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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 220x273, Planescape-torment-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22672797 No.22672797 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game actually well written by literature standards or is it merely le epic videogame writing?

>> No.22672828

Its got good world building and vibes that are propped up by its fantastical, dreamy setting. Thats pretty much all of the charm. Its a good (not great) genre fiction at best.

>> No.22672910

I've never played this but I'd assume not because most vidyatards actually believe that Fallout New Vegas and Ocarina of Time are masterpieces that should be taken as seriously as higher forms of art. It's very cringe, like how weebs think that Berserk is the greatest story ever conceived because they've never picked up an actual book.
The only game I've played that had real literary writing and themes was Genealogy of the Holy War but even that is fantasy jrpgshit that probably only reaches as high as GRRM or Bakker in literary terms.

>> No.22672945

I've most likely read more classic literature than you have and I too think Berserk is a great story.

>> No.22672980

It's passable (book form fantasy is also schlock writing minus three or four exceptions). The main interest of Planescape is taking advantage of the vidya format to convey worldbuilding.

>> No.22672987

It's got great narrative design, but that's more of a video game/TTRPG specific domain.

>> No.22672999

It's mostly epic witty videogame writing. If you're one of these "JOSHUA GRAHAM CONVERTED ME TO CHRISTIANITY" zoomers you might find parts of it deep and stimulating, but most of the game proceeds through the Marvel tier banter. Pathologic remains the only game with narrative and writing quality that isn't embarrassing.

>> No.22673128

>Planescape Torment
>Disco Elysium
>Pathologic 1 (and 2)
What else are considered games with good writing? Or great within game standards?
Besides obviously book-to-game adaptations such as Pillars of the Earth

>> No.22673157
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new vegas unironically (not counting dlc)
deus ex uses it worlding building and the way the plot is structered to have interesting themes and its dialgoue is good
eye divine cybermancy and im not even going to bother explaining
kotor 2 has interesting themes but im the most iffy about this game being tyepd by me
stalker shadow of cherners like patho uses its gameplay to instruct themes with the plot
marathon is fascinating

>> No.22673159

The Golden Age arc is on par with some Greek tragedies. Shame it never reaches that height again, though Lost Children was good and the Inquisition arc decent, then it dropped off a cliff with the shift to full fantasy RPG party.

>> No.22673173

Some guy got very animated and told me George R R Martin was the greatest novelist and that he had a right not to read anything else by James Joyce or Plato and just dismiss them out of hand.

>> No.22673180


>> No.22673188

I played Kotor 2 on my x-box when it came out.

>> No.22673196

Berserk is the greatest story ever told because of circumstance. Why did no one else have the balls to say what Miura says? How he said it, well it went through and the message was delivered. Its not an English exercise is pomp and circumstance. It gets to the point, the most vital point. And it dodges the debate to because it is art it cannot be hit by the obtuse english teacher who lives as a bullshit job parasite siphoning meaning and bloating bullshit into the *nglish language. The aesthetic value of *nglish is negative. Trying to glorify the *nglish language in literature is a failed proposition unless you're a French aristocrat getting your dick sucked by the English teacher with that jaynaysaynayqwah, groidmaster.

>> No.22673198

Nobody thinks New Vegas is a literary masterpiece. It's just a really well made role playing environment.

>> No.22673217

I agree completely

>> No.22673223

How much of it is actually narratively thematic and not just aesthetic? When you are talking about worldbuilding I mean

>> No.22673225

Its good fantasy genre-fiction. All video games are 99% of the time genre-fiction. Some times its good, majority is bad. That is why visual aesthetics matter more. With enough time you can build loveable characters in any medium and video games are kinda long in regard.

But they will always(and should be) be pulp. Any indie games that tried "serious story-telling" failed and should KYS. As far as P:T goes, its kinda a unique game, worth a play even by non-gamers. But if you are reading Hegel or Proust, don't expect for it to impress you that much.

>> No.22673284
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Wrong. Your crown jewel book isnt worth a turd to a gamer.
Gamers are unpretentious and only rank their own personal involvement. New Vegas inspired modders and gamers to code.
New Vegas is a game changer for RPGs just as Soulslike became a genre.
Sid Mier's Civ V is a masterpiece. Gaming masterpieces achieve something. STEM standards also change the STEM seeker's aesthetics. PS2 graphics are enough. Working office language is enough. Pop culture linguistics are enough. Conversational english is enough. The language itself is in the backdrop unless it has Falloutisms like NukaCola and nuclear winter.
The intelligence of a game is far that above that of a book. A game is a sophisticated piece of technology that is operational and made by a software engineer who both understands the technics and artistry of the message. Some of the world's best musicians and electric engineers work at Nintendo and Sony and Microsoft. A software engineer has far more valuable communication to impart on the end user of a licensed product than a book and a reader. Harry Potter becoming a game shows that the narrative has traction. Superman not becoming a game of merit shows Superman IS DUMB AS IT GETS. The pedestal has less precedent less ritual. But the pedestal itself is rebuilt by the inspired audience. Gaming has the power to restructure the landscape at the deepest most technical levels of the digital world. Literature at best makes impact to soccer moms horny with their harlequinn novels at the grocery store. Now that the Bible is not the scarce first of its kind but a book among books, books have lost their power and prestige to the digital deluge. The digital dam is then rendered magnificent for ages to come of preservation methods growing in difficulty.

>> No.22673314
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>literary masterpiece
Such a standard being defined is lost to the digital deluge. The medium is no longer the message in the world of licensed intellectual property. The task of reading a big long book today is far more daunting than in prior history.

The character of Mr House defined an alpha nerd of the future, an ubermensch scholar who mastered such matters as better than any academic advisor could inspire you at any university. Sheldon Adelson and Sundar Picai and Howard Hughes themselves are large but not larger than life. Gatsby was cursed to the limits of what defines a "literary masterpiece". Gaming shakes the whole world's canvas down to actuarial insurance products, casino law and silicone valley algorithm study.
Fiction has grown too powerful it will soon drive real cars with the video game racers of yesteryear. The super nerds of tomorrow will endure the ruins of culture with these studious idols by their desk.

>> No.22673315

Baldurs Gate 3 has achieved peak literature by refining the story through focus groups.
The seductive avatar of the game itself turns out to be a mind controlling parasite trying to enslave humanity. You got tricked into hours of opioid release with a synthetic being, conditioning your mind as if it's your lover or family. In the end all you get out of the experience is more psychological dependence on the entertainment industry and all their associated mind control propaganda that might end up destroying the human race. It's a devastating critique of the contemporary human condition and the player dumb enough to strap himself into this mind control machine.

>> No.22673317

Completely agree. Look at how the anime troons seethe at your post. Well done friend

>> No.22673322

My post wasn't trying to shit on Berserk but to compare it to classics is definitely generous lol. I think it's probably a #3 manga behind Kingdom (which is a story based off history) and Vagabond. (which is an adaptation of a classic novel based on a real person) But even Kingdom doesn't scrape the levels of Conrad or Austen, let alone the long Eastern epics like Dream of the Red Chamber that those manga are trying to achieve.
My main point was that you should take praise of these mediums online with a large grain of salt, because most hardcore gamers/weebs are degenerates and spergs that either don't engage much with other media outside of their autistic interests, or they don't have the life experience to judge the themes of these works to even know if they are relevant and worth considering.

>> No.22673357

All literary masterpieces of the future will have gaming masterpieces as the benchmark for comparison.

>> No.22673362

You're trying to upset me. It's working.

>> No.22673437
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Language for language's sake?
No one will honor the ballsack

>> No.22673485

105 iq posting with thesaurusizing

>> No.22673503

I like Berserk but it never felt like that far above low entertainment at any point besides maybe some of the Golden Age arc. Kingdom and Vagabond are good choices and do seem to transcend the general limitations of the animanga medium at times. I think most anime and vidya autists severely underestimate what several millennia of development in a medium means compared to theirs which is only a couple decades. This difference is unfathomable to them and can only seem to belong to the general region of 'pretentiousness.' In this way, literature and drama is quite unique because even music is highly culturally bound and lacking in channelling universal themes and shaping all of history.

>> No.22673528

If you want to look at /lit/ quality vidya there is only betrayar at krondor, it was basically 100% derived from an actual book series
The strength of planescape torment is in how it uses gameplay to reinforce its characters. You have to take magick lessons from ravels clones to study magick, npcs give stat bonuses through quests, dakkon gives you spells, high level spells are cutscene animated and for the final boss only, etc. Not a literary achievement compared to dostoevsky, but with dostoevsky you dont get that kind of an interaction. Mask of the betrayer also does the exact same but better but is never talked about

>> No.22673533

Starfield is better than most literary masterpieces, especially stuffy old stuff like Shakespeare. One of the few exceptions is Kafka on the Shore by Murakami.

>> No.22673534

It's trash

>> No.22673543

>I think most anime and vidya autists severely underestimate what several millennia of development in a medium means compared to theirs which is only a couple decades.
Novels only needed 2 centuries of wide literacy to reach their masterpieces, and another 2 centuries to reach its other peaks.

Gaming has incremental knowledge to build on and should have surpassed literature in 3 generations. Instead we have at best comparable to 3.5/5 novel fare.

>> No.22673555

I don't entirely disagree with you. Whether it could hypothetically surpass literature in terms of greatness is too convoluted and speculative a debate to get into, but gaming has kind of failed as a project for a variety of cultural reasons.

>> No.22673572

I have experienced the world through the eyes of the Protoss guardians of Aiur. I have felt in my bones the need for strategic resources to fuel the war effort against the Zerg hordes. No book has ever come close to that. The story told by the voice actors in Starcraft is not important, it's the mechanics that tell the actually interesting story.

>> No.22673582

But a lot of people also put some of the earliest examples of literature on a pedestal. Works that didn't have millennia of development and are admittedly very impressive due to the historical context, but not so much on their own merit. The best example would be the Iliad. I would not say that the Iliad purely on its own merit has a better story than many manga or movies. Sure, there are deeper messages and lessons in it, but frankly, if 2000 years from now people were to find a script of Avengers: Endgame, they could find similar themes and messages in that too.

>> No.22673597

the thing is, a great author could take almost any premise and turn it into a great book. I mean, in some instances they don't even need a strong plot at all if you look at someone like James Joyce or Proust. Video games don't have impressive writing because they only have a basic plot premise and the focus is on visuals, sound and gameplay, not on using language to paint a picture. If Cormac McCarthy wrote a book based on the plot of Red Dead Redemption 2, it would be as highly regarded as Blood Meridian, if not even moreso. Provided the game never existed of course, because people would never admit a book based on a game was any good even if an established author were to write it.

>> No.22673605

In those days people had much greater memories and there were bards whose entire job it was to pass on literature orally. Those cultures had their own literary traditions that were hundreds, if not thousands of years old, and evolved out of mythic consciousness structures. Homer did not come out of a vacuum. And his work went on to shape the Greco-Roman sphere of civilisation all the way until Charlemagne.
Secondly, if you think the Iliad is comparable to Avengers: Endgame on anything but the most surface level (if that) then you have very little understanding of either and what makes great literature great.

>> No.22673607

It's good but it doesn't really go anywhere

>> No.22673614
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105 iq reader who picked up a thesaurus to parse my standardized writing that is 8th grade middle school library kotaku article easy unimpressive language.
Every word is functional and standard practice. It is explicitly anti foofy doofy like Shakespeare and Quijote and English teacher school master circle jerk pomp n circumstance. It is pro workplace custom. You cannot find foofy doofy in a thesaurus.

>> No.22673616
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Uh oh

>> No.22673619

If Homer had written an epic poem with the exact plot of Avengers:Endgame 800 BCE, just the superheroes are replaced with gods and the Iliad never existed before and was made as a marvel movie in 2020, you'd hold the exact opposite opinion as you do now. I'm not trying to shit on Homer by the way, I understand why his work holds incredible literary value but the story of the Iliad on its own, without taking into consideration the beautiful language and the poetry, and without any of the historic context it is nothing special.

>> No.22673623
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We are the men written out of our own history

>> No.22673625
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I like Caves of Qud. I wouldn't compare it to literary masterpieces though, more like high-tier pulp. If you like dying earth, you'd enjoy it.

>> No.22673628

are you esl?

>> No.22673639


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is pretty damn clever. Not far enough into it to conclude anything else.

>> No.22673657
File: 164 KB, 453x640, 1688156887324357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you say isn't even contrarian, it's more like the standard vulgar pleb scepticism of literary genius. What you struggle to wrap your head around is that dozens of Homers wrote dozens of epic poems with the exact plot of Avengers: Endgame 800 BCE, and every single one of them was forgotten in time, usually within their own lifetimes. It's a totally foreign concept to you that a work of art can capture a certain universality of human experience so fluently that it is preserved across millennia by people who hold genuine love for it. No, of course not, they must be pretending just like you, one must pretend in order to make it in life. In most cases, you are correct, but the ones pretending don't actually do the work required to preserve anything, that wouldn't make sense. The only reason things survive through time is because of the small portion of people who actually love those things. That's the essence of lindyness.

>> No.22673668

The Iliad does this in droves, yet is potentially lesser than Naruto in scope and execution. But then, Naruto is as long as some meganovels.

>> No.22673673

>If Cormac McCarthy wrote a book based on the plot of Red Dead Redemption 2
Do you have a script of RDR2? I can probably read it in half a day and tell you how it compares to BM

>> No.22673678
File: 44 KB, 781x441, teddy-781x441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berserk has an alarm to it that the old relics lack. The Bible has an alarm to it that if you believe in the last days alone this book has a threat to it. Berserk assumes you relate to Guts and his distance from the Holy See. It is written in Japanese for a Japanese audience and this Holy See symbol is a polite polemic that was ported to the west. This alone should give the westerner effaced self awareness. The Westerner is left like Guts alone in the wilderness with his painfully real realization that the castle strewn landscape is ignorant of. I felt it and resonated when I finally found someone signaling this massive departure from precedent. It is their native precedent. It is the precedent of my Pre Christian ancestors. It is a message of Exodus that is more valuable than the marketplace gallery and pony dog show. It simply says "i feel it too bro". Like Nietzsche's Zarathustra, it does not replace 2000 years of monastic civilization but it flips the narrative on its head. Milk for babes and meat for strong men says the evangelist. This one is meat. The fancy gala can starve for all I care, their full suite of curation is dust to me.

>> No.22673684

America's been going at novels for 3 centuries and its only true masterpiece is Moby Dick. I'm not sure if gaming will last by the time other interactive mediums arise to inhabit the next stage of innovative narrative.

>> No.22673700

Bro genealogy is one of my favorite games of all time but it has like 4 lines of dialogue outside exposition dump. All those epic themes it touches are just personal headcanons.

>> No.22673712

Do you need to play Pathologic 1 to play 2?

>> No.22673754
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>America's been going at novels for 3 centuries and its only true masterpiece is Moby Dick

>> No.22673785

American scifi will endure as it goes deeper into the personal and further from the stars.
(I am writing a nuclear submarine vs the fastest speedboat novel)

>> No.22673807

Berserk fans who disagree with this are retarded. The relationship between Guts and Griffith is the only thing outstanding in Berserk (besides the art).

>> No.22673814

That isn't even his best novel and DFW easily surpasses him. If this is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of great American masterpieces then we're fucked.

>> No.22673816
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By the time you are shown this panel you have been shown the Black Swordsman arc. The Golden Age arc is what is nested in the RPG fantasy extensions.

>> No.22673824
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Elden Ring is Falconia

>> No.22673847

And this is why the 97 anime adaptation is better than the manga. It wastes less time with the dark fantasy bs and goes directly into what matters.

>> No.22673863
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Casca is the main character of the fantasy setting. The new world revolves around her. The dark fantasy is an artistic expression around the pathos in this character.
Her dreamscape is the peak of the dark fantasy genre. It is a retrospect but it is layered like a good painting ought to be. Not one of rushed time.

>> No.22673884

>Casca is the main character of the fantasy setting. The new world revolves around her. The dark fantasy is an artistic expression around the pathos in this character.

>emphasis on dark bitch coincides with severe loss of narrative quality
checks out. casca BLMed Berserk.

>> No.22673909
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BLM is surreal
Mai waifu tho

I would say that most audiences are not ready to follow Miura into fantasy.

>> No.22673913

Lots of ideas, well drawn, but not especially well written, because the expected attention span of gamers for exposition prohibits it. Anything above one standard paragraph and their eyes start to roll up in their heads

>> No.22673920
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>sirs if you say something about Casca we're gonna get canceled
>hey doesnt she look like one of us?
>silence! If you notice she's adopted by DA LIBS we get canned!

>> No.22673928
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>> No.22674043

Agree with that other anon, New Vegas isn't literature but it is a great example of vidya art because of the world it creates and option it provides for role playing.

>> No.22674066

this, the story has always been the weakest aspect of FE, and the kaga era is no exception, it's the mechanics and attention to detail in the design that made him a TRPG genius.
the fact that he chooses that work as 'real literary writing' but then diminishes FNW and berserk is beyond me (and I'm not even a fan of either)

>> No.22674085

I've been into anime, comics, and video games for as long as I can remember. Yet, Disco Elysium,Silent Hill 2, Princess Tutu, Seriel Experiments Lain, Watchmen, and Homonclus. Are the only things that are close to great literature. It'll never stop being hilarious when weebs and video game fnatics think they have great taste compared to the rest of the rest of the art forms that exist

>> No.22674088

what about texhnolyze

>> No.22674094

A paragraph means you're using the wrong medium, just write a book. A game relates to its player through mechanics not words. The greatest story engine ever made is Crusader Kings 2 but the stories it generates are never put into words.

>> No.22674154

qrd on OW?

>> No.22674160

P1 is a fuller story. P2 was supposed to be a modernized remake (it's not a sequel), but they only raised enough funding for one campaign out of three in original game. The gameplay is lightyears better though. The perfect route to play is
P1 Bachelor - P2 Haruspex - P1 Changeling
Or you can wait another 10 years for the devs to actually finish the project.

>> No.22674172


I'd agree with you if OP hadnt asked if P:T was
>well-written by literature standards

Mostly B tier, with A- high points.

>> No.22674195

i wouldn't call it well written so much as well crafted. it's an interesting universe with lots of lore behind it.

>> No.22674205

language is the graphics of books, saying you like a book for its prose is like saying you like a game because it has 4k rtx graphics, it's vain and meaningless

>> No.22674209

>But even Kingdom doesn't scrape the levels of Conrad or Austen, let alone the long Eastern epics like Dream of the Red Chamber that those manga are trying to achieve.

You have to be joking.

>> No.22674214

As above so below
Aesthetics are good and good aesthetics are sign of discipline, optimization, breadth and depth. A good craftsman is aware of the impact and interplay between the deep and the shallow

>> No.22674282

A video game built for women by gays and depicting democrat brown people.

Liberal white women recomend it to me.

The game literally handicaps you as you are given handicaps lile phobias and asthma and you watch your companions fight on your behalf.

At first I thought it had something to do with Fallout as if we are seeing Vault Tec spaceships but no its more like the cringey Mass Effect ugly woman lesbian retail vicarious gameplay simulator. The RPG builds are tricky. Reviews are pretty unanimously bad considering most players drop the game 1/5th of the way in.

>> No.22674318
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Casca is my waifu and my waifu alone none of you can have Casca as your waifu only me

>> No.22674336

Not him but Texhnolyze is the good shit. I would also add Mushi-shi to that list

>> No.22674420


>> No.22674433

>I've been into anime, comics, and video games for as long as I can remember. Yet, Disco Elysium,Silent Hill 2, Princess Tutu, Seriel Experiments Lain, Watchmen, and Homonclus. Are the only things that are close to great literature.
Not bad picks but you're limited by your midwittery. You don't know nearly enough about any medium.

>> No.22674486

give your picks then anon or I could say you're larping

>> No.22674508

My favourite writer in games Alexis Kennedy wrote a bit about playing Disco Elysiumm and how it felt like an amazingly written game, but as far as being compared to the actual thousands of years of literary history, it's still just a few notches above an airport novel.

>> No.22674546

The ones listed are definitive in being close to literature, in my opinion. I'm not talking about them as the only great art I've experienced in those mediums. I bet you're probably one of those mf that act pretentious about shit like Urusei Yatsura:Beautiful Dreamer, Midori, Angels Egg, Golgo 13, Kinos Journey, Mind Game, Monoke, Haibane Renmei, Emanon, Ore to Akuma no Blues, Guin Saga, Concrete, The Invisibles, Grendel, Stray Toaster, which everyone knows about when looking into a medium for a couple years. So stfu forever, you pretentious sack of shit

>> No.22674549

nta but Angel's Egg is amazing

>> No.22674559

Oh, 100%. Hell, everything I listed is great, just not literature levels of good (the writing)

>> No.22674570

For one, Texhnolyze but anon already mentioned that. For you to memory gap that clearly shows you have years ahead of you.

>> No.22674572
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Not playing your vidya gayms.
Not watching your tranime.
It's that simple.

>> No.22674576

>but as far as being compared to the actual thousands of years of literary history, it's still just a few notches above an airport novel.
it's hard to imagine this changing because i get the impression that neither game developers nor players actually like reading as an activity. it's just a means to an end, the point is "characters" or "lore" or "plot twists" and the actual reading of sentences is a chore you endure to access that "reward." game writing is never going to improve with that mindset.

>> No.22674577

>just not literature levels of good (the writing)
Narrative can be as good as literature, even without conscious writing. This just shows how far behind you are anon.

>> No.22674581

Most of those games are fucking great to play too

>> No.22674582

Fuck you

>> No.22674585

same but i'm also going to have very strong opinions on all that shit i haven't played/watched and express them forcefully on every available occasion

>> No.22674586

Civ 4 is way better than V aside from the ideology trees

>> No.22674587

>Narrative can be as good as literature, even without conscious writing.
and were you conscious when you wrote this sentence

>> No.22674589

almost fell for the bait

>> No.22674596

is this chatgpt or are you just a person indistinguishable from a bot trained on listicles

>> No.22674615

>100 replies
>nobody has answered ops question
>instead they're going on a tangent about random tranime they think has good writing
so has anyone here actually played the game OP is talking about or what?

>> No.22674623

Legacy of Kain.

>> No.22674628

>I've never played this
Shut the fuck up then. And yes OP it's well written (for the fantasy genre), I think it's the greatest video game ever made

>> No.22674632

Disco Elysium is just a mediocre point and click tho, not comparable

>> No.22674639

Wow. An illiterate on /lit/. Color me surprised.

>> No.22674894

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.22674986

Not a single game can compare to the level of writing from Planescape. It's not the best written ever when you've read plenty of classic litterature, but for a game it's definitely the best one.

>> No.22675135

comparing video game “writing” to any other medium is pointless. good writing in a game is just a means to an end so you can shoot more aliens or cast more spells, the actual value of the game lies within its mechanics and overall concept. and since video games can “contain” most other artistic mediums, there is nothing stopping you from putting a bunch of books in a video game like the elder scrolls