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File: 192 KB, 917x1200, compaison-of-plato-and-aristotle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22668531 No.22668531 [Reply] [Original]

Plato and Aristotle were so unbelievably smart. The jump of knowledge from before their era to when they lived is immeasurable. It's easy to believe they were divinely inspired somehow.

>> No.22668533
File: 298 KB, 500x375, 535FF097-E4C7-4277-93A9-67BD0ABBC9F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the pre-socratics
>he doesn't know about ancient babylonian wisdom

>> No.22668535

Heraclitus was okay but he is nowhere near the level of Plato.

>> No.22668652

Just like Odysseus, Athena was their aunt.

>> No.22668700

If you try hard enough you can make anything seem like divine inspiration.

>> No.22669953

some cases more honest than others

>> No.22670129
File: 234 KB, 600x1112, Zoroaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22670188

Most of his teachings are hearsay/lost/already expressed by Jews
He left no writings of his own and nobody can agree whether Zoroaster preached a monotheistic or dualistic god. Hes nowhere near the level of Plato and Aristotle

>> No.22670230

He influenced Plato and Aristotle. Plato and Aristotle both only had the time to 'philosophize' because they were decadent nobles who had slaves do their labor for them. Zoroaster was hard working his whole life compared to either of them.

>> No.22670241

>/already expressed by Jews
Other way around

>> No.22670257

It's impossible to measure the amount of influence he had on them, but the fact that their ideas eclipse his shouldn't be debatable
you can see it either way but the fact is that the Jewish documents are older and more meticulously preserved than anything Zoroastrian related.

>> No.22670266

>already expressed by the jews
Dumb-fuck, the jews stole his teachers and appropriated them as their own. Zoroaster predates Judaic belief.

>> No.22670276

>but the fact is that the Jewish documents are older and more meticulously preserved than anything Zoroastrian related.

Oldest jewish text - 11th century BC

Oldest zoroastrian text - 13th century BC

So, you're objectively...What did he mean by this?

>> No.22670300

you aren't worth speaking to
they could be that old, but the manuscripts aren't. just like the hindu mansuscripts probably aren't as old as they claim either
the reason jews might have a better claim is their widespread regional use and their degree of preservation. but this is such ancient history with influence from other lost Mesopotamian religions that its hard to make a definitive claim either way. it all depends whether you're an abrahamic believer and it suits your case that judaism be true, or you're an atheist and vice versa.

>> No.22670315

Which do you like more?

>> No.22670326

Plato but I haven't read a lot of either one yet

>> No.22670379

The Republic is a wonderful chimera of a work, if you haven’t gotten to it yet.

>> No.22670589

>the reason jews might have a better claim is their widespread regional use and their degree of preservation
Except they aren't. We have historical archeological evidence proving so. No jewish text predates the 11th century, and that text specifically is proto-judaic, called the Khirbet Qeiyafa Inscription, which many argue isn't even Hebrew.

The oldest religious jewish text are the Dead Sea Scrolls which, on account of their "religious" teachings, are dated to 16th Century BC, but secular scholars date them to be, at the latest, 9th century BC.

So the truly oldest "religious" contextual writings of judaic believes is 9th century, with the oldest extant writings of Hebrew language are 11th century.

>> No.22670614

I have once seen a "scientism" type arguing more or less about how we should ignore "2,000 years old primitives" and only read things written recently.

Which shows he had never read Plato. I remember when reading Plato for the first time and wondering how someone could be so smart.

>> No.22670659

> Oldest zoroastrian text - 13th century BC
Lol which one my nigga

>> No.22670662 [DELETED] 

The Avesta, which is actually religious texts about Zoroastrianism, not just faintly judaic Hebrew writings like the other one.

>> No.22670680

The reason people say that is because metaphysics is fucking useless.

I still agree Plato and Aristotle are worth reading 100%, but this place, and 4chan in general, lend metaphysical thinking a lot more explanatory power than it's earned. At best people read these books to furnish an insecure self-concept. This may or may not be projection.

>> No.22670706

> only read things written recently
If you are pursuing a trade, engineering/programming, or something like stocks, this is perfectly reasonable