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/lit/ - Literature

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22693567 No.22693567 [Reply] [Original]

Thomas Pynchon edition.

>recommended charts

>> No.22693598

Christcucks and polcels out! This is a postmoderist thread!

>> No.22693606

why didn't you call it /pomo/ or something?

>> No.22693629

/pol, huh. That has to be on purpose

>> No.22693635

just bought gravity's rainbow
somebody in the book store told me that it wasnt very good
now im sad, should i return?

>> No.22693638
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Reminder to read John Hawkes, the most consistently underrated and underread of the American postmodernists and a highlight of 20th century US literature at large.

>> No.22693644

Great, a thinly veiled pol thread.

>> No.22693875

Who cares they’re obviously bias, I found it enjoyable.

>> No.22693903
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im reading
>an introduction to deluze by todd may
ngl deluze kinda sounds like a high and mighty asshole
>80% of all thinkers before are cringe and their only value is having their works be stepping stones to the modern day
and his critism of marxism feels much bland rather than focults and derridas ngl. his other ideas are cool tho

>> No.22693931

People that "work" in bookstores are parasites

>> No.22693936

not post modern

>> No.22693949

There are genuine criticisms you can make of that book but 99% of the people that tell you it's shit are nu-age contrarians who want to "fight back" against modern classics.

It's a fine book. Read it, you have nothing to lose.

>> No.22693958

I'm finally starting the pale king, what are the essentials? I want good prose the less minimalist the better

>> No.22694013
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>recommended charts

>german idealism - schopenhauer
>utopianism chart is just a bunch of unreleated authors who either thought of a utopia or are classified as utopian socialists after their death
>https://mega.nz/folder/kj5hWI6J#0cyw0-ZdvZKOJW3fPI6RfQ/folder/omRWjDRQ - literally the worst fucking way to introduce someone to philosphy
>post modern intro chart. has 1 book by derrida, 5 books by folcult, 1 book by lacan (a marxist not a PoMo) no books by deluze, no books by Rorty, No books by Fisher, 2 books by Althusser (Again, a MARXIST, NOT A PoMo) 1 book by lyotard. no secondary lit

the person who made this is fucking stupid

>> No.22694025

Finished that recently, will probably have to re-read certain sections to fully understand it. whereabouts have you read up to?

>> No.22694030

page 13-14, just got done explaining derridas idea of the economy of language and the sillyness of privliging 1 idea over another

>> No.22694061

ah, i see fair enough. i hope that you can find something you enjoy as you go on, personally i enjoyed the interplay of nietzsche-bergson-spinoza a chapter or two ahead of you. towards the end, theres also a topically relevant section on the israel-palestine conflict

>> No.22694129

im still gonna read it no doubt
for one im always gonna read a book i bought unless it is UTTER DOG SHIT (undercover economist being the bootlicking book to end all booklicking)
i just had issues with deluze as a person but his ideas are interesting tho (god i hope its pro palestine or imma have a stroke)

>> No.22694296

I don't like 'Gravity's Rainbow' but if I wrote a novel I would probably try and use the same themes that Pynchon uses.