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/lit/ - Literature

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2266247 No.2266247 [Reply] [Original]

Hardest question. Go!

Animal Farm

>> No.2266249

is that the novelization of we bought a zoo

>> No.2266251
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inb4 Animorphs and Ulysses.

both of those things are awesome

>> No.2266255


>> No.2266257
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>> No.2266630
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by far the most engaging book ive read...

close second is Don Quixote'

>> No.2266639
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>> No.2266708


>> No.2266713

To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf.

>> No.2266719
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>> No.2266722

what do you think of Bukowski's other works? I saw Pulp and Hollywood at a store the other day and couldn't get myself to pay $7 each.

now I regret it ;_;

>> No.2266727
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good choice, bro.

>> No.2266728


the problem with those is they aren't post office and women

>> No.2266731

for the record, I loved Ham on Rye

>> No.2266739
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It's the novelization of Tommy and the Cool Mule.

>> No.2266760


all i want for christmas is for the review on the imdb page to be real

>> No.2266767
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Love it

>> No.2266780
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>> No.2266833


Fantasy garbage, seriously? This was fun to read when I was 13, but I've since moved on to more challenging and thought provoking material. I suggest growing up a bit and then reading Gravity's Rainbow when you do.

My favorite book is The Plague. Infinite Jest is a close second, I know it's a clarion call for pretentious Lit/English majors, but I'm a bio student, so fuck off.

>> No.2266839

not that guy but I'm rereading it, haven't read them since I was like 12. I guess I wanted to read something for enjoyment for once rather than intellectual wanking.

>> No.2266841

Bio students can be pretentious too

>> No.2266855

>lord of the rings
>fantasy garbage

Try again

>> No.2266864
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I can't pick one.
-The Silmarillian
-Childhoods End
-The Devil Soldier
-The Hundred Secret Senses
-Hero with a Thousand Faces
-Doc Savage and His Apocalyptic Life
-The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire
-Thomas Paine and the American Promise
-Common Sense
-Rights of Man
-Homage to Catalonia
-Sailing from Byzantium
-All Things Shining
And I'm liking The Odyssey

>> No.2266887

War and Peace.

Anyone that says different hasn't read it.

>> No.2266896


Or has read something you haven't which is better.

>> No.2266894
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I first read this book in high school & it really stuck with me for some reason. It's not groundbreaking or incredibly written. I dunno, I just like it.

>> No.2266933
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It's not even the best Tolstoy work
Anyway my personal favourite is either The Master and Margarita or The Plague (Camus)

>> No.2266938
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>> No.2266944
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>It's not even the best Tolstoy work
So, Resurrection?

>> No.2266949

Lolita by Nabokov.

>> No.2266954
File: 40 KB, 480x669, Cows-matthew-stokoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cows by Matthew Stokoes

>> No.2266965


>> No.2266969

>implying preferring Anna over W&P is an obscure stance

>> No.2266971
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John Whyndham.

>> No.2266975

Most people I know would say so, yes. But maybe things are different in hipster land, how should i know?

>> No.2266979
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It's you, not us, you hippie scum.

>> No.2266982
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This, because each time I read it it's like reading a completely new book.

>> No.2266986

That's like, your opinion man.

>> No.2266987

Little, Big

>> No.2267067
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>> No.2267079

Roadside Picnic

I loved it before STALKER was even out, it's how I found out about the game.

>> No.2267091


It's like feeling a new headache every time.

>> No.2267102
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>> No.2267104

how the fuck is animal farm your favorite book? Like not only is it a shitty book, it's easily Orwell's worst book

>> No.2267106

>how can you like what i don't like?


>> No.2267153
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>> No.2267384
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Honestly I cant see how anyone would pick these books as their favorites, fine ill give it points for creativity, but god damn is it boring.
with some of the worst/rigid characters ever to grace print... if your going to choose a Tolkien book to read Id reach for the Hobbit any day which is like the polar opposite of TLoTR's trilogy

>> No.2267395
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it's either this or ulysses. I know they're big and someone's going to say that I'm only saying them because I want to look cool, but honestly, they're so thematically rich and structurally complex and beautifully written. There's just so much to say about them. That's why they're my favourite

>> No.2267428

Someone on /co/ bought this for me.
I've been digging it so far. Sagan's an interesting dude.

>> No.2267433

It's an older version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

>> No.2267436
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Fuck ya Sagan for Jesus 2012

>> No.2267440
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>> No.2267442
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The World According to Garp.

Made me laugh and cry more than any other book I can think of.

>> No.2267445
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>> No.2267457

Carl Sagan went to the Mayor.

>> No.2267459

The book I shall write

>> No.2267733

how is that actually? what's it like

>> No.2267748
File: 94 KB, 220x335, InfiniteJest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bridge of Birds is FUCKING EXCELLENT but I have to go with Infinite Jest.

>> No.2267750

Bridge of Birds is such a fun book. Everyone should read it.

>> No.2267753


It's basically the ultimate Irving book. It's a tragicomedy with tons of memorable characters that follows one man through his life from birth to adulthood.

To give you a hint of the book's style, his mother is strictly anti-men and impregnates herself using the semen of a bomber operator that's in severe shell-shock she nurses who only really retains sexual function. She names Garp after the only sound the soldier made.

>> No.2267791
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>> No.2267792

Is this any good?

>> No.2269199

I doubt it. I'm getting the feeling he's an Ayn Rand of the 19th century.

>> No.2269201

>Sombrero Fallout <A Japanese novel>
With a title like that, of course it is.

>> No.2269209

Awww, Brautigan

Haven't read that particular one, but love him

>> No.2269227
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I didn't like his other books though.

>> No.2269233


/lit/ in a nutshell right here folks

>> No.2269237

Thanks for reminding me of this. My marine biology professor recommended that to me.
I think I'll get on it.

>> No.2269245


>> No.2269248

Easiest question. Peter pan.

Top 5 is a different story

>> No.2269257
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>> No.2269269
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How does that title even make sense?

>> No.2269274

I guess it just implies there are a lot of answers about humans in the physiology of the brain. Not a great title but I really enjoyed the book. I'm interested in what you have to say about the one you posted.

>> No.2269284


It's a murder mystery where a serial killer leaves pieces of his own brain behind at the crime scenes.