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/lit/ - Literature

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22682771 No.22682771 [Reply] [Original]

wow this sucks

>> No.22682773

it will go down in history as one of the greatest pieces of philosophy ever written

>> No.22682777

its literally just a bunch of 4chan schizo posts strung together

>> No.22682784

So true.

>> No.22682785
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ashkenazi gay jew.
descendent of communist jew romanians

>> No.22682806

still no refutation after all these years

>> No.22682807

>BAP has communist Jew ancestors
>Curtis Yarvin has communist Jew ancestors
>These are two or the most influential figures outside standard conservatism (which is also filled with people that have communist Jew ancestors, EG bill kristol)

Is the modern right just one big psyop?

>> No.22682810
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it's just zioslop for goys

>> No.22682819

you suck

>> No.22682882

the first one is a joke about Jews (by someone who I'm not even sure likes BAP), the second one is a joke about George Floyd, the third one is a joke about right-wingers. Grow up.

>> No.22682888

...and that's why its good

>> No.22682892
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>> No.22682893
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these threads are an op
i'm just not sure whether it's by purity spiraling WNs, bunkertrannies, or glowniggers

>> No.22682937

BAP has consistently hated China for years, take your meds.

>> No.22682945
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>> No.22682948

cope, shill

>> No.22682976

Both of you suffer from a severe case of BAP derangement syndrome.

>> No.22682983
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>> No.22682986

Some parts are retarded beyond articulation and others are pretty kino. It seems like it was written by at least two people, one being a retard.

>> No.22682996

Can't you post Smoloko infographics or something instead? At least those are funny.

>> No.22682998
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>> No.22683010

I hate perverted people. Why is his name Bronze Age Pervert.

>> No.22683011

He's part of the LGBT community.

>> No.22683029
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>> No.22683034

/lit/ is a pro-hamas board too? peace from /tv/, praise Allah, heil Hitler

>> No.22683039

He’s far better than what we have now and that’s what matters. Shitposters are scared.

>> No.22683048
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>> No.22683080

Israel will win and your beloved sandniggers will be crushed under rubble, heil Hitler, heil Yahweh.

>> No.22683083
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>heil Hitler, heil Yahweh
you can't do that

>> No.22683088

Hitler was the Jewish Messiah.

>> No.22683089
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>> No.22683100

Scared Jew? Scared nobody is buying your shit anymore?

>> No.22683101

the Shemite messiah as described by Eustace Mullins, maybe, but if that's what you meant you wouldn't be pro-Israel except in a machiavellian sense

>> No.22683122
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Also kek, the only time Jews can admit that the Nazis were trying to HELP the Jews leave Europe is when they're distracted by trying to divide & conquer Nazis and Muslims:
>Gilbert Achcar wrote that the Führer "did not find it useful" to point out to his Arab visitors at that meeting that until then he had incited German Jews to emigrate to Palestine (see Aliyah Bet and Timeline of the Holocaust), and the Third Reich actively helped Zionist organizations get around British-imposed restrictions on Jewish immigration.
Ask the same guy about how it's funny that the Nazis were actively encouraging Jews to leave, in any other context and at any other time, and he'd call you an antisemite holocaust denier.

>> No.22683133
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>Third Reich actively helped Zionist organizations get around British-imposed restrictions on Jewish immigration.
The Nazi's final weapon: throwing Jews on your country as the reich collapses

>> No.22683148

>all the "Jews escaping from Nazi Germany" articles on wikipedia don't mention this
lol, proved right.

>> No.22683161

This book seems perfectly tailored for 15 year olds who resent being born too late to be part of the 2016 Trump mania and also discovered Nietzsche last month.

>> No.22683164

>attacks Israel

Jews need to be silenced but I could not care less about hamas, just another side of the same coin and they’ve learned from the Jews.

>> No.22683167

>a retard is fighting your sworn enemy
>do i help the retard?
>meh who cares let them duke it out

>> No.22683171

Hitler was the messiah and he died to ensure the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. The holocaust was the ultimate act of love, without it there would be no Israel.

>> No.22683175

oh this old glownigger line
hitler did die for our sins thoughbeit

>> No.22683179

I wish the young were that far along. Another typical jew tactic, make the figures whites should be looking toward look bad or fabricate total lies. Go ahead tell another one Jew.

>> No.22683183

its good thoughever

>> No.22683184

after the guy got doxxed, it's now late 20s twitter fags who really love israel
He's jewish.

>> No.22683189

I don't really consider this guy a Zionist subverter, because I would bet good money that he sincerely wishes he'd be reborn a white goy.

>> No.22683203

Zionism is the orthodox National Socialist line. If you are anti-Israel, you are anit-Hitler. Millions died in the camps so Israeli soldiers could bomb Palestinian children. Don't like it? Go be a libtard then.

>> No.22683204 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22683205

>when the op fails but they keep pushing it

>> No.22683210
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>> No.22683215

I hail Hitler and I hail the state of Israel. If you were really a National Socialist you would do everything in your power to make sure Israel stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates, and that the Third Temple gets built. That's what Hitler, our messiah, wanted.

>> No.22683227
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Hitler wasn't against a state of Israel existing. He had no idea about any mass killings of Jews according to David Irving. That was all Himmler's idea. Hitler would have been completely fine with the Soviet Union or America taking all the Jews and giving them mansions and golden Jew shoes or whatever it is you people like. No one wanted a "holocaust," they just wanted the Jews to leave countries they don't belong in. Peacefully ideally.

>> No.22683231
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same 3 shills in every thread. Bronze Age Jew thinks all men are homos like him.

>> No.22683244

David Irving is wrong and makes the mistake that many do in trying to downplay the holocaust, rather than embrace it. Hitler wanted the holocaust, and he intended it from the very beginning. As only an atrocity on this scale could ensure that the fledging state could be imbued with the spirit necessary - the will to power - to ruthlessly conquer and expel the subhuman natives of the region. The spirit of the men who committed the Nakba could only have originated from the grueling horror of the concentration camps, it is that which steeled their spirit and closed their hearts to pity.

>> No.22683254
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>the spirit necessary - the will to power
kek you kikes only got the land from england and are propped of by the USA
pencilneck jews trying to larp as musclemen is kek

>> No.22683256

Even Goebbels was much more antisemitic than Hitler was. Hitler wanted to rail against communists more before Goebbels convinced him in one of his defining speeches.

>> No.22683273

And was it not the holocaust which provided the sympathy requisite for the Jewish state's survival in its earliest years? Was it not the pity of lesser nations which allowed for such a flourishing of spirit to exist? The Jewish state is the ultimate proof of Nietzschean philosophy. Even the Nazis who were tried and hanged at Nuremberg could not understand this. They were all weepy types, full of self-pity. If Hitler had been brought before a tribunal, there would only be a defiance: "I did it!"
>if victory and injustice and happiness do not belong to Germany, let them belong to other nations. Let heaven exist, though our place be in hell.

>> No.22683281
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Wow, jews are heckin' based, not dweebs, and being a satellite state is cool! I LOVE ISRAEL!

>> No.22683283

> become a filthy criminal
Just do what everyone else does, bro! It sure will lead you to exceptional success!

>> No.22683284

Shut the fuck up please.

>> No.22683287

The knuckle-dragging anti-semite, confronted with things he cannot understand but which he knows to be true, can only resort to slogans, to irony. The truth, my comrade, is that National Socialism is the apex of philosemitism. It is the only ideology that is for the benefit of the Jew.

>> No.22683295

Why high testosterone is good? You just act like a madman and you always want to kill your opponent. I don't get it. Why living such high stress life is good? And for what reason?

All of the bullies are low iq subhumans who are only good at manipulation.

>> No.22683297

>Please, please shut the fuck up
Oh? Is there something wrong, my comrade in arms? Is there something in my words that you find confronting, that, perhaps, you even recognise to be true?

>> No.22683303
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WHOA buddy! Did I stutter? Jews rock, my man! They are really cool! Israel is mega based and being a satellite state is even cooler. I love Israel!

>> No.22683310
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>recognise to be true
Yeah, you're a jew. Rhyme that ;)

>> No.22683315

No you just sound mawkish and ANNOYING.

>> No.22683327

The Jews are by nature bloodthirsty, the existence of Arabs within the state of Israel is the result of the outdated norms of Christian morality, left over from the age before Hitler. The wish for every Jew is the extermination of such detritus.
>what matters is that violence, not servile Christian acts of timidity, now rules
Just as paganism continued well after the birth of christ, so will the archaisms of Christian philosophy struggle on. But never forget that with the holocaust, Hitler refuted such garbage. With the holocaust and with his suicide, Christ's death on the cross is rendered null and void.

>> No.22683338
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>The Jews are by nature bloodthirsty

>> No.22683342

You sound angry? Have I touched a nerve? Are we in the anger stage of grief?

>> No.22683352

What did you score on your reading comprehension exams? Annoying = anger... kek. Bubbe must have have been mad at your state school admission

>> No.22683363

You wrote annoying in all caps, that indicates that your more mad about this then you let on. I think you're trying to downplay how angry you are.

>> No.22683370

wasn't that guy retard
you definitely sound like a state school prole jew though. Go on birthright yet?

>> No.22683381

>t-that wasn't me
You are a faggot.
>you definitely sound like a state school prole jew though.
You sound like a goy nigger.

>> No.22683388
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Oh, getting feisty are we? State school struck a nerve, prole jew? bubbe couldn't afford anything better? kek

>> No.22683455

Stupid bovine goy can't understand subtext, unsurprising. Btw, I actually went to Harvard (legacy admission, cope about it goy). I take pleasure in knowing that my people were blessed by Hitler and I work hard everyday to complete his dream of a greater Israel. Heil Hitler, heil Israel, heil Yahweh.

>> No.22683465

>I actually went to Harvard
rather textbook ashkenazi schizophrenic cope. Post diploma with timestamp or forever be a state schoolet jewlet poorlet

>> No.22683473

by a gay kike... no shit

>> No.22683504

I'm not going to dox myself just to prove a point, goy. I'm your better. I don't have anything to prove to you. Keep on wallowing in your christfag morality while we steamroll those Palestinian sandniggers, just like Hitler wanted. I'm a National Socialist, you're not. I believe in Hitler, you don't. You don't have the guts to do what we Jews have done.

>> No.22683517
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KEK at this schizophrenic COPE
put a blank piece of paper over your state schoolet jewlet poorlet name
kek state schoolet jewlet poorlet

>> No.22683526

We emerged from our suffering as a superior human type, the collective suffering of the Jewish people was felt even in those who weren't in the camps. We can STILL feel it. But unlike those subhuman arabs we didn't wallow in self-pity, we emerged from it as a superior human type, the true Hellenes of the modern world. We conquered our ancient homeland with an indomitable will. And we will keep conquering until Israel stretches from the nile to the euphrates and the third temple is built. What the fuck do you goys think the holocaust means? "burnt offering". It was a sacrifice to Yahweh by the messiah, our messiah, Hitler. He was our savior. Until the end of days I will hail him.

>> No.22683528

>t. state schoolet jewlet poorlet who DREAMS of going to Harvard

>> No.22683530
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>we didn't wallow in self-pity

>> No.22683534

fucking kek
you're responding to a schizophrenic jew ashamed of being poor, btw

>> No.22683547 [DELETED] 

Nigger cattle goyim slaves. You're all goyim slaves, slaves to morality, slaves to your false messiah. Hitler refuted all of you. You live in our world now you stupid fucking goys. Our implacable age. We've already expelled thousands of niggers from our land, and we'll marching into Gaza and slaughter every last crying sandnigger we find. You wouldn't have the balls to do anything, you couldn't pluck the hairs out of a nigger's nose without cringing. Pussies.

>> No.22683549
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>> No.22683551

['What the fuck is this shit?']

>> No.22683556

jews are prone to schizophrenia. it's tragic honestly.

>> No.22683716

No, right wing jews just get it

>> No.22683789

I have two main issues with BAP. First is that he has shit on Paul Giamatti multiple times for no good reason, second for spreading the idea that men should look like abercrombie twinks instead of being jacked and strong.

>> No.22683795

this sperging retard really has never read mein kampf and hitler's letters it seems.

>> No.22683920

What's this from?

>> No.22683963

for my legionaries - codreanu. it's very good

>> No.22684185

books a bit weird because it's not quite introductory into online rw political thought sphere but it's not rw end game either due to the necessity for accessibility. i liked it tho