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22669416 No.22669416 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read to gain the insights of a 12 year old girl?

>> No.22669423

Does this mean it's ok to fuck 12 years old since they're so mature relative to men?

>> No.22669426


>> No.22669432

Yes I'm an incel who will never put my penis into a vagina

>> No.22669435

I wish

>> No.22669454

kys pedo.

>> No.22669475
File: 469 KB, 2000x2516, 1698930148911267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait you are not wrong
have sex femcel freak

>> No.22669479


>> No.22669561

Yes. Women are children their entire lives. There is little to no cognitive difference between a 12yo and a 24yo female.

>> No.22669906

Said insights: woah, people are like different than me and stuff. Woah. When like, I’m like mean and stuff, that like makes people sad and like that’s like bad or something.

>> No.22669911

Based post.

>> No.22669918

Checkmate femoids

>> No.22669920

There isn’t a single 12 year old girl that understands half of my tweets

>> No.22669986


>> No.22669988
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Nietzsche bros...

>> No.22669999
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>> No.22670013


>> No.22670015

that's a man btw

>> No.22670023
File: 27 KB, 603x212, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refuted by: every girl's diary. It's so over

>> No.22670032

>the insights of a 12 year old girl?
Kpoop idols that you fawn over while you have your first period?

>> No.22670061

Where does this desire to belittle philosophy even come from on their part? I’ve seen several videos similar to this and it’s astounding how seemingly widespread these kinds of beliefs are. There’s no way the majority of women have even had a conversation with a man who genuinely reads philosophy. Is it a weak-guy-in-prison-fighting-the-biggest-guy-first-day level cope or is it possible that they actually believe they’re smarter than the wisest, most cultivated individuals that came before them? Most women can’t even tell you the difference between an objective and subjective statement. They don’t even know that democracy came from the Greeks. I met a college educated woman once who proudly proclaimed that America was the best country ever because Thomas Jefferson invented democracy.

>> No.22670067

she dont look 12

>> No.22670068

>Most women can’t even tell you the difference between an objective and subjective statement
Neither can a lot of /lit/ posters. The number of anons I've had to correct about objective morality being decided by God is embarrassing

>> No.22670069

She looka like a man.

>> No.22670094
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>Where does this desire to belittle philosophy even come from on their part?
in general I think it's just a larger consequence of modern feminism and its inherent misandry. it is very much "in" to hate on men, and so naturally philosophy, a domain inhabited by men predominately, will be a target for these people.

>> No.22670099

It's just another way to cope with the fact that throughout history there were so few female philosophers, scientists, writers etc. Sour grapes.

>> No.22670116

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Deleuze and Guittari becoming-woman
Lana lyrics

>> No.22670119

mommy kinks just come from the attraction to a woman who will be a good mother. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But you have to remember that she’s also looking for a good daddy

>> No.22670127

see you on r/4chan, put me in the screencap wholesome reddtor!

>> No.22670141
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This was already ripped off from some reddit shit. Internet is just a circle of shitty memes

>> No.22670154

Hang yourself with a rope pedofile

>> No.22670161

Cuntoid seething

>> No.22670173

>possible that they actually believe they’re smarter than the wisest, most cultivated individuals that came before them?
Women are the biggest solipsists in existence, not only does the world revolve around them but the world exists solely for them

>> No.22670546

She should comprehend a little less makeup would go a long way

>> No.22670617

This woman has never had a profound thought in her life

>> No.22670631

>This water is not dry.

>> No.22670641

>A 10yo girl is warned by her parents that if her grades don't improve, she won't be allowed on tiktok during the week anymore.
>In a fit of tearful rage, she replies, "You think you show respect for a subject when you de-historicize it, sub specie aeteni--when you turn it into a mummy!"

>> No.22670658


>> No.22670708

Any twelve year girls here who can tell me whether induction is reducible to abduction or abduction is reducible to induction?

>> No.22670713

why read books? I’m gonna spend time with a 12 year old girl to get wisdom straight from her mouth

>> No.22670718

Eleven year old girl here but I’ll try my best. The answer is like who cares.
Glad to help!

>> No.22670731

that's technically not pedophilia but hebephilia

>> No.22670775


>> No.22670778

Can you explain process philosophy to me? I am but a lowly man

>> No.22670800
File: 578 KB, 1200x732, 97e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's technically not pedophilia but hebephilia

>> No.22670814

>You went to a party
>I heard from everybody
>You part the crowd like the Red Sea
The Holy Book of TSwift, Chapter 3, Verse 15

>> No.22670820


>> No.22670830
File: 165 KB, 431x1034, Canova-Hebe_30_degree_view (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hebe, the Greek Goddess of Youth

>> No.22670849

I really want to understand how ''conservatives'' ground their understanding of marital age. Positive modern laws are literally the basis for most of you retards, instead of history of Church and pagan traditions.

>> No.22670977

Quads confirms how based this post is

>> No.22670983

And dubs confirms I'm right lol

>> No.22670990

I meant to refer to this post lol

>> No.22670996

Here are some insights:

>> No.22671001

I refuse to believe this is true kek

>> No.22671049

Ask her to post screenshots of her diary to prove it, kek