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22675793 No.22675793 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books destroying the modern emphasis on Eastern spiritualties? I feel like their influence has been growing lately in many forms - obvious new-age amazon boxes, Guenon shilling, all religions are the same, Jesus Christ was just a teacher, etc.

>> No.22675803

>Guenon shilling
(pbuh) you faggot

>> No.22675847

Why I Am Not a Buddhist - Evan Thompson

>> No.22675860

I just assume that I've been sold a totally false bill of goods on Buddhism my entire life, that I cannot comprehend what it means to its real Asian adherents.

>> No.22675876

>Jesus Christ was just a teacher
You just outed yourself as a butthurt christkek, OP. Although I do agree that this vague spirituality pushed by corporations is nothing but performative bs for NPCs.

>> No.22675915

Buddhism is about leaving society this shitty shit society behind you.

>> No.22675943

just like fitness and diet it unfortunately works. what are you gonna do, organize the revolution?

>> No.22676013

It's not really a compelling argument to dunk on one religion based on (mis)use by a party. You have the same arguments against Christianity and by Orthodox authors, mind you. The Grand Inquisitor by Dostoevsky is all about how Christianity, with the Cross, Jesus Christ and every other element almost identical to Orthodoxy might be misused in a utilitarian (or how the characters would say "Jesuit") manner to their own ends. A real criticism of Buddhism would come on philosophical premises, whereas it's use or misuse in the corporate world (even or rather especially by high level members) talks only about it's utility, which is seemingly larger than Catholicism or megachurch Protestantism.

>> No.22676019

This is why Chinese Buddhism eternally talks shit about Taoists, because Daoism threatens their control over the people.

>> No.22676071

This has been a contentious issue for marxists for quite a while now. They think buddhism promotes turning a blind eye to class antagonisms.

>> No.22676094

I think a lot of ideas get misconstrued or lost on people. It's hard to know exactly what someone meant. I think it fundamentally comes down to figuring out that we're stuck in a system that we're very aware of, but can't figure out if/how we can escape. Is fighting and potentially killing people bad. Why are some behaviors considered animalistic if they seem necessary sometimes. Are we just supposed to let others do harm. Is it okay to kill in self defense. Sometimes i think people were just recognizing that there isn't always something you can do. Think in terms of environmental hazards rather than people. You can try to fight it, but sometimes you're just fucked and you have to understand and accept that. I don't think everyone was advocating for turning a blind eye. Just that sometimes life is hard and if you're unable to stop it, you have to learn to cope with it or else you'll go mad.

>> No.22676156

Jesus isn’t pushed by corporations for obvious reasons

>> No.22676352

>>Why I Am Not a Buddhist - Evan Thompson
The title is wrong, he is mahayanist and of course conflate mahayana with buddhism

>> No.22676566

There is solid medical science on how meditation promotes health.Ofc teachers and employers rec it.
The only people who bother with buddhism are bourgeois system drones anyhow.

>> No.22676571

Buddhism is passive nihilism
Christianity is slave morality

>> No.22676574

>The title is wrong, he is mahayanist and of course conflate mahayana with buddhism
This is the classical buddhist trick, they pretend to be not buddhist, and then when you agree with them about collective ontologies in language and consciousness BAM you're a buddhist.

>> No.22676950

I don't think Buddhism inherently is a problem, just the Westernized secular form 'mindfulness', for which I recommend the book McMindfulness (written by a Western Buddhist and sometimes he goes off on libtard tangents but it's worth reading). And it's not like Christianity is beyond co-option, see all the Protestant churches.

>> No.22677008
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>buddhism and eastern thought? thats just control
>the yeshua church now that’s the real shit

>> No.22677393

Ironically keeping things suppressed in your subconscious like Christianity teaches makes you less free and more controlled.

>> No.22678078

The older you get, the more you realize the system will subvert any ideology, idea, or religion and remold it to fit into its already-existing framework. In this way, every vaguely esoteric mode of thought is bastardized and neutered.

>> No.22678126

worker safety regs follow a very predictable pattern. The workplace demands things of the worker guaranteed over time to cause injury, the company gets flagged for it, the company then creates a Plan™ that involves duct tape workarounds/supports and demanding the employee never engage in the activity the management knows they have to do. Then business goes back to normal and the employer is considered unable to sue because they didn't use their dangersafe™ safetywalk™ calm-mind™ skills and stupid things like meditation shacks in an amazon concentration camp to mitigate worker suicide get installed

>> No.22678132
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Racism is the best spirituality because it is not metaphysical but physical

>> No.22678143

this basically they make it into atheist meditation

>> No.22678167
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>> No.22678174

Isn't material spirituality oxymoron?

>> No.22678176

*recent corporations

>> No.22678191
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Semantics you must outgrow the confines of language and the lack of herd curiousity

I ask you to consult existence itself and any further distance from this source is further contaminated by human flaw bullshit (which the journey of growing from is the myth worth telling in functional fiction)

>> No.22678199
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Interpersonal history shows the elephant in the room. Nature's politics.

German idealism is to physics what peanut butter is to jelly.

>> No.22678207

>Interpersonal history
As opposed to "history" ISBN CRN SKU BARCODE NAICS
I use this strange language in brevity to disrupt our current assumptions

>> No.22678235

We can be reddit atheists without being reddit atheists

Reformed reddit atheists v2.0 zog free edition

>> No.22678244

I raise you better a GNU/church

>> No.22678253

This kind of stuff is a bastardized version of Eastern religion, descended from the New Age spirituality of the 1970s. The people currently in charge of corporations are the boomers who grew up with that sort of thing, and yes they basically do use it as a control mechanism. It's basically fast-food spirituality that takes Eastern religion and distills it down to simple platitudes that any idiot can understand.

Actual Buddhist practice is about cultivating inner peace through self-discipline and impulse control. The New Age version is pretty much the opposite: it's basically a feel-good pseudo-religion that helps neurotic cat ladies rationalize the various stupid decisions that have made their lives spiral out of control, and "find peace" with their own mediocrity and lack of genuine prospects.

>> No.22678254
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I raise you a better GNU/Ethnostate of China

>> No.22678285
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I raise you basic freedom of speech

>> No.22678409

It's because existentialism triumphed in the early 20th century and convinced everyone at no worthwhile philosophy occured between Plotinus and Descartes.

Then, at the same time, philosophy became an academic discipline for specialists, disconnected from concerns about how one actually lives.

Existentialism turns out not to be for everyone, and on examination shit like Stace's Man Against Darkness, etc. is just as dogmatic as any religion.

So people look for the meaning of life. But can they turn back to their tradition? No, because that whole tradition is just like, shit about Jesus, right?

But Eastern stuff gets a pass because calling it bullshit for being associated with religion would be racism, colonialism, etc.

In fact, the West had an extremely strong mystical tradition, and a strong tradition of practical philosophy (i.e. about how to actually live, contemplation, meditation, etc.).

But the people generally think that medieval thinkers like Bonaventure or Saint John of the Cross had the same ideas as fundementalist Evangelicals. So they aren't going to read something like "The Mind's Journey Into God," because "isn't it just about the Earth being 6,000 years old, dinosaurs being fake, and gays going to hell."

The only mystical tradition that remains acceptable then is the Eastern.

>> No.22678530

>keeping things suppressed in your subconscious like Christianity teaches
Christianity does not teach this.

>> No.22678540

Buddhism is a slave mentality, daoism is so much more based its not even funny

>> No.22678638

Then why do they think of themselves as sinners? It’s a religion of repression. Nothing is dealt with it’s just buried. It’s the religion that talks more about satan than about god. These are just your own repressed demons knocking around in the subconscious.

>> No.22678672

You spoke awfully lot of nonsense.

>> No.22678676

>So they aren't going to read something like "The Mind's Journey Into God," because "isn't it just about the Earth being 6,000 years old, dinosaurs being fake, and gays going to hell."
perhaps the only real god owes its identity to mockery and the ability to tear down ideas and people before blotting out the ashes
a reflection of how the material comes to be through fertile soil and a cycle of selective destruction wherein there is no "deserving" but rather "winners" who in perpetuity keep turning the rapid wheel of graceless necessary violence
maybe god is just your ability to clock people over the head for their shit and not just get away with it but convince others it was the right thing to do

>> No.22679215

it's just religious relativism

>> No.22680433

How can debates between mimansakas and nastiks which occurred over centuries in an ancient age be understood by moderns who have a warped attitude towards everything the sages would have considered sacred. All the modern iterations of religions/spirituality etc are just mock ups of the aesthetic components of real spirituality. This is the reason why you see fag priests, nihlists Buddhists etc.

>> No.22681093

Yeah, you can find plenty of stuff against "Western Buddhism". The Right Wing Dharma Squads guys did a few episodes on this topic. There's also lots of content against the TradLARP gayop (Adrian Vermeuele, Eugene Rose, "Eastern Orthodoxy", Guenon, etc), from basically every group out there from atheists to Christfags to Asatruar to fucking Buddhists.

If you want actual criticisms of Buddhism as a state religion then just check out Bulssi Japbyeon.

>> No.22681858

What's the beef between Buddhism and Taoism about anyway? Are Taoists even still around anymore?
I have a working knowledge of Buddhism, don't know shit about Tao except for the yin yang symbol.

>> No.22682001

Buddhism is about becoming a NEET though. It's literally all about how being a beggar without a gf or a job or even a home is better than being a worldling (ie normie in the ancient pali parlance)

the deeper you get into buddhism, the more you realise its not worth working at all.

>> No.22682031

>Jesus Christ was just a teacher
No matter how much you hate being a surplus male in an egalitarian society it will not make Christianity real.

>> No.22682040
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>> No.22682163

Korea's reward for centuries of Confucian led suppression of Korean Buddhism was the country's spiritual conquest by Christian missionaries. Korea banned monks from entering the capital city for centuries, and as you might guess, Buddhism doesn't fare well if there is little to no presence of full-time practitioners. Imperial projects by Japan to revitalize Korean Buddhism were perhaps its death blow. There's a good book on the historical details—Empire of the Dharma.

>> No.22683278

A lot of Buddhism is kind of retarded but if you look into the science of volition you'll find meditation practice is basically designed to increase your free will

>> No.22683317

You outed yourself as someone who was easily tricked by media

>> No.22683369

>easily tricked by media
you are not immune to propaganda, ivan

>> No.22683435

Lol so you see how the e-orthodox movement was obviously a propaganda campaign, but not the obvious effort to enchant people with exotic-sounding Buddhism?

>> No.22683496

Buddhism probably isn’t a propaganda campaign by anyone per se. The interest of Westerners in Eastern religions has been going on for a bit now, since probably the 19th century, around the same time that Nietzsche was declaring God was dead and lambasting the effeminate and soulless Christianity of his era. The reaching out towards the East is a sign that the Western soul is yearning for something more than the material still. It’s only human to do so. The ideas of the East, as exotic and foreign as they sound, prove attractive. Now terms like yoga, karma, etc. are known by everyone, and even New Age thought is derivative of the East, more or less. This explains the interest in Orthodoxy too. It’s basically Christianity for orientalists and those craving the exotic. I can’t entirely blame them, looking at the state of Protestantism and institutional Christianity

>> No.22683567

because there is a moral standard that christians know but is impossible to maintain 100% of the time due to the temptations of this world and having free will. we have all sinned; at least christians are honest about it and work to become better in spite of it.

>> No.22683635

I can largely agree with that, but it doesn’t seem totally organic. Since the 1960s at the very least there has been an attempt to pull hippies/libtards into Eastern meme religions, and now that same force is working on us CHUDs

>> No.22683656

The real reason is that the powers that be are literally evil and want to lead souls to hell. The sooner one understands this, the better.

>> No.22683741

Stoicism is literally cuck philosophy.

>> No.22683809

>obvious effort to enchant people with exotic-sounding Buddhism
You are insincere in your hostility toward being manipulated since you agree with Christian manipulators that's all I an pointing out. As others have pointed out, corporate friendly "mindfulness" messaging is a parody of Buddhism and a literal example of cultural appropriation. So what else is there to say?
the smartphone was a mistake, too many dumb people using the internet now who think it's a conspiracy theory when other people don't agree with them on dogmatic positions. Here's how this works:
(1) people have rejected organized forms of western religion for decades because it relies on believing in obviously untrue fairy tales to justify a restrictive morality
(2) these same people approach other philosophies and religions with hyperprotestantized cafeteria mentality wherein they can make them whatever they want them to be and reject both the mystical and the moral elements (or simply redefine them to be psychological or in line with their politics respectively)
(3) the next wave of people never even get into the authentic presentation of Christianity OR Buddhism because the discourse in (2) became so widespread so they pick their beliefs as if they were shopping for clothes
(4) people like (You) pretend to be Christian for secular purposes because they hate (2)'s and (3)'s as culture war enemies, thus furthering the decline underway since (1)

>> No.22683819

Guenonfag really is gone huh… he would’ve started shutting up this thread ages ago. Honestly feels weird, but good fucking riddance, hope these threads continue to do well.

>> No.22683825

*shitting up
I need to write more carefully

>> No.22683835

>It’s the religion that talks more about satan than about god. These are just your own repressed demons knocking around in the subconscious
Yes. christianity is just "its over" but religion. You described it fairly well you know

>> No.22683892

I mean christianity started as an oriental religion from judea and even before that you get romans and greeks picking shit up from all around (their) world, would you call that inorganic? The way eastern stuff gets here now might look unusual because it's happening right in front of us. i wouldnt say that its some active psyop in progress, but people reaching for "eastern" "oriental" or just "different" ideas in general (and remember how far you can reach today compared to how far the greeks and the romans could)

>> No.22683896

Meditation here and there is good but too much meditation to where you’re just constantly negating the will is pussy shit.

>> No.22683902

Im still here but this thread wasn’t even worth engaging with

I’m still ready to retroactively refute you and your mom too and I always will be

>> No.22684110

Meditation meme is a recent thing in Buddhism as well, it wasn't that popular and the sects that are focused on it, like the Zen, tend to be nihilisitic.

>> No.22684160

THIS. I can't imagine why so many self-proclaimed free-thinkers worship that sort of inaction.

>> No.22684256

NTA but one of the interesting things to point out about Chinese Buddhism is that it only ever becomes the dominant religion in china whenever a “foreign” dynasty is in charge like with the Yuan and the Qing

>> No.22685461
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You’re missing out if you haven’t read this

>> No.22685532

you can't really "destroy" eastern spirituality because it is deeply rooted in spiritual practice, not in words and scripture. You can argue about dogma and religion all you want, for countless of hours, but sitting down for 10 minutes and meditating will bring you closer to god than any christian has ever been. The constant noise you are making is the only thing that separates you from god.

>> No.22685566

are you retarded? In all existing versions of Gautaman Buddha's story, meditation is how he reached nirvana / enlightenment. It's inseparable from Buddhism. Sure, it's not practiced much by the majority of regular people who happen to be Buddhists, but that's the same for all religions. Like how the vast majority of Christians or Muslims have never read the Bible or the Qu'ran. But to conclude that meditation is a recent thing in Buddhism is flat out a lie and historically wrong.

>> No.22685584

Even if that were true, it’s still wrong either way.

>> No.22685596

You do know Christians have their own form of meditation involving fasting, celibacy and contemplative prayer? You sound like a total moron.

>> No.22685636

sure but Christians what Buddhists or Hindus do in their meditation to be "demonic" so it's not apples to apples, Christian meditation is basically begging God to fulfill his promise, they are only similar in that from an irreligious perspective both the abrahamist and dharmist are talking to themselves

>> No.22685641

no they don't. I'm sure some monk sects have practices inside their covenants that are very similar to meditation, but it is absolutely not a widespread or common practice among christians as a whole.

>> No.22685653

there is no talking involved in proper meditation. There are some visualization meditation practices in Buddhism, but by far the most common one is mindfulness meditation, where you aren't supposed to talk or think. The goal is emptiness, reducing the noise and listening to the cosmic emptiness. Christians for some reason are deathly afraid of the silence and emptiness. They constantly need to fill it up with noise.

>> No.22685674

there is an internal monologue preliminary to mindfulness, i.e thinking about all the different dharmas or elements or body parts or whatever else, e.g. this is skin which will ultimately be taken from me and given over to another, this is hair this is nails this is bones this is muscle, etc.
there is also of course mantra which can be thought or recited, both are meditative
the stations of the cross and the rosary are similar in form though not in soteriological purpose

>> No.22685681
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Just read the first explicitly fedora book in history, the Testament of Meslier. All religions, which were ultimately the proto-science of their times, are a additionally grifts set up to funnel money into the priest and warrior castes from the agricucks.

The idea that life is le suffering and you'll stop eating shit when you die if you're a good boy and pay your taxes is some seriously dark shit that would never fly if it was invented in a modern post-industrial society.

>> No.22685682

No, mantras are false.
All words are false and take you further from reality. A wordless song might be a form of truth, like bird-song or the chirping of squirrels, but most certainly, anything that contains human words is naught but dogmatic brainwashing.

>> No.22685722

this is a very simplistic and childish interpretation of religion. You realize that suffering is not limited to the poor peasantry, right? Rich aristocrats, priests and kings would eventually also face sickness, suffering and death. Religion gave comfort to all, not just the lower castes. There are countless of examples of kings who were obsessively religious in a way that wasn't beneficial for them.

>> No.22685791

It’s called orthodox Christianity, the only real sect.

That’s because Hinduism is 100% demonic. Buddhism is at least very different and clean but still lacks Christ as God.

>> No.22685802
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The problem lies with esoteric and exoteric interpretations. Religions concerns themselves so much with the ethics of plebeians because somebody has to till the soil.

So yes, the elite of a given society do concern themselves with religion but in an esoteric form that relies on introspection (or navel-gazing) and exclusive rituals that separate them from their thralls. This is religion from a command position. But again, somebody has to till the soil, so in order for your rulers to have a bunch of religious ecstasy and other gay shit you need to enslave some of the population to bear the pain of living. In order for monks to enjoy constant delicacies in their monasteries and spend all day praying and fucking each other up the ass, somebody has to do the bitch work to feed everybody. Slavery is codified in every Abrahamic religion. Buddhists monks are literally NEETs who go around begging for rice so they can escape samsara on the backs of the commoners. Religion is all a grift and any spiritual or material advantages that arise from it must be understood as part of the draconian hierarchy it exists to reinforce.

Read Meslier.

>> No.22685902

thank you for dutifully proving my point that the comparison offered of "Christians do meditation too" was insincere

>> No.22685914

Anyone who uses the phrase “conspiracy theory” is a confirmed retard. Now go pray to the Dahli Lama or whatever CIA meme religion you are pretending to practice.

>> No.22685930

ok ivan

>> No.22685941

In no way did I prove that

>> No.22685963

calling Christian worship practices "meditation" in order to argue with an opponent who associates meditation with eastern religion, when you in fact associate such meditation with demon worship, is a shallow attempt at apologetics/conversion

>> No.22685985

I said Christians have their OWN form of meditation which is called contemplative prayer, largely practiced by the Orthodox Church. It has nothing to do with the spiritual deception you call meditation and is actually much more difficult and a form of spiritual discipline rather than the deceptive instant gratification of demonic eastern spirituality that you fell for.

>> No.22686093

yeah exactly, that's what I said you were saying/going to say

>> No.22686114
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In only one place is there to be found the fount of true teaching, coming from God Himself, not diminished over the centuries but ever fresh, being one and the same in all those who truly teach it, leading those who follow it to eternal salvation. This place is the Orthodox Church of Christ, the fount is the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, and the true teachers of the Divine doctrine that issues from this fount are the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.

>> No.22686133
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all of that blathering assumes one has already agreed with you and is seeking further instruction, but there is nothing to see here other than two thousand years of whining that everyone else is a demon, if I wanted to hear that I would put on CNN coverage of the Israeli-Palestian war

>> No.22686171

Just read Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. You won’t regret it.

>> No.22686190
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>the answer to nihilism is more christianity
probably not true, ivan

>> No.22686194

Probably the worst chart I have ever seen. Why would you, as a “christian”, recommend people read all these spiritual distractions before just reading the Bible?

>> No.22686225

Definitely true

I skipped most of the chart myself, but the ufo books and Prometheism are amazing reads and then get addressed by Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. It’s okay to read books that you don’t agree with.

>> No.22686239
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Buddhism is alright, mindfulness on the other hand is very dystopian. Instead of needing to repress the people, surgically alter them, or feed them drugs in a The Giver tier fashion, they are instead willfully self lobotomizing on a daily basis. Grim.

>> No.22686243

O wise hieroshitposter, what is the most Orthodox opinion on alien spacecraft? Why has Jesus not assembled his army of Evangelions to prevent them from making contact with the sons of Adam?

>> No.22686250


Don't try to even make sense with people like >>22686190 , as our church fathers said to avoid heretics like the snakes. you are in a wrong place. leave 4chan forever and live a normal orthodox life. you will be blackpilled here

>> No.22686267

your church fathers didn't even believe in an afterlife and thought christ would return within their lifetimes to literally revive them from the dead, you are a schizophrenic.

>> No.22686275

>ignore your opponents
christer apologists are not sending their best, in fact it can't even be considered apologetics at this point, it's just crude copium, hasn't even been sent off to the refinery to be made into seethe

>> No.22686314

Why don’t you read for yourself? Start with The Invisible College which goes in detail of many personal experiences with extraterrestrial phenomena from the simple sightings of space crafts to abductions and memory loss etc etc. Then read Prometheism which talks about the techno science religion of the future quickly emerging in modern day society. Then once you at the very least read those two you can read what Father Sepharim Rose says about these things. Even if you aren’t Christian it will be a fun read.

>> No.22686348

there are enough things to read that I must skip things I am not interested in— I am aware of UFO sightings and people having faith in technological progress to deliver a utopia, but you seem unable to briefly explain why an orthodox monk's opinion on UFO's is meaningful or relevant on its own... certainly Rose was not responding to Jorjani!

>> No.22686371

That’s okay buddy. You’re not interested enough to read it. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m sure all the Nietzsche books are more your speed anyway.

>> No.22686386

There are literally 4 books on their that are in any way Christian. Why would you read Dawkins, and freaking meme authors like Jorjani, before just picking up the Bible. This does seem to be the path of most e-orthos though, and that is why their beliefs are just based on negating things they don’t like.

>> No.22686416

It’s supposed to be points of view other than Christianity so that it follows a progression of thought to eventually arrive at Christianity. A lot of the books there are just fun reads, it doesn’t matter that much my friend.

>> No.22686524

ahhhh now i see it, you have to be worked back into "just trust me" storytelling like the UFO stuff to get back to angels and demons and zombie rabbis
Nietzsche would ask why we are telling these stories at all... What sort of values are expressed by people who imagine they are tormented by magical evils that can only be dispelled by an even more magical overturner of your lived experience? Why negate what's there and wish for someone to take what is and make it what isn't? And if we carry this attitude further we find nothing can really stand, it all must be overturned for the sake of those most blessed lepers of the spirit

>> No.22686534

A battle between two pseuds

>> No.22686576

I had a velociraptor in my garage last week that thawed out from global warming. It died very quickly thereafter and I wanted to get rid of the carcass because it was attracting stray cats and dogs. But as I was about to, Saint Francis spoke to me and said "Blessed are the animals who eat the flesh and bone of the dragon and blessed are those who give." So there's nothing left of it anymore in my garage because I did what he said, but you have to believe it happened. My Ring doorbell wasn't working at the time because I had been caught calling a deliveryman a nigger and they suspended my account for a month. And both of my neighbors were on vacation, and across the street that neighbor had been arrested the night earlier for a domestic disturbance.

>> No.22686583

he was probably referencing the fact that meditation was considered pretty advanced and esoteric/unknown to the average buddhist until the last century or so. but westoids have always associated it with meditation and popularized meditation for the masses.

>> No.22686736

A case study in autism. What are you even talking about?

>> No.22686800

dunno but I'm not the one suggesting UFO sightings legitimate other baseless claims, I'm just telling you what I witnessed myself

>> No.22686814
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If he was Jan Boobsman I would be suspicious now an Assman I can trust

>> No.22686905

>"Yes, which is why as a postmodernist I'm going to let... everything fly in society."
>[Insert address of loved ones here]

>> No.22687041
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>the only alternative to my gay slavedriver ideology is an even gayer one, that's why we have to be vigilant!


>> No.22687810

Read the guy in the photo.

He started into Eastern Orthodoxy after being under the tutelage of Alan Watts, and is likely going to be canonized as a saint.

>> No.22687942

Saint Prolapsios of San Francisco, pray for us

>> No.22688593

It's not, it was usually practiced by specific kind of monks. Chanting and mantras are not mediation btw, neither is visualization. Muh buddha did it in the stories is a protestant mindset that many buddhists didn't really have.
Yes, but also some buddhist schools didn't practice it at all. Theravadas are not lay-focused and even for them it was mostly revived by thai forest tradition.

>> No.22688743

The buddha said he did the jhanas just before getting the insights.

>> No.22688808

laypeople doing meditation is modern, yes, but not meditation itself; it is not "protestant" to follow practices outlined in a sutra

>> No.22688829

>Buddhism is about leaving society this shitty shit society behind you.
Based I'm a Buddhist now

>> No.22688953

I'm not arguing meditation bad and buddha didn't do it, I'm saying historically it was less central than it is now and it wasn't just layoids.

>> No.22689348

The programming at work.

>> No.22689433

In school I remember we were discussing Buddhism once and I said it seemed rather weak willed. I’ve grown to appreciate Eastern philosophy it a lot more even if I don’t agree with it. Especially the stuff about yugas (see the Golden One on Europeans seeing things in cycles) and Confucianism. I will always be essentially a hoppean but Confucianism really speaks to the autist in me.
>new age Amazon boxes
With regards to the spirituality stuff. Most of the time that would only be done by nobles. One form of Hindu yoga is literally called raja (noble) yoga because it’s so time intensive and requires so much contemplation that it’s literally just not viable for peasants.
In its western form it’s almost definitely a coping/discipline mechanism. Stop working at Amazon or Google. Touch grass and plant potato.
>all religions are the same
“All religions are the same” is just a cope used to turn religions in to watered down, toothless versions of their past forms. Religion’s beauty comes in part from the fact that it creates an eternal loyalty to high ideals. When all religions are merely an interpretation of an immortal truth, they no longer command this loyalty as they’re more easily challenged. This allows the state and institutions aligned to it (the cathedral) to assert itself as supreme in the mind of the subject, displacing the faith and the almighty.

>> No.22689722

There is nothing wrong with Buddhism itself, but yes amazon and other corpo use bastardized easter practices to placate people and make them more obedient. The practices are not made for these purposes, but to train the body and then the mind to move to greater things, not to placate the mind so that the body follows the orders of bossman.
In general if you do guided meditations or similar given by the corpo and you feel within yourself that you are doing something wrong, stop immediately. It's better to meditate on your own.