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File: 652 KB, 2000x1100, start with the greeks exposed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22660663 No.22660663 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to put "start with the Greeks" to rest...

>> No.22660664 [DELETED] 

Pederasty is based tho

>> No.22660665

OP is a gay homo obsessed with homosexuality

>> No.22660738

That Schop quote is absolutely spot on. I can’t recall a single Greek philosopher that has anything positive to say about a woman and yet I can think of many who take time to discuss boy loving. Where the philosophers just like the gay elite of Athens, or was everyone that gay back then?

>> No.22660757
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>> No.22660783

What is wrong with grooming?

>> No.22660802

Has misogyny been a front for faggots this entire time?

>> No.22660808

Considering how big simps straggots become why not?

>> No.22660811

>big simps straggots

>> No.22660816

The old epithet for a homosexual was 'woman hater'

>> No.22660817

there hasn't been a more homosexual society than modern western society which is also the most effeminated society of history, it's the opposite, the meme of "gay greeks" is just projection of modern westgroids who are so sex obsessed due to being pussy whipped subhumans they constantly project this backwards

>> No.22660835
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>the meme of "gay greeks" is just projection of modern westgroids

>> No.22660846

nice cherrypicking bioleninist clown

>> No.22660851

Today woman can ruin and kill man like she wants and nothing will happen her because straightoid coomer simps will gather to beg for her pussy

>> No.22660859

Current western society is degenerate because its faggots try to emulate women (probably because they were all raised by single moms and have no masculine frame of reference). Faggots in the past valued strength and thus despised the female race.

>> No.22660867

A label created by jewish women to subverted heroic modes of male homosexuality. It's obvious that such concept would be alien to the greeks.

>> No.22660871


>> No.22660880

this but unironically. LGBTQ benefits disproportionally women and men who want to be women but leaves homo/bi men in only slightly better position they once were

>> No.22660896 [DELETED] 
File: 3.48 MB, 1040x3350, pederasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pederasty is extremely based and redpilled and makes feminists and kikes seethe. It is the exact opposite of degenerate. We should adopt loving man/boy relationships in protest of feminism and to promote healthy male bonding. You can read more about man/boy love here:

If you still don't understand pederasty, just watch these videos:

>> No.22660901

Isn’t it possible that just like today, the upper classes, the “artists” and the academics were all gay, but the average person still thought it was disgusting? It always seems like throughout history, the landed elite end up becoming increasingly gay over time until a collapse.

>> No.22660905

I like how it doesn‘t even bother to reference anything but Plato

>> No.22660906

this. we homosexuals need to free ourselves from female influence

>> No.22660917

>Isn’t it possible that just like today, the upper classes, the “artists” and the academics were all gay, but the average person still thought it was disgusting?
The new conservative cope now that populism is in vogue. Meanwhile a hundred years ago the discourse was that the working classes were degenerate and that sodomy spread infectiously among peasants, factory workers and sailors. I also like the idea that the ancient Greek nobility were somehow comparable to decadent bourgeois despite being physically superior warrior gods responsible for the creation of Western culture.

>> No.22660942

>The new conservative cope now that populism is in vogue
This. Tradists constantly alternate between portraying themselves as well bred elites and commoners speaking truth to power. Glad I'm not the only one disgusted by such vapid sophistry.

>> No.22660962

Metatron deboonked this. I used to be like you, too, and believed Mediterraneans to be homosexual but I grew up and got laid

>> No.22660968

I'm not gay myself but I concur

>> No.22660971

>Metatron deboonked this
Can someone explain why on this topic I'm supposed to defer to some retarded youtuber instead of all the "based and redpilled" authors /pol/ recommends (but does not read), all of whom maintain that the Greeks were fags? Perhaps your whole worldview is a giant cope?

>> No.22660981

this little bioleninist is really losing it, he even began screeching /pol/ as per usual
maybe try to stop arguing with strawmen in your head and get rid of that extra chromosome

>> No.22660988


>> No.22660993

meds, schizo

>> No.22661017
File: 11 KB, 544x768, 1689430950652401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was almost forced to actually address the argument luckily I can screech against the /pol/ boogeyman and pretend my imaginary understanding of /pol/ represents the entirety of right wing monolithic consensus on the matter

>> No.22661022

>putting in this much effort to prove the Greeks were boylovers
Nah nigga ur jewish fr

>> No.22661037

Is this "/pol/" in the thread with us right now?
Go back, you gay nigger

>> No.22661051

Why are you making up fictional people in your head?

>> No.22661057

See how he recoils... "I've been found out..."

>> No.22661069

>actually address the argument
What argument

>> No.22661083
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>> No.22661095
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>> No.22661108

Huh? Guess I found a tradtranny in here, of all places

>> No.22661110
File: 968 KB, 1650x3000, right-wing perspectives on homosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22661122

No way Trump really said that

>> No.22661125

He did

>> No.22661126

damn thats crazy

>> No.22661165

i was a cute kid with a fat butt in school cause of all the football i played. some weirdo would definitely have groomed me if they had the chance. fortunately they didn't succeed cause i'm a khv now.

>> No.22661179

Men are for love and romance. Women are brainless wombs for having babies.

>> No.22661352

fukken saved
/pol/chuds on suicide watch

>> No.22661353

what's wrong with being gay? be proud

>> No.22661483

Did you even watch the Metatron video? He's talking about gay in the modern conventional internet sense of ancient Greece being a brand-friendly LBTQ+ utopia, a notion that is easily disproven, as he does in the video

When I call the Greeks gay, I mean that they are intensely homosexual men who were really into man-boy live, which they were.

>> No.22661485

whoops meant to respond to

>> No.22661498

you sound like a gay desperate not to seem left wing for some reason
why not just move to thailand and enjoy yourself or become a gay studies scholar? no one gives a fuck about how obsessed you are with gays or gayness

>> No.22661613

it's okay to be gay

>> No.22661619

OP, move to Pattaya and have the time of your life
I'm gay and you're tripping out. You seem EXTREMELY high strung

>> No.22661639

Very good to call out the false equivalency. Elites in an aristocratic society are *not* comparable to modern pseudo-elites whose wealth comes from commerce and speculation. They provide something of value to the polis in the form of security and power, current elites just ride massive unsustainable economic surplus and the ability of industrial production to provide endless consumerist trash, nothing prosocial about their role. If elites are serving their actual purpose then it is perfectly acceptable and in fact necessary that they should be allowed to do things that are taboo for the common man, because if you suppress that then you will drive away the actually exceptional, great-souled men who are independent-minded and non-risk-averse enough to lead a society. Solon and Hadrian were not decadent elites in periods of decline, they were highly competent and in fact did much to both cement the social order/hierarchy and to tame the excesses of the petty elites who ventured into damaging abuses of power.

Basically my point is exceptional people should be, and traditionally were, given exceptional privileges - and Greece's decentralized political situation and hyper-competitive culture bred an exceptional number of exceptional men. Not to mention the fact the the erastes-eromenos relationship was a sort of elite coming-of-age initiation which actively helped propagate and pass down values and expertise conducive to leadership.

>> No.22661644
File: 266 KB, 200x200, 3f10b01e90f9adfa9e35fa53600f45a0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically my point is exceptional people should be, and traditionally were, given exceptional privileges
tips fedora to a dear gentlesir

>> No.22661647

Holy shit do you just have this ready to go on a Sunday night?

>> No.22661649

>We should adopt loving man/boy relationships
jannies mods

>> No.22661671

I bought literal all the books from the "start with the Greeks" last. i haven't started reading them yet since I haven't finished, "How to Read a Book" yet.

>> No.22661686

Evola is in no way approving of homosexuality

>> No.22661689

Why do they say start with the Greeks though?

I don’t understand

>> No.22661690

Hellenophilia really is a disease

>> No.22661695


>> No.22661712

It’s not a wacky quirky edgelord concept, it’s part of the foundation of inherited wisdom that allowed human societies to be great, both politically and culturally. There’s never been a successful society that did not acknowledge such a principle, implicitly or otherwise. It only seems alien to you because your worldview is informed by a book of laws divorced from the context of its original conception and application (and btw those laws explicitly defined an elite who had special privileges - special restrictions as well, but that only further reinforces the impression of difference) and elevated to philosophical-metaphysical Law in a sense that was not even really imagined or conceived at that time. I’d bet you the Ark itself that the average priest in Israel did not really believe all those rules applied to him in the same way, and understood on some level that they were tools of social control - back then hierarchy was so natural that such distinctions didn’t need to be etched in stone, the awareness permeated society.

>> No.22661719

I'm not religious you fucking faggot gentle sir
did you even go to university? fucking embarrassing use of adjectives and passive tenses

>> No.22661742

>I'm not religious
Then what is your objection to the concept of elitism as it has manifested throughout human history?

Passive voice* is the term you're looking for by the way. Tense is used to refer to the temporality and completion status of an action described by a verb. Usually this is dealt with in elementary school, not university. Or are you not a native English speaker? If so I don't have any spare change on me, sorry.

>> No.22661746

>doesn't even understand the difference between voice and tense
kek. did you or did you not go to university lil gay boy?

>> No.22661760

Any intelligent person will look past the gayness and find the source for all fair humanising culture in Greece. It sets up an ideal against all petty utilitarianism and directs the course of the rest of our intellectual lives.

>> No.22661763

You could literally find out that no such thing exists in English (the language which has conquered yours to the extent that you had to learn it, however badly, to make your shitty substanceless posts understood) with a 2 second google search, but if you want to continue embarrassing yourself that's ok too.

>> No.22661764

>tenses don't exist in english

>> No.22661768

I literally described what a tense is in my previous post. I assumed you could tell from the obvious context that I was saying a "passive tense" does not exist, not that the entire concept of tenses does not exist.

Any thoughts on the actual topic of discussion?

>> No.22661772

>passive tenses [do] not exist
do you not speak any other languages? is this a fucking joke
>n-no u just misunderstood me
kek uneducated secondary school clown
fag anglo or germoid? or even worse, a retarded gay americlown who dares to post during eurohours?

>> No.22661825

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.22661839

It's okay when we do it

>> No.22662360

>intensely homosexual
wrong, as disproved by the video, you keep using modern words which have a far different scope from ancient Greek society purely for ideological/herd-brained related reasons, and you say it yourself, the main element which can lead to some discussion is their ephebophilia, while when bioleninist mutants like you peddle the word 'homosexuality' in order to reinforce the current moral firmware you are bred to follow, you are implying adult male on male sex was normal or accepted
the very nature of this relation very much depending on the young boy having NOT developed yet full male sexual characteristics i.e full body hair but still retaining undifferentiated feminine qualities in itself argues against attraction for the fully developed male, they weren't into grown ass hairy men, we are closer to something like pedophilia
and even regarding this element of paideia, the carnal act was not the original raison d'etre, your average citizen wouldn't approve of their kids being bummed(in the thighs mostly) by some older man simply for the pleasure of the latter, it was supposed to be an institution that made your young boy into a respectable citizen, the carnal act in itself, which is merely an unnatural imitation of the act of penetration of the female, hardly being praised in of itself
let's see you argue how Greeks of all people with their mentality would philosophically argue about how putting your penis where poop comes out is in line with the will of the gods and reality

>> No.22662529

>your average citizen wouldn't approve of their kids being bummed(in the thighs mostly) by some older man simply for the pleasure of the latter, it was supposed to be an institution that made your young boy into a respectable citizen, the carnal act in itself, which is merely an unnatural imitation of the act of penetration of the female, hardly being praised in of itself
reread Symposium. people say that lovers win universal praise for 'winning' beloveds, while beloveds earn scorn for submitting too easily to the affections of an older suitor. it's not the homosexuality itself. it's a sexual ethic like that which governs men and women. a key that opens many locks is good, a lock that opens to many keys is bad.

>> No.22662900

Sounds like you are a massive homo who has a lot of time on their hands. You will notice that no one who is this obsessed with bringing back the “aristocratic elite” can pass a physiognomy check…

>> No.22663274

threads like these demonstrate that 4chan is absolutely crawling with faggots

>> No.22663285

There are zero right-wingers in that image.

>> No.22663300

Exactly. Most of those guys explicitly virtue signaled that they were not right wing.

>> No.22663322

Ancient Greece is the source of everything that is wrong with the modern world.
>inb4 seething "trads"
At the time scale of eternity, idolizing Ancient Greece is the same as idolizing America in the 50s.

>> No.22663353

>those digits

>> No.22663506

Start with the Greeks straightfag

>> No.22663571

Ancient Greece is more or less the sole root of the European poetic tradition. This is a literature board. Anyone who dismisses them does not belong here. If you want to RETVRN to hunter-gatherer society, fine, but take your ooga booga caveman larp (posted from my iphone btw!) to >>>/out/.

>> No.22663630

>Noooooo you can’t express ideas I don’t like

>> No.22663656

People in the far distant past had more advanced technology that we do now so your quip doesn't make sense.

>> No.22663680

Well, you don't have to listen to me, you're free to continue to embarrass yourself and undermine any intelligent person who might agree with you by representing their point of view so ineptly. I'm simply trying to politely point out to you that you have, intellectually speaking, shit your pants in public. What you do with that information is up to you.

You should take a page out of >>22663656's book, the clown/jester/village idiot is at least entertaining and draws a crowd; no one wants to be around the pants-shitter.

>> No.22663690

Only redditors make posts like this.

>> No.22663744

Very effeminate post, which is expected from someone who can’t handle criticism of their heroes…

>> No.22663777

>mad cuz a nigga be spittin with refined elocution and shit
Yeah I forgot that speaking like a literate person is a faux pas on the literature board, my bad.

>> No.22663853

>refined elocution
>"ur dumb me intelligent", with a million adverbs

>> No.22663878

>I'm simply trying to politely point out to you that you have
fucking embarrassing redditor speak

>> No.22663954

You clearly have a MENSA level iq

>> No.22664088

Did not make any claim whatsoever implying this, you are projecting your own anxieties.

Nah son my style is immaculate. I'm loquaciously flexing on these hoes. As for the substance, there was none in the post I was replying to, just whining about tone. Feel free to make a point if you have one. Until then I will merely reiterate: anti-Greek is anti-literature. People who obviously have zero regard for literature and culture and just want an outlet for their vulgar, received ideology are sorely in need of a good gatekeeping.

>> No.22664090

back to plebbit

>> No.22664097

Can it be considered gatekeeping if everyone just laughs at your attempt and calls you a fag?

>> No.22664100

greece is generally cool but you're acting like a total autist right now bro

>> No.22664150

You aren't laughing! You are mad! Not me though. I'm chuckling in a very cool and detached way.

But yeah you're right, it's been over for a while. Can't gatekeep when you people already got your dirty little hands on the keys, whatever. Just still catches me by surprise sometimes. Guess I should start pretending to believe in le epic hyperborean finno-korean war hilarious memes to fit in.

oh yeah fuck sorry bro my bad i used the shift key bro yeah greece is goated af fr fr

>> No.22664158
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>Reads the Wikipedia page
>Not my beloved Prussians, this can't be...

>> No.22664160


>> No.22664179

No one cares what you do

>> No.22664230

Hmm, not very polite, in fact I detect a hint of aggression. Shame on you anons, this sort of behavior would NOT fly in the symposium. I think hopelessly chasing after the inferior love of women has made you bitter. Cmon, let’s get wasted and recite poetry and play some cottabus, loser has to give up his thighs for the homies.

>> No.22664244

A minute ago you were the gatekeeper, now you want an open dialogue after everyone laughed at you?

>> No.22664250

People giving you (You)’s and not realizing picrel is irony are actual brainlets holy shit

>> No.22664266

Yeah anon, you really muscled me into submission. You’re a big guy. Go ahead and enter my “gates”, iykwim.

>> No.22664270

Pederasty had nothing to do with sex, anyone who got gay with it was degen

>> No.22664277
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>start with the Greeks
>start noticing twinks
how do I stop this?

>> No.22664290

What's ironic is that you are gayer than any Ancient Greek and you weren't going to read them anyway.

>> No.22665110

All this is gay for the actual standars

>> No.22665203

pais (boy) + eros (sexual love) = not sexual

>> No.22665294

It's funny seeing online trad people come to understand female behavior, make a full circle, and re-invent from first principles 'male bonding with Greek characteristics'. I would bet sentiments like >>22661110 will become more prevalent, particularly what Ludovici said about people like Philippe (Louis XIV's brother).

>> No.22665504

THIS. There are no intellectual right wingers in the world.

>> No.22665916


>> No.22665918


>> No.22665935

Literally every author before the 19th century was right wing and would have disagreed with homosex

>> No.22667292

>i'm a khv now

>Koi herpesvirus (KHV), also known as Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV3) or carp interstitial nephritis gill necrosis virus

>> No.22667295

>disagreed with homosex

They were all doing homosex since boarding school. Some of these places even had notorious "butt rooms" for "smoking fags"

>> No.22667361

greeks are for geeks
read nords instead

>> No.22668024

Im not talking about Br*tish people, who have never produced a truly right-wing thinker