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/lit/ - Literature

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22684818 No.22684818 [Reply] [Original]

I've spent quite a lot of time reading about the Jewish peoples, their history and struggle. I've read many books on Jewish history as well as biographies and other types of literature

In order to not be TOO biased in this conflict I'd like to get a more personal understanding of the Palestinian side.
Any biography or overview detailing their experiences in the region?

I read 'Out of Place' by Edward Said but thought it was pretty damn bad. Reads as one gigantic complaint from one of the most priviledged people in the entire area because "mom didn't pay enough attention to me" instead of anything on the plight of the Palestinian people.

Any reccs?

>> No.22684901

>In order to not be TOO biased in this conflict
Look man, it doesn't matter what the Palestinians write, there's no way they can make themselves out to be worse than the Jews.

>> No.22684908

I refuse to believe anyone actually shouting pro-Palestinian shit at this point issn't sub 80IQ
If Hamas was 20km from your border you'd have wiped them out, civilians (who support them) and all long ago.

>> No.22684911

I'm anti-Semitic.

>> No.22684913

then be consistent and stop giving a fuck that semites are killing each other

>> No.22684919

>then be consistent
How was I inconsistent?

>> No.22684923

you defend Palestinians (semites) by saying Jews (semites) will always be worse
do you not see the implications?

you have to be a special kind of /pol/tard to make excuses for terrorist mudslimes, the greatest cancer on the earth, out of sheer conspiracy drivel

>> No.22684928

>you defend Palestinians (semites) by saying Jews (semites) will always be worse
First of all the initial was phrased to be anti-Semitic, not pro-palestinian.
Second, you're conflating being anti-X with being pro-Y. This is acceptable up until the point it's clarified, then it becomes a cope.

>do you not see the implications?
Better than you apparently.

>muh /pol/
Back to your discord, tranny.

>> No.22684936

look /pol/cel I know logic isn't your strong suit and until you lose your virginity you will be prone to fits of uncontrolled irrational rage, but I implore you to look at your own comments again

>> No.22684939

Okay tranny, I can tell your estrogen pills have rotted your mind, so I'll keep this simple. You will never be a woman. This is just a biological fact, and the sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be.
Or you could just kill yourself, either works.

>> No.22684945

If trannies live so rentfree in your head you think about them immediatly when somebody disagrees with you, you are probably a cuckposting american. Kill yourself.
you may not be a woman, but you'll certainly never be a man since you'll never have sex.

>> No.22684960 [DELETED] 
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I hope you choke on a bagel you fucking hook nosed parasite.

>> No.22684980
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It's funny you call the other guy a tranny, since far left commie children are overwhelmingly pro-Palestine

>> No.22684982
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>> No.22685005

Cope. Hitler would have fallen to his knees if he saw me. I'm Scandinavian and look it.
He probably would have killed your shitskin ass

>> No.22685021

>I don't want to be too biased
>I refuse to believe
Working early, rabbi?

>> No.22685050

>I've spent quite a lot of time reading about the Jewish peoples, their history and struggle. I've read many books on Jewish history as well as biographies and other types of literature
Hope it's ok if I ask, but since you've read a lot of literature about this subject, could you recommend some good books to start with?
I only have some of the /pol/ JQ books on my reading list (Kevin MacDonald, Hilaire Belloc, etc), but would like to read some neutral or positive stuff too to get a more comprehensive view on the matter.

>> No.22685080

Are you Dutch/Flemish by chance? Most of what I've read was in my native language

A few interesting things related to the Jews I read in English are
>The Jewish War by Josephus
>House of Glass by Freeman
>In the Midst of Civilized Europe

>> No.22685087

No, I'm a German speaker. But thank you very much!