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/lit/ - Literature

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22672012 No.22672012 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh? So….they think can can win my F Games, do they? Heh. We shall see….

>> No.22672057

I’m actually excited to write for this. I hope gardnerchan notices my writing and i win!

>> No.22672085
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>> No.22672888

Wow, that really looks like him...apart from the weak chin...the thinning hair...the sunken chest...the pale, fish-like pallor...the bovine eyes...but except for ALL THAT, yeah, looks just like him. Believe me, Francis, I understand why you'd want to be someone other than who you are. We all wish you were someone else, too.

>> No.22673018

Seethe. He has the most popular and active NaNoWriMo server on /lit/ with dozens vying for the grand prize.

>> No.22673065

That has nothing to do with you being a total ugly dork. And I predict your Discord server's popularity will plummet once people realize you're behind it. Literally everyone hates you.

>> No.22673102

I revealed my clever ruse several days ago and the membership has only swelled.

>> No.22673112

It wasn't clever. You're just another Discord tranny. And I'll wager the "prize" is something of no value, like being mentioned on your utterly dead YouTube channel. And you're still an ugly, awkward dork with no talent.

>> No.22673130

Gardner already paid out over $2k with his attempt at a magazine (that Unreal and &amp shutdown with fake DMCA claims) so I wouldn't discount that prize just yet.

>> No.22673149

He was behind those, too?

>> No.22673281

I joined your server thinking it would at least be a good place to chat with other writers. I did not expect that it would just be you and a small cluster of transgenders and actual children being groomed while you spout the most retarded drivel about flat earth and how George Washington isn’t real. Your books are hilariously bad garbage, but seeing how no part of them is meant to be a joke and you actually are a 40 year old man with the brain of a cat rodent is disturbing. I’m inclined to believe everything I’ve heard about you stealing ideas and blackmailing anyone who calls you out for being a moron, it’s harder to comprehend someone so stupid being capable of anything but such childish bullshit. Can’t believe your parents allow you access to a computer.

>> No.22673287

>cat rodent
Don’t know how cat got in there, meant to just say “rodent”

>> No.22673288

Shush crab. Go create something for our community that can rival Gardner's contribution and you will be allowed to speak.

>> No.22673297

You were never actually in his server. Also
>cat rodent
Lol. Opinion discarded.

>> No.22673311

And here are the trannies and groomed children I saw there. Sad for you guys. Hope you get what you’re looking for and please do not send Gardner any more pictures of your ass, that was absolutely disgusting

>> No.22673344
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>F Gardner hangs with trannies and grooms children

>> No.22673354

This is slander! Gardner will hack you’re IP’s firewall and sic his lawyers after you!

>> No.22673359

frank is it true that you sued &am kenneth editor
if so good

>> No.22673399

Hate to say it but you absolutely deserve it for thinking anything involving the retarded pedophile would be even slightly good.
And yes, all the rumors about him spamming other authors with DMCA complaints and stealing ideas are true. He uses his legion of brainwashed children to spam these threads, so obviously any discord server created by him is going to just be a large scale grooming operation

>> No.22673404

>other authors with DMCA complaints
if this is about amp then good
you faggots are even nuttier than based frank and mean spirited whereas frank is simply goofy

>> No.22673426

>based Frank is heckin silly XDDD
Ask me how I know you’re too young to be here

>> No.22673434

Friendly reminder that accusations of pedophilia are defamation per se in Illinois.
Ask your pa about it Gardner. There's money to be made.

>> No.22673441

you amp schizos are druggie retards and make frank look sane in comparison
let that sink in

>> No.22673443

yeah this post [>>22673311] could easily be grounds for defamation for gardner

>> No.22673479

>DADDDYYYYYYYY!!!! The anonymous 4chan posters won’t let me play with my friends that are all two decades younger than me!!!!
Lol you have no shame, it’s amazing

>> No.22673486

i'm an attorney, it really isn't hard for gardner to do that if he wished

>> No.22673509

>”I’m an attorney”
>commits perjury

>> No.22673518


>> No.22673537

Keep digging that hole anon.
Another friendly reminder that only criminal lawsuits entitle you to a public defender. If Gardner does decide to sue than you are out of pocket.
It’s also convenient that 4chan has so aggressively blocked posting under VPNs.

>> No.22673539

Holy fuck you’re stupid.

>> No.22673547

Yes, I agree, the guy with a stoned 8th grader's idea of what legal terms mean sure is stupid. Just this is isn't clear enough, this means you.

>> No.22673577


>> No.22673618

Don’t make this shit more confusing by adding random names.

>> No.22673683

You’re my bitch Boswell. My little, cuckold, four-star bitch. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of your wretched little life was all leading up to this. All that balding, all that weight gain, all that rejection, all that self consciousness that you thought you could quell by calling yourself an author, all that general and ceaseless human misery, all of it was leading up to you getting raped in the ass. Today you tripped and you fell, and in that fall your pants dropped to ankles, your tighty whities slipped to your knees and you presented yourself to me. You asked for this. Don’t tell me for a second you didn’t ask for this.
Now, is your home address an acceptable location to send the papers?

>> No.22673732

>Now, is your home address an acceptable location to send the papers?
Your mom’s house. I’m there most nights pounding her pussy to give her another son, since you’re such a disappointment.

>> No.22673735

Gardner can write like THIS? DAMN
boswell u suck

>> No.22673742

pretty sure this is either kanneth of amp or RJC

>> No.22673772

Gardner doesn't contribute to any community...he's in this only for himself, and always has been. He's a narcissistic autophile.

>> No.22673777

He will do no such thing. He's a brainlet phoneposting poorfag & isn't capable of hacking anything.

>> No.22673783

Show us on the doll where the Boswell hurt you. Also...literally who?

>> No.22673788

gardner is rich though. he has a penthouse.

>> No.22673797

>replies: 40
>posters: 8

>> No.22673808

No, that apartment belonged to a mentally ill surgically mutilated male LARPing as his "tranny gf", and it kicked his ass to the curb a long time ago.

>> No.22673818
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Frank definitely commits DMCA lawfare. Picrel is how he tried to get rid of the insulting satire someone wrote of his work. Too bad it can be downloaded for free at https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf, and purchased at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKB7QZ3B..

>> No.22673841

why do you use amp? they are crackheads

>> No.22674119
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>> No.22675539

wasn't he a wagie? those posts happened during waging hours. your target is an incel neet shutin like you