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/lit/ - Literature

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2265602 No.2265602 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I have a problem. Ive been debating with a friend for years now, and he always bombards me with links and sources. I used to go through everyone of his sources, only to find they were all shit. Now I dont know what to do when he does this, since I dont want to waste my time. Is what he is doing a fallacy, or just tactful in rhetoric?

>> No.2265604

It's a common tactic in Internet debating.

Go over the /pol/ and you'll see the "racial realists" doing it all the time.

>> No.2265606

What do you do against this? I asked him to just sort through his own sources and give me the best of his sources, which he then called close minded.

To give context, we are debating about Occupy, he says they are a violent racist group of drug addicts, I say they are full of mostly normal people who arent like what he describes. He then gives 10 links to youtube of short clips of some occupiers saying stupid shit with no context. I reply that a few doesnt represent the many. He then gives me 114 links. I ask him to give me the best sources to save time, he calls me close minded.

>> No.2265627
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How about you tell your buddy we have a system of peer reviewed research and credible sources so we can lift ourselves from the vile cauldron of superstition and stupid shit that CAVEMEN believe.

and then ask him if he's ever written a college level paper before, and if he says yes, please respond by saying you now understand why he got such a low grade on it.

>> No.2265630


And then procede to snap your fingers thusly:

First near the left shoulder
Second on the right side of your head
Third on the left side of your head

This should be accompanied by a movement of the neck from left to right.

>> No.2265643

basically this. tell him you'll only accept sources that are academically recognized and/or peer reviewed.