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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 116 KB, 1080x1350, matalin5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22669839 No.22669839 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon... Why do you have so many books about nazis?

>> No.22669847

I'd say this is the ideal amount of beauty for a woman. Any more beauty and she would become unbearable shallow.

>> No.22669852


Actually, she took that picture of herself in black and white, and faced that direction with a humble face for exactly the reason you're now thinking.

>> No.22669853

what amount of beauty. beauty in what aspects and anatomies? what kind of extra beauty features would make her "shallow"? if you cant explain yourself, youre a retarded tranny

>> No.22669864

She could obviously turn herself into a bimbo with silicone tits and a couple kilos of makeup but the fact that she doesn't do it but instead presents herself in other ways makes her seem ideal for putting a babby into.

>> No.22669870

I'm not saying she isn't shallow, just that any more shallowness would make her unbearable.
>what kind of extra beauty features would make her "shallow"?
It's not beauty itself what is shallow, but people that are too beautiful become shallow because they are free to live comfortably in the world of the senses, without the need to escape into their imagination.

>> No.22669908

>It's not beauty itself what is shallow, but people that are too beautiful become shallow because they are free to live comfortably in the world of the senses, without the need to escape into their imagination.
youre making overgeneralizations and are assuming much about many peoples souls, which could be resilient and not sink into vanity and sensual traps. some extremely beautiful people still retain moral nobility, like the best of the royals of persia. can you stop being retarded anon?

>> No.22669915

Don't worry about it.

>> No.22669919

You can be moral and noble and still be shallow. If anything, the nobility lost to the slaves because they were shallow, making it easy for the slaves to infect them with a newer and more creative morality.

>> No.22669948

83 are "many"?

>> No.22670055

She already is unbearably shallow

>> No.22670072

Spbp. High quality makeup is unnoticeable, and the same principle applies here. I can't blame women if men just set themselves for deception like this.

>> No.22670073

lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

>> No.22670090

Hey pal, Matalin is MY waifu, not yours. I get it, you’re probably new here, didn’t realize she was taken already. I’ll let it slide this time, but don’t post her again.

>> No.22670096

She looks like a baby that came out too early before it was fully formed but then was raised normal

>> No.22670100

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature AND the discussion of Matatalin, so the thread is on topic.

>> No.22670144

duhhh. but you can be those things and a full person. you talk as if this isnt possible

>> No.22670250

She looks autistic.

>> No.22670267

I'm a romantic and therefore I feel an unavoidable attraction towards the Nazis
When you go beyond the standard 'Amazing soldiers getting drowned by Soviet bodies' narrative you realise how uneasy and fragile the Nazi position was which just makes it even more powerful for me
The fact that Hitler couldn't help but stare at a portrait of Frederick the Great during his last days is perfect for me
I know I'm retarded

>> No.22670279

That's a good thing.

>> No.22670304


At this point, the nazis are so old that it's the same as Napoleon or Frederick the Great himself. Hitler is just another Genghis Khan or Caesar. Just more history. If there was going to be a "happening" it would have been before covid when the modern nazis were angriest.

But now things are shuttered and moved back into history. So I don't blame you for romanticizing these things. I don't actually know much about Hitler, except for just ONE thing I read: I read that book about "Hitler's childhood friend."
You should read it if you can find it. It's just so weird to read about little Adolf, like when as a teenager, he spoke about his "little candle" in his heart, a fragile flame he believed he had to protect from the cold winds of undeniable suffering.

The way he would pace back and forth, ranting in front of his friend as a teenager, as if to prove that whatever "charismatic speeches" he gave as a politician, were actually authentic feelings and ideas. Just so weird and historical. Apparently Hitler casually asked his friend to join the nazi party officially, but his friend never wanted to actually join Hitler on a political level, and Hitler never seemed to really mind much.

>> No.22670351

Did you know the origin of the concept of a "third world" was actually the fascists trying to create a distinct European civilizational sphere between Anglo/American capitalism to the west and Bolshevism to the east?

The Nazis realized very early that the war was going well beyond German interests and that they were basically being thrust into the role of a protector of Europe against these two outside factions. All fascist theory at the time reflects this in some way - look at Corradini's "proletarian nations" concept, or Sombart's attempt to describe the nascent German "alternative" (nationalist socialism) to the Anglo individualist capitalist worldview and the Bolshevik worldview.

This is why Evola supported the fascist powers, not because he endorsed some specific party program but because he saw what was happening: a civilization was being born. He wanted to make sure it was born on the basis of primordial metaphysical truth that transcended and synthesized all its merely haphazard elements. He saw the SS as a pan-European spiritual aristocracy in the making, like Germany herself the SS was transcending its original purpose and growing into something organic.

Literally the good guys. That's why they need to be depicted as evil in all media, to dissuade people from looking into it. But basically anybody who is against Bolshevik termite collectivism and capitalist degeneracy is instinctively drawn to the "hardness" and principles of the great fascist rebellion.

>> No.22670354
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The Nazis yes... An interesting group. Noteworthy to be sure. A grand experiment you could say. A new order yet symbolic of an old world. In many ways I am a Nazi myself...

>> No.22670360
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>A new order yet symbolic of an old world. In many ways I am a Nazi myself...
Is this the New Sincerity DFW wanted?


>> No.22670381

>primordial metaphysical truth

This doesn't make sense. It contradicts what is. If it's of another spiritual plane then how does it apply to us? The fact that you can easily have a system running on something other than this primordial truth shows it has no real relation to our world as being an ultimate truth. If his argument is it is what makes our world noble then why bother wasting time on the physical world that is a pale imitation and instead just become a total ascetic gnostic devoted to this "true" world. So many of these perinialist types don't seem to have thought their philosophy through and end up in vagueness with no established outlined metaphysics.

>> No.22670387
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>> No.22670405

>If it's of another spiritual plane then how does it apply to us?
The macrocosm exists whether we like it or not. We are the microcosm. We can only refuse to be what we are by becoming monsters who eventually dissolve into mush and die, like the modern "counter-traditional" world is doing. Both Marxists and neo-liberals want to found their social system on a falsified image of man and the world, in which everything is meaningless matter and man's stomach and dick rule his higher functions.

Evola, like Heidegger and others, just wanted to show the fascist cultures that were developing that they still had residual materialist, reductionist elements from the liberal and communist regimes embedded in them. He wanted to show them that you don't need to "socially engineer" people up from soulless mush like the communists want to, and like liberal advertising does in practice, because man is naturally good, naturally desires duty, naturally aspires to aristocracy etc., as long as he is in a healthy social system that makes the avenues available to him.

Evola like most fascists were actually quite opposed to totalitarian social engineering in the fascist regimes, because it's simply a confused notion. You don't need to tell people to be good. People are good and desire the good if the state they are in is attuned toward the good. Likewise states themselves are not cynical "Machiavellian" machines, they naturally embody the good if the people they are made of are good.

Ezra Pound puts it well:
>[N]ote that Mussolini is NOT a fanatical statalist wanting the state to blow the citizen’s nose and monkey with the individual’s diet. IF, when and whenever the individual or the industry can and will attend to its own business, the fascist state WANTS the industry and the individual to DO it, and it is only in case of sheer idiocy, incapacity or simple greed and dog-in-the-mangerness that the state intervenes to protect the unorganized PEOPLE; public; you me and the other fellow.
>The first act of the fascio was to save Italy from people too stupid to govern, I mean the Italian communists, the Lenin-less communists. The second act was to free it from parliamentarians, possibly worse, though probably no more dishonest than various other gangs of parliamentarians, but at any rate from groups too politically immoral to govern.
>The rest is political “machinery,” bureaucracy, flummydiddle. Jefferson, Mussolini, Lenin, all hated or hate it. Lenin wanted to get rid of it: “All this is political machinery, want to get rid of it,” as Stef reported Lenin’s opinion in 1918.
>As far as financial morals are concerned, I should say that from being a country where practically everything and anything was for sale, Mussolini has in ten years transformed it into a country where it would even be dangerous to try to buy out the government.

>> No.22670416

More Pound:
>How does the Jeffersonian answer the fascist in a.d. 1933, 157 of American independence, 144 of the republic, XI of the era fascista?
>This is not to say I “advocate” fascism in and for America, or that I think fascism is possible in America without Mussolini
>I think the American system de jure is probably quite good enough, if there were only 500 men with guts and the sense to USE it, or even with the capacity for answering letters, or printing a paper.
>And ANY means are the right means which will remagnetize the will and the knowledge.

This is the basic fascist faith in man. 500 good men are superior to millions of slaves.

>> No.22670418

It could be, in a different context, but it makes her physically revolting.

>> No.22670440

But none of this is an "ultimate truth". Its simply a value judgement. If he had have argued that it is the morally correct way to do things because God, or some ultimate spiritual realm deems it to be the most noble, moral way etc that would be consistent. But he doesn't. He explicitly rejects moralism and insists these are eternal metaphysical truths that dictate reality when if they really were you would not really need to ensure a system is based on these as they simply would as they would be as true as the laws of reality. He should have just taken a more Nietzschean approach like most fascists did (my will demands this system and that is justification in its own right) or an actual traditional view on religious moral law. His bastardized metaphysics make no sense.

>> No.22670458
File: 76 KB, 850x400, devi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His metaphysics is impersonalist but nothing prevents you from interpreting the Traditionalist conception of the One or the Absolute in a personalist fashion. You can even be a Jewish Kabbalist and still basically agree with Traditionalist metaphysics. In practice at the exoteric level personalism is also inevitable as most ordinary people believe in mythic personal manifestations and leave the metaphysics up to weird rishis and sannyasin like in Hinduism.

The fundamental premise of Traditionalist metaphysics is that it is true, good, and beautiful in the original platonic sense. In fact it's so true that to see and know it is to coincide with it and not be able to deny it, any more than you can use your thinking consciousness now to deny that you are thinking the thought of the denial itself. Gnosis is nondual.

Evola doesn't want to enforce any metaphysical views on anyone. Metaphysics will always be for rare sages who feel called to it. But he does want to make Europe a conduit for an idealist metaphysics that venerates the One. There is no need to argue about the content of the One. Guenon found it equally capable of being expressed in Sufism and Hinduism. Pic related.

>> No.22670465

Yeah so essentially youre refusing to give serious answers like he did and hiding behind vague mysticism.

>> No.22670482

If you don't like mysticism, you're still free to live in the civilization that respects woman's role as mother and wife, has a warrior aristocracy that has a proven record of going 10:1 against genocidal enemies, and was the only party in WW2 not to develop chemical and biological weapons programs, on the grounds that they were undignified and unworthy of warriors (Germany and Japan both cancelled their programs, while the Anglos and Bolsheviks developed cartoonish amounts of world-destroying germ warfare stockpiles for basically no reason).

Nobility is a perfectly valid manifestation of metaphysical truth. You can be a noble in a fascist society founded on anti-materialism and anti-humanism, and never trouble yourself about its metaphysical foundations. Every society includes contradictory elements and any healthy society has a wide latitude for disagreement. For example in Hinduism and Buddhism you can be a Tantrist or Tantric Buddhist, or a householder, or a kshatriya, and have perfectly normal relations with the local monasteries of other traditions.

All Evola wanted was an equivalent European civilization in which all of Europe's diverse traditions and social strata could thrive, rather than being ripped to shreds to create the nightmare we live in today.

>> No.22670488

You're completely talking pass my questions and ranting. I'm done.

>> No.22670499
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Here is an unrelated song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nXLb7bpzhs
and an anecdote about Mussolini being erudite

>Bräuninger recounts a remarkable incident in which Mussolini invited the German – and incidentally Jewish – translator of Dante, Rudolf Borchardt, to a private audience in 1933, and quotes from Rudolf Borchardt’s Besuch bei Mussolini (Visit to Mussolini):

>'I could only be astonished that this man, the ruler of Italy, with all the burdens of the day’s work on his shoulders, found time to discuss with me the precise translation of individual words and expressions . . . He opened the first Canto and began to read. “That is a literal translation,” he remarked, and then said, “I understand it is written in a modern German style. Wait, what is this?” He pointed to a word he did not know, and I had to explain it to him. . . . Concentrated willpower and a positive sort of decisiveness mastered in large part the rounded and complete gestures of the kind one might expect from a dignitary of the Church or an aristocratic poet, reminding me of some pictures of the later Goethe. . . . Schlegel, Schelling, Hegel, King Johann of Saxony, Vossler, George – he made a brief appraisal of each. “Now to the fifth circle of the Inferno,” he exclaimed, adding rapidly and almost merrily, “Francesca da Remini.” . . . He went to the last stanzas, read out my German translation, then recited the original Italian verses from memory, read more German, and compared them exactly with the verses which he knew by heart. He pointed to a subtlety of tone in the Italian original and wanted to be sure that I had successfully reproduced it in German, reading out my German version slowly and carefully, with a strong but accurate pronunciation. Finally, he interrupted his own criticisms and suggestions by excusing himself, adding that he was only a layman and a mere reader. He closed the book, opened it once more, and finally closed it for good. “Thank you,” he said earnestly, and shook my hand warmly.' (p. 163)

>So much for the ignorant dictator! It would be interesting to know how many professors of Italian literature today could today offer an informed critique of a translation of Dante’s Inferno, citing stanzas by heart, let alone how many mere laymen and readers could do so. Bräuninger tells us that Mussolini was an avid reader of the Classics and a keen opera aficionado, something which tends to be ignored in post-war mainstream historical accounts.

>Much else tends to be downplayed as well, which Bräuninger highlights, including the enormous popularity of Mussolini’s economic and social policies.

>> No.22670521

You need to go beyond good and evil, anon. Mussolini got it right.

>> No.22670529

Mussolini based the fascist regime on his reading and rereading of Plato's Republic. He was the goodest guy of all.

>> No.22670545

Yeah, but he wasn't a moralistic cuck. He just had a clear vision of what he wanted for himself and his people, but he wasn't an universalist.

>> No.22670558
File: 21 KB, 278x400, 9781593680381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth (Being) is necessarily universal. But its manifestations will always be tempered by Becoming. This is what Heidegger tried to explain as the Dasein of a whole people:
(transcript: https://counter-currents.com/2017/06/heidegger-and-ethnic-nationalism-part-1/ )

Dugin's reading of Heidegger (pic related) may be of interest to you.

The most beautiful thing in the world is when multiple different manifestations of reverence for the truth dwell together peacefully in mutual respect. Unfortunately the materialist regimes of capitalism and communism were fundamentally counter-traditional and driven by inner necessity to destroy other forms of life grounded in Being. Heidegger:
>The question of the role of world Jewry is not a racial question, but the metaphysical question about the kind of humanity that, without any restraints, can take over the uprooting of all beings from being as its world-historical 'task.'

>> No.22671171
File: 227 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231102-182421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She HATES you guys.

>> No.22671179

What a typical rich cunt name. Can smell the art hoe dark academia bullshit from here. She got any feet pics?

>> No.22671189

She looks like Sersha Ronan

>> No.22671210

Why are you like this, anon? Let this girl live his life in peace. She doesn't need to know she's a /lit/ waifu. It makes the whole thing awkward for everyone involved.

>> No.22671214

You can't discuss anything on /pol/ retarded. The pervasive nature of politics means that no board is safe

>> No.22671223

This post is accurate

>> No.22671228

>They tested their IQs at the Nuremberg trials.
>All of them were extremely high.
>I want to understand why such intelligent people lost the war.

>> No.22671229

she is our awkwaifu

>> No.22671237

You realize this just exposes yourself to her as some 4Chan browsing loser faggot. This cunt hates you too.

>> No.22671253

Hello Matalin or Matalin's friend

Tell Matalin I want to be her little tampon baby boy. I want to be Matalin's tampon baby boy and go up inside her hoo hoo and absorb all her delicious period blood.

>> No.22671293

I know, I'm not attracted to her.

>> No.22671323

If she's aware then she must come here. It must be bizarre one day coming to /lit/ and see your face posted in the catalogue multiple times. I would be annoyed too.

>> No.22671343
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>> No.22671355

I got an STD for swimming in a public pool without a condom. AMA.

>> No.22671361

Rather, I must not be the only one who's contacted her.
What are you confused about?

>> No.22671366

Unironically, why would you willingly do something so reckless? Were you trying to get pozzed?

>> No.22671376

It was my first time going to a public pool and I didn't know you're supposed to wear a condom so I went in just wearing swim trunks.

>> No.22671378
File: 354 KB, 1536x2048, Es3jZsXW8AIHOwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22671451

ye shes posted in some of these threads before

>> No.22671658

She cute. Would date.

>> No.22671682

>they're annoying as fuck
why would they be annoying? doesn't even make sense. she already posts her pictures on the internet.

>> No.22671717

>why would they be annoying?

she just posturing, girls love attention. in this situation, that is the coolest thing to say

>> No.22671767

can you guys get hotter waifus ask yourself why you like neotenous down syndrome features

>> No.22671801
File: 342 KB, 1536x2048, Es3jZscXUAAha_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you guys get hotter waifus
you're just jealous you didn't find her first
>ask yourself why you like neotenous down syndrome features
superior intellect. something you will truly never understand.

>> No.22671820

No your just insecure virgin lmao

>> No.22671821

well perhaps I am a virgin, but you're mom is gay

>> No.22671873
File: 2.72 MB, 268x180, keaton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thirst thread over some waifu who's going to get creeped out by everyone involved
>hijacked by discussion on nazi metaphysics
The fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.22671913

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22671933

this is lit manifest

>> No.22671937

We're discussing Matata/lit/.

>> No.22671946

Thought it was saoireseeise ronan. Just googled her, she looks like she has down syndrome

>> No.22671957

This is way I don't go to public pools anymore. It's too risky. People have no respect for others anymore. They will go to a public pool even if their genitals are erupting with sores.

>> No.22671987

i love how we immediately assume this thread is about her. i honestly have no idea why shes so liked on here, shes not /lit at all, on superficially esthetically so when viewed from afar. anyway, can someone post the smiling everyday video, never saved it

>> No.22672143

she's playing hard to get fellas. our obsession is working!

>> No.22672258

>Girlfriend found the National Socialist conglomeration

>> No.22672262


>> No.22672633

Bit uppity, she might need a spanking. Imagine tying her down and lashing on that tight little bony butt with a thick horsewhip until she's screaming and maybe bleeding a bit.

>> No.22672644
File: 2.52 MB, 576x1024, 1676560678116647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more comfy with the music.

>> No.22672794

its revolting really: this compilation. Its like seeing beyond the veil. A woman practicing painted faces ...

>> No.22672799

thanks nigga

>> No.22672837

Any woman who uses social media in any form is not one worth talking to or about.

>> No.22672969

Eichmann was a middling loser and Hitler was a junkie retard

>> No.22672974

>no idea why she’s liked on here

i’m tired of explaining this to newfags, SHE IS DFW’s NIECE. she talked ab it in a video before.

>> No.22672981

I'm a researcher working on political extremism specialized in white supremacist and neo-nazi culture and organization.

>> No.22673000

And the sources cited are people who mortally despise the Nazi regime, curious!

>> No.22673006

wow so cool anon, i’m a researcher focusing on cotton candy and haunted houses! primarily focused on the monster mash, can I have more candy corn pls??????

>> No.22673055
File: 254 KB, 1080x1271, matalin6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely this isn't actually true. I just simp her because she's cute and I'd like to tongue her anus.

>> No.22673064

Regressed forehead, weak jawline, protruding nose, rounded ears... Yep... j*wish as they come.

>> No.22673078

nah bruh, this is just what girls are like in the midwest

>> No.22673092

The typical am*rican, particularly the midwestern variant, is a dullard and, worse yet, usually libertarian. A different brand of sensualism contrasting the various standard coastal city neuroses does not invalidate their worthlessness.

>> No.22673107

nice poem fagass, you will never be an american

the midwest is nothing like you described, it is all corn farmers and walmarts, and all the people eat tater hot dish

>> No.22673111

You're just jealous you're not being paid to browse 4chan.

>> No.22673119

>you will never be an american
And thank God for that.
>it is all corn farmers and walmarts, and all the people eat tater hot dish
And this, you assert, is somehow virtuous? Replete with consumerism and gluttony... must be paradise. How enviable!

>> No.22673120

Post body.

>> No.22673133

>And this, you assert, is somehow virtuous? Replete with consumerism and gluttony… must be paradise. How enviable!

bruh what is it about /lit/ at this time of day, im getting sick of these aspergers replies

>> No.22673145

bruh sheesh on God no cap NOT bussin zero rizz 100 for real kai cenat burger king foot lettuce fanum tax bix nood

>> No.22673150

whatever spaz, I don’t even know what 90% of that means

>> No.22673192

> she's cute and I'd like to tongue her anus

Based. Me too.

>> No.22673514

this bitch gets no attention in real life, she is loving this. her chinese boyfriend probably wants to kill us tho

>> No.22673562

Whenever a woman talks about "men," she's talking about a specific subset of the top 10% of all men who are unusually handsome, usually attending elite universities and with a wealthy background that makes them socially adroit and fashionable. When a woman says "Male book nerds, I..." you should remember she's talking to the handsome rich 6'2" guy who fucked her for two months, five years ago when she was still cute. She doesn't even know you exist. If you were to stand next to that "book nerd" Chad, and three other archetypal Chads she fucked (a jock Chad, a financebro Chad, etc.), and she looked at all four of you, it would be like when you meet your best friends at a fast food restaurant and a little dumpy Mexican woman sweeps up some trash on the floor 3 feet away. If someone asked you about that encounter 10 minutes or 10 years later, you would say the same thing: "I met my friends in McDonalds." Consuela was simply part of the scenery, or part of some sub-race of goblins that exists only to sweep. That's how these gabby opinionated women see you. They are not talking TO YOU. They are talking PAST and OVER and AROUND you, at the 10% of men whom they even consider baseline human, and then selecting the top 20% of THOSE men as "their type" and "actually worth caring about."

The thing that saves Consuela is that she doesn't give a fuck about you or your gay friends either. She is equally zoned out. All she sees is the hours left until she can go home and be with her brood of spiclings. YOU on the other hand are a Consuela who thinks he's hanging out with the gang, whenever a woman says "Ugh, book nerd men, here's a message for you:" and you actually listen. You are a PATHETIC CONSUELA.

>> No.22673596

You mean "adores".

>> No.22673602

>takes her three entire days to respond

>> No.22673658

Absolutely Embarrassing, simping over some average arts fartsy plain Jane, litcels can't stop taking Ls

>> No.22673873

>average arts fartsy plain Jane
Literally best kind of girl tho.

>> No.22673878

This is what demoralization has made men into

>> No.22674117

anytime this girl is posted the thread always gets at least 100 replies.

>> No.22674129

/lit/ loves her and no matter what she says, she loves /lit/

>> No.22674309

TSMT you just know this vixes dreams of a 4chan NEET incel stud legion running a train on her (most girls do desu)

>> No.22674316

She kind of reminds me to my ex gf and these threads make me remember better times.

>> No.22674381

shes like a 7-8 in a real country like usa you are brazilian go outside. definitely not worth an entire thread about her

>> No.22674391

In my country she would be a 9.5 easily. Agents would stop her in the street to ask her if she's interested in becoming a model.

>> No.22674397

I didnt cite any sources it came to me in a dream actually

>> No.22674434

woah what country i could be a model

>> No.22674438

my type is blonde girls with no personality and really tight pussies cause they are actually really uptight and dont go out but pretend like they do cause thats 'cool' and what dasha and the girl from men i trust do.

>> No.22674454
File: 581 KB, 494x617, bpdwhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I would take Matatalin over them to be honest.

>> No.22674462

So quick of fags who write like this thinking there is a way to be masculine while writing like this as long as you're "self-aware." You are just a fag, you are a woman.

>> No.22674637

>definitely not worth an entire thread about her
you're right, she deserves an entire board.

>> No.22674641

Unironically, why there isn't a waifu board? Probably two are needed actually. One for irl waifus and fiction waifus.

>> No.22674668
File: 387 KB, 766x1024, milk_bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for my art project.

>> No.22674701

>one for irl waifus

>> No.22674713

this would be bad for my mental health

>> No.22675005

and how exactly has your reading of infinite jest been improved by her? shes literally fucking illiterate. (see video for an idea of here philosophy) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ikK1gaUu14k

>> No.22675010

nigga what i was just basing that post off the last girl i fucked. it was so tight i came in like 30 seconds also im 6'4" and bench 2 plate. why are you pissed

>> No.22675011

>yfw DFW's niece is dating a ricecel
DFW, bros...

>> No.22675019

A bit manly for my taste

>> No.22675023

To you maybe

>> No.22675026

That explains her impeccable sense of humor. It must run in the family to be hilarious.

>> No.22675029

Schmitt saw the world as essentially good versus evil

>> No.22675041


>> No.22675045

Ikr, hoeflation

>> No.22675050

the written word is shit i just write how i speak in the homeric tradition
punctuation is a bandage on the dog language that we are speaking and doesnt cover the range of inflection im trying to convey with my intellectual and captivating witty mode of speech heres some advice brother because i promise it seems like you need it what you need to do to pick up chicks is to go into a dissociative state and recite the iliad in greek and watch the cunts start creaming

>> No.22675081

hey whos that

>> No.22675087

Some BDP whore. Don't mind her. She's not worth it.

>> No.22675106

literally what fucking video

>> No.22675115

lol ok but not worth what? busting a nut? do you think me ambitious?:)

>> No.22675247

>do you think me ambitious?:)
I have infinite trust in my /lit/bros.