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File: 19 KB, 306x306, 3239285100597848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22657764 No.22657764 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>at goodwill
>see a woman bring about 30-40 hardcover books to donate.
>all new and undamaged
>they are all from "book of the month"
>"wtf is that"
>look it up
>a subscription based service that delivers a book every month.
>costs between $12.50-17.99 per month
>at best she spent $375 for books she didn't read

>> No.22657770

don't beat yourself up. this is generally symptomatic of undiagnosed ADHD which the scientific community are just starting to understand. According to the DSM-V (a sciency handbook of sorts), ADHD afflicted individuals do not get the dopamine hits that NT people get when reading books and find themselves not finishing a book or putting off tasks such as washing the dishes and ending up hyperfixating on youtube videos. this is why NT (neurotypical aka normie) people have no problem reading dryer texts and can complete mundane chores and can finish texts without effort as they are constantly stimulated and actually enjoy the tasks at hand. from what I am led to believe, NT people experience a feeling of euphoria when completing mundane tasks or reading complex texts that us ADHD people don't attain. this can be solved through medical treatments to provide our brain with the ability to live as a NT person would by supplementing prescription medication. Our ability to hyperfixate on topics is also a superpower for us as we can understand topics at a deeper level than NT's by mentally tearing it apart opposed to just knowing it at a superficial level. essentially, NT's can finish a text and barely know it at a surface level (just ask them to explain blood meridian - they generally don't understand the deeper abstract concepts), but us ND people often can't finish a book or complete our washing due to a lack of spoons, however when we actually have the executive function to complete tasks we do it far better than an NT.

>> No.22658018

ChatGPT is autistic now?

>> No.22658635

Spectrum of care, it correlates to your diet, autism doesn't exist i should know I'm autistic as fuck

>> No.22659324

Were they worth buying?

>> No.22659344

Women are bad at math

>> No.22659378
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, AIslop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there may be a grain of truth to this but
>we're actually better at some things than normies!
pic related

>> No.22659422

BOTM only sells ya slop so no

>> No.22659463

Damn, that is a shame, I was going to say just buy them off her for a couple bucks. I have found some good books at places like goodwill but they tend to be few and far between.

>> No.22659474

You'll never find good books at goodwill. ISBN makes it too easy for the backroom workers or scalpers to instantly snatch anything of value. Mallcore clothing and decent furniture is where it's at; occasionally mens' shoes as well since most men are ignorant about the quality of footwear and won't look twice at used shoes.