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/lit/ - Literature

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22650050 No.22650050 [Reply] [Original]

Just got done reading The Magus yesterday, enjoyed it a lot but was very strange and confusing. Satisfyingly unsatisfying I'd say. As always though I've got too many to choose from for my next read for my little brain to make the decision for itself, so could someone please tell me which book or books I should go for next?

>> No.22650070

Zorba the Greek.

Easily one of my favourite books I've ever come across. Every man should read it.

>> No.22650078

I fear that Buddenbrooks is Porter-Lowe. Hopefully it’s Woods

>> No.22650090

Fathers and sons or Inferno. Throw white noise in the trash

>> No.22650138

Fathers and Sons is the only one I have read and liked (Canterbury Tales is a definite skip imo).

>> No.22650152

Dream Story, Heart so White, Pirandello, Deccameron, Chaucer, Kaputt,Justine Herzog, then dealer's choice.

>> No.22650465

Yes it is that one, is it no good then?

Seems like a pretty good path to go down, thanks for your selection

>> No.22650748

some hemingway?

>> No.22652081


>> No.22652293

Javier Marias doesn't get a lot of attention otherwise liked the first book in his trilogy and All Souls was pretty funny in places

Kind of a rare Faulkner choice. Have you read all the bigger named ones by him? I'd sugget Dream Story, not because it's short but because it's a great psychological focused story. Either way my pick is infinite Jest

>> No.22653711

Read 334 by Thomas M Disch

>> No.22654367

I've only read As I Lay Dying and Absalom, Absalom, but I enjoyed both greatly. The only reason I've got that Faulkner is because I saw it in a charity shop and liked the cover. I think I'm going to go for Dream Story for my next read and then do either the Marias or Fathers and Sons since Turgenev's First Love is one of my favourite things I've read this year.

>> No.22654473
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Read some de sade inbetween, don't have to read all of them in one go

>> No.22654474

My books have long collected dust. What kind of cleaning stuff do I need?

>> No.22654478

Just wipe it off, if it needs more than a gentle scrub, maybe a wet cloth, throw it out.