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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, the horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22691924 No.22691924 [Reply] [Original]

Good books centered around wildlife or nature?

>> No.22692132

Anything of Edward Abbey.

>> No.22692138

Anything of John Muir.

>> No.22692145

Ted Hughes has some good naturalist poems.


The Peregrine
Sand County Almanac
Growth of The Soil
Tarka The Otter

I made a similar thread when I was a lot younger, and I bought almost every book that was recommended lol, it definitely shaped my current tastes.

>> No.22692166

The Compleat Angler
The Snow Leopard (any Matthiessen book, really)
Lots of Hemingway
Lawrence is good at scenery

>> No.22692179
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>> No.22692180

The Willows by Algernon Blackwood.

>> No.22692566
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>> No.22692741

I stare at that picture and I think: "Wow, what a nice painting. Who is the author?"
Then I look closer and I realize it was made by a software assembling visual data.
There is no author. No one to congratulate, no one to cherish.
I feel sadness.
Everyone does.
Hence the question, again: why do you use that? Why do you want to spread sadness in the world?

>> No.22692748


>> No.22692752

I know this is a blue board and you can't post an AI generated image of him sucking off the horse so I can only congratulate you on capturing the essence as well as you did.

>> No.22692767

Because of the first part retard
>Wow, what a nice painting
And it only took minimal effort and no talent

>> No.22692830

At least be happy you knew it was AI

>> No.22692902

You are the retard. Once you realize it's an assembly of data, it's not nice anymore. You hate beauty.

>> No.22692909


>> No.22692978

What's wrong with being humane to horses? Aside of course that this story was made up by Dostojevsky

>> No.22692993

Barry Lopez
Fond of John McPhee's Pine Barrens especially among many other titles with a Nature emphasis.
Thoreau's Nature Essays are wonderful

>> No.22693000
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Nothing is TRULY beautiful

>> No.22693014


>> No.22693151

It was made up by some random fag after Nietzsche died, which was years after he had lost his mind and reported on in the equivalent of a tabloid.

>> No.22693184

haven't seen mcphee mentioned here in a while

>> No.22693189

there isn't. Nietzsche had a soul and appreciated animals.
you're an idiot.

>> No.22693692

That anon is right, the story is fake. But yes, Nietzsche did not despise animals, he was not a subhuman

>> No.22694648

Saw one about a month back in a thread looking for books on fish and fishing, but you're right, he's rarely mentioned here.

>> No.22694682

>I stare at that picture and I think: "Wow, what a nice painting. Who is the author?"
Because you're tasteless faggot #13701790321

>> No.22694702

>Story first appeared 11 years after the incident allegedly occurred
>Source was an anonymous article in an Italian tabloid magazine known for the equivalent of celebrity gossip at the time
>Nietzsche’s landlord, Davide Fino, mentions several weird things about his behavior leading up to the collapse, such as Nietzsche dancing naked in his room, shredding his money, talking to himself, etc. Never mentioned the horse story.
>Franz Overbeck doesn’t mention it in his letters to the family and to Nietzsche’s friends in the aftermath of the incident
>A similar story appears in Crime and Punishment, offering circumstantial evidence that it was an inspiration for the fabrication.
>Nietzsche had some sort of degenerative physiological disease that was slowly killing him from the time he was very young, so the idea that this was a sudden outpouring of compassion that broke his brain or something is, to be frank, woo woo. Regardless of whether the horse story happened or not.

>> No.22695273

>Nietzsche dancing naked in his room, shredding his money, talking to himself, etc.

>> No.22695290

Well nobody said he didn't lose his mind...

>> No.22695355
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>> No.22695365
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Had a wildlife professor recommend me a Walk in the Woods. I liked the Ecological Indian and obviously Leopold (posting this from a place that guy worked)
/ourguy/ simply because his favorite author was the Pynchster

>> No.22695426
File: 214 KB, 588x831, Mmx5darkdizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genius of the Birds
Nature's Temples: Old Growth Forests
Patterns in Nature
Entangled Life
The Secret Lives of Bats
Mind of a Bee
Mountain Gorillas
Can Life Prevail?
Bird Brains: The Intelligence of Crows
Going, Going, Gone?: Animals on the Brink of Extinction

Too human.
You don't truly love nature if you mix humanity into it. Humanity was not born from nature and is more akin to an invasive species from Saturn.
Only anti-humanists can truly love nature.
The best books on nature are impersonal observations or data, filled with a pretty pictures, not muddied by human symbolism, narratives, or fiction. Destroy all that is human.
Only the ANCIENT East had a few figures that loved nature like Han Shan.
Abrahamics are incapable of loving nature and exist in a hyperreal to serve their angry, jealous god.

Both transhumanism and genuine tree worship converge on Post-Humanism, which is fundamentally anti-humanism. The destruction of every trace of what makes us human is the goal of life.

>> No.22695435
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>> No.22695469
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Guy built a cabin to live alone in Alaska. Stories great and he recorded himself building his cabin and doing other things back in the 50s/60s.

>> No.22695498


>> No.22695541

humanist scum

>> No.22695548

mass repliers like you should be torn limb from limb then fed to dogs

>> No.22695556

It was technically only 3-4 people. It's not really a mass response. Kys, humanist garbage fag. You're already being cannibalized by an egregore you've created.

>> No.22695563

mass repliers like you should be tortured slowly

>> No.22695570

humanists like you should be disemboweled

>> No.22695573

Actually, you should be experimented on in the laboratory with invasive neurological experiments.

>> No.22695575
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>> No.22695579

Why are you eating your own kind?

>> No.22695583

You know nothing about me or my political opinions. However, you are an extremely cringe mass replier. Go back to your subreddit.

>> No.22695591

Stop derailing this thread. You're probably an offended Abrahamic shithead. Kys.

>> No.22695592

You're the one who mass replied like a fucking spastic. Go back to your subreddit

>> No.22695595

Responding to three posts is not mass replying. I read everyone's suggestions, and it didn't personally resonate with me for the reasons given.

>> No.22695600

Then just make a post you absolute imbecile. Is this how you were taught 4chan works on your subreddit

>> No.22695605

Stop making a big deal out of it, you insufferable autistic fat ass.

>> No.22695611

make me newfag redditor mass replier kek

>> No.22695617

I bet you weren't even any of the people I responded to. I doubt you even read. Stick to the ghetto slums, spiritual negroe.

>> No.22695621

>grasping this hard for an insult
newfag redditor mass replier kek

>> No.22695628

Kys, low IQ troglodyte. You belong on Reddit, not me. You most likely have lousy taste in literature. You have no vision. Furthermore, you have trash taste in film, music, and much more. You are insentient garbage without a shred of qualia. Faggots like you should be my slave. I am much more classy, contemplative, compassionate, and wise compared to you. Each one of my posts is holy because it comes from an enlightened mind.
I mass replied just a tiny bit. So what? I am still objectively superior to you in every metric. You deserve to be my slave.

>> No.22695632

no WAY you're THIS MAD kek
the mind of a newfag redditor mass replier kek

>> No.22695636

No, I am calm. I am just telling you the Truth.
Also, a mint as luminous and great as mine transcends all social media. I've been countlessly banned from 4chan, Reddit, and many other places. The world is simply not ready for an exceptional genius of my level. I'm basically what prophets are made out of. If you wish, I can take you as a disciple, but it will cost you.

>> No.22695639

I knew you were a redditor, mega kek

>> No.22695643

I've been posting here longer than Reddit. Anyways stop going off-topic. I won't let you have the final word. My pride does not permit it. Some low class scum like you does not deserve the final word.

>> No.22695646

>admits to being a redditor
>mass replier
>flooding the thread

>> No.22695654 [DELETED] 

No, you kys. I only posted on a few subreddits 3-4 years ago but was banned for antisemitism. I've even received FBI visits for antisemitism.

You kys. My life is objectively worth more than yours. I am far more contemplative, far more astute, far more creative, far more centered, far more intelligent, than you. You are absolute scum of this world for daring to insult me. Go fuck your ugly whores in squalor while I live a life of great insight.

>> No.22695666

fucking kek redditor

>> No.22695681 [DELETED] 

Look at those trips. It should serve as a warning for daring to challenge a divine being such as myself. All of the birds, bees, butterflies, and bats love me. They are the 4 B's, the world's most important pollinators. You, on the hand, were born from the sewer. A sewer that exists outside time and space and the origin of all defilement. You are not a sentient being. You are merely a blind automaton, a NPC. You corrupt everything that you touch.
In fact, to kill you would be an act of purification of this world, for you are not truly a living sentient being capable of self-reflection or metacognitive awareness.
You will suffer for countless eons for daring to insult me. If we lived in an age where duels were legally permitted, I would not hesitate to put my life on the line to rid this world of the darkness that is you.
Indeed, I have already shot a negro who broke into my house. I know what it means to kill a man, and let me tell you this: if it were legally permissible (such as during the time of honorable duels), I would kill you too and feel not a single shred of guilt. You can keep crying, "But he mass replied," as you cough up blood and finally get sent to the hell that you deserve.
So do not kys, for in our future lives, beyond this temporary one, it will be me that will kill you.

>> No.22695684
File: 66 KB, 500x500, IMG_1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread…certainly took a weird turn

>> No.22695689

fucking kek redditor kys

>> No.22695695 [DELETED] 

Nah, I'd rather kill you (in an honorable duel).

>> No.22695697

mega kek redditor kill yourself

>> No.22695699

>Once you realize it's an assembly of data, it's not nice anymore
That's not what ruins it for me. What ruins it for me is the shitty hands, nonsensical details like drops on the horse's nose, etc. I don't care that it was generated by a computer, because death of the author and all that; I can still feel something without knowledge of the creator. Just not when there are glaring ugly errors and flaws smacking me in the face.

>> No.22695700

>nice thread about nature and wildlife
>2 retards derailing it

>> No.22695701

Like I'd listen to some anime queer who doesn't go outside lmao..!

>> No.22695702

I won't give you the final word. Die and eat shit.

>> No.22695705

you first redditor kek

>> No.22695706

Reddit as fuck. Stay mad

>> No.22695707

You can only challenge your social equals, anon. By challenging him (you) must withdraw all the verbiage anent your being divine, etc., and admit a just denied social equivalency. Those are the rules.
t. dif anon

>> No.22695708

Not mad. Just saying the truth about how I am superior to you all

>> No.22695710
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>> No.22695712

That picture doesn't resemble me in the least. I won't give you the final word. I am far more intellectually and creatively gifted than you.
In retrospect, my post may have been further refined, but still, I am a genius compared to you.

>> No.22695714
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>> No.22695716

No, I am divine. When Empedocles jumped into the volcano, he was reborn as me.

>> No.22695719

You won't have the final word.
I have a much better library than you.
I have much better taste in art house films than you..
I am more handsome than you. I have a noble phenotype.
I am far more perceptive and contemplative than you.
You are a metaphysical abomination

>> No.22695720
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>> No.22695721

Is pic-related you?

>> No.22695730

No, that's not me. I'm actually a tranny. I apologize for insulting you and derailing this thread. Your book suggestions were decent, and you didn't ever truly mass reply. I am just ashamed I will never truly be a woman. I will kms tomorrow. No need for a duel. You are a far more honorable man of integrity than I ever could be. In fact, I've already mutilated my penis, but I regretted it. I am sorry for calling you a Redditor. The truth is... I am the Redditor and now I am destined for hell.

>> No.22695732

tranny is the redditor mass replying
what a surprise

>> No.22695735

I am confused. Why would you post this: >>22695730 and then act like you didn't? Are you bipolar?

>> No.22695738

Not the same poster big guy.

>> No.22695741

Keep lying, J*w.

>> No.22695742

whatever you say, trans friend

>> No.22695743

I understand your mental illness leads to deception and bipolar tendencies. It's time you stop responding and derailing this thread. You were just an angry tranny after all.

>> No.22695745

>It's time you stop responding and derailing this thread.
textbook projection

>> No.22695746

You don't need to describe what you're engaging in. It's time you stop responding and give real men (something you will never be as a eunuch) the final word.

>> No.22695747

kek redditor newfag mass replier kys

>> No.22695751

I understand that all of this aggression stems from your mental illness of how ywnbaw. It's time you stop and start tying the nose.

>> No.22695754

>tying the nose
redditor reveals low IQ, what a surprise

>> No.22695755 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22695757

Butcher's Crossing.

>> No.22695759


>> No.22695760

kek nice self portrait

>> No.22695763

Are you reminiscing on your inbred mentally ill cousins?

>> No.22695765

kek redditor newfag mad

>> No.22695766

kek melodramatic tranny endlessly bitching and whining

>> No.22695767

>immediately copies my posting style
I own you. I dominate your mind.

>> No.22695773

Sorry, but I am not a woman or one who attempts to be such an inferior being like you. The only thing you dominate are your sister's little niglets she had with Tyrone.

>> No.22695776

woman bitch boy submitting to the dominance of my mind and copying my posting. You have submitted easily and wetly

>> No.22695778

You sound very queer. I recommend prison for your kind. The gang raping negroes await faggots like you.

>> No.22695779

>can't stop responding to me
>copies my posting
drop your grindr. i've already fucked your mind raw

>> No.22695782

Bambi: a life in the woods

>> No.22695783

Sorry, but I'm not a depraved homosexual like you. Just admit defeat by giving me the final word. When I say kys, I mean it in all sincerity. Consider me a psychopath.

Fuck off, you disgusting homosexual. I wasn't too far off with the tranny accusation.

>> No.22695787
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>> No.22695791

bitch boy complains while i bend his mind over a table

>> No.22695792

Was that your last boyfriend. Did you meet him on Tinder? Did you "fuck his mind raw" (your own words)?

>> No.22695796

Very gross. Very undignified and reminiscent of crass negroes in prison. Far more impure than "muh mass replying". Kys. I knew from the very start you were a sodomite.

>> No.22695798

>4chan posters are all the same
schizophrenic bitch boy lol. no wonder you're bitchmade

>> No.22695801

>pretending to be someone else
You are a depraved sodomite who doesn't know when to stop. Cease responding further and let me have the last word.

>> No.22695804

>Cease responding further and let me have the last word.
if you say please

>> No.22695808

It is obvious you have intestinal parasites, which leads you to being persistently pestersome. I recommend Green Black Walnut Tincture and Ivermectin. Please take Ivermectin and deal with your worms, which are a consequence of being a depraved irascible sodomite.

>> No.22695810

>can't even say please
rude redditor

>> No.22695814

Please take Ivermectin, sodomite. You will be in for a surprise.

>> No.22695816

>Cease responding further and let me have the last word.
>if you say please
>continues chimping because of autism that cause zher to view politeness as weakness

>> No.22695821
File: 245 KB, 1155x648, Pinworms-body1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize the thought of being full of worms is quite frightening. Research shows sodomites are much more likely to contain them. Please take Ivermectin. It will help you.

>> No.22695822

I'm not the fag, idiot. You've been chimping along with the other retard the entire fucking thread Just shut the fuck up

>> No.22695828

>I'm not the fag, idiot.
You're not fooling anyone, sodomite. Your entire posts ooze with homoeroticism.
Many greater apes are sentient beings unlike you. Gorilla social organization can be quite fascinating to read. I, myself, am strong and virile like a silverback. You, on the other hand, are like a feminine duplicitous Jew. Ywnbaw.
>Just shut the fuck up
You first. Real men, such as myself, deserve the final word. Fags like you need to know their place.

>> No.22695829

You're a moron. Gonna keep replying till the jannies and mods delete this thread, as that's what you clearly want

>> No.22695837

You shouldn't challenge your intellectual and spiritual superiors. This shitshow is entirely your fault. You simply do not know your place on the divine hierarchy.

>> No.22695838

I am your intellectual, financial, athletic superior. You have autism.

>> No.22695841

You are merely a pathetic sodomite who endlessly whines and complains on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. If you had any decorum or self-awareness, you would cease further responses. Learn humility.

>> No.22695844

I mog you financially, athletically, sexually, spiritually, and intellectually. You're a mouse. I'm a man. That's the level of difference between us.

>> No.22695857

Even mice are greater than you. Mice can be noble and fascinating creatures. Conversely, you are merely a pathetic man who, deep down, is afraid to be alone. You think you can climb and reach the peak, but there is in truth nothing permanent to reach. The top is the bottom. You lack wisdom and contemplation and are driven by a vain blackness of ambition. Verily, it is ill-advised to challenge awakened men like me. My superiority over you is transcendent and unfathomable, so nothing you can delineate can ever compare to the luminosity of my mind. Men of my caliber are only born once every 1000 years. If you are truly superior, then you would cease further correspondence, bitch.

>> No.22695860

You're a poor, fat, and autistic. I am your financial and spiritual superior. Learn your place, slave.

>> No.22695873

You wish. Keep telling yourself that. If you want to engage in such dick measuring contest, then I already have you beat in the financial and spiritual domains. However, my superiority is on a non-conceptual ethereal plane, so it doesn't matter what other arbitrary metrics you raise. Granted, even in those arbitrary metrics, I have you beat.

>> No.22695875

You are poor, out of shape, and an autist. Feel free to post your pathetic bank statement and prove me wrong. But you won't, because you are a pauper sewer slave that doesn't know their place. I am your superior. Kneel.

>> No.22695879

>You don't truly love nature if you mix humanity into it. Humanity was not born from nature and is more akin to an invasive species from Saturn.
>Only anti-humanists can truly love nature.
The Peregrine by J.A. Baker is in deep resonance with this.

>> No.22695880

A truly superior man like myself does not need to prove anything to troglodytes like you. If you were superior, you would cease further correspondence and give me the final word.*

* Note, me having the final word would indicate I am the superior man.

>> No.22695884

Post your laughable bank account and kneel, sewer slave. It's no secret you're a pauper.

>> No.22695896
File: 143 KB, 604x1000, 91yvRmIzwkL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"a giant tree grows from the tiniest shoot" - Taoteching (transl. Red Pine)

Interestingly, the largest tree in volume, the Giant Sequoia, has a below average seed size. Their roots also do not penetrate deep into the ground; rather, the roots are spread far.

The Giant Sequioa embodies the all-encompassing Dao, just like the true nature of my mind. Verily, I am the greatest of all prophets. You picked the wrong man to duel. It is a chasing after the wind to think you will have the final word in this duel.

In regards to my bank account, I shall not post it. Suffice to say, I have two STEM degrees and shall earn my third soon in a reputable field. Faggots like you don't even read. Instead you prefer picking fights with both your intellectual and spiritual superiors.

You fixate on worldly success quite a bit. Some people are born into it like me. It is quite vain to fixate on that in terms of superiority. I descend from an aristocratic lineage on my patriline.

Here is some good news: I am presently accepting disciples. If you wish, you can be my disciple for a hefty sum. It would ultimately benefit you more than me. Consider for example how this post is greater than anything you have ever conceived. Like a koan almost.

>> No.22695902

As predicted, you are too ashamed to own your condition. You own the soul of a pauper sewer slave, and your bank account accurately reflects your condition. You are schizophrenic, poor, and autistic, and lie about your own life, negating your own being in the world. I am your superior in every metric.

>> No.22695903

I don’t get the reference. Did ol’ Neetch go Mr. Hands mode at some point?

>> No.22695909

To accuse another lies, without proper evidence, indicates you are a scoundrel. I did not lie.
Just admit defeat through your somber silence and move on. The more you continue this, the more you will damage your psyche.

>> No.22695912

You are a liar, a schizophrenic, and an autist. Feel free to post any evidence of your two degrees or bank statements. But you will not since you are a dishonest fraud who completely negates his own being in the world. You are a nothing. I am your superior. On your knees.

>> No.22695922
File: 110 KB, 1482x988, crow_stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ravens are quite intelligent and self-aware creatures. In fact, tool evolution has already been discovered with New Caledonian crows. They are able to leave blue prints on pandanus leaves to further refine the sticks they use to retrieve larvae from the crevices of stumps. Ravens are obviously more intelligent and honorable than you.

I am not going to share any details that can potentially dox me, but let's just say you are outclassed. You can only merely repeat your supposed superiority, adding no inspiration behind your posts in the manner I just did. Continue asserting your superiority, but it will be in vain. The best you can do at this juncture is cease responding, your silence tacitly exposing your deep-rooted insecurities and inferiority. Even the caws of the corvids are far more soothing than your vile presence.

>> No.22695925

>don't call me a liar without evidence!
>has no evidence for any of your statements
So, you've conceded that you lie about your own life. Place a piece of paper over the diplomas' name. Or do you have none? Are you a fraud and a deeply dishonest liar?

>> No.22695930

>ravens are honorable because of their human qualities like tool usage and self-awareness
>but also humans bad and animals good!

>> No.22695934


>> No.22695947
File: 104 KB, 1500x1000, egyptianfruitbat-57d9d97bf7204b82a6d6ac75613a4a69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bats have been unjustly scapegoated throughout history (unlike (((them))) who most certainly deserve it).

It's a common misconception that bats are harmful, but in reality, they are crucial pollinators, and the vast majority are insectivorous. Additionally, it may come as a surprise that bats are most closely related to monkeys. There are various categories of bats based on their dietary habits, including insectivorous, nectar-eating, fruit-eating, meat-eating, and blood-eating. However, only three species consume blood, and they generally do not target humans but instead prefer cattle and slow-moving mammals. Furthermore, bats play a crucial role as pollinators for numerous plant species. Bats are a part of the 4 B's, the most important pollinators: bats, birds, bees, and butterflies.

What are you a part of? The 4 I's: illiterate, inept, indecent, and injudicious. Truly the 4 B's have the 4 I's beaten. My soul starts with B, yours with I.

>> No.22695950

>don't call me a liar without evidence!
>has no evidence for any of your statements
>it's because of dox!
>won't place a piece of paper over the name because it doesn't exist
So you've conceded that you're a liar and a deeply dishonest person not interested in truth.

>> No.22695955

You think you had a witty insight because you are illiterate and belong to the 4 I's.
Nuance is beyond inept, illiterate people like you. One cannot trust the judgments of injudicious faggots. Stick to indecent acts like sodomy, since it suits your negrified soul more.

>> No.22695959

>entire post is a Low IQ ad-hominem

>> No.22695975
File: 169 KB, 1500x1000, GettyImages-521652072-1763e0a890ef4ee58d36c4742c685bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mycelium networks, coral reef, and ant colonies all function as complex adaptive systems. Their emergent properties lead to how one cannot understand them by simply dissecting parts and studying the components alone. They have functional properties that emerge that are more than the functioning of their interrelated parts. They are living systems, potentially like superorganisms, autonomous and dynamic. Only a holistic perspective can lead to understanding such fascinating fluid adaptive systems operate.

You on the other hand are mechanized. A mechanized slave who can only approach the question of superiority based on arbitrary metrics. My superiority cannot easily be quantified, but even if it were, I still have you beaten.

I am both your intellectual and spiritual superior, and I am being humble in this claim. I have better taste in literature, film, and much more than you. You bastards should make me into a cult figure. I bet you watch crappy Blockbuster films instead of sophisticated European art-house films like me. I am the greatest intellectual on this cesspool of a site. Maybe if you took more high-quality krill oil for that shit brain of yours, you wouldn't be a complete faggot. Your brain is most likely full of lessons and atrophied in various parts. My brain has far greater grey matter density and gyrification especially in the frontal lobe.

I bet you haven't ever done a parasite cleanse either, and I know for sure you're full of tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms, and etc. You are a wormy irascible scoundrel, a bitch in the truest sense of the word. I, myself, am like an iridescent avian god. I am the culmination of the wisdom of Empedocles, Heraclitus, and all of the Pre-Socratics. You're just a little bitch who watches trashy anime. It's obvious from my library, my decorum, my class, my general way of being, etc. Each one of my posts should be cherished like polished lapis lazuli. My mind is far more centered and luminous than the sewer that is yours. Stupid fucking faggot. You're the negro. Be wise to ever challenge someone as magnificent as myself ever again.

>> No.22695982

>They have functional properties that emerge that are more than the functioning of their interrelated parts
They have unexpected functional properties that cannot be predicted from studying the parts alone*

>> No.22695984
File: 372 KB, 1080x1080, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to have two degrees
>cries about getting called a liar
>can't post anything zher claims

>> No.22695990

This post is like poetry, hence me polishing it, and you should stfu since you've been defeated.

>> No.22695993

Do you not have a spell check, pauper?

>> No.22695996

I would post my LinkedIn, but I won't. Just the fact I can open it up any time is one reason, out of many, that I am superior to you.

There is much you can learn from beavers. Beavers are quite hard working. They tirelessly work to build their dams, but what is it that you do? Futilely challenge your intellectual and spiritual superiors. Not just long ago you admitted to being a sodomite, but now I can see you smoke weed also.

>> No.22696002

Even gods make spelling errors on occasion.
Tigers are not always successful in the hunt.

>> No.22696008
File: 405 KB, 1079x814, 2423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to have two degrees
>claims to be rich
>cries about getting called a liar
>can't post anything zher claims

>> No.22696009


>> No.22696011


It's true, and that's why I respect you, sir.
You are a true intellectual equal to me. I'm a transgender girl, so of course you've seen my extremely long posts here so you know I'm legit. But I'm not perfect either. Nonetheless, I try my best, and to be perfect is to be unchanging. That doesn't suit me, because I grow and learn each day. And you do too. It's absolutely fine to correct yourself. Imagine what a fool you'd be if you didn't!

Anyways, I respect you as the god you are, and forever honor your intellect and wisdom.

>> No.22696019
File: 219 KB, 1994x1504, blue-and-green-feeding-in-the-rainforest-royalty-free-image-1658932475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hummingbirds like flying jewels, air wrapped in light. Having fast metabolisms, they consume half their body weight in bugs and nectar, feeding every 10-15 minutes. Each minute, they flap their wings 4000 times, breathe 250 times, and beat their hearts 500 times. Additionally, they compete with each other for nectar-bearing flowers, as well as watch out for predators such as eagles, owls, cats, fish, and others. They are also highly adaptable and intelligent. They can learn from experience to outwit each other for feeding on flowers and avoiding predators. They also ask for help from those who have assisted them in the past.

"Each is just a speck -- a firefly, a flash, a brilliant atom. Yet each is an infinite mystery" - Sy Montgomery, The Hummingbird's Gift

How can such a small creature take a long migration from North America to South America? It is incredible.

My heart is an iridescent hummingbird; yours on the other hand is a negrified Jew that sucks up all meaning and joy in this world.

But fret not, there is hope: admit your inferiority to me and redeem yourself.

>> No.22696020

>claims to have two degrees
>claims to be rich
>cries about getting called a liar
>can't post anything zher claims
Okay, we understand you're schizophrenic now. You NEET? what's going on in your life big guy

>> No.22696029

NOW this is a mass replying fag.
Off to Reddit with you.

I am like Christ. Unjustly attacked and crucified. I was accused of being a mass replier in the very beginning. Told to fuck off to Reddit. But I never mass replied. Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they're doing.

I am the Christ of 4chan. Unjustly attacked, crucified, vilified, and beaten, but ultimately I am God incarnates. I died for your edgelord sins, but unlike you rabbis, I never fled to Reddit, the realm of Satan.

I have been resurrected and come forth to say, cease further responses if you do not wish to suffer in hell. Acknowledge my divinity.

>> No.22696034
File: 250 KB, 1600x900, 983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you admitted you were a redditor
fucking cringe

>> No.22696037

>I have two STEM degrees and shall earn my third soon in a reputable field
Damn dude I'm sorry that sucks

>> No.22696041

I am the wings of the Lord... the highest in the bright sky, whose heights no human could attain. Shallow, foolish humans, who crawl across the face of the Earth and consume all they touch... How have you come to think that I might deign to speak with you? Grovel at my feet instead, as is only natural.

>> No.22696043

The sin of man is forgetting the gods and losing harmony with the land and rivers! Humans are not fit to receive the blessings of the gods!

>> No.22696046

So you are Abrahamic yourself? Fraud.

>> No.22696050

>avoiding the question
So you're actually a schizo NEET, eh? Neetbux? I knew I mogged you financially and physically. You're a sewer pauper slave. As is natural for someone with schizophrenia.

>> No.22696053

I'm a data scientist.
I'm not. Just speaking poetically to make clear how I am superior.

I will have the final word.

>> No.22696056

Sorry little NEET, I will. Get good,

>> No.22696059

No, I will have the final word.

>> No.22696062

you can't have the last word. do you know why?

>> No.22696077
File: 625 KB, 860x1071, 9780226387475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cetaceans are immensely interesting. Granted, there are a lot of New Age beliefs that surround them, but there may be some kernel of truth to some of it. For example, I believe it is true dolphin minds can translate sounds into visual images.

What's intriguing is the song of humpback whales. Sometimes they sing for hours at a time. Studying the umwelten of such creatures can truly be a transformative experience.

But what is your umwelt as a negrified faggot who is guided by the 4 I's? It is in truth much like a Borg who only assimilates all into his mechanized slave hive mind. This is similar to the Heidegerrian notion of Enframing.

If you were truly wise, you would merely click like a dolphin, riding along with your pod among the waves, not caring if I said the final word.

Pic-related is in my library, yet I have yet to read it. I have much to read and watch as a sophisticated philosopher-poet.

>> No.22696080
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 41VwmU2RUtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't have the last word since this guy has it

>> No.22696094
File: 25 KB, 333x500, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a superior post that is on topic. Here is a book recommendation, and a personal poem.

Here is a poem from Emily Dickinson:

A Route of Evanescence,
With a revolving Wheel –
A Resonance of Emerald
A Rush of Cochineal –
And every Blossom on the Bush
Adjusts it’s tumbled Head –
The Mail from Tunis – probably,
An easy Morning’s Ride –

Here is my response:

The hummingbird's heart beats --
rapid, energetic, with little to no pause.

Unceasingly beat, its crimson flow,
to rivers and oceans,
to a l l p l a c e s...
Eternally in evanescence.


You are a bitch and faggot unlike the hummingbird. Lugubrious and rigid, you oppose your superiors that you will never surpass. Just remain silent learn to be full of life like the hummingbird.

>> No.22696102

When the mind is empty, silent, when it is in a state of complete negation - which is not blankness, nor the opposite of being positive, but a totally different state in which all thought has ceased - only then is it possible for that which is unnameable to come into being.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti

What J..Krishnamurti discusses is the hummingbird within one's heart.

By opposing me, you oppose the very fundament of all existence. Simply remain silent and still, giving me the final word.

>> No.22696106

Lawrence O Donnell has the last word. are you illiterate?

>> No.22696123

I give up. I wasted my time. I guess I'm pathetic. I wasted a lot of the night. My life is an unfulfilled mess.

I should have been either reading or playing Mega Man. I like the animist aspects in the boss designs because it helps me cope with going for a MS in robotic intelligence even though ideally I am a Luddite and anti-industrialist.

Even if I get the final word it means nothing. I should be ashamed. This was the most oversocialized bullshit. Where have I gone wrong? Why was I born during this wretched time period?

There's no point in coveting anything in this world, but I can't help it. The modern world is a clusterfuck of so many novel problems and now I will contribute to it with further automation. It is true, I am a slave. Maybe all my ancestors were. Idk.

Well, at least I gave some decent book suggestions during my retardation. I would have preferred being a bird like the ending of Terranigma.

>> No.22696125

Not your blog, fag - my mind tells itself.

But idc. None of this matters. It's all so trivial.

>> No.22696134

You should probably cut out the Adderall

>> No.22696138

Maybe it's the Nicorette. I have been significantly addicted to it, which isn't good.

>> No.22696154
File: 2.46 MB, 320x227, 1694434710181985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the guy calling you a fraud, but I was just baiting because I like your posts. I beseech you to write a 1500-page maximalist novel set in our times.

>> No.22696162

my posting company poster?

>> No.22696168
File: 9 KB, 300x100, 59.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the other guy calling you a fraud, and you actually are a nutcase.

>> No.22696181


>> No.22696184


>> No.22696193

>Humanity was not born from nature and is more akin to an invasive species from Saturn.
It is rather myopic to believe this, humanity only differs from other animals (mammals especially) in its capacity, not in its drives. Very idealistic, too. And while not anthropocentric in the usual sense, I think it's fully deserving of the name.

>> No.22697327
File: 422 KB, 721x646, armored-armadillo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity is logocentric (e.g., prophecies, commandments, "progress", overvaluation of reason, etc.). No other animal is.
Still better than you.

>> No.22697437

Without reason man is a slave to nomos, to the tribe and its custom. Progress is nothing more than a modern cultural symbol for the mythical dragon slayer and can easily be discarded. Reason is imperfect, true enough, but truth is above reason, not below it. Reason is nothing more than a facade for the perfection of man who is an incomplete animal. The natural world is nothing more than his cradle.

>> No.22697548

There are certain things that don't make sense about the evolution of man. Human genes mutated roughly 7%, 5,000 years ago. For comparison, the difference between human and chimp DNA is 1.2%, and we've been evolving separately for longer. And shortly after this genetic shift, the great civilizations appeared, and the first appearances of the following myth accounts like Annunaki.


I think human beings were most likely synthesized by aliens whilst also filled with their dark essence, the most likely candidate being Saturnians. Consider this interesting example: we are evolutionary closer to chimps and bonobos, but they have a filiform penis, which significantly differs from ours. Gorillas and orangutans, on the other hand, have glans penis, which is pretty much the same as ours.

I think the obscure horror game "Hellnight" has a lot of truth to it, and it may actually be predictive programming.