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22683982 No.22683982 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ fag here, was wondering if anyone had read nuromancer here and if so how did you enjoy it? Heard it influenced cyberpunk 2077 a ton and I love the game.

>> No.22683991

It's awful, but not as awful as Cyberpunk 2077.

>> No.22683994

Not my favorite cyberpunk reading or sci-fi lit, but it wasn't bad. Wasn't absolute gibberish and bullshit like I expected, which was refreshing for something talked about on the Internet constantly

>> No.22684003

Any other cyberpunk lit you would recommend? Trying to get into the genre in general

>> No.22684023

The plot heavely inspired CP2077 main storyline. At least with the first book. Gibson's line of ideas can be hard to follow so try to keep focused while reading it.

>> No.22684037

The writing style is just utter dogshit, probably one of the worst I've ever encountered.

>> No.22684039

I really enjoy Philip K Dick's mix of paranoia and hardboiled writing he drops in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

My favorite sci-fi read so far is probably going to be A Canticle for Leibowitz though. Not cyberpunk, but huge influence on dystopian works that came after, especially Fallout.

>> No.22684051

kys /v/aggot

>> No.22684059

Will do

>> No.22684580

cyberpunk 2077 is okay but it's very superficial compared to some cyberpunk /lit/, which is dreamy and hazy. cyberpunk 2077 is too explicit in everything, everything is explained and you can understand the entire city, there's no confusion

>> No.22684599

First half of the book is next incomprehensible, then it's good, then it's back to incomprehensible.

>> No.22684601

Yeah I would also rec DADoES. Really good stuff and a much easier read than Neuromancer.

>> No.22684644

I’ve had the liberty repack ready to go for weeks and just can’t be fucked to install it.

>> No.22684667

OP I have searched far and wide. There really isnt any good cyberpunk books. There a a thousand fantasy novels but hardly anyone writes cyberpunk.

I have found the best cyberpunk stories are in anime. Akira and Ghost in the shell are incredible. But there are a ton of others as well.

Cyberpunk is still awaiting somebody to write its lord or the rings, or game of thrones.

>> No.22684719

CD Red was clearly heavily inspired by the technological aspect of Neuromancer and when you read it after having played Cyberpunk 2077 you'll recognize a number of things. However, the prose and structure are very different and somewhat unique even in literature itself so if you're coming for "more" Cyberpunk 2077 you'll not find it. 2077 is handholding spoon-feed me-tier; Neuromancer is not.

>> No.22684764
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Hello OP the answer to your question is the novel Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

>> No.22684837


>> No.22684838

Bad Voltage

>> No.22684991

I liked it

>> No.22684993

Filtered. Gibson's giga-descriptive prose is god tier.

>> No.22684998

The actual plot and characters? Meh.
The world, the atmosphere, the sheer immersion that comes from reading the prose? God-tier.

>> No.22685041

Damn i wish there were good cyberpunk books

>> No.22685272

thanks for sharing how you came to the wrong conclusion. glad you came back to do that

>> No.22685448

hiro protaganist, yours truly and a crime boss that escapes by helicopter if the pizza delivery is late. the book is junk food garbage.

>> No.22685640

Altered Carbon, but not it's sequels

>> No.22686018
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>> No.22686801

I read DADOES earlier this year, man that chapter with the police station had my mind spinning.

>> No.22686827

Hey op, Gibson's books are good, read all of them. Notall of them are cyberpunk, but good read none the less. Also, if you want to, fire up the Neuromancer game, that is good as well.

>> No.22686908

Yeah I thought the Deckard was going insane.

>> No.22686933

Anyone here read Blood Music? I got around to it recently and thought it was pretty neat. Though a lot of the biological concepts were a bit too dense for me to completely wrap my head around.

>> No.22687057

capitalism and schizophrenia is all you need

>> No.22687467

im reading it currently. I'm about half way through and I like where the story is going and his characters are interesting, but its kinda slow. If you read it you'll definetly see its influence.

>> No.22687481
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This. And the opening sentence is retarded.
>mfw Gibsonfags think it's le amazing

>> No.22687975


I read the first 50 or so pages and found it fairly meh, like something an angsty teen would write. It was all like "He slowly puffed the last millimetre from his technocig, grimaced pointedly and spat...'Okay Jones...I'll do this one last job, but then I'm out'."

>> No.22688325

Yeah you're in the part where it gets good for a while.

>> No.22689244


>> No.22689435

>No fun allowed badge issued

Neuromancer is basically the only Cyberpunk book, all the rest are just second wave New Wave who got tossed in with Gibson because home computers were hot shit in the '80s. And aside from the mumbo-jumbo "Dude I flatlined for 5 mins and got to live in a dreamworld because muh AI but I got better, which single-handedly fucked up most of 90's Anime shit, it was some nice, pulpy SF

As for 2077, it's only popular because you wish your actual future Capitalist dystopia was at least cool instead of just being turbo-autist gazilionnaires on ketamine taking you up the ass on the daily for lulz. Both fantasies promise you agency, and you ain't got non