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/lit/ - Literature

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2268026 No.2268026 [Reply] [Original]


Black users of /lit/, what kind of books do you prefer?

>> No.2268036

18th century and 19th century romanticism and realism.

I'm only half black, though, so I'm not sure if this post counts.

>> No.2268040
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I enjoy food related literature

pic related

captcha: upon negus

>> No.2268041


>> No.2268048
File: 247 KB, 1130x1600, Fried Chicken cookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book also greatly pleases me

pic related

captcha: dna inferior

>> No.2268072

high fantasy and sci-fi. i'm only half cast though.

>> No.2268075
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A Short History of Nearly Everything.
Norwegian wood
All the Myriad ways
Strength In Numbers: Discovering the Joy and Power of Mathematics in Everyday Life
Apathy and other small victories(favourite out of these)
Rum diary

I can't read

>> No.2268087
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>> No.2268088
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u r a funny guy.

>> No.2268685
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The complete works of Corazon di Poeta.

>> No.2268700

>implying niggers read

>> No.2268703


>On second thought implying niggers CAN read

>> No.2268721

But sh- Oh I get it.

You funny guy

>> No.2268727

You make a racist thread, you're going to get racist trolling.

>> No.2268792
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Stuff like dis mostly.

>> No.2268800

Think Korey is the victim of church gossip?
Think her husband found out that she was fucking the reverand?

>> No.2268808

>"I Ain't Gonna Gossip in Church No More" is a highly entertaining and cleverly suspenseful tale that will keep you laughing from beginning to end. Janice West is a single mother, living life as a successful real estate agent. However, she has one small problem; she loves to know every detail about everybody. And who better to tell her than her best friend, Sheila Jenkins, the number one telephone using, question asking gossiper on the planet. If gossiping was an Olympic sport, Sheila would win the gold, silver, and the bronze just so the judges can show an enormous margin of victory against other gossipers. But, when they impulsively decide to discuss members in the church, everything spins out of control. Will this be the last gossip session or will they be exposed by a hilarious, no non-sense Pastor? One thing is for certain; church service won't be the same.

I think we need to give Korey Deon Davis a holiday in January.

>> No.2268823

>even /lit/ is racist

>> No.2268839

Things that interest me.

in b4 sports section, Jet magazine, etc.

>> No.2268846


You must have missed all the Foer threads bruh

>> No.2268848


>> No.2268858
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>> No.2268871

Science Fiction

In space, all humans are niggers to the xeno scum.

I'm joking, but yes, SciFi

>> No.2268883

I'm pretty close to being black. I like lowry and borges and mystic stuff.

>> No.2268945

But how did you know?