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22662436 No.22662436 [Reply] [Original]

You are illiterate if you think he is wrong.

>> No.22662442
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You are illiterate if you couldn‘t come up with a new thread

>> No.22662475

Fukuyama thinks that "deontology" is etymologically derived from "de" + "ontology", I can safely say I'm more literate than him.

>> No.22662496

It's just a pozzed reading Capitalist Realism, which itself a pozzed reading of Marx, which itself is a pozzed reading of Hegel

>> No.22662513

not this again.

>> No.22662543

I just don’t even get it. What is there to be wrong about? Liberal democracy was just as a matter of fact imposed on people across the world. Others just never became liberal democracies like in China. There was never this process of liberal democracy being chosen in the free marketplace of ideas. Moreover, it was quite obviously entering a time of crisis when he wrote the book. The irony of this book is that in regard to liberal democracy, it’s really upheld by institutions and money that buy elections and laws, but when it comes to “philosophy” about liberal democracy everyone assumes it’s organic, totally not the work of a paid shill. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that he’s been doing the circuit to defend Ukraine, defend the Democratic Party, defend “our Democracy” and liberalism, and attack “populism” (really, the failures of so-called liberal democracy receiving blowback). So what could he have been wrong about? The book to me sounds like nothing more than propaganda and a series of reductions which just haven’t come true as a matter of fact.

>> No.22664171
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>democracy is rule by the people
>populism is the politics of appealing to the people
>no, don't do populism! that will destroy democracy!

>> No.22664198

Why am I supposed to take a Chinkstink seriously about Western matters? Is he at least a Japanese nobleman? I thought so.

>> No.22664220
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we are entering a multipolar world, american hegemony is dead. China will rise above america economically, militarily, and maybe even one day culturally.

>> No.22664223

Nice dellusion. Of the West collapses, Russia might keep
I almost got a heart atrack

>> No.22664271

exactly, fukuyama threads must be 1 once a month at most

>> No.22664398
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>Two clearly weren't enough.