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/lit/ - Literature

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22651919 No.22651919 [Reply] [Original]

>on date with girl who also likes creative writing
>we spend a lot of time talking about each other's writing, inspirations, favorite and most influential books and authors, etc.
>everything is going great
>she's pretty, she's insightful, we have lot of overlapping tastes and values to bond over
>she keeps calling her writing "fics"

>> No.22651931

>>on date with girl
Nice fic, anon

>> No.22651940

She's writing Sam and Dean Winchester incest fantasies.

>> No.22651948

Nothing wrong with writing fanfiction anon. If you die alone it’ll be because your standards are too high

>> No.22652002

Are you guys british?

>> No.22652064

t. gay twiggy faggot with barely discernible masculine features

>> No.22652082


>> No.22652091

Unless she's actually writing fanfiction i respect that, Calling movies flicks and literature fics. Insisting on calling it film or kino or any literary equivalent is retarded

>> No.22652103

Not all movies can be called kino. It's the highest tier and shouldn't be abused for random shit just because you personally like it.

>> No.22652123

Same. That is kind of weird then lol

>> No.22652149

>Meet a cute girl that likes to read
>She calls books paper sandwiches

>> No.22652786

Fucking kek. That would be a keeper, honestly.

>> No.22652794


>> No.22652925

Paper Sandwiches sounds like John Green's phoned-in career revival sequel. His Doctor Sleep.

>> No.22652968

>you like writing? Me too!
>that's cool? How many flippy word packets did you make?
>how many leafy sentence stacks did you scribe on your teletype machine?

>> No.22653501

I can fics her

>> No.22653636

>talking to fellow employee at bookstore
>she asks what kind of books I read
>"Oh, uh, just fiction. Like regular fiction."
>"Ohh, so like classics?"
>"Yeah yeah yeah, just, you know, um - like recently I started reading-" and then I see her eyes instantly glaze over as she switches on sperg autopilot
Why can't I just be a genretard like every normal human being.

>> No.22653680

I don't get it. Are you calling her the sperg? Or is she reacting to your sperginess?

>> No.22653689

Just be as pretentious and cavalier about it as possible; your goal should be to make her feel inferior. Then if she's a poorly adjusted whore with daddy issues she'll fall right into your lap.

>> No.22653741

Yeah, masculine men are well known for basing their mate selection upon the woman's ability to display markers of cultural and intellectual prestige. I think the actually masculine line, if you care about your gf being trve /lit/, is to try and do epic alpha mindbreak wife-training on her, no? There's absolutely nothing masculine about choosing a mate to help you construct/maintain some silly made-up identity. Real men choose based on physical attractiveness for short-term mates and stability for long-term mates. The idea of seeking a mate for some ill-defined medium-term is the product of the downfall of the whole paradigm that gives masculinity meaning.

>> No.22653879

It’s probably a smart double meaning. Fics = fix, implying she’s addicted to writing.

>> No.22655552

>calling a film by its name ( 'film') is retarded

>> No.22655563

>shouldn't be abused for random shit just because you personally like it.
Isn't that exactly how it's used on this site?

>> No.22655619

I don't get why you cant just say "I would rather you refer to your writing as fan fiction over just fics."

>> No.22655702

The thing is, she didn't even appear to be referring to fan fiction of another IP, I think she was just so used to writing fan fiction, she's come to call all amateur writing projects as "fics". I didn't correct her, because I wanted to make a good impression.

>> No.22655719


Well, butter my biscuit and call me a goofball! Sounds like you and that gal had a rootin'-tootin' time chattin' 'bout writin', but them "fics" got you feelin' a bit like a fish outta water. No need to get your spurs all tangled up; maybe it's just her own special lingo. Long as you're havin' a good ol' time and them sparks are flyin', you can let them "fics" slide and keep enjoyin' your literary yammerin'. Who knows, maybe she'll mosey on over to your side of the lingo soon enough!

>> No.22655794


>> No.22655952

It's a useful term. What would you prefer? "Work"? "Piece of writing"?
The connotations are unfortunate but it fills a niche

>> No.22655968

I just say story or narrative.

>> No.22655981

good post

>> No.22655998

Feels simultaneously too broad and sorta pars pro toto. Not all stories are written and narrative is only part of what makes a piece of writing. I'm also more likely to think of short stories than novels.
It can work but it's not as nice and clear as "fic" (modulo the fan part)

>> No.22656255

>flippy word packets

Exactly. The key to this sitution is gradual escalation. We need to take her little almost-cute-but-not-really verbal tic all way up to the point of absurdity, but so subtly she doesn't notice.

---- TIER ONE ----

INSTEAD OF: "I need to get some writing done."
WE NOW SAY: "Time to flip me a few verbalburgers."

INSTEAD OF: "I wrote that out longhand."
WE NOW SAY: "I took the inkmobile."

INSTEAD OF: "I really don't have any ideas at the minute"
WE NOW SAY: "Got a kink in the old prosepipe."

---- TIER TWO ----

INSTEAD OF: "I got 800 words down last night"
WE NOW SAY: "Last night I got down and dirty with Mr. Qwerty."

INSTEAD OF: "I wrote a whole chapter in two hours on my computer."
WE NOW SAY: "I made my lappy happy with a snappy chappy."

INSTEAD OF: "I'm going to write a bestseller!"
WE NOW SAY: "It's time to stain the papyrus and gain the admirers!"


>> No.22656266
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>> No.22656510

sometimes i believe he still posts here

>> No.22656526


>> No.22656548
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>> No.22656842

Maybe this board ain’t so bad

>> No.22656852

this would make her so wet. women love being corrected

>> No.22657157

Put me in the foreword.

>> No.22657160
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Teach me how to write like this so that others want to suck my dick.

>> No.22657175

heh heh heh

>> No.22657229

be grateful!

>> No.22657402
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