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22691090 No.22691090 [Reply] [Original]

are there any books that explain why progressive leftists are the way they are?

>> No.22691094

Uncle ted

>> No.22691101
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Gravity's Rainbow.

They = Out of touch Upper Class/Elite/Conservatives
Slothrop/Counterforce = Common Man/Preterite/Progressive Leftists

>> No.22691108
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this book is more how than why

>> No.22691109

It would be fun if the discussion could be made in civil terms but the arguments with wich each party nowadays talks down the other have gone beyond dark humour. It's like you can't even get past the communal elections if you don't convincingly state how the world is literally going to end if you don't get elected.

>> No.22691125

>Revolution and counter-revolution
by Plinio Correa de Oliveira
>Jewish revolutionary spirit
by E Michael Jones
>The Republic
by Plato

>> No.22691290
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>> No.22691343

Blood Meridian.

They were all given the choice to dance or not to dance. They chose to not dance, and furthermore to curse the very notion that they were given a choice. They are self admittedly unworthy of that right, and they wish to take away yours.

>> No.22691346

Christopher Lasch, Revolt of the Elites (audiobook is on youtube)
David Lebedoff, The New Elite

>> No.22691570
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>> No.22691743

Simple case of arrested development. No book needed.

>> No.22692067

Well Stacy parading with the fags at a fag rally with blue dyed hair doesn't represent progressivism. She is just cattle going with the flow of the day. I would suppose progressivism is an extension of the French "revolution", the French were concerned with what they saw as corrective measures but their successors have taken this one step further and decided to create a new material world without any sorrows. This is a diversion from the past in that although our ancients did belive in self perfection or unification of some kind, they rarely expected the material realm to provide some kind of impetus towards such metaphysical pursuits therefore the elite of the past were not that interested in revolutionising the status quo.