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/lit/ - Literature

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22667723 No.22667723 [Reply] [Original]

This board proves this out every day.

>> No.22667742

I don't think we're really the kind of "book nerds" she's thinking about. I don't thing anyone in /lit/ sees himself as a nerd in the geeky sense that she's talking about. We may be autistic, sure, but say what you want about /lit/, but we aren't the soi type.

>> No.22667756

This is an anonymous imageboard where everything goes to archives after a few days at most. Whatever failures of dissociation between literature itself and a status signaling mechanism are by definition impossible to find in a lesser degree anywhere else online.

>> No.22667758

No idea since I don’t read twatter screenshots

>> No.22667765

>inb4 100+ reply thread because dumb litcels fall again for the obvious twitter whore screencap bait

>> No.22667767

>my feelings are right
>your feelings are wrong (and to prove this I'm going to assume you aren't worthy of being humanized for some reason)
there's nothing more to it.

>> No.22667771

>not autistic
Tell me again how the guy who constructed an elaborate fantasy world just to make his conlang seem more believable isn't on the spectrum

>> No.22667772

Permaban for Twitter and Reddit screencap threads, when?

>> No.22667774

Does she know Tolkien wrote his works out of a deeply religious and primarily Christian philosophy?

>> No.22667776

I’m sure Tolkien must have been pretty autistic to do all that world building though

>> No.22667777

Yeah, having a large book collection is nice but its meaningless if its mostly just stuff youve never read.

>> No.22667779

OP post her name and account right now or yer a gay!!!!

>> No.22667782

That isn’t even her point. She’s saying that you don’t actually connect emotionally to the books because you’re devoid of emotions.

>> No.22667787

Poorfag cope

>> No.22667902
File: 285 KB, 385x385, 1680843761760065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all female: shut up.

>> No.22667917

> woman thinks everything is an expression of emotion

>> No.22667920

Ironic because women rarely write good books because they think everything is just about emotions. Emotional books are rarely any good.

>> No.22667922

Whenever a woman talks about "men," she's talking about a specific subset of the top 10% of all men who are unusually handsome, usually attending elite universities and with a wealthy background that makes them socially adroit and fashionable. When a woman says "Male book nerds, I..." you should remember she's talking to the handsome rich 6'2" guy who fucked her for two months, five years ago when she was still cute. She doesn't even know you exist. If you were to stand next to that "book nerd" Chad, and three other archetypal Chads she fucked (a jock Chad, a financebro Chad, etc.), and she looked at all four of you, it would be like when you meet your best friends at a fast food restaurant and a little dumpy Mexican woman sweeps up some trash on the floor 3 feet away. If someone asked you about that encounter 10 minutes or 10 years later, you would say the same thing: "I met my friends in McDonalds." Consuela was simply part of the scenery, or part of some sub-race of goblins that exists only to sweep. That's how these gabby opinionated women see you. They are not talking TO YOU. They are talking PAST and OVER and AROUND you, at the 10% of men whom they even consider baseline human, and then selecting the top 20% of THOSE men as "their type" and "actually worth caring about."

The thing that saves Consuela is that she doesn't give a fuck about you or your gay friends either. She is equally zoned out. All she sees is the hours left until she can go home and be with her brood of spiclings. YOU on the other hand are a Consuela who thinks he's hanging out with the gang, whenever a woman says "Ugh, book nerd men, here's a message for you:" and you actually listen. You are a PATHETIC CONSUELA.

>> No.22667928


>> No.22667929

>get corrected
>go on an austic feefees rant

>> No.22668041

But this isn’t the first post (still the best post)

>> No.22668045

This. Women overestimate how much they know about men

>> No.22668046

If a bitch is tweeting about book nerds she's not fucking Le financebro sports Chad.

>> No.22668050

>Women overestimate how much they know about everything

>> No.22668054

virgin onions energy

>> No.22668199

Tolkien is second-rate nordkistch, Ossian for dummies.

>> No.22668204

Not wrong. Most people on here will never do anything with the knowledge they received

>> No.22668207

Nothing has made me more skeptical of freedom of speech than tiktok or twitter.

>> No.22668210

Wrong. I live every day knowing the burden of the Faustian Spirit like Goethe intended.

>> No.22668236

>implying the 500 unread books on my shelf will ever be read.

>> No.22668444

Found the 6'2'' financebro narcissist.
(He's forgotten to take his antipsychotics again.)

>> No.22668454

>you don't know anything about emotions but i do
t. bitter, jaded, twitter-addicted cunt

>> No.22668463

fourth post best post

>> No.22668820

Who is Consuela referring to if she tweets about men? The same dudes?

>> No.22668824

I feel this way about bookshelf threads on /lit/.

>> No.22668835

He smoked Capstan which is a pure Virginia flake. It's still around today and is an unironic 10/10

>> No.22668865

i never read tolkien. just watched his movies. what led to the creation of lord of the rings is intense hatred of browns, russians and germans

>> No.22668901


>> No.22669216

funny, this is exactly how I feel about women 'readers'.

>> No.22669225

They're better at poetry than novels

>> No.22669478

I wish I were devoid of emotions. Sadly I mostly read books to cope with the emotions I don’t want. It’s nice to know people experience similar things and still manage to be okay, or to find their way through life well.

>> No.22670451

Thank fuck for that. I don't want to fight in the trenches.

>> No.22670519

excellent post

>> No.22670532

Thank fuck I have /lit/ browsing x for me because I sure as fuck wouldn't have been able to live life without seeing posts from there

>> No.22670542

If we lived in a world where western men had the experience necessary to feel emotions like Tolkien, women like this wouldn't be able to even speak like that in public.

Men don't know how to right like that for the same reasons they don't know how to shoot from horseback, whip a slave, amputate a limb under field conditions, or any number of other things. Those times are in the past. They might also be in the future, though.

>> No.22670555


>> No.22670724

Never. It would kill the ad revenue.

>> No.22670765

How tragic that as a woman she feels the emotions that lead men to create great works, but will never be capable of making anything lasting

>> No.22670865
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>> No.22670872


I fucking hate when young people confuse a magnifying glass for a projector and announce their mistake their world

>> No.22670876


to the world* FUCK

>> No.22672334

/// The professor held forth on the current state of politics until everyone was sick of the topic /// You won the first game and I won the second, so it's a wash /// The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle /// He took folk music and melded it with pop /// They are guided by the visible grid of the trellis /// He is duped by a debonair con man into opening a car and safe, and lands in jail for a year /// He spoke without notes but with a crib sheet of four points /// I slipped away from the guided tour /// He found himself pilloried by members of his own party /// Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy? /// His agonised eyes, fear-stricken, glinted white in the moonlight, and there was foam on his jowl /// I suspect that they stay in the scullery only a few days and in the kitchen only a few weeks /// He killed 12 people before the authorities finally nabbed him /// I was a sassy kid who sometimes talked back to my mother /// She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve /// The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance /// The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing ///Just put it in my in tray and I'll look at it later /// This odious walled vertical suburb is a civic embarrassment, the embodiment of a runaway plutocracy that places its own interests over the commonweal — and common decency /// They spent their honeymoon in a cruddy beachside hotel /// He broached the subject they had been avoiding all evening /// We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on /// It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry, that the coffee would have to be quick /// She could always be relied on to hold court with hilarious tales /// The army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits /// It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call /// He had developed a reputation as an automotive savant and tinkered on cars in his spare time /// Although exports are in this sense an epiphenomenon, they are the most measurable of the two /// She strapped the children in and drove away /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// I'm sure they will charge up the wazoo for tickets /// Farming may seem bucolic, but it is an inherently volatile industry, subject to the vicissitudes of weather, disease, and disaster /// Kept the truth from their unwitting friends ///

>> No.22672407

Shut up bitch

>> No.22672421

>everyone who exhibits slightly autistic traits is clearly autistic!!!! we're all autistic!
I fucking hate every single one of you retards

>> No.22672968

Gentleman and scholar.

>> No.22673469

Why the fuck everything on the Internet is always about sex?

>> No.22673474

>women opinion
the only women I care about is mary shelley and Frances Hodgson Burnett

>> No.22673475

An actual Tolkien bibliophile is able to tell her both of those things. Stupid whore.