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22661289 No.22661289 [Reply] [Original]

Kaczynski wrote a preface to "Industrial Society and Its Future" just 2 years ago, apparently for one of the translations of the manifesto: https://www.wildernessfront.com/blog/isaif-preface

>> No.22661515

Cool find, anon.

>> No.22661540
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here's your uncle ted, bro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YlkCdSRuWQ&t=507s

>> No.22661698

Nice find. I'm always surprised to see how meticulous Ted is, and how lazy newspapers are. These newspapers couldn't even publish the essay correctly. When they types it up for their papers they littered it with typos.

>> No.22662818

i don't care if Ted had a bad relationship with his brother

>> No.22663134

that's cool friend, have a bump

>> No.22663148

Yeah, funny how they made mistakes like that considering spelling and grammar are their jobs.

>> No.22663314

What's the appeal of him that the anons on 4chan like him so much? To me his views are a dead end.

>> No.22664047

to me it's the exact opposite

>> No.22664260

As opposed to the metaphysical jargon of most philosophy? Even if most of what you read is impractical, if you're learning something and learning novel new concepts, then it's worthwhile in my opinion. If you want "literature" with real political solutions, I'm sure there's political books out there for you, no idea what they are but go look for them.

I didn't think I'd learn anything from ted's books , but I did. Very interesting and one of my favourite authors, which I probably wouldn't believe before I gave him a chance. But yes obviously, practically billions will not die and we will not return to an agrarian hunter gatherer society or small agricultural communities or whatever brand of anarcho primitivism you're looking at.

>> No.22664482
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>> No.22664490

>the problems Ted describes are actually overcome if you just get a chip implanted in your brain
>checkmate, amateurs

Bug mindset

>> No.22664534


>> No.22664537
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>check /lit/ for a ted thread
>ted thread on page 1
never change
He did a great job of distilling anti-tech thought into a fairly easy to understand format, without complicated metaphysics. He's a great entry point into anti-tech
Not sure what else to say without knowing what you mean by "dead end" exactly
basically >>22664490 this. Ted even addresses this, predicting that if indsoc doesn't collapse, eventually human beings will be engineered by the system not to suffer. I don't consider this a particularly good outcome, though I would like to learn more about the Hedonistic Imperative and refutations of it, if they exist.

>> No.22664580
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I'm surprised that people don't realize how important this guy really is. I doubt that he will have worldwide fame upon his death, similar to someone like Lovecraft.

'The internet is a wasteland because too many people are on it. It started out as a thing for academics, then became available to non-academics with enough skills to use it (and whom appreciate it), then young people got access to it in school, then smartphones put it in everyone's pocket, and finally we have virtually everyone in every part of the bell curve on it whether they comprehend it or not. The greater the audience, the more the internet is dragged towards the mean.'

Even this place has changed. You used to come here for some unfiltered information about certain aspects of life. However, now it is a wasteland almost unbearable to have discussions.

The internet is massively controlled by the media. There is a good part of it with real culture, art, etc.. but it grows at a much lower pace than the wasteland.

Read Adorno and the Mass Industry Culture.

>> No.22664708
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>and refutations of it, if they exist
All of the "refutations" people have been able to come up for it are trivial to refute. Andrés Gómez Emilsson made a series of shorts where be debunks all of the common counterarguments people make against THI.


>> No.22664709

No, he's a moron and you're retarded

>> No.22664728

He died in June

>> No.22664746

Thanks anon, I watched a few of the shorts. What struck me about the BNW discussion was the point that political "submissives" tend to be the depressive members of society, and the point that follows from that being that if humans were engineered to be happy, they would be anti-authoritarian.
While this seems sound, I am curious how truly anti-authoritarian a system that is capable of engineering humans could be. Such a system would require human organization (and thus human control) on a scale at least larger than our own.

>> No.22664748

I see there is no square that says “true happiness comes from power, which cannot be faked”

>> No.22664761

>You know, some of the greatest art was inspired by suffering!
I dont see how the particular response video to this one adequately addressed the claim. Joyful art is not the only great art.

>> No.22664793

How can his judas of a brother live with himself?

>> No.22664815

>was the only serious ethical treatise on the nature of suffering and how to overcome it
Wow, thousands of years of theology and philosophy BTFO!

>> No.22664843

Sucks that Ted had to live out the rest of his life in prison but I understand why his brother did it - he believed he was doing the right thing by stopping a serial bomber
I wonder if his writings would be as well known if he had never been arrested? I imagine he would have corresponded with many fewer people if he had remained anonymous. Many of those correspondences are worth reading. Would we ever have gotten the books without the arrest?

>> No.22664845


I'm pretty sure the typos are in the original manuscript. Ted was typing this on a typewriter, there was no spellcheck.

>> No.22664847


His core premise, that advanced technology is irreconcilable with human nature, is correct.

>> No.22664856


He's clearly not a moron, though. Disagree with him as much as you want, but the guy was obviously very intelligent.

>> No.22664981

Wrong. His book Technological Slavery, wherein the manifesto is one section, is completely error free. And Ted explained how the NY Times and Washington post screwed up when typing their versions.

>> No.22664990

Wrong. Ted's brother wrote in letters to Ted before Ted was caught that he believed violence was justified in cases and that the wilderness should be fought for and technology was evil. It was only after his brother married his wife--who was a sheltered academic leftists, that she essentially forced him to turn his brother in. It's all in the book Truth vs. Lies and at the Labadie collection at UMich.

>> No.22665012

Interesting, I haven't gotten the chance to read Truth vs Lies on account of it being autobiographical rather than relating directly to his philosophy.
Have Ted's writings in U-M's collection been digitized? I imagine they're popular.

>> No.22665013

I'm agnostic on the thesis, but it's just a fact that the manifesto is badly argued. It's not even that he's unconvincing, he continuously loses track of what he's talking about, and it's a long or complicated argument, he just wanders off. He's famous because he killed people, by the time he got around to writing this his mind was obviously going. This is your brain on MKUltra. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/06/11/unabomber-ted-kaczynski-harvard-experiment/

>> No.22665264

No one needs your gay commentary.

>> No.22665320

>I wonder if his writings would be as well known if he had never been arrested?
No. Part of Ted's whole allure was that he was a domestic terrorist and those tend to get noticed. His manifesto, while better thought out and more coherent than similar writings on the Internet and elsewhere, is the same garbage anywhere, just someone who doesn't recognize nuance between the way things are and the way things could be.

You can't be "against technology" because you obviously have to use some tech to build housing that isn't just mud or a cave formation, you just have to realize what's good and what isn't. Like you could talk about modern medicine and all of its problems: inventing new problems to solve with new pills, the opioid crisis, the vaccine...but I'd rather still live in a world with NSAIDs and ways to fix bacterial infections.

>> No.22665331

I'm more into transhumanism and I see Ted's view as a dead end and also it wouldn't even work with population numbers we have now, we need tech - agriculture.

>> No.22665393

>You can't be "against technology" because you obviously have to use some tech to build housing that isn't just mud or a cave formation, you just have to realize what's good and what isn't.
Outing yourself as a retard that hasn't even read his manifesto... he distinguishes between "small-scale" technology and "organization dependent" technology
> I understand why his brother did it - he believed he was doing the right thing by stopping a serial bomber
Ted promised to stop the bombings if his manifesto was published, his brother knew this and turned him in anyway because he's a cuck

>> No.22665597

funny voice, was he queer?

>> No.22665759
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>> No.22665762
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>it wouldn't even work with population numbers we have now
There's a good chance that civilizational collapse will result in almost the entire human population dying out.


>> No.22666096

Absolutely, Ted mentions the futility of trying to get rid of system-independent technology. While getting rid of agriculture might be the ideal, at this point it's impossible. However, what we can get rid of is the system-dependent technology. You can build a house, farm crops, wash your hands, etc, in your village but you can't build an oil well, an ICE, the internet, etc. You could probably cobble one together from existing parts, but that's another problem.
Love these wojak edits, even if this one is trans(humanist) propaganda

>> No.22666200

Is the argument being made that we have conditions for extremely deadly pathogens and are kept alive despite that due to modern medicine, therefore without modern medicine most of the population would be wiped out?
The solution then would be dismantling the interconnected society and reinstating harsh darwinian pressures, no? Not pleasant by any means but better than being tech-zombies.

>> No.22667269

industrial revolution WAS the singularity. we are living in the post-singularity world

>> No.22667289
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watching Black Mirror with Ted AI a la MST3K will be a comfy time

>> No.22667419

terminal contrarianbrain

>> No.22667864

>I doubt that he will have worldwide fame upon his death
bro I got bad news

>> No.22667874
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>year 2150
>catgirls become real

>> No.22667955

Ted should of wrote other books abiut history or living and life. Maybe a good book that discusses ways that tribal folk live , so it could be seen as appealing etc

>> No.22668037

He discusses in a few of the essays how tribal people live, but ultimately he doesn't give any "this is how life will/could be" predictions, because he thinks its impossible to force that outcome
Technological society can be destroyed, but what comes after is, to a degree, out of our hands.

>> No.22668085

appealing to youth is the best way to make something trend. e.g. I keep seeing these "back to nature" type videos on youtube specifically "cottage core" and it's really stupid but it makes me believe that things reminiscent of the past become popular again

>> No.22668095
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>should of

>> No.22668104

I wish he did a book called "how to quit your life and go live in the woods"
But really. I just think a man as smart as him could of written other books full of logic and interesting shit to help make living in this system more enjoyable.
Or maybe i should just find another person i respect that has written those types

>> No.22668161

I don't think Ted really wanted to "make something trend." In Anti Tech Revolution he talks a great deal about historical revolutions and argues that mass appeal isn't necessary or desirable. When the system starts to crack, the anti-tech revolutionaries merely need to display that they are capable and people will fall in line. While a legitimate political organization is desirable, watering down the message with mass appeal is not.
"Cottage core" is just the system feeding you poison and selling you medicine.
There's always >>>/out/. I think Ted devoted himself to writing about how to destroy the whole system because he tried to quit his life and go live in the woods, but society found him even there and began destroying the woods to pave roads, etc.
Living in the woods isn't going to fix anything, you'll still be drinking microplastic rain and getting told off by the wildlife police if they don't like something you're doing, but it's truly better than nothing. You can enjoy it for a few more generations, at least.

>> No.22668280

>Cool find, anon.

>> No.22668282
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unironically yes, he had a tranny phase, sucked a kid's penis in school, and hated when heterosexual couples had sex next to his dorm room. It's in one of his books.
They're edgelords.

>> No.22668295

Counter Currents has good resources for deep ecology. Derrick Jensen was interviewed by them:

The editor of Kaczynski's books, David Srkbina, did an interview as well:

Here's a useful introduction to Pentti Linkola, and some of his writings too:

Savitri Devi:
>>Thus, in a world utterly given over to American hedonistic capitalism and Soviet anthropocentric tyranny, she could see nothing to do but: . . .to aid all beautiful minorities attacked by the agents of chaos; to resist, even if that should delay only a few decades the disappearance of the last aristocrats among men, animals, or trees. There is nothing else that one can do, if not, perhaps, to curse in one’s heart, day and night, today’s humanity (apart from very rare exceptions), and to work with all one’s efforts for its destruction.

Some more:

>> No.22669293
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>> No.22669301

>sucked a kid's penis in school
gonna need a source on that one

>> No.22669578

Nta. Such a world would inherently have a hierarchy of will to autonomy the same way it would have a hierarchy of power, and you can bet the people in power would be as psychopathic and self-serving as they are now. This is the inherent flaw in any utopian ideal: it ignores the nature of social organization with regard to human nature.
It's naive to the extreme to believe that the people pushing for this kind of genetic/social engineering have good intentions. And that's why books like BNW are dystopian, because the authors understand this truth on some level.