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/lit/ - Literature

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22652776 No.22652776 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I am turning 26 in a few days and am developing a mature understanding of my own mortality for the first time. I recognize that there is no cheating chronos, but I’d like to know if anyone can recommend books that provide solace in the face of the inevitable aging process, both for ourselves and our loved ones. How can literature help us navigate this journey towards the unknown? Thank you in advance.

>> No.22652783

Terror Management Theory
you're welcome

>> No.22652788
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>> No.22652795
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start with the tibetans
>ponlop - mind beyond death
>norbu - dream yoga and the practice of natural light
>Wangyal - The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
>Gyatrul Rinpoche - Meditation, Transformation, and Dream Yoga
>rinbochay - death, intermediate state and rebirth in tibetan buddhism
>yeshe - life, death, and after death
>Sogyal Rinpoche - The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

>> No.22652818


Thank you all. Very much in line with what I am looking for

>> No.22654387

your 26-28th birthday is when Saturn is at the same place where you were born, so interesting pic choice, your question is relevant too

>> No.22654392

The best cure for aging woes is to "identify" with all the time that you have spent, so that none of it seems like empty time that just slipped away. Look at the years between 25-60 a series of opportunities to accomplish a handful of really great things, to push forward some science or field you care about, or to have "great experiences" with your family or whatever (if that's your thing).

It's only empty time that you regret after it has passed. Life is meant to be spent deliberately, not pass imperceptibly by like a Saturday wasted on 4chan.

>> No.22654406

Where are you from?

>> No.22654616
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>> No.22654794

There's this documentary on youtube about an old man that was a lifelong philosopher with a specific interest in death and how we should face it. But when he stood there facing it all he wrote went unto dust and he had no answer. I think the topic is dangerous OP, pondering death can steal your life. As a young man, believe that you cannot die and one day the question (and hopefully its answer) will present themselves to you. I just had a conversation with my father this morning on the topic, he is 54 and I 23, this our conclusion sort of.

>> No.22654946


>> No.22654953

pfff I did that when I was 18 imagine being this much of a manchild disgusting

>> No.22655317

I don't have a book recommendation but I just wanted to say Happy Birthday (in a few days) OP.

>> No.22655320
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But what if spending time on 4chan aimlessly is what I identify with most right now? Sure, I might regret it later, but I'll just sing it off as one of those momentary downs of life

>> No.22655334
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I've been wasting my days here half my life. I'm 35 with a head full of mush. But I keep coming back because the horror of facing my life is worse.

>> No.22655337

Jesus solved it 2000 years ago. Enjoy your life.

>> No.22655341

Hey as long as you're alive and not feeling like utter shit every second of the day, it's not bad. Defeatist mentality but where's god to spank me in the ass and tell me otherwise?

>> No.22655431
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I am not afraid of death.
I am afraid of life.
The idea that there is nothing meaningful or worthwhile for me to do is crushing, because I want to do something down here, to prove my worth. But what is there to prove, who is there to prove myself before, in this utterly vapid and superficial world?
Fate is such a funny thing.

>> No.22655781

best way to accept mortality is to go bald at 20 and not commit suicide.

>> No.22656067
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