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22690081 No.22690081 [Reply] [Original]

It has to be one of the most anti-Jewish texts of all time lol why do Christians never quote this? It literally says Jews are enemies of the entire human race.

>> No.22690107

Well yes religious Jews. This isn’t in the Nazi racialist sense

>> No.22690605

hitler happened and then vatican 2. the church repeatedly upheld its stance on the jews until the 20th century when it came under threat from secular democracies for not towing the line. any church that speaks its own scripture with regard to this issue will be liquified by the state for hate speech. broadly, it’s also part of the pattern of the church trying to be “modern” instead of realising the link they hold to the premodern is what makes them valuable

>> No.22691192

You stupid dolt, are you even capable of understanding that short snippet you posted or do you just like it because
>much heckin JOOOOS are le Bad!
The wrath of God already fell upon them (destruction of the 2nd temple and the Scattering) and the Gospel has been preached among the gentiles and even some jews. If you think that this verse suggests that you should go around lynching jews then it would be better for you to tie a millstone around your neck and cast yourself into the sea than to continue thinking so

>> No.22691199

They're enemies of the human race as along as they reject Christ and/or lead people away from Him. Who ever said anything about lynching? Brainless shitstain.

>> No.22691203
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>"salvation is from the jews"
>uhm akshually the modern translation bad, it's judaeans
>"as they did from the jews"
>yup, spot on

>> No.22691315
File: 1.19 MB, 2001x1493, Ricci,_Sebastiano_-_The_Resurrection_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is that the Old Covenant has been fulfilled in Christ, and we are in the time of the New Covenant. The Old Covenant has been transformed, from a covenant of blood to a covenant of spirit and belief. Therefore, now EVERYONE who believes in Christ and follows after Him can achieve the salvation that was previously only available to the Jews.

Any attempt to avoid this, and say that the Jews are somehow still special and unique, is wrong.


Romans does not contradict any of this, rather it reinforces it. The Jews are not banned from salvation, but neither are they any more exclusively saved and preferred. They, like everyone else, have to follow Christ and obey Him. Them especially. He is THEIR Messiah, after all.

>> No.22691335


>> No.22691387

>naked man from the sky
>vs emperor's clothes and citizens toga
Yeah I'm thinking basedchannners win.

>> No.22691888
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based lol

>> No.22692367

The amount of time that has been wasted throughout history trying to make sense of ridiculous jewish bullshit like this is staggering.
Don't @ me

>> No.22692849

>Don't @ me
back to twitter

>> No.22693502

Christians don't read the Bible, they just let priests and politicians tell them what to think

>> No.22693508

All abrahamists are sick in the head

>> No.22693516

Thank you, Chang.

>> No.22693517

All ascetics who believe in a world beyond this one are.

>> No.22693694
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>Still need to have a really close semantic understanding of archaic Hebrew to actually get the Old Testament

>> No.22693861

This. And desu, only American megachurches are obsessed with serving Jews and Zionism, all other denominations consider them the people who rejected and killed Christ.

>> No.22693889

Only certain Jews. There's different ones, for example the early Christians.

>> No.22694550

There's fundamentally no difference between a transgender person and a Christian.

They both believe in false ideas that grant them happiness. A man is not actually a biological female, and God and heaven do not actually exist.

A male dressing in female-type garments, and even taking estrogen, does not actually yield a breedable biological female, but such a being can still be beautiful and worthy of love.

And Jesus might not really be half-god and half-man, but it does not mean you cannot find some sort of solace and wisdom in what he's said.

And even among atheists, it is not as if atheists really live as if nihilism was literally true. They do indeed still make friends, study things, do work, and have families. We all find reasons to do what we do.

I probably would be considered transphobic to a typical transgender person, but then again, I've also been accused of hating God, just due to being an atheist that openly states the there is no god.

I think assuming fear and hatred of my thoughts is rather silly, because in the end, I would defend both Christian and Transgender from unjust persecution, and say thank you if I am blessed after I sneeze, and call a transgender girl his or her preferred pronouns. This is called respect for all life, and if I met Jesus, even if I would not kneel, I would still approach him as a friend.

>> No.22694935

> God and heaven do not actually exist.
You’re too small to find the truth