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/lit/ - Literature

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22661598 No.22661598 [Reply] [Original]

Whay happen to /lit/?

>> No.22661599

it became /his/

>> No.22661605

It dead. I’ve found a few types of threads where good anons and old heads tend to hang out so I look for those. Most of the catalog is rubbish or cancer. Same with the anons

>> No.22661611
File: 51 KB, 800x440, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you. I'm at university studying literature. We had the first textual analysis lecture coming up and the teacher asked us to read a Faulkner story for it (A Rose for Emily). Lecture comes up and some bitch starts whining about how racist it was and demands to know why the university feels it can force people to engage with racism and what it says about the university's values that they chose to teach this story in particular.
I rarely despair over the state of humanity as much as I did then.

>> No.22661615

>/pol/ shit
You're the fucking problem. Go back to your hole

>> No.22661621

This. Too many barely disguised /pol/ threads larping as /lit/

>> No.22661622

go back to plebbit
log off of here forever, pls

>> No.22661623

>a woman virtue signaled
you are gay

>> No.22661630

You wish

>> No.22661631
File: 482 KB, 1607x1305, William Faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At any rate there was a lot of Faulkner discussion that day, most of it from the teacher defending him against accusations of racism.
That aside, the story itself was a lot of fun. The old lady refusing to pay her taxes, the delegation from the city trying to make her see reason.
Have you read this, any of you?

>> No.22661635

yeah, it's great
if you haven't read the sound and the fury you should do so
up there with ulysses in terms of crazy artistic technique

>> No.22661670

This was my first exposure to Faulkner, other than seeing The Big Sleep.

>> No.22661674

you're 19

>> No.22661678

>being above 25 and on 4chan
cringe honestly
really, really cringe

>> No.22661682

Some fag named Ryan or something groomed a tranny named Atlas and now we're in the midst of their custody battle. If Ryan wins, he gets the best writers here to release their books through his bullshit &amp publishing scam to buy crack. If Atlas wins, all the writers on /lit/ have to simp to her tranny wiles and submit to her LGBTQ zine that raises awareness about sexual predators who pretend to be psychic vampires against trannies with BPD. Read all about it in the &amp thread.

>> No.22661692

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

>> No.22661697

you're such a retard

>> No.22661699

(cringe old boomer fag on 4chan)
get a fuckin life

>> No.22661701

your lies are spun borne of poor cheap wine
woven hairs of splayed paltry twine
make thee absent lest doth combine
brain cells absent, recounted from thine

>> No.22661702

lol lil bro keeps f5ing the thread seeing if daddy responded yet

>> No.22661703

>doesn't know how to count syllables

>> No.22661705

infiltrated by glowies and chatbots that spread disinformation

>> No.22661706

what would you know about artistic divergence

>> No.22661707

>not having custom settings that notify you
how are you old cringe and yet retarded, faggot
must be because of low IQ causing you to not have a life and STILL lurk on here

>> No.22661709

>defending him against accusations of racism.
Kek he was definitely racist

>> No.22661713

Please go read this paragraph aloud to your mother/wife.

>> No.22661714

this website is even more insane than usual

>> No.22661720

Eh I don’t really care I just enjoy you youngins throwing shit at each other. It’s entertaining
>t. 41

>> No.22661728

I don't really understand why we should become emotionally invested in this presentist condemnation of people from the past.

>> No.22661734

Now, even the threads that criticize /lit/ are made by bots. I didn't think shir could get any worse

>> No.22661736

lol it's europe asia hours to be fair

>> No.22661748

you didnt get the memo? between 25 and 41 you were supposed to turn into someone else.

>> No.22661749

Haven't been here in a while.Who the fuck let the underage wojaks and pepe posters here??? Isn't it enough they made /fit/ unusable?

>> No.22661774

I don’t agree with holding dead authors to current standards of liberalism either but the man was definitely racist. You literally cannot argue this point. He used the word nigger as an insult on live television more than once.

>> No.22661777

post it

>> No.22661782

Anons don’t get the intention of this post it seems. What is irony?

>> No.22661783

>i-it was just a joke
Holy damage control Batman!

>> No.22661785

there's nothing wrong with that post
this place has been nuts for the last week or so

>> No.22661789

>anon asks what happened to /lit/
>anon comes out of left field with a /pol/ rant which accurately describes part of what happened to /lit/
>anons eat it up straight both ways

>> No.22661802

>Anons don’t get the intention of this post it seems. What is irony?

>> No.22661820
File: 73 KB, 571x854, David Foster Wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we just be genuine instead of ironic?

>> No.22661838
File: 449 KB, 994x512, 930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social media and overconsumption of it has caused irreparable damage to our psyches, cognition and attention capabilities. Gone are the days of effort posts and quality OPs and OCs. The day of bait and identity politics is now. We amused ourselves to death. It is over.

>> No.22661840

nice neil ref but it mostly has to do with phones and this place being famous for shitposting

>> No.22661851

Why do I feel like you're studying at an Australian university

>> No.22661863

You didn't get the memo? If you've not banged 7 girls, gotten straight As in school with no exceptions, are fluent in 4 languages and 5 instruments, and have knocked 6 people out in a fight before you're 16, you're going to be a worthless loser for the rest of your life.

>> No.22661867

There is no disagreement, this only reinforces my argument. Eternal September is worsened by the dopamine fix junkies that we have all become. Downward spiral accelerates.

>> No.22661868

>my argument

>> No.22661874
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Yes, I take my tendies to go, thank you. Give me more dopamine as well, brr.

>> No.22661877

Worse, it's Binland :D:D

>> No.22661878

based conservative fin bro

>> No.22661908
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>> No.22661928

you're unironically more sensitive than that retarded whore. Kys chudfuck

>> No.22661953

The new brand of litizen is much worse than the previous iterations who mostly left or are drowned out. The barbarians have taken control

>> No.22661955

go back to wherever you came from no one spells it like that

>> No.22661959

Agree with this poster.

This poster should be banned

>> No.22661963
File: 299 KB, 1280x1726, Karsa Orlong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbarians are here to splinter our overgrown generals into a board of little villages, threads where small discussions are had by small groups and honor is preserved by all in the community.

>> No.22661994
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Posters aren't interested in actual literary or philosophical topics or specific books anymore. Nor are they too piqued by the fact that this is technically a creative board.
Newfags came in and just want to remake the board into their own malformed image. Leftshit bunkercucks tell rightbrained gigatards to go back to /pol/, and vice versa, bunkercucks back to plebbit.
True /lit/ board culture entails that Evola, Adorno, Aquinas, Nietzsche, Spengler, Marx, and Rousseau all have their place. This board was far better when there were different cliques of different views who had one thing in common: they read books, were educated, and knew how to write. And most importantly, people knew their shit. There were always at least some of these people.
The Renaissance-man autodidact personality that this board has idealized is the worst thing to happen here (as in, the guy who's "read the whole canon"). It doesn't matter if it's Steinback or Marx or Plato, or Medieval Arthurian lore, the best posts on /lit/ are by people who know a few things, and know them well. Even if they were that ideal, the best poster knows not to be that kind of know-it-all shithead in discussion.
And I haven't minded a few general topics, i.e. the state of writing, which university we attended, or the state of academia, but twittercap posters need to be euthanized.

>> No.22662022
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These posts say the same thing in very different ways

>> No.22662023

kek and checked

>> No.22662035

That is how /lit/ is supposed to function but it’s just a seethe site now. Debatelords, culture warriors, and venom. Too much encroachment and derailing. It all comes down to the demographic that comes here now versus who used to come here. Literature is a means to an end, a background noise, or an aesthetic for nu-/lit/. Fiction has almost totally died off. Too many stupid threads made that kill off more niche threads that need time for the right anons to find them. Honestly it’s not worth making a thread on a book if it isn’t litcore. It will die with few replies. Too many young anons, not enough anons that read, or have read a lot, not many anons with specialized knowledge that can make a thread great

>> No.22662080
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You're here forever