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22684011 No.22684011 [Reply] [Original]

Alf edition.

Previous: >>22677653

>> No.22684016

I don't think I'm very conscious

>> No.22684033

For the last few months, I've had a woman staying at my house while she looks for a place of her own, she is 52 and has two daughters around my age and they're both so odd but in a refreshing way. What I mean when I say that is that they're so "human" and it's a complete shock to the system. They don't know me from a bar of soap yet every time they come over to help their mum with something or just to hang out with her and I see them they both say hello to me, they don't need to do that and honestly I wouldn't expect them to even care enough to say hello since I've barely spoken to either of them and since we don't know anything about each other bar our names and a few small details that have come up in conversation. Like for example, I went outside to play with my dog not even an hour ago and her and one of her daughters were sitting out there smoking, when I showed up at the back door, her daughter turned to me and waved at me, why the fuck did she do this? Why is she saying hello to me? She doesn't need to do that, it wasn't like a chill "hey (slow wave or slow hand raise)" or anything, it was a fast wave and she was looking right at me when she did it, like, why are you doing that? Why don't you just smoke your cigarette and ignore me? The only way I can put it is that they're so "human" I've never had anyone interact with me the way they do, it's like they're not afraid of looking stupid or embarrassing themselves.

>> No.22684056

Soon money will go the way of aluminum, something which was highly coveted before becoming worth very little.

>> No.22684152

You're helping their mom dumbass, obviously they're going to be nice to you

>> No.22684156


>> No.22684167

I used to watch Alf as a kid

>> No.22684172

I got lectured by a black man yesterday. It was nauseating.

>> No.22684175

It's not even just a niceness thing, like I said it's like they're not afraid of looking stupid or embarrassing themselves, they act exactly how you'd expect a regular human to act but you never see people acting the way they do, it's mind-boggling. It's hard to put into words.

>> No.22684179

Is it that they’re unſelfconſcious?

>> No.22684180

They want the D. It’s obvious.

>> No.22684181

>nobody will ever buy my book

>> No.22684182

Man what are you on about? They act like people act except people don't act that way? Again, you're helping their mom. They're not gonna try to put up a front around you

>> No.22684187
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I vote for the Republican Party because I hate the United States and actively want it to die.

I don't actually agree with most Republican policies. What even are Republican policies these days? Low taxes, less regulation, the same old Reaganite song and dance? I don't really give a shit about any of that. What I do care about is that, by being Trump's vassal party and actively running cover for him, the Republican Party is actively engineering the circumstances that will lead to the downfall of the United States. Even when Trump fails, I win, because the damage he causes, and that the Republicans cause as an aftereffect, is precisely what I want.

2024 is going to be the masterstroke, I can feel it. The country is going to break next year and it's going to be fucking awesome. There will either be Soviet-style collapse and balkanization, outright secession and civil war, or the glowies will have to rig it all so overtly that everyone but the most idiotic lib will realize that American democracy is a sham. All three of those outcomes are things I would enjoy.

The Republican Party isn't a political party, or I don't view it as one. I view it as a weapon. A dagger aimed at the heart of the American republic. And I vote for them to drive that dagger further and further in, until it pierces the United States' heart. Because I hate the United States and I want it to go away. At least go away in its present form.

>> No.22684189

Yeah, I guess that's a good word.
If you were to imagine how a human should act (despite people not acting that way), it's how they act.

>> No.22684202

One of them is lesbian and the other is engaged, they in fact do not want the D.

>> No.22684203
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>> No.22684210
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Nothing will happen faggot. If Trump runs and if he wins they will just rig it like last time and we will have Biden for a second term and republicans will go home and drink beer and watch Tucker Carlson rant about sexy m&ms and nothing will happen. We are not even minutely near the levels of discontent required to break out into a full blown rebellion. People are generally more fat, stupid, and complacent than the vast majority of /pol/tards tend to think. There is no Q Anon. Capitalism shows no signs of stopping. The only realistic collapse we have impending on us is around 2060-70 when global warming finally renders half of the planet unlivable and ancient diseases rise from the permafrost.

>> No.22684213

My grandpa said Israel should turn Gaza into a parking lot.

>> No.22684227

That’s what they all say

>> No.22684229

Okay marxoid time to take your meds

At this point I don’t even care.

>> No.22684235

You’re gonna feel really fucking stupid this time next year

>> No.22684257


>> No.22684308

>We are not even minutely near the levels of discontent required to break out into a full blown rebellion.

We will be when the economy craters.

>> No.22684318

Because today is election day you fucking idiot

>> No.22684329

There won't be a significant rebellion unless a powerful elite faction supports it, and none of them want that.

>> No.22684332

Doesn't have to be a rebellion, it just all has to fall apart.

The United States is potentially the Soviet Union in 1986. The signs are kind of there.

>> No.22684340

How much trouble could I get if I said on Twitter "giving away $20 to every person who votes for Trump"?

>> No.22684349

Whatever Montaigne lacked in descriptive precision about things, his power when it comes to introspection takes description of persons to a level one can't really do without, as an example. Without him I would never have noticed how much stranger reality is than fiction, even when it comes to how memory operates in anyone capable of living well without ever trying hard enough to feel the effort seriously--for it to show in mean looks, bad manners, or cruel conduct. Sometimes I think that all literary narrative is poisonous to some degree, with the exception of essay in its most personal mode, which as written medicine goes is salutary as can be.

>> No.22684351

None. It's not like the FBI has a team in the San Francisco office dedicated to combing through naughty satirical tweets from random accounts.

>> No.22684360

Seems oddly specific, anon, you wouldn't happen to be part of that team, would you?

>> No.22684366

I was just looking over my fence and looking at shit (I like to just look around and take in my surroundings) when one of them came outside and the conversation went like this:
>You alright (my name)
Yeah, why do you ask?
>Cause you're standing on the fence.
I'm just looking around, for example, there's a lady pushing a pram (there was)
>Oh god.
I'm not looking at the lady or the baby, it's just an observation.

Why did she initiate a conversation with me? She could've just easily ignored me. Why did she ask if I was OK?

>> No.22684371

People act like that all the time, fucking sperg.

>> No.22684374

Lmao global warming schizos are now at "just 45 more years". In 2000 the climate doomsday eta was 2020. Go outside and touch grass, you human hating nigger, there is no doomsday coming to make your bad life decisions irrelevant.

>> No.22684383

Some people come from cultures in which it's normal and expected to make conversation like this.

>> No.22684388

You are socially awkward I bet

>> No.22684392

>Nothing will happen faggot. If Trump runs and if he wins they will just rig it like last time and we will have Biden for a second term and republicans will go home and drink beer and watch Tucker Carlson rant about sexy m&ms and nothing will happen.

I mean a decent chunk of Congress got driven into hiding when the Capitol was stormed about three years ago, does that count?

>> No.22684394

It’s so strange to see anons wish Trump back as president. I guess it’s a case of misery loves company so if life is bad they want the world to burn. Trumps presidency was tension filled and pretty inept. Only gamers will vote for him

>> No.22684398

You mean the guided tour that happened? The “protestors” that were guided around in orderly columns by armed security on a visitation of the nations capitol? Watch the cameras on the inside.

>> No.22684405

>tension filled
Only if you take the media seriously. Stop doing that.

>> No.22684413

Seriously destructive response of the climate--beyond such aesthetic losses as all of the coral reefs between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer--or the destruction of Venice--may take several centuries to unfold, but it's also true that CO2 levels of about a 1000 ppm make people kind of stupid. At least think about in terms of that bastard who invented leaded gasoline. Shit like that isn't necessary, and only a bit more emphasis on skill in industrial design will do nicely.

>> No.22684414

She's as white as me.
I've gotten better over the last couple of years.

>> No.22684421

Not in your lifetime, buddy. We have far more pressing issues to worry about, focus on yourself rather than being a mouthpiece for Jewish agendas perpetuated on irrational fear.

>> No.22684434

>Capitalism shows no signs of stopping. The only realistic collapse we have impending on us is around 2060-70 when global warming finally renders half of the planet unlivable and ancient diseases rise from the permafrost.
Peak oil stops this.

>> No.22684439

>She's as white as me.
White people from Tennessee and Finland have very different attitudes toward small talk. In fact, two families who are next-door neighbors can be from different microcultures and therefore have different attitudes toward small talk.

>> No.22684448

Obviously not in my lifetime, nor the circumstances I live in. I can't speak for yours, so I leave that to you.

>> No.22684450

What kind of moron still votes?

>> No.22684456

Ever heard of swing vote? I could be the deciding factor in who becomes president of the free world.

>> No.22684464

I find a lot of Eastern attitudes towards public conversation quite off putting and it’s worse the more east you go

>> No.22684467

Yes I have and voting still doesn’t really matter in the long term. One set of oligarchs replaced by another. Yawn. Meaningful change isn’t going to happen.

>> No.22684470

We're both white Australians from the same state and general area.

>> No.22684482

It doesn't matter because you don't belong to a community, no roots, no belonging, no comrades, no maidens. Same.

>> No.22684483

what do you call it where someone still believes in a god they just don't think that anyone currently on earth has any clue to the actual truth? That is how I would describe myself - I think anyone that claims to have the truth is a liar - especially if their version of the truth involves blindly following their own words or the words that another man wrote that they haven't experienced themselves.

>> No.22684498

Last night I watched the film of the musical 1776, and corny as it was for the most part, it was pretty brilliant when it comes to the subject of swing votes. I suppose it depends on where one lives, or what the issue is. For instance, Kansas and Nebraska are rather independent, and and not stereotypically Right as recently supposed. They're not that far South in cultural climate.

>> No.22684575

A couple weeks ago I had a dream where I found myself explaining the difference between "anthemic" and "valedictory", synonyms with a subtle difference: The latter implies faintly higher, loftier praise, especially in music and poetry--as in dythyramb. It was a pleasant dream, as dreams go, being rather social. I suppose the pleasantest I ever had took place on a rural lane in a kind of ideal June atmosphere, alongside of which huge trees festooned in 6" blossoms like those of Hibiscus or Hollyhock went on far as the eye could see along it. I've experienced scenery almost beautiful in its way as that, though I suppose nowhere on earth is quite so lovely overall in that way as the Loire Valley.

>> No.22684664

Depends on what you mean by each of those

>> No.22684831

you know that story from kafka, about the guy who woke up and turned into a bug? what if instead the story goes that the man, thinking that life as a bug would be better for him, drinks a potion to become said bug... and then realizes life as a bug kinda sucked for him, since he is neither a man anymore or naturally a bug. but the potion cannot be reversed, and since he still a man inside he carries in himself a moral obligation to take responsibility and knows he cannot ever commit suicide. so there we have it, the man just lives the rest of his days as a bug, haunting himself quietly in dreadful buglike weeping and gnashing of teeth until he passes away alone and afraid. this is the modern metamorphosis

>> No.22684847

Fuck this shit. I'm 100 pages into 2666 and nothing of significance has happened yet. Yes there's this mysterious author Archimboldi and yada yada bullshit about 4 friends in love triangles. Fuck this garbage. I don't want to waste 500 pages before I get to the good parts. I'm done with this book. Maybe I got filtered.

>> No.22684931

I was talking to my uncle the other night about my ex who I haven't been with for over five years and my voice was getting shakey while I was talking about her, weird, I've talked about sadder shit and my voice didn't even get close to shakey while talking about it.

>> No.22684935

emotional baggage is not attractive

>> No.22684995

Having an insane headache

>> No.22685067

You call them a theist. Very few religions are about blindly following words.

>> No.22685157

All the major ones are.

>> No.22685244

Alf :)

>> No.22685295

Gotta decide between staying near the city and having s social life or moving back to what is effectively my home at this point and liking where I live but living in social isolation.

>> No.22685302

I once went to a friend and we were all high as fuck as I saw some cassettes of Alf at his house and gave the idea of watching that. He opened the Google tab on the TV and searched for Alf. Weirdly enough, we couldn't find the episodes although he had them on cassette.

>> No.22685306

i think i might be the drunkest man to ever live. nobody does it like me

>> No.22685318

Bolaño was a good writer but he wrote that book to make money. I don’t think he even really cared about it all that much.

>> No.22685336

The thing about Trump is that while he’s quite obviously at best ineffective and at worst sort of a vulgar corporatist hustler with nothing real to offer, he at least says the right things on the campaign trail which is more than can be said about any other candidate. People are attracted to DeSantis because they suspect he’s the opposite, that he says a lot of wrong things but will actually do the right things. As for everyone else, they’re just more of the same with no qualitative difference between them and the other party, which is obviously and openly a bought and paid for party. American politics is in this weird spot where you really only have 4 options: 1) the uniparty lawyer candidate who is bought and paid for 2) the wealthy Raeganite Republican who doesn’t need the money and can fund his own campaigns 3) the leftist street activist that gets votes because of rapid demographic change and retarded progressive values and 4) a combination of the previous 3.

I think what would be helpful is if this upcoming nomination just destroyed the Republican Party. If Trump is the guy to make that happen, it’s a good play.

>> No.22685347

As long as the lights stay on, then people can watch internet porn, play video games, and watch television. Mass riots and revolution won’t be happening anytime soon. Far more realistic is a small, very small, percentage of the population being mobilized on political issues regardless of economy. Moderns love economics as metaphysics. They imagine all events are triggered by economic events. It’s the other way around. Always has been. Civil wars have broke out over shut down governments, controversial executive actions, a single fired shot, but almost never an economic crisis.

>> No.22685356

Obviously, they’re trying to frame some MAGA-Islamist alliance narrative and they’re going to ramp up terror attacks by chuds leading up to the election and then a J6 2.0 that kills a lot of people and it’s open season on rightoids at that point. The regime doesn’t want things to get to civil war, but they’re more than happy to use the law to deploy their totally-not-soldiers and round up dissidents. At that point, it’s a question of whether people who will actually matter will double down on MAGA retardation or present something actually viable and positive, which is hard to imagine at this point. Either way, nothing can really happen until war breaks the stranglehold of money on politics.

>> No.22685362

What the nothing happens crowd misses is that the thing doesn’t work if it can’t keep up the impression of a real and fair democratic election. If you openly rig it, you put the opposing party in corner. They have to give away their position as a fake party, causing outrage, or they have to oppose directly, and they’re liable to because their position is in trouble at that point. You can’t openly rig elections in favor of one party and expect the other party to just shy away because those people also rely on those fake votes to butter their bread, which it’s no longer doing.

>> No.22685371

Modern society isn't a struggle between capitalists and proletarians.
It is a struggle between the state and the criminal mafias.
The mafia is trying to get everyone into criminality.

>> No.22685375

>the class struggle isn't real guys
>it's actually the state vs organized crime
>mafia wants competition
if class struggle isn't real then why is amazon and walmart at forbes 500 top 10 lists and why are they union busing like hell? maybe you should read up about what the class struggle is all about
the state is the biggest organized crime ring, they are so powerful they have the power to outlaw competition and get away with crime, the organized crime is basically working for the state and their name is CIA/FBI etc, the rest are just outsourced stand ins for when you need someone to really take a hit for the state
if mafia was in charge they wouldn't want any outside competition, also mafia's were notoriously exclusive for made men and only accepted italians so i doubt they are too eager to get people into criminal life

>> No.22685389

WalMart isn’t a class retard and the guys who started that company went from near-toothless redneck white trash working class tier to multi-billionaire kids that socialize with royals at elite universities.

>> No.22685397

you have never actually read marx enough to understand what the theory of the class struggle is have you, how about you google it and come back to the /lit/erate board and share your hot take on how it isn't a real thing

>> No.22685411

> if class struggle isn't real
It isn't real because the way capitalism is currently done there will never be an abolishment of it. China is a very old civilization and yet the capitalists have always existed and will always continue to exist there, while if we believe the Marxists China should be full-blown socialist by now because of how old their society is.
> the state is the biggest organized crime ring
What crime does the state engage in in a big way? I don't mean 'some politician stole millions bucks from tax payer money' or 'a policeman shot some innocent citizen', I mean actual criminal activity that the state engages in directly and consistently.
> the organized crime is basically working for the state and their name is CIA/FBI etc
Rent free in your head. Are those organizations run by mafia bosses?
> if mafia was in charge they wouldn't want any outside competition
If the state was like a mafia as you state it they would have no morals at all. Yet it isn't like that, every single action from the state has to be justified in front of the public somehow.

>> No.22685415

Anytime someone resorts to “no you would agree with me if only you read the book” (I finished capital vol 2 last week btw) you know they’re a pseud that has no idea what they’re talking about.

>> No.22685418

My dad was a socialist of old bone. He once kicked an annoying factory boss directly into the balls after he did another one of his stupid comments.
If anything, the class struggle has disappeared from the face of Western society. The socialist isn't some feared, muscular strongman anymore. Most of them are Twitter faggots who go to work like complacent cattle who would never say a thing to their bosses.

>> No.22685425

I like vidya and anime, but /a/ and /v/ are the absolute worst cesspools on this whole website

>> No.22685431
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>my extreme beliefs are becoming mainstream

>> No.22685432

Marxist analysis of society identifies two main social groups:

Labour (the proletariat or workers) includes anyone who earns their livelihood by selling their labor power and being paid a wage or salary for their labor time. They have little choice but to work for capital, since they typically have no independent way to survive.
Capital (the bourgeoisie or capitalists) includes anyone who gets their income not from labor as much as from the surplus value they appropriate from the workers who create wealth. The income of the capitalists, therefore, is based on their exploitation of the workers (proletariat).

>> No.22685440

class struggle basically boils down to:
people who hire workers who want to pay as little as humanly possible to maximize their profits
and people who work for someone else, who want to be paid as much for their labor as possible to make it worth their time
this is the root of class struggle, now do tell me you educated il/lit/erates, how is this not real?

>> No.22685447

I have read Marx too and probably comprehended him to a degree better than your's.
Where did the sabotages against capital go? When was the last time some mad ass worker stuffed shoes and a bunch of filth into the machines so they go broken? When was the last time a company boss thought to himself: damn, I hope these filthy proles don't make a sack of broken bones out of myself this day.

>> No.22685453

now lets look at the conflict from the examples of walmart and amazon shall we, we have two major companies who drum out enough money to make it to top 10 of forbes 500 so being able to pay the workers is not the issue, why on earth would these two companies be paying peanuts to the workers and busting down on unions?
the answer is because it is in their best interest to do so and that they can get away with it because of the amount of desperate people who need to make income any way they can who have to work at their shit jobs or starve / become homeless, this is economic coercion which is also a part of the class struggle
the fact that you don't believe it is true despite these clear and cartoonishly villanous examples just shows that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about or you have some major misconception about what the class struggle is

>> No.22685458

It is technically real, but it will never change. There won't be any great upheavals against capitalism ever again. At best, the economy will just slowly shrink and people will become more self-sufficient, but that will be less of a progress towards a new type of society than a regress to agrarianism.

>> No.22685467

>the factory owners are winning and suppressing the workers so that means the struggle doesn't exist
go eat at a fast food restaurant and the boogers and cum will be your answer
>nothing bad will happen therefore there is no struggle between classes
it is a comforting idea that they get away with it isn't it

>> No.22685475

These workers are the last ones to protest against capitalism. Those aren't former tradesmen forced to work for shitty ass wages because the nail making factory pushed the competition out of the markets. They are just the losers in current society, lacking social skills, bad at school, in other words, the last ones to start a violent revolution.

>> No.22685476

You're Jewish.

>> No.22685487

>there is no struggle without violent uprising and guillotines
anon you're mentally retarded and there is nothing to be gained from educating you
is this what they call psychological projection? jews haven't been shilling for leftism since they got their foot through the door, now that they're nice and settled as accepted/protected class of people they only care about controlled opposition and maintaining their status quo while undermining the general one so they can grab more influence

>> No.22685493

There's no reason to believe there's going to be a change in it anywhere soon. By the 21 Century, capitalism was perfectioned in a way comparable to caste system India that lasted thousands of years before being abolished, despite being exploitative and unfair.

>> No.22685499

> anon you're mentally retarded and there is nothing to be gained from educating you
It's the truth, work cattle has become far more passive in the last days that it was in the beginning of capitalism when capitalists actually feared them.

>> No.22685512

point was that there is a class struggle going on even if the working class is oblivious to it and getting shafted over the barrel all the way to piss breaks
>i am afraid that the working class cattle will rise up and guillotine me and my family for shafting them our entire life
you should be more afraid of the skilled workers under your rule feeding you to the masses than the masses realizing that there's anything wrong

>> No.22685524

the most likely scenario is that those you buttered up good to keep them on your side and who you gave the job of guarding your gates decide that they wanted a yacht too and throwing you to the cattle once you overreached and showed your malice towards the common man, they have the most to gain and are the most intimately knowing of your operations, so better crack open that war chest and make it rain on them while you still can

>> No.22685530

You're Jewish

>> No.22685539

i have a vague feeling i would be embarrassed if i could remember what i did last night. thankfully i can't!

>> No.22685542

based on what world view, or are you just assuming that only a jew can have a functional enough brain to realize what a bullshit system is in place and how workers are getting shafted and are always stuck holding bill as debt backers for the governments spendings and donations to the beloved greatest ally of israel?

>> No.22685548

My first reply wasn't even aimed at anyone. I just think the phrase You're Jewish is funny.
You felt like I was talking to you which is odd.

>> No.22685565

>i just joined a conversation to say "you're jewish", since you didn't get a (you) it wasn't aimed at you
i know you think it is a clever tactic to just go blow an airhorn whenever people bring the topic up but so far only thing it has managed to done is suppress speaking about the topic publicly and forced people to network in a more private manner, but i suppose conspiracy allegations are a fine way to deal with people talking about issues when you force the only place where you can converse about these topics to be behind closed doors hence giving you enough reason to call it a conspiracy due to the implied intention of concealment and organization

>> No.22685568
File: 5 KB, 53x125, 1690503978134779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analyze my dream:

I'm at my grandparents' home and I feel really tired, so I head to a sofa and I lie down. I try to get comfy so I begin moving around, then I realize in horror that the sofa is covered in sewing needles and ball-headed pins.
My hands are totally skewered by needles and my clothes too. I begin slowly pulling them out of my hands when suddenly my step-mother shows up and offers to help me. She says something that suggests she finds my situation erotic (I can't remember what) and begins taking off my clothes.
My stomach is pierced by needles, some of them have gone deep and in weird angles (they are lifting my flesh). She joyfully begins pulling them out before taking a look at my cock.
It looks grotesquely mutilated by pins and needles. I try to tell her that we should go to a doctor, but she reassures me that it is fine and begins slowly pulling them out of my battered genitals.
Then suddenly we both notice that a massive knitting needle has pierced through my glans. The needle is joined to another one for some reason. My step-mother carefully begins removing the other needle, before pulling with all her strength and ripping apart my dick. I can't look down anymore, I just scream in absolute terror, but she looks at me with a smile on her face.

Doing NNN by the way.

>> No.22685577

You didn't have to respond to my post.

>> No.22685579

you're not clever
your house of cards is blowing in the wind
people are not as stupid as you wish they were and they are way more desperate than you think
unsustainable systems are unsustainable
UBI won't save you from the backlash at this stage of the game
introducing AI cut off your last line of defense when they started to worry they would go the way of the coal miners
check mate retard

>> No.22685597

Marx's premises hold water, the basic "dialectic" he pointed out is obviously true, but it was also already noted to some extent by classical political economists like Adam Smith and especially later critical ones like Sismondi. The larger problem is Marx's belief that this dialectic will inevitably produce an intolerable gridlock between the proletarianized workers and increasingly visible and increasingly useless owners of capital, and thus a series of crises that leads inexorably to seizure of the (now ultra-refined and mechanized) means of production by the workers, who have nothing to lose and everything to gain. He and Engels clearly thought such revolutionary conditions were imminent already in the late 19th century.

They would have been shocked to hear that not only did the revolution not come, in anything like the form they thought it would - which was that a Chartist revolution in England, or French or German socialist revolution, would spark another Spring of Nations style revolution like they followed as journalists in the late '40s and early '50s - not only this, but that the revolutions that DID come would be (from their perspective) in sub-capitalist, sub-industrial nations with overwhelmingly agricultural economies, led by Blanquist, Napoleon III-style rabble-rousing mystagogues wielding Capital like a Bible. Lenin was a Blanquist peasantist utopian from a purely Marxist perspective. He made brilliant arguments for the extension of Marx's theory to the international plane after it was clear that Marx's theories were simply incorrect in their predictions of revolution from within the bourgeois nations. He basically tried to save Marxism while maintaining orthodoxy, and I think Marx would have appreciated his ideas if he had somehow lived to 1920 (and thus been forced to revise his own theories).

But Lenin ultimately failed, and he failed precisely because he tried to force Marx's theories on reality: he assumed that if he accelerated Marx's conditions for communist revolution to the breaking points described by Marx, then the revolution would happen. Instead nothing happened, except that Stalin inherited a totalitarian Jacobin state and re-suppressed the minorities Lenin utopianly tried to free.

>> No.22685602

When the rabbi circumcised you, did he stop the bleeding by sucking on it?

>> No.22685604

How did other Marxists deal with the basic problem that Marx was simply wrong?
>The Frankfurt School
They admitted Marx was a Hegelian and that his theory of history was based on an atheistic, Enlightenment ideal of rationalization and secularization that simply wasn't true empirically. At least not on anything like the timescale in which Marx saw it taking place. People turned to nationalism and "superstitions" (beliefs beyond metaphysical materialism and anarcho-libertarianism as a "rational" social system) MORE, not less, as capitalism transformed society. With the triumph of the capitalist states and bourgeois ideology in WW2, the Frankfurt School was simply forced to work within liberal, bourgeois, capitalist societies, as bourgeois intellectuals, while having no answer to "what just happened? and what do we do now?," except "doing theory," mostly meaning limp-dicked shit like Marxian aesthetic theory, or Marcuse's psychoanalytic shit that was easily misread as hippie liberation theology. They also knew full well that "theory" couldn't even maintain itself as some kind of underground dissident discourse attacking capitalism from inside, because it was too easily appropriated by bourgeois non-Marxist or quasi-Marxist pseudo-leftists and turned into a hobby, just yet another bourgeois luxury commodity. Which is exactly what happened, as Americanization (the spear tip of world capitalism) transformed European countries in its image, creating the "New Left" academic, aka rich gay kid who studies Bell Hooks via Foucault and Derrida and calls himself a "M-L" on twitter.

They knew Marcuse's desire to rally the New Left youth was doomed - all the actual radical elements (the Weathermen e.g.) in the New Left were utterly farcical and gay, and in any event the CIA would crush or divert the ones who weren't totally farcical, and even if it succeeded it wouldn't be Marxism it would be yet more Blanquist lumpenprole 18th Brumaire shit. Habermas is a total joke, an ur-neoliberal gay baby who wrote COVID agitprop for the state. The only principled major Frankfurters, Adorno and Horkheimer, basically died of broken hearts. For them, legitimate Marxism was simply checkmated by history.

Basically a fascist / national syndicalist. Totally jettisons the thing that made Marxism "scientific" in Marx's eyes, and distinct from Blanquism and utopianism: its observation of the inevitable dialectical tendencies in society and history. Replaces this with a purely tactical, Sorelian/Leninist theory of power politics which is utterly ingenious but also has no necessary connection to Marxism. There is a reason why the Nouvelle Droite (New Right) in Europe calls itself "Gramscian," and Alain de Benoist writes books about National Syndicalism.

>New Left / intersectionality / third world liberationism
CIA controlled playpen with no sharp edges (praxis)

>French neo-orthodoxy (Althusser)
Garbage, weak USSR fifth column metapolitics, not organic

>> No.22685610

>Neo-orthodox class reductionism / anti-intersectionalism (Postone, Brenner, Heinrich, Platypus)
More Marxist antiquarianism and thus bourgeois hobbyism, entirely academic with no meaningful praxis after decades, inorganic, wants to pretend it's 1875 and that "things just went wrong and we can do them right this time" instead of asking why Marx was wrong, also all too typically prone to slapfights over who knows the most commie history trivia, too much navel-gazing and showing off. No real response to absolutely staggering transformations in the economy and society over the last 20-30 years, just applying stale Marxist frameworks to it in conferences, so they can say "I present at CONFERENCES!" Subvariant of fetishistic "dark academia" LARP.

>"Fuck theory, shoot your boss!" / "Actually the most interesting Marxists are the Sneedãzanças guerrillas in French Guyana, they PROVE that Marx was right!" neo-orthodoxy
Old commies from 2004 internet forums LARPing in bad faith since even they know if this was going to do anything it would have done something by now, again, shamefully obsessed with cataloguing and bickering over insignificant third world movements they read about on some pathetic commie website whose layout hasn't been updated in 15 years. Usually not even the biggest movements in the country, usually it's some pathetic puny splinter movement and the actual major socialist movement is a typical corrupt party machine or some kind of quasi-fascist agrarian socialism.

>> No.22685614

that's a nice novel that could have been condensed to the simple fact of "class struggle is real"
>what is the solution?
wouldn't you like to know weather boy

>> No.22685624
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I didn't write it for you, 37 year old painted fingernails man who uses 2008 layout communist forum to talk about French Guyanese communist splinter parties. I wrote it for people who can still be saved from becoming you.

>> No.22685645

Kys, braindead retarded commie.

>> No.22685651

>if you believe that the theory of class struggle is real you must also believe that giving the government absolute power over production will somehow fix that and they will distribute the fruits of labor evenly and fairly
don't forget to take your nitro's boomer

>> No.22685669

>dozens of nofap threads on /fit/ - jannies sleep
>one thread making fun of nofap cultists: offtopic ban
jannies are such a trannies

>> No.22685677

The inside of a 19th Century industrial factory got beamed into my inner eye. I see a strange, blonde-brown haired strange fella with a dead look in his eyes, presenting himself in the office for a job. 'Initiating mission', he says to himself as they put him to some random machine and starts working. Constantly watching to his sides and behind his back, waiting for an opportune moment. He takes a garbage can and tosses a bunch of filth, shoes, cardboard, sand directly into the workings of the machine as it starts to make weird noises. 'Everyone run out, the machine is about to go kaboom', he yells, desperately running out of the factory to never be seen again.

>> No.22685757

Don’t know why I’m having a hard time leaving my job. Maybe because I don’t have a clear plan and because the job is so comfortable that it’s hard to leave? I sincerely hate it and want to do something else with my life. I just feel like I’m leaving for not a plan A, not even a plan B, but a plan C.

>> No.22685771

Make sure to drop a machine kaboom before you leave, but don't get caught.

>> No.22685774

>i love being dependent on the whims of my overlord when they fill my plate with the big bananas but i kind of realize that something about living like this isn't right, however i am too stupid to realize the source of my discomfort and i am too used to living like this to ever change
buy a leather jacket, motorcycle and a bag of coke boomer

>> No.22685786

>drop a machine kaboom
What is this? A shit so bad it destroys the plumbing?

>> No.22685793

drinking again

>> No.22685813

The original capitalist troll was stuffing a shoe inside the engine so it goes broken, from there the origin of the word 'sabotage', from French for 'shoe'

>> No.22685832

I work in public service so I wouldn’t do that.

>> No.22685844

I have a lot of regrets.

>> No.22685848
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i have none

>> No.22685850

So you currently work for the government? Become an administrator or town governeur of some sort.

>> No.22685864

I would like to run for office, but I’m not sure how feasible that is for me. It seems like I have to do a whole bunch of other things first for that to be a possibility.

>> No.22685871

Today I've spend about 80% of the time on Twitter/4chan.
I'm getting paid to do this.
Sometimes when i get bored I take a walk on the construction site. Make a phone call or drive to the office to ask for something I could have done via e-mail.
Work is easy but there were stressful times. I have accepted the more slow days. Used to be worried I wasn't doing enough, but when there's not much to do and I just finished having a more stressful week at work, I can kick back and relax.

>> No.22685884

my iq is low and now i cant enjoy books
i dont even feel like i deserve to read

>> No.22685896

>i'm low IQ
>yet i still fail to find enjoyment in life
you had one perk and you blew it, pretty sure you're just mediocre as all hell and think you're humble bragging by showing self awareness but the fact that you don't realize how truly painfully average you are shows that you're just a dumb ass
also read comics or something if you're too stupid / adhd to focus on books or just listen to audiobooks, the issue of reading is not that reading them is hard, it's that most material is either hard to digest or the book is a pain in the ass to read through because of either length or the writing style of the author

>> No.22685900

South America is the place to be.
Not overcrowded, can find plenty of land for cheap to live off of.
Enough White admixture so it isn't completely savage. Not enough White to make it mentally ill like the West.
Most beautiful nature on Earth.
Best food.
Machismo culture.
Most likely not in trouble in case of WWIII

God's chosen continent.

>> No.22685901

i scored 87 , literally like bottom 15%

>> No.22685907

well if it's any solace you're still above the army minimum for becoming a soldier so you can't be too dumb to read manuals, what's the issue you're having when trying to read books?

>> No.22685922

Probably a mistest. When you meet someone sub 90 IQ it’s so painfully obvious. You’re not that.

>> No.22685932

Illusions, like the idea that the Slavs are going to revivify the West.

>> No.22685935
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>> No.22685940

No illusions my friend.
I myself live in the Caribbean and I have been there a few times.
And my point was never about reviving the West. What will happen to the West nobody knows. Demographic collapse is something new to us.
What I do know is that if you're young and looking to live in an affordable place with plenty of opportunity, South America is very good for that.
I myself would not live in a Russia or Poland. But that's because I love nature and prefer warmer temperatures.

>> No.22685965

>what's the issue you're having when trying to read books?
none, just i feel like i do not deserve to read books

>> No.22685973

I have relatives in South America. Currently they are of pure German descendance, after generations of living there, it could be said because providence wanted it so, but that is not going to last.
I am concerned that if I move down there sooner or later my descendants will be mutts.

>> No.22685979

what the fuck is there to deserve in reading books, it's just some mass printed thoughts of some author that he put out there to the world in hopes of making a living and getting famous, how is there anything to deserve there in picking up the book and reading it?
you have a very strange beaten dog syndrome going on with you, have you ever considered that you don't have to justify your own existence to anyone and that you have the same rights of a citizen that any other person living in your country regardless of their occupation or societal good boy points amount?
pick a book you find interesting, either get it from library or look it up as pdf or search it through youtube as a audiobook, digest the books message / entertainment and then see if it was positive or negative for you to have spent your time doing that
if you can't come up with anything to read pick up "max stirner - the ego and its own", you should be able to find that as audibook in youtube if flipping pages is annoying to you and you can listen to it on the background while you do other stuff

>> No.22685999

I know who I am. I wish I weren't like this. But it is too late to change.
Wish I could go back in time and slice the head off my mom after she gave birth to me.

>> No.22686005

I'm too smart to have sex or get a job.

>> No.22686014

I have a cockapoo and he looks like Alf
good lad as well

>> No.22686021

>i know who i am
good for you
>but i wish i wasn't me
then you don't know who you are
>i cannot change
why would you want to
>i want to harm my mother
your life
>i'm too smart to have sex
pretty sure it's a preference of balancing whether it is worth it to put up with their bullshit just to nut inside them
>or get a job
become a freelancer or start a business, or hell write a book you're in /lit/ after all

>> No.22686042

I guess that is a valid concern if you're purely white.
Me I'm sort of a mutt myself. Reckon about 65% white the rest Amerindian or whatever.
For me the idea a pure White kid going with a Mestizo and making a Castizo is no big deal.
But I can see how it would be for you.
It's just the plus sides of this continent outweighs that concern. Better be White in a place where they aim for being White, than in Europe/US where you invite people that actively work to 'dismantle Whiteness'

>> No.22686048

Knowing and accepting are different.

>> No.22686062
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>tfw basically a far-right /pol/tard but also against climate change, pro european unification and pro-vaxx
I really want to get politically involved but i feel like i don't fit in anywhere

>> No.22686068

What do you mean 'against climate change'?
Does it involve crippling your industry or just waving a flag and yelling 'fuck you climate change!'

>> No.22686069

You choose a side and convince yourself to believe whatever they tell you to believe.

>> No.22686074
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if you can't accept what you are then you're not being who you really are you are being a role you were casted as by nature and nurture

>> No.22686076

Just accepting that it exists and that something should be done about it, for starters. Secondly i'd advocate for implementing green energy alternatives and more nuclear energy as well.

I refuse such a brainless attitude

>> No.22686089

Plenty of right wing people advocate for nuclear energy. So that shouldn't be an issue as long as you're not gay about it and whine about co2.

>> No.22686095

You forgot the last option: Lucaks.

>> No.22686099

Well, I'm a mutt myself, but a European mutt wich is a condemnation worse than being an American mutt, because there it is at least socially accepted to some degree at least (I will not go into the details with certain specific kinds of mutts and the specialties of each country).
But as a half Belgian half Slav individual, existence is a curse. The more I become mature the more I realize how limited I am in becoming a functioning member of society.
Each European nation forming a sovereign nationality, no where am I at home.
The Belgians hate the Slavs, consider them to be racial inferiors it could be said, or with the same outcomes as if they did so. Bad enough that I take a Belgian calling me a foreigner for not speaking the dialectal variation in a perfect form as an offense against my personality, for all my male ancestors from my father's side have served the Belgian military.
But in Slavland I have it no better. I am not, as among the Belgs, a filthy subhuman, but socially speaking, I have no where to go either.
Whatever wife I might get will probably be from a low class environment. Me, who's ancestors from both nations are of an equal footing. My Belgian ancestors, redbeards, nobility, administrators, my Slav ancestors, too proud of their independance to pay taxes to the Turkish Barbarians who thought of themselves as masters and who knew the construction of the house chariot.
Being a mutt is a misery.

>> No.22686116

tf u talking about when i think of a mutt i think of a shitskin, at least you're not that

>> No.22686131

At the risk of sounding like a subversive Jew, I'm glad over here in the New World there is less of a focus on race.
I've lived in the Netherlands for about 20 years and most people couldn't guess I was a mutt.
The straight brown hair, light skin and green eyes helped.
However the struggles as a mutt came from myself, as I'm sure it does with most.
In The Netherlands you had the Dutch who treat you like you're exotic. Which is fun sometimes but with how self hating Whites tend to be, was weird in the back of my mind.
And the ethnics in The Netherlands didn't consider me non White enough.

All of this disappeared when I came here. Over here there is no fixed ethnicity. The Europeans made that impossible. There is a high degree of Indian in us but always mixed with European genes and some people unfortunately also African. Although to a smaller extent.

Race has taken a back seat in importance to me since coming here. I am even dating a mamacita who is a mestizo. Pocahontas looking girl. Bleaching my line was sort of a goal of mine. But having dated plenty of European women, I can say that none were even close to being wife material as this girl.
So my children will be mestizos. Hopefully they get my coloured eyes. But when everything else involving life is an upgrade, race plays a smaller role.
But even then I would never advise mixing outside of what you already have in you.
As hot as Asians can be, having a chinky eyed kid would be embarrassing. Same with Africans and their nappy hair.

If you're young enough you have time to think it through, but I doubt the situation in Europe gets much better, racially speaking.

>> No.22686143

I'm to smart too freelance, start a business, or write a book.

>> No.22686148
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>i'm too smart to work for myself, work for myself or create anything worth reading or that anything that people would want to read
i see i see

>> No.22686151

A few months ago, in a fit of rage, I sent a text message to my father that he made wish I was strong enough to kill myself because of what he did to me. A few weeks ago, I had a dream he showed up at my job to call me a pussyless cuckold faggot. My brother is getting married next year and I'm probably going to have to see him at the wedding. I'm not looking forward to that.

>> No.22686205

What are your thoughts on dating college girls into your 30s?

>> No.22686209

Just be strong and firm-footed. That’s all it takes.

>> No.22686210

Think you’re exaggerating a bit. It’s not that uncommon to be a Euromutt in Europe.

>> No.22686223

they should make an ensure shake type product with vodka in it to nourish decrepit alcoholics

>> No.22686258
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It has come to my attention that young women who listen to the "Red Scare" pod-cast sometimes visit /lit/

I don't think they fully know what /lit/ is but I saw one of them do it

>> No.22686261

Dating? No. Fucking? Sure.

>> No.22686264

Well, yes, and that's why I from now on restrict my dating options to Belgian and Slav women, not even because of fear that my bloodline will be mutted, but considering the misery it is already to be a half/half mutt, imagine the wrath in wich third/third/third mutts live in. It's like the caput mortem on a consistent series of too many and too distant mixtures.
There was a time were I too thought being white can lead to social credit, but unfortunately, at least in Europe, it is not so. Or, in my case, the condition of being of mixed descendance immediately paralyzes the previous condition. People just almost immediately see me as a weirdo.
On one hand continuing the legacy of the family is a thing to be aspired for. On the other hand, the fact that my descendants will have me as a mixed ancestor might just give them a reason to be worthless subhumans, i. e. lazy and aspiring to nothingness.
I am not bound to Europe, particularly because I like the inhabitants, but because the land of my ancestors ties me to it. By any means, this worth more than gold. I will probably re-live the patriarchal utopia of having a house in the country and land to cultivate. Both a good way to ensure the physical health of one's descendants and, in the modern era, to keep them away from drugs and faggotry.
But yeah, you can look at it positively. Sometimes me too would like to have an exotic gf, like a Latina, like an Indian woman. But you can live it too without fear that your descendants will live in misery. And I say misery, because a mutt is a stranger even among his own familiars. Indeed it is a curse.
And the situation in Europe will only keep getting worse, but just because it will keep getting worse in Europe is no reason to believe that things will anyhow improve in South America. They might do, but I have no bets on that horse. The people who stepped into a ship to get there were not changed on the way over the ocean. If some have enriched themselves, others became poorer.

>> No.22686276

Well, but being labeled 'foreigner' by my own fatherland is not a nice thing to be experienced. Luckily I realized that when I was still young, but bad enough that I will never be accepted in my fatherland.

>> No.22686293

I remember how many politics-obsessed losers in 2016 were acting like that year was the worst in history. Nowadays, everyone looks back at 2016 fondly. The world has become so shit since then that half of the music from that year is still some of the most popular. Everyone I know has fond memories from those years. It's almost like our culture doesn't want to progress from it. But here we are in 2023 where everything is misery, contradiction and pessimism.

>> No.22686331

It’s been difficult for me to accept that there are no solutions, that there won’t be a good outcome, and that what was never will be again.

>> No.22686361

You can always self-improve, anon.

>> No.22686364
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The idea that a child will be lazy/aspiring to nothingness because he's a quarter Slav or Belgian is insane. Same as looking at you as a subhuman. Could it be somewhat of a projection?

Believe me, if you went with a Belgian or Slav the kid will absolutely fit in. No issue.
What will fuck a child up is having a parent who abandons them. Or has a drinking problem. Or is too controlling etc etc.
While race is important, it is not the deciding factor in if someone feels like a stranger in their own place. And besides, Europe is being mutted up as we speak so unless your Slav part is Hungarian or Slovakian your kid will have the same problem a White kid in South America would have in regards to feeling like a stranger.

I guess if I was in your shoes I'd go to the Slav part of my bloodline. There is space in those countries, somewhat of a will to continue their customs, less faggotry etc.
For me the Caribbean has been the solution. It fixed the split identity I had and the culture is much more life affirming than what I had in The Netherlands.

>> No.22686403

What do Mexicans think of Spain?

>> No.22686423

what do americans think of england?

>> No.22686434

it's not somewhere i would want to live

>> No.22686437

Well we weren't conquered by them. We were British people who BTFO the mainland. England has nice stuff, but they're a fallen empire. Also the US is still a greater empire than England's peak.

>> No.22686471

Dubs and I'll kill myself tonight.

>> No.22686507

> Could it be somewhat of a projection?
I was at some job and the boss explained me something in dialect and I had a question so he just self-aggrandizidely repeated what he had said, not in dialect but in formal German like I'm some kind of foreigner even though he saw on the paper that my surname is Belgish. This is just one example. It happens every day. Even if I fit in some friend circle at the job I will always come over as some foreigner looking for gibs. So no it is not projections Belgians genuinely see me as a subhuman, as a second class citizen and someone to oppress. Not directly, but indirectly. And because I already am a Belgian by descendance I feel no need to change myself (to artificially make myself appear more Belgian than I am, like do the foreigners who assimilate themselves in hopes to better their social position, with medium success) OR the situation (making a case against discrimination), it just fills me with nihilism.
> And besides, Europe is being mutted up as we speak so unless your Slav part is Hungarian or Slovakian your kid will have the same problem a White kid in South America would have in regards to feeling like a stranger.
Meh, more like the more foreigners come in, the more they are despised by the local population. They are still the ones who generally hold the managerial positions in a 9/10 ratio, especially in the smaller places. And they relentlessly make the foreigners feel inferior by merit of being foreigners. And even though I am not that much a foreigner, I still fall into the latter category.
> I guess if I was in your shoes I'd go to the Slav part of my bloodline. There is space in those countries, somewhat of a will to continue their customs, less faggotry etc
Well I currently am living in the Slavlands, less because of identity issues and more because of other, more practical reasons, but anyways. At first, the solution seemed ideal. But the more time passes, the more problems show up. So let's say I marry a Slav girl, and marriage is still kind of expected to happen sooner or later in this latitude, then the situation would still be kind of fucked up. My Belgian ancestors were protestants. Meanwhile the Slavs are orthodox Christians. The fact that every Slav family has a holy Saint that is passed on by the father to his children only adds to the complexity of the problem. My father not having been a Slav, his family has no holy Saint, and that makes a marriage between me and a Slav woman almost inadmissible.

>> No.22686508

Oh wretched, unhappy Man!
Who can only smile if in scorn
Who can only laugh as a scoff
One could grind the hearts of every man
And not extract one spoonful of kindness

>> No.22686523

Ancestral land for me. A bit censorious with speech laws but decent I guess.

>> No.22686530
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Formerly great country now a dysgenic soup very similar to America but with slightly different ingredients. Upper class has been turned into what I think the Brits call "twits," all the prissy and smarmy elements of the old Victorian/Edwardian elite Brits but with none of the substance or character to back it up anymore, also somewhat Americanized so it's like a horrible mixture of the worst of British prissy smarm and American crassness. Middle class replaced by what I think the Brits call "chavs." Consonant-dropping disgusting slobs all making pic related face. For some reason Englishmen seem to think being stupid or silly and making this face is the funniest thing ever, so all their comedy and television is filled with salt of the earth non-enunciating chavs asking silly questions while making what I think the Brits call "gormless" faces.

>> No.22686532

Aren’t they trannies? They look buttfugly

>> No.22686536

Call for help

>> No.22686541

Afraid it’s the only thing I’m attracted to anymore

On a related note a thread on here made feel old. Everyone listed their age and book and I ended up being the oldest.

>> No.22686543

I am >>22686530 and I forgot about this. It also seems genuinely dystopian, not at a government level but at the level of instinct. Brits seem weirdly fine with government interference in their lives. When I found out the "telly" inspector man comes in his "lorry" and enters your home and smacks your wife any time he likes, I was amazed. It made me appreciate Americans' instinctive desire to be left alone more.

>> No.22686549

They're cokeheads

>> No.22686554

I think the charge of Americanization is just foreigner seethe. Mi6 doesn’t get half the shit our glowies do.

>> No.22686558

>But here we are in 2023 where everything is misery, contradiction and pessimism.
You too will remember these days fondly

>> No.22686560

The TV license thing is just friggin weird to me.

>> No.22686569

That’s why I could never take Marxism seriously. Pol Pot was right go after academia but most Marxoid twits are too blinded by nepotism to see they’re actually the problem

>> No.22686616

I would've never though that it would come this far, but I smoked a pack today.

>> No.22686617

That sounds pretty bad, but at least they don't have penis inspection day like we do in the states

>> No.22686628

Hipsters are going to save Portland.

>> No.22686641 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22686673

I guess I'm less sensitive to those types of experiences.
I've had an uncle tell me when i was 13 that I was 'too white'. When I was young I fought people because they saw me as a foreigner. People who gave me career advise told me to take off that I was born in a foreign land because I looked white and they could get the wrong impression.
Who gives a shit about any of that?
I'm man and one who has his own racist opinions. Would be gay of me to let other peoples racism affect me in a serious way.

>> No.22686679

I wonder how many wannabe writers would settle for streamer

>> No.22686681

Avant-garde art hoe /fa/scism

>> No.22686683

>these people greet me as they enter my house
>why could this be?

>> No.22686685

Do you have autism

>> No.22686703

Well, that's a nice thing to say, but when it becomes a day by day thing, say, people making hidden references about whatever part of your descendance day by day, not just randies, but the boss you are supposed to respect as a person of authority, it becomes annoying.
And I once tried hiding my foreign roots, not for a job, but on a bar table with strangers I had just met. This second generation Med foreigner started a 30 minute rant on how I possibly could have denied my Slavic roots. On one hand I have never done that ever again, on the other hand it just filled me with more pessimism, that not even the foreigners consider me a Belgian.
But yeah, I guess I should just move on with this crap. Reading too much de Gobineau, first out of pure curiosity, then out of a sparked interest, probably added much into it. Before, I didn't think much about it, I was just myself. After reading the chapter about the Slavs, where he calls them a group of whites, degenerated after generations of mixing with Finnish tribes of the yellow race, great at agriculture, industry and artesanship and not much else, I went into the mirror and asked myself: wtf am I? But the big blow came when he continued: 'Let's leave this sweet and peaceful people and name their numberous conquerors.' And ever since, my self-consciousness has suffered.
In any way, it is a condition we have to live and cope with.

>> No.22686708

It's a pretty surreal feeling to see the shit that got me big time alienated a decade ago be commonplace among the youth now

>> No.22686711

Pretty reductionist bro

>> No.22686729

Huh? I know tons of people who ssw 2016 as exciting and a great victory

>> No.22686732

We don't really think too much about it

>> No.22686733

Never ever let some pencil-necked faggot convince you that your ancestors are something to be ashamed of.
This should come by instinct. Even if you're from Africa or some conquered tribe. I expect a person to find what is noble or admirable in their ancestors and defend their honor.

>> No.22686734

You're literally just a neo con

>> No.22686784

I am obviously not ashamed of my ancestors. Much less considering a large list of facts that cannot be glossed over. It does make me struggle how harshly they were judged by an author I otherwise like, but it only made me more interested in the topic.
What changed was the sudden realization that there's no such thing as a homogeneity of character to us mixed people.

>> No.22686793

I find 22-28 most attractive actually, but I’m a university employee living in a college town out in the country so all the girls age 22+ are nightmare persons working for the university or country townies. I have a lot of regrets about sticking around here, but I’m trying to make the most of it.

>> No.22686799

I have this problem where I want to do too many things so I end up sporadically dedicating a few months at a time to each of them and end up making little long term progress on any one. I’m at an age now where I’ve gotta just commit, but I’m so hung up on things not being ideal.

>> No.22686806
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I have accrued many regrets in my life. I am impulsive and non-committal, and these tendencies have led me to destroy good relationships and golden opportunities. These decisions haunt me, especially at night, especially as my life stagnates and I grow more and more alienated from my peers and society. But you have to cope. Who can say I would have been any happier had I taken one of those alternative paths? I may well have been even more miserable than I am now. Or at least, as equally dissatisfied. Maybe that's cope, but the point is that you can't possibly know. You can't live that alternative life, you can only live the one in front of you now.

>> No.22686882

Had a realization that, in itself, has already greatly improved the situation. The realization that self-improvement is not only doable, but worth every single ounce of it.

>> No.22686974

im writing my autobiography right now since ive had an interesting life full of loss, redemption, tragedy, and fortune.
so the last 38 years of my life are on my mind right now.
im hoping it becomes the greatest modern day rags to riches story ever written about crypto.

>> No.22686993

Sometimes I have a thought of mistyping a board on 4chan. Like /lt/ instead of /lit/ and then finding some secret board with it;s own culture.

>> No.22687023 [DELETED] 

now that i'm old it's weird to look back. regrets don't really hurt as bad as i thought they would. my life has been super lame. maybe a little better than the worst on here, but generally somewhere from awful to below average on most metrics. it's kind of weird now to be thinking about retirement and realizing, well, that was it. it's like that pink floyd lyrics "all you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be" but at the same time i'm not that upset about it. it's nice, as you get older you get more and more regrets, yet they hurt less and less. i was reading proust last night and he had this line "less disappointing than life, great works of art do not begin by giving the best of themselves to us", that felt true, but as i mulled it over, i realize it's really the opposite that is true. there's so much angst as a teenager and young adult. as you get older, you can look at your mistakes and regrets without much emotion because you have wisdom to understand why it went the way it did.

>> No.22687031

I sit in this office I have pieced together to do work that fundamentally helps people, and yet I am distracted. I no longer have the drive. I want to give up. I help those who cannot help themselves and I no longer want to help. People are stupid. People are awful. We are little gremlins addicted to this or that. What's the fucking point? People with power and money will get what they want and everyone else is too poor and stupid to do anything about it. The revolutionary fervor is gone. The light has gone out. I'm so tired. I'm exhausted. As if existing is a constant drain of my energies. My phone rings and I get the anxious shakes that turns into rage at some client or robot caller wanting to harass me for things I don't have. All any of them ever want is money. I have little to give these days, and the resource of energy is draining fast. I used to study until they kicked me out of the library when it closed. I used to actually read the books I bought. I had quit dota for a decade.

Maybe when I get my new glasses this week things will be different. Perhaps it will bring clarity and a new vividness to the world around me. I can only hope that all my problems are because everything is ever so slightly blurry.

Maybe a good night sleep will put me in a better mood, like the old me.

>> No.22687047

There are no secret boards

>> No.22687050

>he doesn’t know

>> No.22687051

leftypol has dead

>> No.22687086

I continuously ignore my roommates. Even going so far as to avoid saying hi.
How long would you estimate before they kick me out?
It's already been about 3 months

>> No.22687121

>We were British people who BTFO the mainland.
literal criminals*

>> No.22687122

The forbidden fruit is said to be the sweetest, but on my tongue I find only bitterness.
A promised pleasure of rebellion replaced with hunger and resentment.
My reasons were flawed, but the choice was never mine to make.
The revolting flesh spills from my mouth as my heart is drained of volition.
My hand drops the fruit onto the ground where corruption spreads from what my soul rejects.
Tears of relief, tears of rage, tears of sorrow, tears of joy well up behind dry eyes.
Compulsion brings the fruit to my hands once more with a bite in it never taken.
Frustration and fear consume me as I move the fruit to my lips.

>> No.22687137

I haven't cleaned my apartment for a whole month, perhaps more. I was a bit of a clean freak before so I think about it all the time but it's starting to get onto me. It's not "dirty" per se, but you can see that a human is living there and throwing clothes around. I really want to clean now but like the other days I'm just going to wash the dishes and go to sleep. All of this is because I'm wageslaving and don't feel like doing anything when I get home.

>> No.22687161

You okay?

>> No.22687184

That's nothing. There were times I haven't cleaned my room in a year. Trash builds up everywhere, only god knows what spilled on the dresser, and the floor has about two square feet of walkable space combined.
You might ask how someone can live like that that. But that's just the thing. I wasn't living, hell I'm still not. When the depression gets so bad that you'll at times have to manually control your breathing because your body just doesn't anymore, it gets really hard to care about anything, but you're still aware of it which only adds to your descent into hell.
One of the things I learned on one of my Dante's Spelunking adventures is to draw lines to control your descent. You gotta say shit like "I won't let my life cross THIS line". Burn it into yourself, make a habit of never crossing that line, and before you know it your ass will always stay above it.
The less care we put into the boundaries of what we consider acceptable, the easier it is for them to slip away and far out of sight.

>> No.22687213

Didn't expect such an insightful response. Thanks anon. I'll try my best.

>> No.22687221

Actually kinda misspoke on the last line. It's not just care that's important, but consciousness. The less we care about something, the more we overlook it. You gotta be willing to stare at the mess building around you too. Good luck on getting your shit together and I can only hope to God it doesn't spiral out of control for you like it did for me.

>> No.22687223

There's literally cum stains on my walls because I fling my dirty clothes to the side after wiping my cock clean on them

>> No.22687243

Revolting, can't believe i share a board with these animals

>> No.22687300

You think that's bad? I came on my own face so many times my eyes have crusted shut. I'm reciting this post using speech-to-text software.

>> No.22687303

Not funny

>> No.22687312
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>Anon in two years

>> No.22687324

Unironically how the fuck do you go on living as an atomized single guy with no real relationships?
I think about killing myself literally every day.

>> No.22687335

Get a gf, get close with your family.

>> No.22687389

Individuality is the cause and individuality is the cope. In the end, the only way out too is individuality.

>> No.22687398
File: 62 KB, 484x615, IMG_8814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how it feels to have an actual person care about you day-to-day, have you always on their mind, and actively seeks your attention and presence and tries to do everything they can to be with you daily. This concept of a significant other is so foreign to me. I couldn’t imagine someone actually being in love with me. I really want it to happen, in fact it’s the only thing I wish for in this life, but it sounds unrealistic.

>> No.22687408

Thats hot. Can I keep you in a jar?

>> No.22687410

Join a church

>> No.22687432

>but it sounds unrealistic.

because it is. I've never met a single male human in a relationship like that. that's not what relationships look like in the real world, that's your ideation. Relationships in the real world = keeping an incredibly expensive, demanding pet that can ruin your life for any reason or no reason. The best you'll ever get out of a relationship is occasional sexual gratification (maybe) and propagation of your genetic line (maybe).

>> No.22687437

Was that the case with your parents too?
Cause I know it wasn't with mine.

>> No.22687442

That shouldn't be what relationships are. Hell, that's not a relationship at all.

>> No.22687450

Whats your sample size and data set

>> No.22687454


You forgot to ask for my control group lmao

>> No.22687457

You have a poisoned mind. And I thought I was cynical.

>> No.22687473

I had to eat rock soup with river broth again.

>> No.22687515

I don't know why people think that acknowledging that the west is declining necessarily entails that you think that the east is rising. Russia and China are both facing catastrophical demographic issues, if anyone will emerge victorious afterward it will be the global south, like india or subsaharan africa who increase their populations by a hundred million every decade or so. I suppose "the decline of the global north" just doesn't have the same ring to it, though, as the "decline of the west" does.

>> No.22687535

I went to a “job interview” today. It was a massive office building made from ashlar stone with imposing blacked-out windows arranged in a perfectly logical order around the whole of the building. Not a spot of ornamentation was to be observed on it; it was like a great cube projecting out of the Earth, its “sleek”, “modern” design surely symbolic of the cold rational efficiency that the firm conducts its business with.

Though I arrived late, I did not feel any hint of nervousness even as I parked my car up right outside the entrance of this gargantuan structure. I have learned not to take mind of what people think of me anymore. Because I suffer from some sort of severe autism, PTSD, or schizoid personality disorder, any social interaction I have is bound to be unpleasant, not only in the moment but for years after as lingering memories torture me and send me into literal convulsive fits. But this store of memories is large enough now that adding onto it makes no difference. My mind is bound to torture me with some memory either way; whether it uses old ones or fresh ones is really of no consequence.

In any case, I entered the building with my strange bravado and told the Arab receptionist that I had come for the interview. He asked me to wait a moment and dashed off into the adjacent room, whereupon I took a good look around at the interior. It was supremely rational, supremely efficient, the perfect balance of luxury and minimalism. There was a group of settees arranged in front of a television which was so perfectly installed that it looked like it was part of the wall. The television showed some meaningless game show. Under it the LED fireplace blazed in 60 FPS, and exuded just the right amount of heat to be pleasant, and no more. Opposite this construction was the coffee making area, where there was a sink and a coffee machine, with wireless charging pads installed into the countertops where people sat. The carpet was plush. The smell (even in the bathroom, as I was later to find out) was delicious. In spite of all this the place was gloomy, even horrifying. There was an inhuman, artificial, logical quality about it all, as though this were a calculated decision to increase the efficiency of the worker-slaves.

They invited me into the interview room, which was really an examination room. There were around 15 other candidates there. They told us the first stage was a 60 minute logic exam. There were 40 questions on it, and they were not the typical IQ questions but rather assumed prior mathematical knowledge. In short, all of us apart from one failed and were sent packing.

As I was leaving, I saw another man talk to the receptionist about the interview. The receptionist told him the next exam is scheduled within an hour. We were all being herded routinely like rats on a conveyor belt, to be inspected, tested, for our compatibility as slaves. We were all begging, grovelling, trying to prove ourselves worthy. It was inhuman.

>> No.22687540

This is an inhuman world. An inhuman economy. I would have been happier as a farmer in the past, in touch with nature, thoroughly entrenched in a loving community. But this bourgeois existence is not human.

>> No.22687543

India's TFR is now below replacement.
Population decline will hit everyone, even Africa.
I think we're going through a big filter. Many people will not reproduce, and those who do will have the future.

>> No.22687579

>Many people will not reproduce,
If all men and women pair up and have a single child, everyone breeds while the population declines. I wouldn't call it a genetic bottleneck

>> No.22687593

Yes but that's not happening.
So called '0 child families' are on the rise while the single child ones stay on the same level.

>> No.22687595

>Many people will not reproduce, and those who do will have the future.
Idiocracy, here we come.

>> No.22687603

The future belongs to the Amish/Mormons/Mennonites

>> No.22687609

Think I have lactose intolerance and ate too much dairy. Have been farting all day and I cant seem to stop. BMs have been a struggle, but I am managing.

>> No.22687614

Nah, Mormons ran out of steam decades ago. Any intimation otherwise is smoke and mirrors made by carefully misrepresenting statistical data.

>> No.22687621

How can you tell?
From what I see their fertility rate is like 6/7 per woman.

>> No.22687644

By being someone on the inside. Mormonism started to rot from the inside in the 90s and the trend is only accelerating. The church has tons of money and assets it might try to leverage somehow but on a purely social level things are falling apart and the center cannot hold.

>> No.22687646

What is an American?

>> No.22687652

What do you think of this?

>> No.22687654

I for some reason read Amish instead of Mormonism in the previous reply.
I am aware of some issues with Mormonism.
Are they like other churches trying to appeal to the current culture too much?

>> No.22687721

Are there any mature intellectuals that would like to befriend a shy young woman who’s desperate for male guidance and attention?

>> No.22687723

My dragonborn Paladin in Baldur's Gate 3 uses the loot from the teifling he killed to play unchained melody and wakes up the whole encampment with his angelic voice as everyone sees the evil deeds he's done.

Edgy conflicted emo lizard with no control for his blood lust, but won't admitt he's an oath breaker.

>> No.22687731

Can I make her my daughter wife?

>> No.22687755

I'm im the same boat, it makes me feel like a total fucking loser or that I'm somehow irrevocably messed up or weird being so alone.
I honestly think the 1st step is deluding yourself into believing you are normal.
The thought that you are weird can easily become a self fulfilling prophecy: " i won't interact with these people because they probably think I am a weirdo anyway so there's no point"

>> No.22687756

Yes, she would love that actually

>> No.22687772

Sure, but in all likelihood I'd end up friendzoning her so if shes fine with that, then we're good to go.

>> No.22687793

Fuck, this video is the closest I'll ever get to the Alaskan wilderness, this shit makes me so jealous but it's so cool, if I was ever rich, I'd spend all my money going to and spending time in places like this.


>> No.22687816

You don't need to be rich to go innawoods

>> No.22687833

I know someone who loves to lie about books they've read. Secretly it's funny to me, but it also makes me sad. I wish he didn't lie to me.

>> No.22687835


>> No.22687837

Women are mostly attracted to idiots

It isn’t on a surface level but when you get down to the brass tacks of it..well..it’s all there is

>> No.22687844

a shallow faggy tantrum facimile of your beliefs are becoming mainstream and are basically being INOCULATED

I know brother

I felt that feel

I did not drown in it but I distanced myself with disillusioned sobriety

>> No.22687849

You are either poor at choosing women, or a poor partner yourself, or you haven’t been in many relationships and are blaming/projecting your failures towards women

>> No.22687850

Women ARE attracted to idiots unwittingly but deliberately. Knowing this one realizes her flawed agency. Her eternal delusion. Her square peg round hole striving for satisfaction with the dissatisfying and claiming dissatisfaction with the heralded glories up until the point they are a dead beaten horse of old hat yesteryear.

>> No.22687854

Nah, finding an emotionally fulfilling partner isn't some fantasy. It's a real thing that some people are lucky enough to experience. It's becoming more rare as the years roll on though and that's the concerning part. The greatest sorrow of a cynic is seeing his world view he knows is twisted become the norm.

>> No.22687861

You do when you live in Australia and the places you wanna go are on the other side of the world.

>> No.22687862
File: 620 KB, 396x338, BobEsponjibobu_Virtuoso_Magnifico.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spongebob is an ascended master

>> No.22687866


Your conjecture is embarrassingly infantile.

>> No.22687867

I'm one of the learned elders of Zion, ask me anything

>> No.22687875

It's the go-to defense for when someone sees "incel-like" ideas that don't bow down and worship the endless see of vapid whores that form the majority of the modern female population.
Can I borrow 5 bucks?

>> No.22687879


Was it really super important to put your party pad down in the middle of millions of famously violent, intolerant religions fanatics best known for getting stoned and staging public stabbing attacks? What exactly was so bad about Uganda?

>> No.22687887

I HATE it when people do that like they're only invested in reading as a hobby to signal social status. Such people are so incredibly vain it's just irritating, as they've no genuine interest

>> No.22687905

>Can I borrow 5 bucks
$4 dollars? What do you need $3 dollars for?
We had already drafted up the plans for the civil rights movements and wokism, so we knew that a largely white ethnostate in the middle of Africa would probably become very unpopular.

>> No.22687908

I lie about what I'm reading all the time, but I do it for comedic effect. Have you ever seen the reactions when a group of nerds asks what you've found intellectually stimulating lately and you tell them about this wonderful foreign psychological philosophy book called Emergence?
Honestly, I just hate when people ask what I've been reading because 9 times outta 10 it just becomes a pissing contest and the next time one of them asks me for a recommendation on religious works, I'm just gonna hand them Mien Kampf translated into fucking Sanskrit.

>> No.22687919

>I lie about what I'm reading all the time, but I do it for comedic effect
Okay but thats based and shows humility like you are willing to play the fool.
The type of person I'm thinking of actually takes it way too seriously despite having no real interest in the subject except as some gay pecking order contest to display how many famous names he's memorized

>> No.22687923


And it's super popular in the Levant....

>> No.22687935

>W-well I read the works of Emmanuel Kant when I was only ten!
Sure pal, but you clearly didn't understand a word of it.
Yeah, I know the type. The kind that spends more time reading a thesaurus than they do any actual literature. I don't play into dick measuring contests because I know what I'm packing if anyone actually cares to know, they'll find a way to figure it out. The best way to deal with them is to just go off the beaten track and ask them questions about books that don't pop up in their circlejerk reading list. If he wants to dissect minds like Marcus Aurelius, ask him his opinions on the sincere obedience that goes into Harakiri. If he wants pretend like he knows anything about David Foster Wallace, ask if he knows what it's like to be caught between the fire and the fall. His silence will speak of his ignorance because his words will never admit it.

>> No.22687939

We've gotten a little pushback, sure. But they still let us do it.

>> No.22687945

against my better judgement, i decided to run up the stairs like a tiger again. broke the sound barrier and woke everyone up (again). feelsbadman

>> No.22687946

Amazon 3 for 2 time. I told myself I wasn’t going to buy any more books for a week

>> No.22687948

For values of "let" that involve a hundred years of continuous guerilla war

>> No.22687959

sick of getting temu links

>> No.22687971

Feature, not a bug

>> No.22687981

My best student this year is a complete basket case.
He's 15 and has a history of substance abuse, but his writing and speaking abilities are almost unparalleled when he's shitfaced. Today in my class we had a civics debate and he spoke circles around everyone else even though he was so fucked up he struggled to sit in his chair without falling out of it. I don't even know what he was on, his eyes were bloodshot and he was rocking back and forth when he was standing, but he didn't smell like alcohol.
He's so talented, but he'll go nowhere in life unless he gets over his substance abuse issues. We're trying to work with his CPS case worker, but the problem is he's such an immense misanthrope he won't willingly engage in prolonged conversation with anyone.
He's rarely at school too, he basically comes in for lunch, or to write tests, or hand in homework he pulls from our online portal. The moment all of his "obligations" (as he calls them) are complete, he sneaks off school grounds to get high or drunk again. From what I gathered he sit at home and reads his textbooks himself while he drinks. He has one of the highest GPAs in his grade, but I don't even know if he'll survive long enough to graduate.

>> No.22687982

I've noticed that so much of boomer humor revolved around mocking younger generations for being unable to do what are apparently basic tasks, like write in cursive or address an envelope. But this hardly seems fair given that they never taught their kids these skills. In fact, they're the ones who advocated the removal of these things from school curricula or otherwise declined to teach their kdis about. And now they mock their own children for being unable to do anything. It seems really malevolent and cruel.

>> No.22687983

That was a lot like me in high school. Was loser then and am still a loser now.

>> No.22687986

At this rate it wouldn't surprise me if we found him dead in a gutter one day.

>> No.22687987

Doubly ironic given that they’re technological retards who regularly get beat at navigating the ui of an iphone by 5 year olds

>> No.22687989


Sounds like he's on track to be one of the greats. Keep him will supplied with paper, hang onto it all for a few years until he kicks the bucket, then publish it under a pseudonym

>> No.22688008

he probably needs to hit rock bottom before he'll be motivated to change. There's no incentive to get sober when you're getting away with it and still enjoying it. But eventually he'll either start getting very ill or injured or beat up and it won't be as fun anymore. You just have to pray that he reaches that point before he dies or gets wet brain

>> No.22688010

I was considered a prodigy as a kid, and now I'm a decadelong NEET.

>> No.22688012

>his writing and speaking abilities are almost unparalleled when he's shitfaced
Me irl sadly

>> No.22688016

Write while drunk, edit while sober

>> No.22688027

Porn is probably the single greatest vice of our time and it has had consequences for society. I honestly respect those guys and myself am on day 5, it’s hard. And even when you get to day 30+ it never ends. What’s damning is realizing that this is something that stays with you for life.

>> No.22688048

You think it's a bigger vice than caffeine, cigarettes or alcohol?

>> No.22688059

Oh for sure

>> No.22688093

I haven't in over a month. It's not hard just ignore the impulse.
Repition of indulgence further habituates and primes you to want it at the same times.
Likewise repeated denial will habituate you to denial

>> No.22688098

If you looked at the raw numbers, idk they’re probably comparable. Personally I’ve always been pretty good at regulating those but I know of people who are helplessly addicted, so I still sympathize with their struggle. But porn seems to be worse when I think about it. Women get used and men get hooked in early, it’s nasty stuff. This is just a plain negative for everyone involved. But a minority make a ton of fucking cash pushing this shit so :D science says viewing porn a few times a day not a big deal

>> No.22688107

4chan is interfering with my Christian walk. It might be time to stop using it for good.

>> No.22688111 [DELETED] 

When would you ever have to change a video track on a video file?

>> No.22688170

Why is it that nobody cares about zoroastrianism? It's indo-european, it's the first organized pseudo-monotheistic religion preceding even judaism, which people theorize ripped it off in a major way, it's semi-obscure, it's practically tailor-made to be memed on lit. But nobody cares about it.

>> No.22688176

I thought it was a meme here years ago

>> No.22688217

Sober for a month, shit sucks.

>> No.22688224

What prompted you to get sober?

>> No.22688231

Go work as a farmer then, retard.

>> No.22688273

Tell me how this plan sounds for a high school dropout like me.

>Apply for a student visa
>Apply for community college
>Get a forestry degree
>Get a work visa
>Get a job at a national park
>Get dual citizenship

>> No.22688281

Mostly aesthetic reasons, I had put on like 15kg in 2 years. There were some mental reasons like starting to see the extent to which the alcohol had made me at peace with such a shitty life and realising how much i was all talk and no action. It was mostly "you can't keep criticizing (mentally) these people for being retarded short attention span zombies if you yourself can't even keep yourself in shape". I had to choose, let go of my ego or improve myself, I chose the latter, especially to spite my ex and honor my dead friend.

>> No.22688297


Where are you from and where are you going? No one can comment without those details. Everything except the dual citizenship sounds fine though. Dual citizenships are pretty hard to get in most countries, or at the very least the take a long time. Maybe you mean permanent residency?

>> No.22688310

From Australia and want to work in an American national park, preferably Alaska. I know they take a long time but it can't hurt, a permanent residency sounds fine too, either works.

>> No.22688389

4chan is interfering with my antichristian walk.
I think i stop it for good

>> No.22688432

Dope, I'm from Australia too. I've thought about Alaska also, but I've got too much tying me down back here.

>> No.22688464

can't stop watching movies non-stop all day long

>> No.22688563

I'm young (20) and live with my mum so I've got a bit more freedom than most, I've gotta decide what I wanna do with it soon though cause it's running out quickly.

>> No.22688612

I get a crush on every healthy weight chick that is nice to me, what the fuck, they don't even have to act flirty, they could just say "hi" and wave and smile at me and I'd instantly start imagining a future together with them, how do I stop this from happening? It's currently happening with a chick that I know but she's engaged.

>> No.22688642
File: 29 KB, 900x1200, 1699334902719621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always thought my cock was smaller than average. Huge anxiety.
Bought condoms for the first time, and holy fuck were they tight. I just bought whatever without looking at the size. Turns out I'm well-endowed. Five dollars wasted.

>> No.22688740

What do you watch?

>> No.22688784

watched Killing Them Softly, Assassination of Jesse James and The Rover, gonna watch Blonde and War Machine now

>> No.22688855

I've been watching a movie every day for nearly three years, we're kinda the same.

>> No.22688915

nice digits