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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 207 KB, 1545x2000, RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22657962 No.22657962 [Reply] [Original]

&amp is dead. The editor has been exposed as a crackhead groomer. It's over.

Read the tell-all (by our very own Atlas) here:

What next? Will a new /lit/ zine take the place of &amp? Let's discuss and air our grievances.

>> No.22657968

>Crackhead Groomer

>> No.22657975

Ari won.
Garder won.

>> No.22657980

I don’t care about any of this. Tell me where I can send my shit so I can go.

>> No.22657987

For me? I fucking hate Tooky.

>> No.22657988

local magazines like The Southern Review, whatever's close to your area

>> No.22658015

Same desu

>> No.22658019

All your lives are embarassing! Mommy regrets u

>> No.22658024

Reputable quarterlies. The meme mags are dead.

>> No.22658026

this is what 0 mental health does to a mf

>> No.22658029

Cross gobbling on Ryan’s cock throughout all of this is probably the most telling. It’d because he has nowhere else to go. You look like a bum, Robert.

I’m glad this circlejerk ring got busted.

>> No.22658035

Gardner is reviving his mag. His last attempt never made it off the ground because &amp or Unreal spammed him with fake DMCA claims.

>> No.22658037

I’m sorry but that track record doesn’t bode well for his next project. I’m trying to look for a magazine without inter-zine transdrama and discordops for their takedown. Do you have any confidence in it?

>> No.22658039

I cannot imagine wanting to go down with the ship at this point. Is Cross just a retard? The whole apparatus is sinking like the Titanic, has now already more than halfway sunk, why isn't he bugging out?

>> No.22658047

My guy on the inside says they have his beastiality tape.

>> No.22658055

>Garder won.
Garder is the DSP of lit. He will outlive the cockroaches after the nukes have dropped .

I remember thinking about submitting but both the quality of the published work and the constant drama made me look elsewhere.

>> No.22658079

wait for chuck's mag

>> No.22658105

Are APCON any decent? They reek of larpy BAPism, but I can’t make the connection stick.

>> No.22658106

Whatever Atlas does next.

>> No.22658116

He was paying his contributors last time so he seemed pretty serious. I think it was $40 a page. Even though the mag didn't get released he still paid over $2k to his writers and editors.

>> No.22658119

Money’s not a big thing for me, but that seems nice of him. Of course they had to go and ruin it. I’ll check out this next thing then.

>> No.22658162


>> No.22658719


>> No.22658744

Kek that doesn't seem like grooming, that seems so much like a speed induced psychosis on that guy's part, and of fucking course the main heroine is a BPD queen. Match made in heaven, please proceed ruining each others lives.

>> No.22658747
File: 2.19 MB, 950x1536, IMG_0724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're higher than elephant balls. I could have published it myself or whatever. There was no way I was getting and agent or a trade pub because the book is avant-garde. Comes out tomorrow btw! Grab a copy!

>> No.22658836

Tell me you know nothing about speed without telling me that you know nothing about speed.

>> No.22658843

You can't be serious with that cover.

>> No.22658850

Better than most in /wg/ (but you just have it out for him)

>> No.22658851

Robert, what's the amazon price-point for the paperback version?

>> No.22658864

same fate as all writers then

>> No.22658886

cum tribute cover

>> No.22658891

Too soon.

>> No.22658894


I believe we settled on $18 for the PB and $25 for the HC. It's full color. 220 pages or so.

>> No.22658905

I like him, but I can see why some people hate him. There's something condescending about him.

>> No.22658911

Nigga, Ryan may be a crackhead, but calling him a groomer is a stretch. Atlas is almost in her 30s for fuck's sake.

>> No.22658926

>Better than most in /wg/
No it's not. Not even close. I can look at any of Gardner's, any of Krakes, any of of Nesmer's, they all blow this crap out of the water. Even one-off authors like Charles Dearmore, or Royal Road authors like JK Sama have covers that are head and shoulders above this. Obviously there are stinkers like Unreal's AI slop or Woolston's "picture in greyscale", but there are also covers on the opposite end of the spectrum like Egregore that look professionally done.
It's weird to put this one on a pedestal when it's clearly in the bottom 10% of /wg/ covers.
>(but you just have it out for him)
I don't even know who "him" is. I've never read a single thing from anyone named Robert James Cross so I certainly haven't read anything that would imbue me with enough contempt to "have it out for him".

>> No.22658927

I'm glad you had such a good experience with it.

>> No.22658945

Are you fucking joking? The covers of Krake’s first two books are hilariously bad.

>> No.22658951

How do you know she’s almost in her 30s? I thought she was early/mid 20s

>> No.22658973
File: 116 KB, 1000x1500, Faceless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.
The only thing I'd consider terrible about this is the author tag. Everything else meshes quite well, the art isn't awful and the upper text formatting is quite nice. All of that is a heck of a lot more than I can say about your interpretation of "Shards". This is just AI with some text thrown over it in MSpaint.

>> No.22658978

Actually, one complaint I would give about the text formatting is that I don't like how he increased the font of the F. It would look far better if all of the horizontal lines were aligned.

>> No.22658995

Grooming isn't exclusive to minors. The term can be used in any situation where an abuser inappropriately leverages their influence to exploit a vulnerable person for their own gratification. In this case he was obviously using her mental illness as an avenue to manipulate her.

>> No.22658997

Shut up Atlas.

>> No.22659002

>increased the font of the F
never heard of caps?

>> No.22659004

>anyone who calls out Ryan for being a predator must be Atlas

lol. lmao even.

>> No.22659029
File: 35 KB, 632x650, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ím sorry my girl
im magic
you would understand if you saw me irl

>> No.22659039

Never heard of aesthetic cohesion?

>> No.22659061

He phrased it like an idiot, but putting the 'F' in (what's called) small caps would look better, though I'm not sure if that would also fix the 'l'. That or put the entire title in small caps.

>> No.22659078

Looks like auto-generated Amazon cover slop. Peak soulless dogshit for fittingly boilerplate forgettable garbage.

>> No.22659147
File: 37 KB, 1118x484, not smallcaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I said and I said what I meant.
Small caps are above, what I wanted below, though looking at it now I'm not so certain I love the look of it. Attempted to correct the F with weights but 500 was too small and 700 was too large. No 600 to be found. Oh well, gets the point across.

>> No.22659156

Well he didn't 'increase' anything, if anything he failed to do so.
What does a lowercase f look like in that font? I get what you're going for, but the cover is still ass overall.

>> No.22659198
File: 49 KB, 1022x724, Krakefonts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better desu. I would have just went all lowercase.
Manually fixed up the smaller upper case F, looks much better now but I'd still put all lowercase as the winner.

>> No.22659251

This thread needs meds.

>> No.22659288

I’m glad you retarded faggots have your own containment thread. This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read about

>> No.22659746

>Unreal still seething about Krake leaving them in the dust
You love to see it.

>> No.22659747

I haven't been here for a while, what happened to /lit/ quarterly?

>> No.22659797
File: 137 KB, 1162x315, 2430357B-143E-4D09-868E-9E51BA48B0D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t take a discord tranny to see that you’re an absolute joke of a human being. Maybe if you hadn’t been shitting up /wg/ and /sffg/ for years you could reasonably assume only Unreal hates you, but trust me that’s just the paranoia talking.
Go back to your discord server you pointless hack.

>> No.22659919

you can't be serious lol

>> No.22660069

Is starting an ezine an easy way to get BPD art hoe pussy?
Might give it a shot?

>> No.22660332

Shame. I thought it was a cool project, but started getting turned off to it when I saw how prone to petty drama and infighting all the people behind it were. As if anyone gives a shit.

>&amp is dead. The editor has been exposed as a crackhead groomer. It's over.
Do you really think this cancel culture bullshit would work on 4chan?

Personally I don't care about any of the characters behind it. They could all be anonymous for all I care. I certainly don't care about the editor's drug habits or sexual proclivities if they do the work to put out a half decent product. Whoever he is though he seems a bit too unstable to keep it together

>> No.22660385

Lit Quarterly died out a few years back. I think it happened due to the editor calling for submissions outside of 4chan and finding himself inundated with submissions (too many for him to go through, and drowning out the /lit/ element). That and funds running out, considering it was $100 for every selected piece. But that's based on memories and second-hand accounts, so the details may not be exact, and ultimately it's probably more complicated than any specific reason. The last thread I can find about LQ also has some accusations that monetary incentives were making the submissions sterile (or un-4chan like).

I don't think the pay-per-submission model can work on here, considering there's such a small pool of writers and a probably smaller pool of people who'll pay to read their writing. And I think the anon from the LQ thread had a point about money killing some of the "frankness" of the writing; that same anon said &amp (then on its first issue) had the frankness LQ was lacking, but I think that's been a big point of contention for &amp over the last year---whether people are too serious or not serious enough, or whether they plain suck or whether it matters at all. Things seem to get confused once direction comes into the conversation. I think the appearance of those questions marks the end.

The guy was a drug addict (and etc.) way before any of this drama stuff came up, so it definitely doesn't matter in itself. It's when his scheming started taking centre-stage earlier this year that it started going to shit. My take is that it outlived itself and started accumulating bullshit very quickly. When the guy remained anonymous in the background his personal pitfalls didn't matter, but now &amp is built around some minor cult of personality instead.

And to tie in to Lit Quarterly getting fucked by seeking submissions from outside 4chan, it turns out &amp resorted to the same thing in the last few months (and on Reddit of all places).

>> No.22660438

From digging around in the archives I found an anon's big archive of /lit/ writing circa August 2021 (turns out it was buried just a little further in the thread I was digging through a few nights back):

This has got Lit Quarterly 3 (spring 2020) in it, but that leaves issue 4 as still missing (and issue 5? dunno if that ever released).

There's also a collection of the April Reader in here, which spans April 2011 to September 2013.

>> No.22660448

(for any anons searching for these PDF files in the future)

full list:
'9gag only has four posters_files'
'9gag only has four posters.html'
'9gag only has four posters.pdf'
'A Walking Aphrodisiac by Nicholas Blacksmith.pdf'
'Catgirl Misaki the Vampire Hunter.txt'
'Coronameron 2.docx'
'Coronameron 2.pdf'
'Coronameron More.docx'
'Coronameron More.pdf'
'Da Archive Annex - August 6 2018.pdf'
'Da Archive Annex - March 1 2018.pdf'
'Da Archive Annex - May 19 2018.pdf'
'Da Archive Annex - October 10 2018.pdf'
'Da Archive Annex.pdf'
'Gifts Evil and Good.pdf'
'Gifts Evil and Good (print).pdf'
'Lit Quarterly - Fall 2019.pdf'
'Lit Quarterly - Spring 2020.pdf'
'Lit Quarterly - Winter 2020.pdf'
'LondonFrog - Last Binge Ever Volume 1.pdf'
'LondonFrog Vol 2 Final Draft.pdf'
'LondonFrog Vol 3 Final Draft.pdf'
'Moby-Dick - A lit Annotated Edition by Herman Melville.pdf'
'Professor Kafir - Pol Gets a PhD in Islam (2019).pdf'
'Rags and Bones.pdf'
'Rags and Bones (print).pdf'
'Redgrave - Paleblood Hunt.pdf'
'The Complete Works of God II.docx'
'The Complete Works of God II.pdf'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3_ Tokyo Drift.docx'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra 3_ Tokyo Drift.pdf'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 1 [GO TO CHAPTER 2].docx'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 1 [GO TO CHAPTER 2].pdf'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 2 [CHAPTERS 3_4 OPEN NOW].docx'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 2 [CHAPTERS 3_4 OPEN NOW].pdf'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 3.docx'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 3.pdf'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 4.docx'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism In a Tundra in Miami - Chapter 4.pdf'
'The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra.pdf'
"The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Presents_ Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades_ A Novella.docx"
"The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Presents_ Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades_ A Novella.pdf"
'The _lit_ collection.docx'
'The _lit_ collection.pdf'
'The Manifesto of SaintMarx and Pope Doug.docx'
'The Manifesto of SaintMarx and Pope Doug.pdf'

>> No.22660462

so a crackhead groomer got more published than all of this board

>> No.22660598

why's it only got &amp up to 7?

>> No.22660603


Basically lol

>> No.22660623

Magic Man
Cryin' Hartley
The Good Luck Canuck
Man's Laughter
Brokedick Mountain
The Gabriola Kid

>> No.22660624

Because it was from 2021, pal. It's far from being complete or current. Another archiving anon has stuff like Ideology, and there's a dead link for Lit Quarterly 5 in the archive. I'm working on picking up more files and sorting this; I've got all of miniMAG, the latest two Unreal releases (and maybe one or two others buried elsewhere?), and all of &amp to add to it. The link I posted is the original one however, not mine. I'll post mine if I get it properly updated.

Although now that I'm digging deeper, it looks like Ideology might refer to a series of threads about made-up philosophers, which the &amp editor was a part of and archived with various names on the &amp site.

>> No.22660629

missing Preditor

>> No.22660630

>The link I posted is the original one however, not mine. I'll post mine if I get it properly updated.

>> No.22660645


RJC here,

So, I've been in Ideology, Lit Quarterly, and &amp. I also contributed to the first Tundra but I can't remember which part so I won't count it.

The Amazon link for Shards goes live soon. Since it's about a Vietnam veteran, I'm going to donate some copies of the book to a few American Legions and VA hospitals around San Diego where I live. I highly suggest you do the same or if you have family who are Vietnam vets buy them a copy for Christmas. I will gladly sign and personalize copies for vets who mail them to me, free of charge.

>> No.22660660

You got PDFs for Lit Quarterly? Currently 4 and 5 are missing.

And Ideology looks more like a collection of threads with mostly AI-generated books accompanying it, maybe a few collaborative ones but I can't tell from the limited look I took. If you can tell me what the deal was with Ideology it'd help me figure out what to archive, since if the books are just AI-gen shit then it isn't too interesting, though I could try saving the threads themselves to accompany the PDFs.


>> No.22660666


Yes, I have all of the LQ PDFs. What's your email?

>> No.22660672


>> No.22660674

if you call self published on amazon 'publishing' with only 2 reviews from customers, then yes

>> No.22660730


Also, Ideology was an online pub. There was no pdf or physical copy released. Every submission got their own webpage. I think mine was a poem about Christ. I know I was on it because it was one of the first things I got published outside of my community college.

>> No.22660758

So Ideology isn't about these threads?
Could you narrow it down to a particular time? That'd help me to find it in the archives, along with any more particular titles that it had. Or if you have any links (even if dead) it'd be helpful.

>> No.22660781


Yeah, that looks like a completely different thing. It had a website and I found it through /lit/ but I don't remember what the site was. It might be in the archives or the wayback machine somewhere.

>> No.22660806

Do you remember approximately when it was organised? Even just the year would help, and the month would be a big benefit.

>> No.22660827


Anytime between January and May 2015.

>> No.22660915

I remember you from last year, anon! Congrats on finishing the book.

>> No.22660938

>finishing the book

>> No.22661038

My take is that it doesn’t matter how sordid the editor’s personal life is as long as he keeps it seperate from &amp, or at most in the peripheral. Before this spring, there was some vague discussion in &amp threads about him having been in rehab (and etc.), but his private affairs were never widely publicized and he didn’t really have a well-developed persona. The Message in a Bottle thread where he doxxed himself was what started everything going downhill. After that he changed &amp’s trajectory, and it became about marketing himself, getting clout for his brand, and developing a cult of personality rather than about showcasing /lit/ writers. The problem escalated when he went on a power trip and started dragging interpersonal conflicts surrounding the magazine into the public eye and making threats.

On the point about cancel culture, I don’t really believe in the concept of cancellation. Forgiveness is powerful, and we shouldn’t condemn people forever on the basis of their past mistakes. When you understand what motivates people’s behaviour, it becomes much easier to sympathize with them. However, I do think that there is a certain line of cruel and antisocial behaviour people can cross that is very difficult to come back from, and once someone has had a pattern of criminal behaviour for 20+ years it’s unlikely that they will change. In situations like that, I do feel that there is a duty to make other people aware of the potential danger so that they can protect themselves from being targeted.

>> No.22661061

Correction, I meant to write “on the periphery.”

>> No.22661073

In future just let you mistakes stand. It's more honest and you spoil your emphasis by adding little after posts to the mix. Otherwise good post.

>> No.22661106
File: 2.24 MB, 2682x3000, 1450042242508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, looks like Ideology was published at www.ideologylit.com, and they paid the author of the best entry. They released two issues, Genesis and Heat, and seemed to have a third in the works, but I haven't found PDFs yet. The site is dead, and the Wayback Machine only has a single, poorly cached copy of the site from 2017. One of the organisers used to namefag as ideologylit, with or without a trip, so who knows how honest the final account is in the archives. Apparently there was a scam for forcing anons to pay to submit, the funds got "hacked", and some high school chick got doxxed/blackmailed, plus
>psychotic skype sessions
though it's all pretty dubious. Familiar story. Actually, it kind of looks like the prototype for the current &amp shitfest, with bogus OPs and the like. Kinda funny, and probably impossible to decode at this point.

There seemed to eventually be some legitimate stuff posts again, but by then it was pretty dead (two posts before a 404). They lasted from May 2015 until February 2017 from what I can tell. Had a brief communion with Pinecone.

Anybody who happens to have the PDF files can email me at unofficial.drivel@gmail.com or post em here or whatever.

Thank you, thank you. It's my pride and joy.

>> No.22661115


Yup, that was it. I was in Heat. Genesis was pretty good too.

Shards is out! Grab a copy on Amazon: https://a.co/d/bs3LYHu

>> No.22661133

link in the OP doesnt work

>> No.22661137
File: 115 KB, 857x758, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting and only vaguely related is khole.net, which seems to have a single mention (shill) in the archive located in one of the dying Ideology threads. Seemed a little out of touch with /lit/, especially given that they were on issue 5 by this first mention, but eh. They claim to be popular, with a list of
>Celebrities Who Have Talked About Our Work
on their about page.

Pic related is the one and only mention I've come across. Has similarities to &amp, with all the anti-editing, IP theft, and theme consisting of zeitgeisty buzzwords. Nothing new in this world, folks.

That said, the design is remarkably abhorrent, which might make this one special. Everything is in fucking caps, and my head now hurts in a way that I'd like to blame on downloading and skimming all five (five!) issues of khole.

I backed up a PDF copy. Gimme a minute and I'll upload it somewhere.

>> No.22661143

NOBODY on this hellsite is mentally healthy in the slightest. This place is a poisonous leech on the psyche.

>> No.22661149

>started dragging interpersonal conflicts surrounding the magazine into the public eye
atlas was the one who did that, not editor
>When you understand what motivates people’s behaviour, it becomes much easier to sympathize with them.
how can you actually fully know what motivates anyone tho? you're not in their head.

>> No.22661154
File: 77 KB, 1169x983, 1698294950519246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saved this right after the thing got posted initially, but I dunno if there were later edits or what.

>> No.22661178
File: 906 KB, 1324x2726, ‘Judas Hanging Himself’ by Giovanni Canavesio, 1491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real &amp was the mental illness we gained along the way.

>> No.22661219


>> No.22661324
File: 863 KB, 2000x3000, &non6x9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, but I still plan to use the submissions I’ve received and release a single issue of &non. After that, I don’t know what’ll happen with the project. Ryan sabotaged it by revealing my identity so the cat’s out of the bag now, and I don’t know if there’s any point in trying to continue it beyond a one-off. I’m really busy with irl stuff for the next month and a half and it doesn’t look like anyone else is interested in helping with design/formatting, so I probably won’t be able to complete it until the end of December at the earliest. At that point the submissions may have already been taken and used in &amp 019, but I’ll release it regardless, because I want to finish what I started.

Anyway, I want to let the current &non thread die because it’s devolved into shitflinging and is unlikely to be productive anymore. If you want to submit anything after the thread dies you can email it to me at anonthezine@gmail.com.

I’m 25.

Yeah, I removed access to it. I felt that it had been up for long enough to do its job, and I had never intended for people to make multiple drama threads and keep disseminating the doc by linking it in the OP. I suppose I can’t prevent people from reuploading it though.

>atlas was the one who did that
Ryan was the one who publicized the drama in the first place when he exposed me as the OP behind &non and falsely accused me of making the epilogue thread/doxxing him. I never wanted any of what transpired between us to be public (because it’s embarassing) and I would have preferred to leave &amp silently, but I felt obligated to defend myself. And given that he had made some pretty serious threats, I felt that other people involved with the magazine should be warned about what he is capable of. Everything I wrote was true, but I regret going into as much detail as I did. My intention was to provide relevant context, but I was not in the best headspace when I wrote it, and I have a touch of the ‘tism and can sometimes say too much.

>you're not in their head.
I didn’t mean it as literally as you’re taking it. Obviously you can’t know exactly what’s going on in someone else’s head, but you can develop a general understanding of what motivates them, and that makes it easier to relate to them and sympathize. The book “Personality Types” has given me a lot of insight into this. Here’s a link to a PDF: https://gofile.io/d/ElCaiy

>> No.22661423

I wasn't being sarcastic. If you do another project, advertise on /lit/ I will be glad to submit to it.

>> No.22661468

no man would suggest something so gay

>> No.22661476

other than kenneth, who is gay himself

>> No.22661482

can someone else learn typsetting and some adobe apps so this w*man can vanish already?
i might pick that stuff back up again

>> No.22661497

Who the fuck is Kenneth?

>> No.22661518


Ken Kaniff from Connecticut

>> No.22661519

>My take is that it doesn’t matter how sordid the editor’s personal life is as long as he keeps it seperate from &amp
Well of course he won't because this is his claim to "fame"
As a writer honestly I want to choke the life out of him with phantasmal, spectral metaphysical hands. True blooded writers are such a higher grade of being that I take particular offense to others when they try to approximate it without the necessary drawing of blood...
If "Ryan" or "Kevin" or "Steve" or whatever his faggot name was had the psychospiritual power to sublimate his desires into writing--truly the epitome and apex of human capacity--then I'd have more respect for him. Instead I view him and everyone behind him as the saddest and most enfeebled type of capitalist, the capitalist who is interested in something other than money. I hoped they'd be something other than everything else but they're not.

>> No.22661523


You sound upset.

>> No.22661522

Basically tldr kill all editors...maybe it's all good that AI will replace these things... (another capitalist delusion but let's not pretend as if we can fathom anything besides the profit motive...). Editors will die before writers do and justly so. Benthic , parasitic littler worm

>> No.22661528

I am bitch. Get out of the way of my holy hellfire if you know what's good for you

>> No.22661531

Why are you so angry? It seems personal lol

>> No.22661538


>> No.22661542

kinda based

>> No.22661556

I thought you were anti-socialism and pro-capitalism.

>> No.22661559

you are absolutely pathetic
if you knew how to communicate like any reasonable adult you wouldnt cause problems like this.
you probably had dozens of opportunities to say something, to steer the ship, whatever.
instead you let a crackhead ""groom"" you. you're an adult, btw.
groomed. ie. the weaker mind in a dynamic. you never shut it down, you just collected receipts while doing mental gymnastics, and have constructed some insane reality where you werent responsible for your own actions
you are a fucking imbecile

>> No.22661573

holy mental illness
editor kenneth, watch your back
if im ever in canada and forced into a self defense situation its game over for you little buddy

>> No.22661578

im not kenneth and i dont know any of you faggots. i am a /lit/ lurker who is looking at woman induced edrama 3 threads deep. stopping by to SHIT on this fat idiot and look down on everyone
its what i do

and everything i said is true. call it mental illness because you assume im some fucking random dude? think about that for a second

>> No.22661581

>somehow knows this discord faggot shit details, including the number of threads
>gets mad about ___?
editor of this shit is a self doxxing crackhead who is literally homeless
i don't give a fuck about your stupid ass shit with women

>> No.22661587
File: 80 KB, 1080x1197, IMG_1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the drama has been going on for MONTHS

>> No.22661595
File: 46 KB, 1400x700, IMG_3503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i dont know any of you faggots

>> No.22661597

oh im the crackhead now?
i "know everything" because it's been the busiest thread on a quiet board for like a month, you nincompoop
your only defense is that im this guy or that guy. no, you are a pathetic faggot
again you are trying to mental gymnastic your way around simple facts im shitting down your throat
please address anything i said directly or kill yourself

>> No.22661601

Fuck off, you barely-literate ESL retard.

>> No.22661604

any time you think im someone else, do it again

>> No.22661606

schizo, insanely mad, or ESL level reading comprehension

>> No.22661609


>> No.22661612

Reply harder buddy, you sure sound like a disinterested lurker

>> No.22661614

you're doing it again. dont forget what i said. those words dont go away because you think im someone else

>> No.22661638

? i'm not that chick you fucking moron
are you actually ESL

>> No.22661642

i was doing it for free, no worries

>> No.22661723

So, when are the greatest minds of /lit/ coming together to start a new project?

>> No.22661726

it's called /wg/ post your trash there

>> No.22661727

Why don’t you start a project yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it?

>> No.22662163

K-Hole shilled on /lit/? Interesting. They were a trendwatching art project, kind of well known in the "post-internet" art world; they also coined the term normcore. One of the main people behind it was Emily Segal, who published a novel not long ago to some artworld success, and runs a small publishing house (one book semi-AI written, but pretty lame identity-wise).

>> No.22662213

based research and effort

>> No.22662502

>semi-AI written
I hope she gets cancer and dies

>> No.22662688

We should have /lit/ renaissance threads if it's not a new issue thread tbdesu.

>> No.22662783
File: 137 KB, 857x758, 1698720324523171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I take it back. Turns out I didn't even read the post correctly and it was just some anon saying he'd make something like K-Hole. Note that last line:
>someone tells me how to make a website that hosts a pdf file you can download, basically exactly like this:
then points to the K-Hole URL.

I thought there was going to be something interesting to say about these trendwatchers turning to /lit/ with their dying breath (only to be called newfags and recommended Pinecone in the next post), but it turns out I was too fried to notice it wasn't even them. Looks like I'll have to revise the history books, folks.

These threads could be kind of cool as a /lit/ cemetery: digging up old threads about /lit/ projects, seeing how they ended, successes, failures, commonalities. I think it'd also help to give some perspective (especially for the anti-namefag cohort). A lot of newfags (and &amp's very own editor) treat &amp like the end-all-be-all of /lit/ projects, when it's just one in a long line. If you look at what I noted about Ideology, it had many of the same terminally online symptoms that &amp is now showing.

If more people turned up with files to archive it'd also be good. Somebody out there must have the Ideology PDFs.

>> No.22662802

I called for the /lit/'s greatest minds, I'm just a retard with an internet connection.

>> No.22662806
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>> No.22662917

How are you going to realease &non, just putting the pdf in a thread?

>> No.22662970

>These threads could be kind of cool as a /lit/ cemetery
Exactly we need less creating new things and more kiwi farms loser obsession over obscure dead projects

>> No.22663061
File: 68 KB, 647x664, 1634788757949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be such a baby. Reflecting on old projects is a way to deal with the myopic doom and gloom that surrounds shit like this. Every project dies eventually, and odds are there's interesting writing buried in all the documents they put together. Most of these projects had much less drama associated with their deaths, so it's more a matter of discussing what worked and what didn't regarding how they were run and what they promoted.

I mean two years ago there was this discussion about "frankness" dying off in Lit Quarterly while &amp seemed to be full of it. Now we're on the flip side where &amp has been mired in the same discussion for quite a while. That makes it look like there are worthwhile questions to ask about whether that kind of problem is inevitable with any long-running (/lit/) project. But go ahead and bury your head in the sand if you think it's pointless.

Plus it's history. It's cool to look at what happened with old projects. And don't forget that it's Halloween, meaning we should be taking the skeletons out of the closet.

>> No.22663254

Yeah, and what does all your 'archiving' and 'documenting' and picking apart get you, kiwitroon? Nothing. Because in the next magazine the exact same thing will happen, regardless of what you or anyone says while it's happening. Because ultimately the flaw isn't lack of knowledge, it's lack of inhibition by the schizo drug using megalomaniacs that are drawn to this kind of thing.
Not that it matters because you're just rationalizing your kiwitroon behavior anyway and don't actually give a shit about how to run a magazine.

>> No.22663302

based writer who actually writes, unlike most plebs here.

>> No.22663304

Nesmer's cover for eggplant is revolting

>> No.22663309

>actually writes
the book leans on a stolen title and a cliche plot about a vietnam vet with 'references' to 'other writers'.
this is not writing. this is amateur hour.

>> No.22663320

>what does all your 'archiving' and 'documenting' and picking apart get you
It's fun.

But your point about who's drawn to these projects is a good one. I wouldn't guess that most /lit/ projects had megalomaniacs helming them, and you can see that most appeared to simply die out quietly. People are going to continue fucking up and burning out on /lit/ projects, with varying degrees of success/failure, but a little bit of added context (whether taken as a lesson or a warning) is better than starting from 0 every time. I think these types of things are always better off aiming to fun and transient instead of cultural or long-lived or profitable. Most people probably see that anyway when it comes down to it. And if this doesn't help anybody, then I'm still happy to dig through old archives for the sake of my own amusement.

>> No.22663324


Thanks bruh. Pick up your copy here: https://a.co/d/79Wc6Bf

Currently riding up the sales charts!

>> No.22663329


Link your book and I'll review it.

>> No.22663330

I don't need reviews from lesser writers, thanks

>> No.22663335


>> No.22663336


Sounds like you don't have a book. It's alright. I didn't either before today. You'll get there.

>> No.22663345

predictable response just like your predictable plot and predictable leaning on 'homage' to fill in the holes of your predictably nothingburger story.

>> No.22663348


It's full color. Hence the price. I suggested $18 so it's a buck lower than I originally wanted.

>> No.22663350

Greedy as well as talentless. No wonder you get along so well with Ryan.

>> No.22663352
File: 130 KB, 600x969, justwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wow, heavy

>> No.22663355


You still haven't linked your book. You're losing a sale bruh.

>> No.22663367

>just link your book so I can read one paragraph of it and unfairly judge it to get back at you.
How stupid and obvious

>> No.22663368

Let's see you laughing when RJC actually becomes the most successful /lit/ author thanks to all the strings KRH is pulling

>> No.22663371

I still can't get over the Stranger Things font bro. It's so embarrassing.

>> No.22663374


I've been donating copies to the VA and to people overseas since we aren't available internationally yet. I'm the least greedy person in this conversation. I'd be willing to buy a few copies of your book to donate as well. Send me the link.

>> No.22663375

indeed. I'll fetch a cloth in advance for all the egg I'll be cleaning from my face.

>> No.22663380

bro looks like Billy Mitchell if he forgot to shave

>> No.22663381


Why would I do that? If it's a good book, I'll gladly review it fairly.

>> No.22663385

The book is called The Last Free Man.
now kiss my arse, I'm drunk.

>> No.22663389



>> No.22663390

Oh, like you’ve been doing?

>> No.22663392

Yeah, exactly

>> No.22663402
File: 316 KB, 729x1822, shards-copyright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a section of the front matter where copyright is specifically stated to belong to &amp. So whatever spiel was given previously about "nonono you can walk away at any time, money doesn't matter" is moot in light of the fact that &amp is stamping a copyright claim right at the front of it.

There's the little registered trademark thing beside "ROBERT JAMES CROSS", but that's followed by a statement saying you need Lamp's permission to reproduce this (and spot the typo). I'm not well-versed in this, so maybe I misunderstand the situation, but this definitely doesn't look like free copyediting to me.

The Amazon sample also doesn't contain any of the actual writing, going only as far as to show off blurbs from various old profs and colleagues (fair enough) and typical font matter material.

Did you sign any formal agreement with Ryan for this book?

Let's hear your thoughts on pic related.

>> No.22663423

I had zero interest in this book before and now i have negative interest. Meaning, you'd have to pay me to read it.

>> No.22663436

>sine loco

>> No.22663437

The spray paint effect looks cheap and ridiculous here, and totally clashes with the front cover’s shitty attempt at a retro Stephen King aesthetic.

>This non-linear tale shifts between different times, places, and forms.
non·lin·e·ar /nänˈlinēər/: not linear, sequential, or straightforward; random. This entire sentence is pretentious and redundant.
>Giving the reader a 1:1 experience with the protagonist through his own confusion, hallucination, and dementia.
This is a sentence fragment. If you want to LARP as a publisher, then the least you can do is put in the effort to create a back cover blurb that is free of syntax errors and sounds professional. Holy shit, this is embarrassing.

>> No.22663441

He'll gladly take your money and copyright and in exchange he'll uh.... upload your doc to Kindle...

>> No.22663457

>using a proprietary font that is licensed out on a quote by quote basis as your company font without permission
Asking for a DMCA and worse. Would be a shame if anyone threw an email to Monotype about an improper use of their ITC Benguiat font..

>> No.22663459

There’s a spelling error in the copyright section. How do you even make a spelling error in a generic disclaimer that I assume was directly copy-pasted in?

>> No.22663476

it's avant garde non-linear lofi prose. you wouldn't understand.

>> No.22663478

If there are this many errors on just the front/back covers and copyright page, then I shudder to think of the state of the rest of the book. This is lazy editing/formatting. Zero professionalism.

>> No.22663481
File: 776 KB, 976x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this whole thing just a giant troll?
I feel like it has to be. Right?

>> No.22663482

Excuse me this is an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.22663486

By “this whole thing” do you mean Lamp Standard Press?

>> No.22663489

I mean this book with the 100 typos on page 1 and obvious shady copyright issues

>> No.22663509


>> No.22663512

Bet that anime anon from last thread is feeling pretty smug seeing the shitshow he avoided.

>> No.22663517
File: 1.48 MB, 2852x1561, lost-books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two books dropped from the roster (thank you to the guy who archived the &amp site). I thought they were going to be more AI/penname schlock, but maybe not. The Wayback Machine doesn't have the blurbs, but you can still find them if you plug in the URLs.

>> No.22663520

Here's a PDF of The Lit Quarterly No. 5 if you still need it: https://pdfhost.io/v/.pyI8DvbW_KD_LitQuarterlyV5_v621indd

>> No.22663525

Thank you. Luckily the other guy pulled through on it, so I've got copies of issues one through five. Any chance you've got Ideology (Genesis, Heat)?

>> No.22663528 [DELETED] 

>more use of stranger things font
Jesus wept.

>> No.22663533

The two gone ones seemed like placeholders desu, Cola is an old Hartley penname iirc, released two short books under the new at the very beginning (?) of &amp, without linking the projects. We`ll see what else they`ll have to offer.

>> No.22663537
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>> No.22663544

>has to rely on a female penname and woman on the cover
>still can't sell any copies

>> No.22663549


>> No.22663551
File: 513 KB, 2398x960, blurbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Cola was a penname, thus why I figured the other two might be the same. Before Shards, Karma Whore is what was being shilled as the "first" Lamp Standard release, which got called out immediately.

I haven't found any external content related to the other two, but here are the blurbs. If these were placeholders, I'd be surprised at their removal; it makes me think they were legitimate but the authors turned tail sometime in the last week. (Or maybe they're being revised, but I doubt it, and that's the less fun interpretation; remember that Lamp was also being shilled on Reddit in the last couple months, so they could have been from there.)

>> No.22663554

>the pair devolve... into a nightmare
Looks like this chef's specialty is wordsalad.

>> No.22663578

Second book uses some version of Helvetica, likely Neue. Another paid font that is only offered for logos on a case by case basis, this time from Linotype.

>> No.22663591

Any chance you were the anon distinguishing posters based on variations in apostrophes? It's cool to see anons that have a real eye for this stuff.

>> No.22663603

here you go bro

>> No.22663604

Nope, that was another anon. Seems these threads have more than a couple detail autists, shame none of us are a part of &amp or Unreal.

>> No.22663613

That's because the detail oriented generally have good sense, and those amateurs offend the senses.

>> No.22663617
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Hubris manifest.

>> No.22663655

Based enjoyer

>> No.22663665

Speak for yourself.

That's a meantime rare first edition! Makes sense.

>> No.22663683


I should have sent you the original manuscript to give it the once over. Thanks for copyediting the front matter. It's fixed now.

We have a formal agreement and I retain any and all copyright claims regardless of whatever is said in the front matter.

Typos happen. I didn't even see it when I got my preview copy a couple of weeks ago. I think the only people who will notice are people who have it out for KRH.

>> No.22663708

Of course RJC is going to ignore this valid criticism and refuse to respond. He doesn’t want to lose face by admitting that he got scammed by Ryan.

You should post a new thread asking for the Ideology PDFs. Someone likely has them, but they won’t know that you’re looking unless they open this thread.

>> No.22663732


I just responded here: >>22663683

>> No.22663740

>Typos happen.
And editors catch them. You down syndrome baby.

>> No.22663749

>We have a formal agreement
Okay, so you actually signed something that states your rights? And I mean really actually put your signature on a document? If that's the case, the front matter should definitely be changed to reflect that.
And if you're willing to share, I'd be really curious to see what that agreement states.
>Typos happen
The point of having a copyeditor is to make sure that's cleared up before you release. Of course they happen, but it's a bad look to have it front and centre, especially in what's presumably the same declaration your editor is going to place in every book. Even if it's being done to mock you, having these mistakes corrected is only to your benefit.

>> No.22663751

Many a major publisher prints a typoe.

>> No.22663760

I wonder if AIs are better than human editors by now? I bet yes

>> No.22663762

Btw if you think this druggie who steals fonts without permission gives a shit about your little private contract then think again. Not that it matters because no ones gonna buy the book.

>> No.22663767

If you retain any and all copyright claims then shouldn’t the front matter reflect that? The whole thing is still shady. Also, weren't you a creative writing professor? How did you manage to overlook the redundant phrasing and syntactical errors in the back cover blurb before this was published?

>> No.22663768

>three typos and it's not even the actual book yet
>three typos in the fucking copyright statement
>a supposedly false copyright statement

>> No.22663772

Bro, it's literally the first page and it's already this bad. Have a little self respect. You deserve better than this.

>> No.22663773

fucking kek

>> No.22663804


I was a creative writing professor, yes. I wrote the back cover blurb. Steve Donoghue didn't seem to notice and he's been published in The Washington Post, The American Conservative, The Spectator, The Wall Street Journal, The National, the Daily Star, The Boston Globe, the Vineyard Gazette, and the Christian Science Monitor. What do I know? Lol https://youtu.be/QuGdfzHPQnc

>> No.22663806

At this point I'm chalking this RJC fellow up to a Hartley invention that he wasn't talented enough to act out properly.

>> No.22663814

I'm thinking Steve Donoghue didn't give a shit enough to read it properly

>> No.22663816
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Took you 44 minutes. Lol

>> No.22663818

>one person can't use two discord accounts... because they just can't, okay?

>> No.22663821

>all they can do is shit on the font and copyright
That's because the rest of your sopping toilet paper scrawl is locked behind a ridiculous paywall. Faggot.

>> No.22663829

>shit on the font and copyright
Does this retard not realize that everything said on those two things have been sound suggestions that only a retard would ignore? I wish I had a hypertalented autist that could instantaneously point out any copyright infringements on my next novel.

>> No.22663835

discord faggots tend to be hysterical narcissists that take criticism as a personal sleights
these people are legit insana

>> No.22663843

Yo, please follow up on the copyright stuff. What agreement did you guys actually come to? Did it include a proper document that one or both of you signed?

I also want to point out that the editor's claim of not being able to even view /lit/ is a cop-out so he can avoid addressing any of the shit that comes up. Lets him filter it down to what his buddies will say to him over Discord, which will be sterlised and trimmed down according to zeal. You definitely need to talk to him about correcting the copyright info, since he's not going to do it of his own volition.

>> No.22663849

>editor's claim of not being able to even view /lit
yeah, it's a bald faced lie
4chan bans don't work like that and why is this faggot even banned anyway?

>> No.22663852

>and why is this faggot even banned anyway?
posting Atlas' face.

>> No.22663888
File: 8 KB, 593x121, threat1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess was that it was on account of pic related, but I dunno if the deletion lines up with the stream of schizobabble he (presumably) continued rapping off in the thread after that. There was another threat that was probably written by the resident anti-&amp schizo, but if he was banned he seemed to come back quick.

It's probably another lie to avoid any pretenses of addressing the threads. Or he's range banned or blocked on whatever network he's forced to use now. lmao if the guy is on library wi-fi and actually can't browse or shitpost on account of that.

>> No.22663913

No, as far as I know he hasn’t posted my face (yet). He received a 30 day ban a few weeks ago for shilling the Lamp Standard Press edition of Call of United Airlines.

He can definitely view /lit/, and I know for a fact that he’s been looking at various threads in the time since he was banned. He’s just using the ban as an excuse to bury his head in the sand and avoid addressing the situation. Before he removed my access to the &amp inbox, a potential writer interested in Lamp Standard Press sent an email saying that he was withdrawing his book because of what I had posted, and in response Ryan just claimed that none of the allegations made about him were true. I’ve got no idea what he’s been saying on Discord, but based on that email his strategy is just denying everything and painting me as a liar, despite the fact that I provided ample proof.

>> No.22663915

This is definitely horseshit because I know his style of bitter posting and have had several exchanges with him on that non thread

>> No.22663922

only newfags think a ban means you can't view the website
this faggot kenneth is such lying dogshit

>> No.22663930
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>> No.22663932

what an illiterate reject

>> No.22663941

>guy doxxes himself and reveals he's a crackhead arrested by canadian police
>everyone proceeds to fucking laugh and shit on this retard
>t-they're worshiping me
sad schizophrenic and delusional cope

>> No.22663942

>he sleeps with the lights on

>> No.22664015

No, he really was banned for posting COUA, and I think he even talked about it in the /wg/ discord at the time. But I’m pretty sure that he’s using a different WiFi network now anyway (since sometime after the ban went into effect he left the island, and as of last week had not returned), so it’s very likely that he’s been posting on /lit/ covertly while using the ban as his official excuse to avoid addressing things.

>> No.22664029

it's not as covert as he thinks.

>> No.22664042

How do you think he’ll address it?

>> No.22664342

Insane degree of cope here

>> No.22664350

There are two ways to get out of feeling like a loser: you can become successful, or you can convince yourself that you're successful.

>> No.22664643

He's not gonna follow up on the copyright stuff. I suspect that there is no formal agreement.

>> No.22664866

I am submitting to lamp standard regardless
l o l e

>> No.22664878

>letting someone steal your writing in exchange for a shitty cover
lamp standard is a retard catcher

>> No.22664881

let's hope your writing's better than your judgment

>> No.22664890
File: 22 KB, 65x100, DanceDoremi3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I removed access to it. I felt that it had been up for long enough to do its job
fuck man, I want to read it!

just saw this thread, no fair!

where's the pdf?

>> No.22664894

nevermind, thanks >>22661154

>> No.22664895

it got linked here >>22661154
you the anime poster?

>> No.22664918

>the anime poster
who? it's an anime website, man

>> No.22664925

got nothin against anime my man but there was a poster talking about submitting a novel to amp who always posted anime girls

>> No.22664944


I said there was here: >>22663683

...and continue....

>> No.22664975

You sidestepped stating whether you actually signed anything. Calling it a formal agreement but avoiding mention of signatures immediately brought to mind something closer to an informal agreement that you simply took seriously.

>> No.22664989


Sounds like you have experience with stupid decisions and you're projecting that experience onto me. Good day.

>> No.22664991

Holy fucking cope. This mf will do anything but give a straight answer.

>> No.22664998

Dude, all you had to do was say "yes, I signed a piece of paper". You've got a book out with a full page stating someone else owns the copyright, so you can't blame people for doubting you on the nature of your agreement.

>> No.22665006


Which one of you is Atlas and which one of you is Ari. I sent Ari the Lit Quarterly PDFs yesterday when they asked so I don't know why they're being so uppity with me right now. And Atlas, I don't know you, but I support trans rights and have many trans friends so I hope you find happiness in your life someday.

>> No.22665016


>> No.22665036

>resorting to catty sniping instead of just answering the question

>> No.22665325


>> No.22665378

It’s actually crazy how much higher quality this is than &amp. Obviously a far bigger team and less design, but still

>> No.22665390
File: 34 KB, 384x384, 10574160_10152547568981830_1125630555863833788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I'm rich again I'm going to host the /lit/ awards and Ryan is going to get the lifetime achievement award for keeping the board culture alive

Ryan, if you're out there, sorry we didn't go for nachos this summer, 2023 has been the toughest year of my life! Godspeed

>> No.22665402

Jason, you spent the last year in a fucking homeless encampment bargaining stolen knickknacks for alcohol. You’re never going to be rich. Either kill yourself or drop the ego and get a real job. Your situation would be far funnier if you didn’t have children. Stop trying to be famous. Go do something with your life so you can do something for them.

>> No.22665404

To no one’s surprise, Jason Bryan is shitting up the thread again. I’m not surprised that he has such an affinity for Ryan, considering that they’re both predatory egomaniacs with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.22665408

And crack addicts. Don’t forget that.

>> No.22665413

That's the best way to live

You're just jealous. Ryan will be back.

>> No.22665414
File: 22 KB, 350x350, 1751754-ted_dibiase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came in your ex's mouth and pussy Alex, do something with your money and power or shut the fuck up dork

>> No.22665423

Jealous of a homeless crackhead? Don't make me laugh.
You're a complete schizo.

>> No.22665424
File: 392 KB, 688x664, asss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having an ego is fun, wish more /lit/ writers were psychopaths like me, we'd be able to share funny stories about life!

>> No.22665425

Children only get one real father and you’ve already abandoned them because you’d rather do drugs than find a real job. If the last ten years have taught you anything, I hope it has taught you that there is no market for whatever you’re peddling. You missed out on the the most important years of your daughter’s lives because you were egotistical and selfish enough to think you could spend a decade high on crack while perusing your artistic ambitions and not harm anyone in the process. Well you were wrong, and the faster you recognize that the faster your children and exwife can stop wishing you dead.

>> No.22665428

I feel like you come from a negative space, because the world needs a voice of sanity like Jason Bryan. Have you taken a look around and compared 2023 to 2013 lately?

Alex, stop being such a corporate pussy. You were once so bad ass I modeled myself after you. You just created the perfect Frankenstein and are now rejecting your creation, all because you never reproduced and I did. Drop it, get your shit together, make a family and join the blackpill club of truth.

>> No.22665436

Put the pipe down and go to sleep Jason. It’s midnight on a Wednesday morning. When you wake up, try to think up a real plan for improving your life, something that involves a real job. Cut it with this pie in the sky fame chasing. You’ve already lost. Cut those losses and try to give something to those you care about, if you still do.

>> No.22665437

Just because you've given up on doing anything outside of the box doesn't mean everyone else should.

>> No.22665443

Such platitudes will be little comfort to your daughters when they pay out of pocket for your funeral and inherit your ever accruing debt.

>> No.22665444

At least I reproduced you barren dweeb, how is Baldur's Gate 3?

>> No.22665448

You know Ryan is King of /lit/ because his shit is always the hottest topic on this board.

>> No.22665464

Fuck you Jason

>> No.22665467

Imagine if you had the balls to post a selfie lol

>> No.22665479
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>> No.22665490

God you've aged. You looked like such a bright and youthful person back in 2013. Makes me sad.

>> No.22665572

But I love my ex-wife even though she made me sleep on a park bench for doing crack. Kiss my arse and I mean it.

>> No.22665576

I'm still married to my wife even though it says we're not. We have a formal agreement. Fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.22665639
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>> No.22665652

the spirit of 4chan in anonymity. keep the names on discord

its time to start nanowrimo. good luck everyone

>> No.22665699 [DELETED] 

My name is Lewis Woolston and anonymity won't change that. Kiss my arse.

>> No.22665708

you desecrate sacred ground

>> No.22665721

there's nothing sacred about this LARPing shithole

>> No.22665913

nice hat, faggot

>> No.22665930

>self doxxing crackhead who is literally homeless
God damnit, fourchanners used to be upstanding citizens, what happened?

>> No.22666034


>> No.22666040

>stock footage of las vegas
>still using that stolen front
>tells you absolutely nothing about the book
somehow even with zero expectations you still manage to disappoint lmao

>> No.22666140

pretty sick

this sort of thing if for the artist to contemplate, the autistic non-writer can seethe about lack of summary

>> No.22666156

You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

>> No.22666158

yes, i do. you feel left behind by people that are actually creating. you were probably rejected by one of these nobodies, and that makes you lower than dirt.
what am i missing?

>> No.22666169

Your sophomoric projection says more about you than me. It turns out that I'm fully capable of recognizing dogshit without having any kind of personal history with these weirdos.

>> No.22666369


RJC here,

The book is about a Vietnam veteran who goes to Vegas after the war. Once there, he become embroiled in a supernatural war with a brood of hooker witches called the "Whores of Nevada."

Throughout the book I play with form, color, image, time...etc to (hopefully) make the reader feel like they're going through a psychotic break like the vet.

I'd love everyone to read it and give it an honest review. I'm working on my second book now and I would like to know where I can refine my craft.

>> No.22666451


>> No.22666533

I'm not paying $20 for a shitty King ripoff

>> No.22666541


I'm not really ripping off King. There's no wise old sage or raging flu or even a MAIN protagonist like Flagg was in The Stand. King is an influence. So are a lot of different books/writers.

>> No.22666564

>muh vietnam vet
>muh psychedelic ptsd
done to death and back

>> No.22666587


Please shit on my book AFTER you read it. I welcome the shit just as much as I welcome the praise.

>> No.22666610

No, you should have gotten feedback BEFORE commiting to this idea, not after spending months shitting out this turd. Your comments make it abundantly clear what we're in for here. You're not writing anything from a place of your own experience--you're copying movies. You do this because you've had no real life. You don't know shit about Vietnam .You've watched Platoon and Apocalypse Now and Jacob's Ladder and think you can write a book about this. You can't. You can warm up tired tropes from 30 year old movies and that's it, because that's your whole fucking life is playing games and watching TV. Let me guess, you're going to try and ape Fear and Loathing too? If you actually wrote a book about what a nolife shit for brains you are, then maybe just maybe you might have extracted a nugget of gold from this heap of horse manure. But you won't do that because on top of being boring and stupid you're also a coward. You think that good writing is poaching techniques from other writers. It isn't. You need to write ten more books minimum before having the nerve to put anything up on Amazon. You won't though, because your growing list of flaws includes high time preference, another reason you can't write for beans. Adieu faggot. Twenty dollars. What a sick joke. I'd rather light a $20 bill on fire than support this affront on literature.

>> No.22666636

7 billion people 'living life', but he can't write his novel because you lived more life than him. damn shame.
i was thinking of writing a fantasy novel too, but i never went to middle-earth, so im thinking of doing something else.
maybe a book about being reject by &amp and lamenting the indie pubbed life ill never have

>> No.22666644

Sounds like you're just in a pissy mood because you're hungover. Stop projecting.

>> No.22666673

Take the critique like a man and stop crying

>> No.22666842

when you click the link it says 'this file does not exist'

>> No.22666892
File: 117 KB, 750x1037, 1698294418127644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you are my girl

>> No.22666986

i agree that the guy seems like an arrogant loser but have you actually read any of his writing? if you want to shit on him then at least take a few minutes to read the shit he had in &amp or in lit quarterly, neither of those things were very long. it'll furnish better material for your mockery if nothing else

>> No.22667002

I already said I don't need to read it. I understand writing enough that I can tell when all the red flags are present. He can't even summarize his story into one line for his trailer and just fails at the basic level. I don't need to waste my time hunting down his other writing because I already know I'm right. I don't care if that's not fulfilling for the crackhead or his pet, I still know I'm right.

>> No.22667051

>the crackhead or his pet
kek, hartley really does have cross on a leash

>> No.22667061

>genreslop -reading dilating incellectual thinks he knows writing

>> No.22667092

Keep on with the non-sequiturs and ignoring valid critique. That's how you spend a life without improvement.

>> No.22667129

I think it's cool.

>> No.22667140

countdown to harvest by rubbery jackoffs
lit quarterly 2

does this thing with nested brackets
kills any hope of flow
fucking triple brackets every two lines
brackets are conspiracies like russian dolls
no signs of extra narrative in bracket info
bracket info was sometimes contradictory
>spooky omg you dont know nuffin ooooo
>dis a fuckin rabbit hooooole
>r u confuzed yet?
>yah ur totally confuzed lol
>yah rabbit h0le bitch
conspiracy brackets ordered in tiers like
>wikipedia footnotes
>first page of /pol/
>first page of /x/

>bbut its all true!
dont care

also used colorcoding on brackets which was ugly

7 pages in and nothing happened
i stopped halfway


the end

have@it by robber maims cocks
amp 18

>indecipherable narrative

>teeth grind
>eyes roll
>piss bubbles sewer brain cum stain
>god i hate my gf
>slightly decipherable narrative
>i hope she never reads this
>love u honey <3
shit but better

>Ring. Ring. Yawn. Smirk. Drive. Grab. Wait. Drive. Knock. Give. Smile. Nod. Eat. Shit. Die.
only line i liked

the end

thanks for ur service RJC
at first i was excited when somebody found all the lit quarterlies
not anymore

>> No.22667156


>> No.22667170
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No (you)

>> No.22667186

Obsessed. Obsessed tranny freak! There's a new unreal thread up btw, don't you need to autistically wreck that too?

>> No.22667472

Kiss my arse

>> No.22668125

Why are you raging so hard?

>> No.22668322

kill yourself

>> No.22668344
File: 104 KB, 1564x743, Yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not fully decided yet. I’ll definitely make a release thread for it, but I also want to have the PDF shared in a more lasting way than just dumping a gofile.io link. People suggested various options in the &non threads, so I’ll have to go over the suggestions again.

I don’t know, and I’m not looking forward to finding out. He hasn’t yet followed through on any of the threats that he made, so it seems like he was just bluffing in an attempt to scare me into silence, but I’ve still spent the past week going out of my mind over it. At this point I suspect that he’ll either

a) try to sweep it under the rug and ignore all mentions of it in future threads

b) attempt to convince everyone that everything in the doc was a lie and I’m some sort of Brenda Sellers-esque crazy mastermind out to get him


c) try to take revenge by publicly humiliating me in some way.

He sent me an email the night that I posted the doc saying that he was going to stop all contact because he believed that I was building a criminal harassment case against him, so he may keep his word and choose not to retaliate at all. Anyway, the last I heard from him was when he forwarded me this email (pic related). I think he did it in an attempt to taunt me, but who knows.

This is genuinely sad. Why don’t you just answer the question straightforwardly instead of resorting to tone policing and passive-aggressive ad hominem attacks on your critics? The issue at hand is your refusal to specify the nature of the formal written agreement that you claim to have signed with Ryan. If such an agreement actually exists, it would only be to your benefit and the benefit of Lamp Standard Press’ reputation to share it publicly and make it clear that everything is legally sound in terms of copyright.

Also, it’s pretty pathetic that you keep shitting on people for dismissing your book without having read it when you were the one who chose to dismiss the document I wrote as “hateporn” and question its legitimacy without even reading the whole thing. It’s only about 2000 words long if you skim over the screencaps, and—unlike your book—it isn’t locked behind a ridiculous $20 paywall, so you really have no excuse. Much of I wrote can be backed up by screenshots, and the rest is completely in line with Ryan’s own prior public statements (on /lit/ and on social media) regarding his history of criminal behaviour, addiction, abuse, and involvement with a cult. I can only conclude that you’re so deep in the sunk-cost fallacy with Lamp Standard Press that you’re willfully staying in denial.

>> No.22668360

>was building a criminal harassment case against him
you could easily do that and probably should
predittors like that retard have to be locked up to stop

>> No.22668469


I called it "hateporn" because it's petty. You're on a 4chan board about literature and you're airing out Beverly Hills 90210 grade bullshit to a bunch of NEETs and tryhards who read the Turner Diaries and think they're more badass than their parents. Write a book, Atlas. Become well-known. That is unpetty revenge. Threatening lawsuits and calling someone a "homeless crackhead" is beneath even most "homeless crackheads." I should know, my stepdad was a "homeless crackhead."

What I sign and don't sign is none of your bee's wax. And I love that I'm both a piece of shit and you're concerned about the copyright of my book. If you care about my book, buy a copy. I'd love to hear your honest opinion.


One day I'll talk about the writing process for Countdown. It was actually pretty cool and I wish I could write in that "space" again. It was akin to lightning in a bottle for me. I do wish you'd had read the whole thing though. Thank you for reading all of Have@It and thank you for the notes.

>> No.22668534


>> No.22668771

Never mind that they're trying to scam him by having him post the contract publicly – never do such a thing!

>> No.22668828

>writing process
Just listen to yourself. You don't even have the abcs of writing down and you're trying to come off like you're fucking Jack Kerouac. Eat a bullet.

>> No.22668836

This thread is something else. Why did the jannies allow this? Is everyone feeling better now?

>> No.22668841

I'm sure it's an effective containment thread, but it's the most cancerous thing I have ever seen and I wish mods would just nuke this whole """""scene"""""and ban it from /lit/.

>> No.22668846

The worst part is that I can't even console myself with the fantasy of Ryan or Robert or Jason dozing off at the wheel, because none of them can afford cars.

>> No.22668858

Given this is /lit/, I'd like to imagine Atlas and Ryan is the same person. I don't know these other characters in your story; were they in the google doc too? I didn't get through it all.
Otherwise, names should not be used. You understand this, yes?

>> No.22668871

Oh no, they are the jannie

>> No.22668878

i'm referencing people from this thread. stfu

>> No.22668991

My name is Carl, feel free to include it in your short story

>> No.22669062

>anything with character names is a story
This is why you can't write.

>> No.22669111

You don't know me... Wait, shit. What have I done?

>> No.22669126

You know what you did, Carl.

>> No.22669400

Someone post a new thread

>> No.22669422


I have an MFA in Fiction and have taught Creative Writing at a university. I'd say my main forte, or the thing I'm truly a MASTER at, is plotting and outlines. Grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics, I'd say I'm intermediate at that. Only because I look up to Joyce, Danielewski, Schmidt, Gaddis, etc. who fuck around with writing mechanics because they understood and mastered them better than I.


I just bought a 2024 Honda Accord Hybrid Touring. What car do you drive?

>> No.22669447

NEW THREAD: >>22666928

>> No.22669452

You're such a master of the craft that you have to rely on vietnam war tropes and can't understand why anyone would think that's a bad idea. You're a joke.

>> No.22669461

Have fun!

>> No.22669598

Kiss my arse