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2265095 No.2265095 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy. Two options.

>be analytic philosopher
>spend 5+ years in grad school working 12 hours days
>learn to argue about smaller and smaller, more technical and more technical points
>no one other than your supervisor and 2-3 other people in the world understand your papers
>probably don't get a job

>be continental philosopher
>finish just a BA
>magically acquire cultured outlook, fantastic fashion sense and literary/musical taste
>everyone wants your cock

Why would anyone choose analytic philosophy?

>> No.2265104

question is why would you devote your time to something that is meant to be pursued as a hobby

no one in philosophy is specialized enough or skilled enough to tackle any sort of interesting problem.

You want to figure out logic and progress that field? Tough luck mathematicians are going to literally shit on you all day, you'll lack the skills to compete.

You want to analyze about consciousness? Tough luck, neuroscientists are going to literally shit on you all day.

You want to figure out economics, history, politics, evolution, behavior, blablabla? Tough luck, there are specialists in all those fields who will trump you

The best you can do is specialize in a sub-section of literature, aka philosophy...and just twaddle around writing different interpretations of Kant no one gives a shit about or can properly assess

>> No.2265103

This isn't even funny.

>> No.2265106

because it's right there in the name
believe it or not some people care enough about a subject to put it ahead of the questionable "cultured outlook, fantastic fashion sense and literary/musical taste"

>> No.2265109

because Gödel

>> No.2265112

>meant to be pursued as a hobby

Meant? Meant by who?

>because it's right there in the name


>questionable "cultured outlook, fantastic fashion sense and literary/musical taste"

*Questionable* fantastic fashion sense? I think that's a priori incoherent, bro.

>> No.2265115

cute duck

>> No.2265116

>magically acquire cultured outlook, fantastic fashion sense and literary/musical taste

>> No.2265123

It's a vag.

>> No.2265125


Why not just study math?


Men *and* women want the continental philosopher's cock.

>> No.2265130


You can see it as a duck, or as a rabbit, or, apparently, as a vag. The substrata of the various experiences is the mastery of a technique.

>> No.2265133

Also, tits.

>> No.2265138



>> No.2265141


I've always thought it really doesn't look like a rabbit at all.

>> No.2265145

That's because we only use 2% of our brain and you can't use the right side which is the creative side because you are left-handed and therefore you clearly should OF been born in the eastern world.

>> No.2265148

Now, this makes sense.

>> No.2265151

>Why would anyone choose analytic philosophy?

Because they were young and insecure and duped into participating into a pyramid scheme by authority figures that they were conditioned to trust.

>> No.2265152


You both seem so mad :(.

...I've read Derrida. Why are you not utterly enchanted?

>> No.2265154

If only study philo, if you specialize enough, you will be the one shitting on every one, and maybe be begged to shit on everyone.

>> No.2265167 [DELETED] 

>not double majoring in philosophy and what you want to specialize in


>> No.2265168
File: 121 KB, 240x249, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2265173


Facts are facts :3

>> No.2265294

>that feel when you realize that any variety of philosophy is worthless

>> No.2265295

>You want to analyze about consciousness? Tough luck, neuroscientists are going to literally shit on you all day.
Lord know, they are still chasing Descartes phantom's in the form of neural correlates

>> No.2265301

Ugh. Everytime someone mentions Descartes as a derogatory term you know they're full of shit, and just generally horrible human beings. You're the worst.

>> No.2265317


>that feel when anything you do is ultimately worthless

>> No.2265321

Descartes was used as a name, what are you on about

>> No.2265324

Philosophy. Two options.

>see a duck
>spend working life coloured by view of duck
>learn to argue how it clearly is a duck
>crush stupid rabbit seers
>alpha as fuck

>see a rabbit
>bitches love rabbits
>no effort, disrgard ducks
>aquire bitches

Why does noone see it's just a set of scribbles?

>> No.2265326 [DELETED] 

>approving of Cartesian philosophy
>not acknowledging that we are essentially living bodies


Nah bro. It's all about being fashionable and suchlike.

>yeah bro I just invoked a philosopher's name, not intending to mean anything other than his name, surely not his philosophical perspective, geez dude


>> No.2265330


You're smart. I would endeavor to satisfy you.

With my mouth.

>> No.2265334

Honey, I love listening as much as the next man, but a guy has needs, you know?

>> No.2265342

>not intending to mean anything other than his name
when did I say that?

>> No.2265345

>Descartes was used as a name
>Descartes was used as a name
>Descartes was used as a name

>> No.2265354

Newsflash: Descartes' name was Descartes, so Descartes is a name

>> No.2265355

how does that imply I meant it as nothing more than a name
How else can name be used

>> No.2265360

I'm working a legal philosophy paper right now and I regret it so much.
I feel like I'm talking out of my ass, because, quite frankly, I have no idea what how I can make my conclusions any more sensible / normative.
And I'm afraid my professor will notice and all my work will have been for nothing.

>> No.2265361



>> No.2265363

>legal philosophy
>arguments from authority
>hoping for normative force

yeah bro, good luck with that

>> No.2265371

that's not a perjorative epithet
that would require the word, Cartesian

>> No.2265384


you barely make sense. stop stop stop.

>> No.2265387

I don't think you have any idea what you are talkin gabout, nor how to follow a train of thought

>> No.2265427

If you just get a degree in philosophy and expect to find a job with just a philosophy, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2265750


nah bro, Kant managed all right

>> No.2265760


Its an urban myth that humans only use 2% of their brain. Its a rather stupid myth too, evolution wud sertainly hav selekted against that. The brain uses about 20% of the body's enerjy.


>> No.2265765

>Philosophy. Two options.
>analytic philosopher
>continental philosopher
>comparative philosophy
>east-asian philosophy
>jewish philosphy
>arabic philosophy

why are westerners so pig ignorant

>> No.2265762


Do you have aspergers or are you just trolling?

>> No.2265767

>no one in philosophy is specialized enough or skilled enough to tackle any sort of interesting problem.

>You want to figure out logic and progress that field? Tough luck mathematicians are going to literally shit on you all day, you'll lack the skills to compete.

It seems that u dont no much about mathmaticians. I com ther all the time and they dont no much or anything about lojik. If one is luky, one finds one who kan do standard propositonal lojik. This is not much diferent from filosofy students, altho they had to take a kors in lojik (formal), they dont use it, and dont no how to use it in praktis.

At leest, my experienses from Aarhus University.

>> No.2265769

those last 4 things are all continental, DUH

>> No.2265771


Neether (i.e. ur klaim is fals). Im an idealist and i think a speling reforms of English is important.

See e.g.: http://www.spellingsociety.org/

>> No.2265781


I for one am glad that dickheads have difficulty learning my tongue. As if mass literacy is ever a good thing for culture...

>> No.2265783


What he meant was that you took a troll seriously.

>> No.2265801

Interested in learning how analytical is taught in the states. Like if you go to grad school, do they sort of give you the crash course in logic or are you expected to come with considerable experience from Logic 712 or whatever other advanced level these undergrad classes get to.

Also, is it sort of not really de rigeur to do a PHD at a good institute on a continental philosopher? Like, is analytical necessary?

I can take Logic as far as it can be taken (I'm pretty sure) for an undergrad here, and with a pretty world-renowned logician but the Pre-Socratic course looks pretty enticing, particularly considering I heavily doubt the reality and/or utility of a system of 'logic' particularly one where modal issues can only problematize.

>> No.2265804

>world renowned logician or retards that think everything is made of either fire, water or earth

Bitch please, this choice should be obvious.

If you're really getting tired of modal nerdery, just take a course in mind/language/epistemology.

>> No.2265809
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Opinions! Opinions everywhere!
>ITT philosophy

>> No.2265820

You're right, I think, I just also kinda want to field test my philosophical essay writing skills with a tutor but yeah, you're pushing me away from beloved Parmenides and Heraclitus

>> No.2265825

only early greeks that are worthy are leukippos and democritos, rest are stories for bed time (read: wine parties).

>> No.2266054

For fuck's sake, just go to law school.

>> No.2266410


>law school
>as philosophy option, and not abandoning philosophy


>> No.2267012


Sorry bro even that Buddhism shit is just footnote to Plato

>> No.2267058

christ I want to slap the shit out of you...

>> No.2267145

don't worry dear, i'll save you


>> No.2267149

Then go to med school and stop whining.

>> No.2267158

Bio/Philosophy Premed God tier.

>> No.2267192


What are you going to save me from?

>> No.2267212

wasting time on not so productive problems

>> No.2267232


Oh. It would be nice if you could pull that off. (I doubt you will, though.)

But even if you guide me to some more interesting problems, what will that do for my fashion sense and taste in music?



>> No.2267244

sellout? How is it selling out writing about medical ethics?

>> No.2267246


The plan on stopping that and going to med school.

>> No.2267268

and after medschool....
I don't need a degree in English to write.

>> No.2267277

Then stop whining.

>> No.2267283


You need training to write properly, just like you need training to fix sick people properly.

>> No.2267322

a large number of current issues in analytic philosophy can be solved fairly elegantly...although the solution isn't going to directly speak about fashion or music it may support more productive discussion and liberate exploration in aesthetics etc. idk it's really great. :D

>> No.2267339

fellow god-tier reporting in. saved all my philosophy classes for senior year and end of junior year

>finished almost all my bio courses
>begin philosophy classes
>upper division philosophy is fucking childs play
>felllow philosophy classmates bitchin about how har dall these papers are, bitches don't know about cell&molec papers, don't realize how easy this shit is


i'm taking philosophy because I enjoy it, and it's a fun hobby for me, being medical doctor like a boss for profession though.

>> No.2267346

>being medical doctor like a boss for profession though.
Ohohoho, enjoy med school faggot.

>> No.2267348

>yfw top tier philosophy programs are much harder to get into than top tier medical schools

>> No.2267359

yfw that is complete bs

>> No.2267469

talentless memoriser

>> No.2267563

>although the solution isn't going to directly speak about fashion or music

Well fuck. What about my fear of communicating with women? I thought you were going to fix me by giving me all the continental advantages!


It's not :(.

>> No.2268704

>mfw even though it's harder it's not a valuable accomplishment

>> No.2268706

Thread's over dude.