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22687944 No.22687944 [Reply] [Original]

Now is your time to convince me to be a lefty or righty.

For context,

Favourite philosopher :Kierkegaard (atheist though)
Favourite essayist: Cioran
Favourite poet: Rimbaud

>> No.22687956

Forget politics, they’ve never done anyone any good. Most people heavily into them are embittered and obsessed

>> No.22687964

This was the reason I lost interest in it.

>> No.22687996
File: 119 KB, 1160x770, direc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with politics is that it attracts the most braindead people on the planet. i mean look at /pol/, the entire board is just bots arguing with glowies and muslims.

>> No.22688000

Thanks for pic made me chuckle.

>> No.22688021

You may have lost interest in politics, but politics definitely has an interest in you. You can escape politics no more than you can escape the air around you.

>> No.22688022

The thing is that ideology is just a form of immanent religion. One cannot truly be an atheist and think ideologically. When you realize that everything will perish, life is reduced to immediate physicality, and this is a point of no return, whether one likes it or not.

>> No.22688029

Which oxygen tank shall I use?

>> No.22688076

Just like emotions, can’t let politics have too much of an impact on you or knock you off your square.

>> No.22688334

You should subscribe to antipoliticism. Vote for the guy you hate the most, and then get very angry with yoirself, so that you'll vote for someone you hate even more the next time. Be active in parties you despise. Sabotage parties who work for your interest. Only through antipolitics can we bring politics to its knees

>> No.22688350

It's because you're not part of a group or community. Solo politics is like trying to play multiplayer games with no friends.

>> No.22688467

if you're "anti-political" then you're a liberal/conservative (in modern times they're the same thing). The way to defeat political brainworms is to unapologetically advocate for policies that benefit your in-group.
Politics is the art of balancing irreconcilable differences, anti-politics is the fantasy that everyone could just get along if we removed the corrupting influence of religion/economy/media/bad parenting etc. If you've "lost interest in politics" I suspect it's because you've realised that all political cant is meant to obfuscate the simple truth of fighting for one's in-group.

>> No.22688470

>video game analogies

>> No.22688588

politics just reminds me of the boy who cries wolf, they keep saying the same lies and bullshit only to not fulfill them or do something completely overboard, and then they wonder why no one gives a shit and wants to dismantle the system. Fucking hate this shit man, I want america to finally end eventually, feel like a slave at this point.

>> No.22688634

If you need to be convinced one way or the other you are at your core a weak person. I do not say this with an intent to insult but that is the truth and there are plenty of weak people out there so you are not being singled out. Most people who say they are disinterested in politics usually are more interested than they let on, unfortunately in today's society people who are intolerant on both sides make it a headache to talk about. Read more about issues and ideologies and make the decisions for yourself. I personally would recommend Marx/Engels but I recommend them without any effort to "push" you right or left, the right wings of the west are already Marxist and just refuse to admit it, the left wings of the west are more preoccupied with figuring out how many genders there are and insisting minorities have a different human experience than everyone else.

>> No.22688754

i just want the government to fucking go away, thats why im "disinterested" i want it too all end, it's all fucked and we're getting tired. How long are we gonna keep up the charade that shit is normal and we do nothing?

>> No.22689080

Talking politics is annoying because the groupings of ideas are retarded. Might as well just not exist if you have both "leftist" and "rightist" ideas, as people associate you with their notion of the supposedly related topics anyway. I fucking despise obscuring specific talking points under the meaningless terms that are left and right.

>> No.22689096

Do you lean more towards hierarchy or equality? Which one do you think works best? Which one do you think is more efficient?

>> No.22689166

I’ve always leaned more to the right. Uk btw

>> No.22689538

Politics may seem important, but in the grand scheme of things, they're just background noise. What truly matters is living your life by simple principles: be free, be kind, and do no harm. By focusing on that, you make the world better in a way that politics never could. After all, it's the goodness in everyday acts that shape our lives, not the endless political chatter.

>> No.22689554

>What truly matters is living your life by simple principles: be free, be kind, and do no harm
What is your fundamental underlying ideological prerogative for $500, Alex

>> No.22689559

Absolutely true. Politics is philosophy for retards

>> No.22689764

Yet nigger and so many bad people have money, fame, status and so many amazing things but hard working good people get paid shit and told to shut up and pay more taxes! Fuck you you lying cunt, society doesn't reward the good anymore, its all a bunch of lies to keep idiots below the real players.

>> No.22689777

The only good reason to be interested in contemporary politics is if you have no other options. If you’re not a poet, a novelist, a philosopher, a theologian, a historian, or any other thing which would put your time to better use, then be into politics. Otherwise, it’s better to realize that contemporary politics has been transformed into a sick joke.

>> No.22689791
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True. There was government elections in my country recently, so I got more into politics to know what's actually happening. I wasn't prepared to deal with so many braindead cultists, psychopaths, ignorant normies not leaving their safe space, and absolute troglodytes. I firmly believe that democration is not a solution. People should have a voice, but not every fucking retard just because he has a citizenship. There should be some requirements for ability to vote

>> No.22689830

I think what people miss is that the atheist project isn’t relativistic because the point is to replace religious reality with physical reality. It’s Utopianism. If you achieve a utopia on earth, you don’t need one in heaven.

>> No.22689837

Probably he lost interest in politics because he intuitively sensed that what passes for politics is the latter that you described and that increasingly it’s an ignoble media game played by women and unserious men. Serious people can even scarcely enter politics today.

>> No.22689840

> just accept hyper-liberalism

>> No.22689845
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>Favourite philosopher :Kierkegaard (atheist though)
>Favourite essayist: Cioran
>Favourite poet: Rimbaud

>> No.22689849

Welcome to democracy, where every mouthbreather gets a say and where all the politicians are grandstanding celebrities and actors

>> No.22689869

The longest lasting society, that out-lived the most conquests was India. The reason for this is that they had a caste system and a theocracy. From the end of the era of the Purohitas until today, 2420 years have passed. The more conservative a government the longer lives the society.

>> No.22689873

Yeah, dude we should totally ape India. What a good role model…

>> No.22689874

*4420 years
A society almost immortal

>> No.22689879

Yeah, incorporate a caste system and a severe religion that outcasts the unfaithful

>> No.22689884

I have similar feelings myself. I actually do have an impulse for politics, but when I look at what passes for politics today I’m just so disgusted by it. I go back on forth on having serious and deep political engagement and eschewing it altogether. But I’m very unhappy with most things today and I very often feel as if there’s basically nothing worthwhile to do. I’m a bit older now and that sense has created a profound existential crisis.

>> No.22689890

Rome has never crumbled, you retard.

>> No.22689893

I also think it’s a great idea to rely on the predictive power of a single example with basically nothing but bad attributes simply because it exists

>> No.22689923

Always humorous when anons argue for a caste system or a rigid hierarchy. Would they be alright if they were at the bottom? I mean, there are neets, who are poor socially, and basically nobodies, who have advocated for caste or hierarchies. Quite the disconnect when bottom of the ladder people do that

>> No.22689931

> Rome has never crumbled, you retard
> I also think it’s a great idea to rely on the predictive power of a single example with basically nothing but bad attributes simply because it exists
Middle Age Europe had a full-blown caste system too but no one talks about it. Problems only began when it was abolished.

>> No.22689932

We already have an informal caste system. It’s based on money and education. The Evolian aristocrats of soul in favor of castes tend to forget that the actual aristocrats are gone and don’t run the show anymore.

>> No.22689937

There was no rigid caste system in medieval Europe. Although extremely unlikely, it was conceivably possible for someone from even the lowest rung of society to enter the aristocracy.

>> No.22689944

The caste system is no real limitation. The caste of the Tchandalas might be technically the lowest, it didn't stop them from becoming rich and have Brahmins coming to their mansions and berate them. Also, it was built in such a way by the Brahmin masterminds that even the Tchandala has the untouchable as a spiritual inferior to despise.

>> No.22689952

> There was no rigid caste system in medieval Europe
I am talking as late as Goethe where Werther, as a bourgeois guy has to stay in the basement of his noble friend like some piece of shit nigger because he isn't part of the nobility. Later Werther sees a noble girl but doesn't marry her 'because the marriage would have been illegitimate'.

>> No.22689962
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*theorizes the restoration of the caste system in Europe*