it.

>> No.22698780

Surprised nobody has said Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou yet.

>> No.22698987
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First of all it's just straight up very competently written and has great characters. Also, while just about every manga name-drops Buddhism at some point, this one actually engages with Buddhist ideas in an interesting way and provides a meaningful critique of them. Also it's just straight up beautiful.

>> No.22698988

surface level buddhism

>> No.22698998

>just put it on 2x speed
fucking disgusting philistine

>> No.22699019

>this one actually engages with Buddhist ideas in an interesting way and provides a meaningful critique of them.

>> No.22699033

Disgusting wall of text. Even /int/ is more active than /a/

>> No.22699119
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Washizu is just Anton Chigurh but he gets a mental breakdown every chapter

>> No.22699145

>chooses to go on /lit/
>gets disgusted at the prospect of having to read more than a single line of text
>this greentext is an example of what anon finds acceptable to read. no more, no less.
Yep, it's /lit/ alright.

>> No.22699183

Everything from this author is the same
>wahh im a loser
>makes some minor achievement
>wahh im still a loser

>> No.22699189


>> No.22699203

akagi nothing like that

>> No.22699209

Akagi is the opposite though. He has godlike intuition and IQ. Washizu is more or less the same, but gets held back by his ego and fear of being forgotten.

>> No.22699411


>> No.22699418


>> No.22699428


>> No.22699445

Berserk peaks with Black Swordsman

>> No.22699527

The further it gets the worst it becomes.
>last arc
Absolute garbage

>> No.22699877

One Piece is the only literary manga

>> No.22700930
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>> No.22700942


>> No.22701001
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I sometimes wonder if non-anime fans would like it. It's obviously head and shoulders above the majority of other manga when it comes to literary value but it's still a battle shonen at heart and if you don't enjoy that HxH may not convert you.

>> No.22701055
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Tekkon Kinkreet

>> No.22701082

>Ad Astra
>Bakuon Rettou
>Kamigami no Itadaki

>> No.22701952
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Ultimate patrician taste:
>Vagabond, Real
>Vinland Saga
>Me and the Devil Blues: The Unreal Life of Robert Johnson
>Kaiji, Akagi, Buraiden Gai, Kurosawa
>Blade of the Immortal
>Homunculus, Ichi the Killer
>Kokou no Hito, Innocent
>Gantz, Inuyashiki
>Monster, 20th Century Boys
>JoJo: SBR
>Uzumaki, Black Paradox
>Liar Game, One Outs
>Eden: It's an Endless World!

>> No.22702017

That's literally just any seinen manga you've come across.

>> No.22702032

asano, arai hideki, jiro matsumoto are the only /lit/ manga essentials. rest is waste of time dont bother

>> No.22702093

No, I've read much more

>> No.22702204
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>imo "falcon of the new millenium" is superior to "gold age"

>> No.22702357

>le epic annoying kid inodoro
>le wizard loli with god like powers
>le elf puck with -1000IQ for comic relief (it was a moral compass at the begging of the manga, they truly ruined that elf)
Guts's team is completely ridiculous. I can't take that manga serious anymore with the quality of those characters.
Reminder that this is supposed to be written for adults, sex and gore is everywhere.

>> No.22702446
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>Nooooo adult stuff can't contain cute and funny things, it should all be sex and gore!
Tell me you're a teenager without telling me you're a teenager.

>> No.22702461

>cute and funny
lol, lmao even.

>> No.22702492

Name a single ya novel that's better than Otherside Picnic.

>> No.22702502

This. Just compare the Band of the Hawk to Guts' RPG party. Judeau doesn't even have a backstory, yet he massively mogs these characters. Berserk became shit ages ago.

>> No.22702706

Dorohedoro? MiA?

>> No.22702738

I didnt get the last panel, but an incredibly well written story

>> No.22703015

If I remember correctly, I started Mushishi because of someone mentioning it on here. It's certainly not for everyone, but I enjoy it

>> No.22703039

terrible, do not recommend.
cool art and some of the concepts (medieval european-inspired setting, demons, the godhand, etc.) are cool but the execution is terrible