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/lit/ - Literature

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22652147 No.22652147 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22652160
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The City of Dreaming Books (Moers)
Nobodaddy's Children (Schmidt)
Krabat or the Metamorphosis of the World (Brezan)
Felidae (Pirincci)
The Tartar Steppe (Buzzati)
The Waves (Woolf)
Lesabendio (Scheerbart)
Little Morgue (Benn)
The Mirror in the Mirror (Ende)
Ficciones (Borges)

>> No.22652169

Like favorites?

>> No.22652178

Harry Potter 1
Harry Potter 2
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 4
Harry Potter 5
Harry Potter 6
Harry Potter 7
The Lord of the Rings 1
The Lord of the Rings 2
The Lord of the Rings 3

>> No.22652207

The Book of Disquiet
Fathers and Sons
The Makioka Sisters
The collected works of Sherwood Anderson
The Brothers Karamazov
The Magic Mountain
Storm of Steel
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Moby Dick
Mein Kampf

>> No.22652225

1 Kings
2 Kings

>> No.22652234
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I will name only one because I value quality over quantity.

>> No.22652251

>names 80 books

>> No.22652280


>> No.22652288

I wish there was a /rel/ containment board.

>> No.22652309

Can’t limit it till 10 but I’ll do 10 groupings

>Letters of Vincent Van Gogh
>Henry Miller in general
>DH Lawrence in general
>essays by Montaigne, Emerson, Thoreau
>Complete Poetry and Prose Library of America edition by Walt Whitman
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
>The East- I Ching, Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, Classical Chinese poetry, Bhagavad Gita, Dhammapada, Upanishads, Japanese poetry
>autobiographies by Cellini and Casanova
>pick 2 of the following: The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, Siddhartha by Hesse, The Prophet by Gibran, USA Trilogy by Dos Passos, Rabelais, Decameron by Boccaccio, essays by Edmund Wilson, Paris Spleen by Baudelaire, Seneca’s writings, Plutarch’s writings, Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, Hemingway in general but especially his short stories, Sometimes a Great Notion by Kesey, Lichtenberg, La Rochefoucauld, Joseph Joubert, Gogol in general, Conversations with Goethe by Eckermann, Germinal by Zola, A Glastonbury Romance by Powys, The Dharma Bums by Kerouac, Proust, Mysteries by Hamsun

Too many books I like and my favorites at the latter end change frequently depending on how I feel and I don’t want to exclude any. I’m forgetting a few too

>> No.22652312

fortunately for you there's an atheism containment site, it's called reddit

>> No.22652318

Da boble mentioning is tame compared to endless pseud convos about german philosophers

>> No.22652319

I agree that these anons are terrible as well.

>> No.22652336

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.22652340

Not an argument

>> No.22652365

and what is your argument?

>> No.22652377

I will reiterate for you. My statement is da boble posting is less annoying than eternal pseud takes on german philosophers. We need a /phil/ containment board more than /rel/ one.

>> No.22652383

We need both. End of discussion

>> No.22652399

Lol never said we didn't, just that one is way more prevalent and annoying than the other.

>> No.22652403

what do you contribute besides your bitching?

>> No.22652414

Lol you could've just said "I feel attacked please stop attacking my pseud takes about bald germans". Clear as day

>> No.22652486

They are both terrible and cancerous to me,

>> No.22652503

I don't read

>> No.22652564

>tips fedora

>> No.22652592
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Kafka - Amerika
Chandler - Farewell My Lovely
Walser - Jakob von Gunten
Conrad - Lord Jim
DH Lawrence - The Rainbow
Beckett - Watt
Burton - The Anatomy of Melancholy
Tao Lin - Taipei (no really)
The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
Bellow - The Adventures of Augie March

>> No.22652851
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I take it you mean essential for my personality.
Brave New World (don't preassume that it's a dystopia, it's not)
Gödel Escher Bach (thinking with self-reference)
Focault's Pendulum (research everything you don't know, absolutely worth it, understand how Europe came to be what it is now)
Lord of the Rings (peak comfy)
The Count of Monte Cristo (for inspiration to become educated)
Range (how to learn and become a modern renaissance man)
Road to Reality (for a geometrical understanding of maths)
Cryptonomicon (for understanding how tech companies think)
Law and Policy for the Quantum Age (be prepared for the next/current tech revolution)

>> No.22654456

Poetic Form and Meter (Fussell)
Theory of Harmony (Schoenberg)
The Jazz Theory Book (Levine)
Film as a Subversive Art (Vogel)
The Higher Arithmetic: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (Davenport)
Foundations of Quantum Theory (Landsman)
Handbook of Mathematical Logic (Barwise, et al.)
The Lambda Calculus: Its Syntax and Semantics (Barendregt)
Éléments de géométrie algébrique (Grothendieck)
The Monadology (Leibniz)

>> No.22654470
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Jami' Tirmidhi
Reign of Quantity
Open Letter - Moldbug
Against Method - Feyerabend
Fragments - Heraclitus
Muqaddima - Ibn Khaldun
The Two Theses of Dr. Ali Ataie
Introduction to Hadith Methodology - Ibn Al-Salah
Poetry of Ezra Pound

>> No.22654602

Excellent set of books, Anon - just as my reading list ran dry. I will (re)read all of these.