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22649209 No.22649209 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22642657

>> No.22649214

In case you werent there this is what 4chan was like when 4chan was actually good. That was a long time ago.


>> No.22649217

chris chan

>> No.22649228

Always think the same thing

>> No.22649229


>> No.22649344

So is Chris-Chan a spellblade, or just a wizard carrying around a sword he isn't even proficient with?

>> No.22649346

But my first argument is that they aren't human, that's why I can't buy your argument. If we were talking about white slaves then yes I'd agree with you wholeheartedly.

>> No.22649347

I hate Israel!

>> No.22649369

I am a great layer of women

>> No.22649374

Do you think Barbara enjoyed it

>> No.22649376

Why do you think post war new money can’t seem to acquire the taste of gilded age new money?

>> No.22649377

I fuck real good too but I've recently added HCG to my stack and that with TRT is putting me off balance, think I need to dial in my AI to get it sorted because my test levels are probably retardedly high, they were already past what tests could show it read greater than 1500 whatever's and wouldn't tell me more. Anyways didn't cum 3 of the last 4 nights, miserable, flipping her in to every position, but it's like I lose energy instead of cumming and then it's gone and I can't get it back. Good luck fucking bro, I'm gonna figure my shit out and be great again soon

>> No.22649390

Bought tablets against congestion.
If this works I'm buying a mega jar of then cause that would make my life much easier.

>> No.22649402


Try drinking a lot of water and using a saline rinse if it's sinus congestion, sometimes just drinking two glasses of water is all I need to clear up horrid congestion

>> No.22649414

I drink a whole lot of water. I have no idea what it could possibly be. As far as I now I'm not allergic to anything but it's gotten worse since I move to a different country. Could it be the AC?

Tried every non medicine thing. The thing that works the best is honestly just jacking off or jogging in place. Also holding my breathe very long.
How retarded can a body be to do this? What's the use?

>> No.22649459
File: 429 KB, 1080x1036, 1698134452228098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the year of 2023, centuries of advancements in science, A.I, healthcare , All this technology,
And yet....
We still wipe our asshole with pieces of paper.
So much for "progress". Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.22649467

Are you an Elsa Spiderman kid or a Skibidi toilet kid?

>> No.22649474

Interesting question, i am entirely speculating here, but I recently read H.G Wells' Tono Bungay, which provides an archetypical example of new money im the early 20th century.
Back then this new money was seen as destroying the standards of sn older aristocratic high society. H.G Wells even comments cynically about this class's lack of morals, sense of obligation, and taste. A commercially minded class whose wealth was based in speculation was replacing an older class who wealth was tied up in land, and very settled static distinctions.
So it's possible old new money (to use a paradoxical phrase) was just as vulgar as the new money of today.
I do think a crucial difference was that new money back then still tried to emulate some of those old standards and distinctions. Whereas today the elite ideology is thoroughly neoliberal--which is to say features, in a contradictory sense, the total denial of distinction

>> No.22649490

Europeans and Asians have bidets.

>> No.22649509

>spraying water into your asshole
Yeah sure anon

>> No.22649511

There will only be real progress once we have fully abolished defecation. Until then it is all a lie

>> No.22649631

I can't stop thinking about becoming christian, luckily I know it's just my autism so I can resist it.

>> No.22649635

No, you're being called

>> No.22649644

I'm being tested in my devotion to Nothingness

>> No.22649648

How do I transform my misanthropy and self disdain into a properly elitist form of self-assurance and athapy towards the masses?

>> No.22649649

You cannot be devoted to Nothingness

>> No.22649657

the congestion tablets aren't working.
going to spend another night in hell

>> No.22649660

Dude just get some nasal spray

>> No.22649661

Stores are closed.
Those sprays barely work either, thought I would try the tablets.

>> No.22649694

>drink coffee
>suddenly feel intensely unclean
>deep clean entire apartment
Every time

>> No.22649697

The only people I know who spray their assholes are homosexuals

>> No.22649714
File: 20 KB, 717x724, chudet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gesticulate a lot when I'm thinking to myself. I'm really just waiting for the day someone catches me waving my arms at a wall as if in conversation.

>> No.22649716

That's Hobbes's Leviathan.
Did look like it was Chris Chan doing it...

>> No.22649773

How should someone go about reconnecting with old friends that they haven't seen in 3, 5, 7, etc. years? A text message seems insufficient.

>> No.22649776

Probably just a metalhead judging by the long hair. I don’t have long hair but I do enjoy blastbeats and tremolo picked riffs though.

>> No.22649779

>tfw neighbor hears me negotiating with the fly i let live in my apartment, then talking to myself about how the fly's a faggot

>> No.22649781

You might hate to hear this but use Facebook

>> No.22649782

Write them a heartfelt email.

>> No.22649814

I'm not on Facebook.

>> No.22649816

I want kids, but I don't want to get married.

>> No.22649829

Good you'll fit in great with modern society once you start having sex.

>> No.22649857

A (very wealthy) lifelong bachelor family friend of mine went the IVF route with an egg donor and surrogate (two separate women) and is now raising twins. If you have enough money and are partially/fully retired then it's definitely feasible to do so.

>> No.22649884

I'm really frustrated. I promised to attend a big church conference tomorrow but all I really want to do is drink all weekend. Instesd of getting wasted tonight I have to go early so I can spend all day tomorrow listening to some fucking preacher. Why the fuck do I live like this?

>> No.22649900

You should keep your promises.

>> No.22649916

I have to. I have to drive people to the event. Fuck me.

>> No.22649930

Suicidal again, but at least I have Malcolm in the Middle.

>> No.22649950

Tense and unhappy. After work, I slept for eight hours, fully clothed but bootless. Now, the warmth has left the air and the sky is dark and rain sulks on concrete. I'm drinking my last beer and know I should get more or go to a bar but....but what? I have a small fragment of coke left, maybe enough for a ten minute rush sitting on a notebook, covered by a beaker to protect it from the wind that slips through the permanently open windows of my apartment. A damp chill wind. There is a connection between physiology and psychology. The emotions we feel are tied to and influence our bodies and it's functions. I read this in a book. The concept was presented as an experiment. Two men took each others pulses while they forced themselves to view their opposite as a despised enemy. I haven't explained it well because I am tense and the day is nearly over, the last warm day of the year and I have no more beer and no clean clothes and no more cocaine and too many responsibilities. I need a vacation. Somewhere warm and dry and sunny with open skies and friendly women.

>> No.22649955


>> No.22649957

I thought Christians worshipped on Sunday? Are you a member of LDS?

>> No.22649965

You could cut yourself a compromise and get wasted at the conference

>> No.22649971

No see I joined a super hardcore church that has bible studies and conferences every day of the week.
Good Idea, I'm gonna go cut myself right now

>> No.22649974

>Good Idea, I'm gonna go cut myself right now
Sounds like a plan make sure to cut vertically

>> No.22649981

I'll keep that one in my back pocket

>> No.22649988

I think the reason why women fan girl over celebrities is due to how it's instinctual for them to be infatuated with the most powerful, charismatic, and intelligent man in her tribe. In our era- where the human race is one big tribe due to the rise of mass media- these men are celebrities. Because of the internet, these figures are all encompassing in our world and thus it's difficult for women not to be obsessed with them.
Also, just because this is instinctual doesn't mean it's bad. Our society just channels this instinct in a negative way. It's kind of like how our society channels the male sex drive through the usage of porn.

>> No.22649990

Nice, add more fuel to the fire of this decaying society
Words cannot describe how disgusting this is

>> No.22650009

Everyday you study the bible? Is it a discussion or a lecture?

Can you describe a typical bible study? Whats the building like? Is it a church with stained glass, a basement, traffic sounds? What kind of chairs? How do you dress, your peers dress? Ive only been inside three churches, by invitation by coworkers/friends and am curious.

>> No.22650018

>Words cannot describe how disgusting this is
Not anymore disgusting than s*x
Or natural pregnancy: growing a parasite inside your woman from your foreign genetic material.
If i ever accidently spawned a parasite I'd reach into that snatch myself. Not on my watch

>> No.22650021


>> No.22650032

Hardcore low church protty. Church is a non descript building. We read it all together and then share our own understandings. There is no priest or pastor or whatever. Everyone is an equal participant. Dress is informal except on sunday in which its more formal but not enforced. The conference is a little more formal with a particularly selcted speaker and a few hundred listeners.

>> No.22650033

putting effort and getting disappointed is much worse than getting disappointed by default when it comes to people.

>> No.22650086

I am mostly agnostic and I dont want to incite political/religious trolling but I'm very curious about the different sects. In your opinion whats the difference between Catholics and Protestents? I understand the argument against the Pope, I agree with it 75% of the time. Are there any other major differences?

Also, what do you get out of going to church in general and also what do you get out of the study groups?

>> No.22650107

Sorry i don't believe in ingesting foreign substances to change one's mental state. That's a clear sign of mental illness.
Just as don't believe in expelling foreign genetic material into woman.
Get on my level of puritanism

>> No.22650114

>Sorry i don't believe in ingesting foreign substances to change one's mental state. That's a clear sign of mental illness.
>Just as don't believe in expelling foreign genetic material into woman.
>Get on my level of puritanism

>> No.22650123
File: 28 KB, 720x769, 1680150517697135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I engage in too much introspection and self-reflection, I think. I have a confident but self-obsessed internal voice telling me I'm probably way more interesting than I make myself out to be and if I just gave someone a chance to get to know me they'd be blown away, that I have a lot of love to give and just need someone to give it to. I also have a very avoidant internal voice which tells me to self-sabotage my opportunities and relationships because I don't deserve them or to prevent myself from being a burden on others. There's a voice of self loathing as well, which says I'm far less interesting, valuable, and deserving of happiness or success than I believe and that even trying to form relationships is pointless as no doubt anyone I attempt to get to know has me pegged as an ugly weird creep within half a second of laying eyes on me.
I think this amount of thought about myself is detrimental and borders on narcissism. I should be thinking about the important people and serious issues in my life, but I have very few relationships, of which none are very close, and nothing of great import going on, so I end up navel-gazing. Maybe one day something will change or I'll get on my feet and do something myself but I doubt it - knowing who I am I'll endlessly ruminate over coulds and shoulds and maybes while opportunities slip out of my hands until I waste away.
Image attached for attention-seeking purposes.

>> No.22650126

Well for a broader inter denominational debate, thats well beyond me. I found my church not of autistic study but by organic leading of the Spirit. I know I'm complaining right now but this church has supplied so much to me. The people here arent in the church on account of culture or upbringing but they all very genuinely and passionately believe. I have felt so much life and meaning with them. It's hard explain but I really do feel the presence of God and also see a greater vision for what humanity could be. Thats why even though I want to be some degenerate getting wasted drunk, I sacrifice this time to be with them.

>> No.22650128

Nta but the way of life you advocate will result in isolation. Based on your op you are clearly suffering from that isolation. Total withdrawl from social interactions because of past dissapointments is not good for you. I would wager that you hold yourself to a rigid standard and expect your friends/strangers to meet that same standard. Then you are dissapointed when they dont measure up. While its not bad to hold ideals on correct behaviour, you will probably have to reduce those requirements to something more realistic. But I'm just guessing.

>> No.22650137

>I think this amount of thought about myself is detrimental and borders on narcissism
I have the same thoughts about myself so you're probably right. The thing is that I've been this sort of neurotic my whole life and don't see it changing any time soon

>> No.22650141

Correct, desiring to expel your genetic material into a woman is a sign not only of mental illness, but incredible sinfulness.
It is a ruining of your bodily integrity and purity (the body is a temple) to either ingest or expel foreign substances. It upsets the harmony, the equilibrium. We have been over this before but you don't seem to learn.
In the strictest sense any consumption is sinful. Whether sexual or simply regular.

>> No.22650144

I like to imagine that I could be a successful writer one day, but I’m already pretty old and I’ve not published anything. Truthfully, I’ve not even written very much until recently.

>> No.22650145

Very gnostic, anon

>> No.22650146

That's vile

>> No.22650159

I'm going to escape with Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.22650167

>binge read entire book
>remember nothing about it
Happen to anyone else? It's as though my subconscious needs some time to sift through the content
Also if I binge read a book i am unable to read anything anywhere from 3 days to a week. Like I've somehow over-clocked my brain

>> No.22650173

I do have social interactions (with workmates) but I know its not serious in any way. Getting close would mean that Im raising my expectations and other person would fail to meet it eventually. Its much easier to put a distance between me and others but it doesnt get any easier.

>> No.22650184

Ecofascism is dumb as fuck. How are you going to ascribe a teleology to solving a problem that is entirely the RESULT of teleology? Just let mother nature kill the shit humans off and hope a better species evolves in its wake.

>> No.22650193

Letter from that one
who is both a twin in spirit
and a stranger of the soul,
whose best and worst we all
eternally share:
And so I ask you, my friend: how can God be lonely when we have each other's company? How can life not cherish itself through our eyes? I say to you my friend - I love you. Even apart we are not so separate. We share unity not merely in existence, but in becoming! Between us both purpose and humor are mutually held. May everything we see and know be the very same. The paths we take will fly us towards one another with haste, so that the light of joy may let us die before we would fade.


>> No.22650205

I hate niggers. Oh boy they are so ugly and smelly. I wish niggers would go back on the plantation. I hate them so much


>> No.22650240

I can't believe Will Self said that! He should be cancelled.

>> No.22650272

I still remember random passages/themes from crime & punishment years after reading it for the first time, and I hadn't ingested much when I was actually reading it.

Your brain nees time to actually digest it.

>> No.22650338

I basically stopped developing after high school. My life is a joke. My first gf saw me today and she didn't even remember my name. My whole life is an empty, vapid waste. I wasted my youth. It is gone and I will never ever get it back. This realization has hit me harder than anything I can remember. I have legitimately faced violent and agonizing death more than once and both times were far less psychologically damaging.

>> No.22650372

Dispassionate with everything that doesn't revolve around cheap, ready made entertainment. So my true fault lies with being frivolous, undisciplined and not at all driven. Have I always been this way I wonder?

>> No.22650383
File: 183 KB, 602x771, IMG_3551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that global warming kills all of the humans off. After a century or two of turmoil when the global population reaches about a billion or two we’ll settle back down into small villages and cities again and have to start over like the fall of Rome. What’ll be important then is that one of the autists on this site will have the foresight to have buried a large amount of high literature and philosophy so that culture doesn’t have to start from rock bottom again.

>> No.22650425

No. Modern technology over the past decade has been developed specifically to waste as much of your time as possible and form addiction. Every institution has hooked into these processes as well, making school or work even more screen burdensome. You are a product of a sad age. The best you can do is take preventative measures in those brief moments of motivational clarity. Set up systems to trick stupid you into doing the right thing. Put a lock on your phone. Make it black and white. Put everything in sub folders. Delete games. Unplug the PlayStation. Get website blockers. Put books all around your house near every chair. Put writing utensils on every surface. Unsubscribe to services. The point is to make that five seconds of slipping into screens harder and the five seconds of resistance to life easier.

>> No.22650438

Actually want to thank dispassionate anon. I just went through and turned off almost all notifications on my phone, deleted all the games, and turned it black and white.

>> No.22650510

Think I may have celiac disease. All the symptoms sound similar, but I'm too scared to get it tested. I'd rather not know

>> No.22650557

hey anon, i have coeliac. it's shit, but you should get tested. if you leave it untreated you risk getting cancer instead. depending on where you live you might not need a endoscopy just a blood test to see if your antibody levels are elevated.

t. celiac med anon

>> No.22650564

Your favorite beetle tells a lot about your literary taste. Ask me how.

>> No.22650577

>meet cute-ish girl at a social gathering
>chat for a couple of hours about 'deep' topics like past relationships, trusting others and stuff like that
>get good vibes from her, we exchange phone numbers as she's leaving
>look up the number on whatsapp as I'm heading home
>bio is all about how much she's obsessed with harry potter
>delete number
I hope she doesn't text me

>> No.22650581

Not sure what i have exactly but i do have eczema and know it is associated with all kinds of autoimmune disorders and food allergies.
As far as i understand it's cause eczema breaks down the barrier on your skin that prevents bacteria from getting in, which then can lead your immune system to become over-reactive as a defense mechanism
I definitely am allergic to a lot of things and have only realized now that i am an adult. Like peanuts and dairy i can no longer eat without having terrible digestion. I still do because i love dairy.
And also have trouble breathing sometimes even as a child.

>> No.22650583

Also have only recently began to consider the mind-body connection, and it's interesting i have realized after reflection that various aspects of my personally might be connected to this immune system over-reaction

>> No.22650588

I hate talking about "deep" topics with normies, I have to filter myself and the conversation just goes around in circles

>> No.22650596

Give me the novella chart. I want short reads.

>> No.22650623

The relationship between Athena and Hephaestus is pretty interesting. Athena is sprung from the supreme god's forehead while his wife gives birth to the god of ironwork and artisans out of envy. Athena is chaste and has no children while Hephaestus is married and gets cucked by basically everyone, but I wonder if I'm reading too much into it.
As an aside:
I am starting to think I may be a bit neurotic. I adopt this neuroticism as a cope for being mediocre and an excuse to not do anything with my life.

>> No.22650626

being mediocre and an excuse to not do anything with my life.

>> No.22650641

No idea what this means.

>> No.22650737

My brother is at a Halloween party tonight with his fat girlfriend, I'm at home getting secret chess achievements with my uncle (this is not an innuendo) I will never be invited to a Halloween party, he will be invited to many more.

>> No.22650739

But you wrote it.

>> No.22650758

I just had a wet dream for the first time in months. Nice to see I don't have erectile disfunction.

>> No.22650779

Myeh! Yuck! How a man wants progeny and gets it without dumping 18 years into a woman! Admit it, a lot of having kids for most is having your supposed wife ruin her body and deal with it. At least he has initiative.

>> No.22650782

I'm 20 and I've never had a wet dream, is this odd?

>> No.22650796

If you masturbate regularly then no

>> No.22650802

For as obsessed as americans are with slavery it is somewhat strange how underresearched an area middle eastern slavery is in historiography. Even though their business went on for far, far longer and dealt in far more negroes over the centuries than the antebellum united states or really any european power ever did. Plus their european victims also amount to more than a million. But nobody cares.

>> No.22650808

America isn't obsessed with slavery, its obsessed with niggers. There are no niggers in Africa or the Middle East. The nigger is an American invention.

>> No.22650809

What to write instead of
>walked towards it
>paused for a moment, then said
>turned his head to look at her
>turned (his body) around
>couldn't help but [verb]
>gritted his teeth

>> No.22650820


>> No.22650822

man the barbershop i go to charges $30 for a haircut now and one of the dudes is hella good but this time they were really busy and i got stuck with this kinda lame guy who used to do $12 haircuts before the pandemic. he gave me a mid as af cut. i'm still kind of annoyed. i don't want to switch barbershops but i hate how random it is if you end up with the good guy or shitty guy. still it's the only barbershop in my part of the city that isn't some kind of hip-hop shit. i could go to a wealthy area, but that would cost even more.

>> No.22650825

Just tell them you'll wait for the guy who cuts hair good next time you go. Stop being an auster.

>> No.22650827

i dont go on tiktok i have no idea what an auster is lmao

>> No.22650829
File: 669 KB, 640x480, Megumi Paradise think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come "manslaughter" sounds more severe than "murder?"
How come "penultimate" sounds for climactic than "finale"?

>> No.22650833

Its not a tiktok term you actual sperg lmfao

>> No.22650837

Apparently in roman mythology he was the god of the south wind, I think you should take this as a compliment, anon.

>> No.22650838

I hate going out, last night was a fucking nightmare. I think I must be literally autistic the way I can’t stand crowds. My wife was nice last night but she’s pretty quiet today, probably collecting resentment. Fucking bitch.

>> No.22650841

The English language has always been and will always be a tricky and dumb one, don't put too much thought into it.

>> No.22650840

>My wife was nice last night but she’s pretty quiet today, probably collecting resentment

>> No.22650843

>english language is dumb because I'm enraptured by multisyllabic words
Okay, sure

>> No.22650847

You can cope all you want, I'm still right.

>> No.22650848

>my wife
dropped, disregarded, disrespected, get that shit out of hered.

>> No.22650851

I can't make friends. People older than me are busy and have lives so they're not often available to do shit and when they are, they can't do it for long and people my age and younger are obnoxious and unfunny, where do I go?

>> No.22650857

Cause im not capable of having fun with other people. Nobody listens to or understands shit I say and crowds drive me away. I need a constant flow of alcohol to cope and it still isnt enough. Spent a fuck ton of money too. But anyway at a certain point I just have to go. So idk. Shes acting okay im just mad at her for even needing to go out in the first fucking place. Everyone is so fucking stupid. I would have grabbed my gun and went off into the pond to shoot myself, because im done making threats like when I was younger, but I have kids so I cant. I just have to sit and stew in my my misery. Whatever. Its easy for women to have fun cause they actually talk to each other. As a man youre treated like a fucking ghost. At least my wife loves me and she is the most beautiful girl wherever we go so I should be grateful but im just not. I cant appreciate shit.

>> No.22650861

You sound like you unironically need some therapy anon. I hope you find relief.

>> No.22650872

Do you like reading? If so, what's your favorite book? Mine is The Fourth Closet!

>> No.22650891

I'm a newer reader but probably Charterhouse of Parma. The best of War and Peace grabs me like nothing else, but the worst of it bores and irritates me like nothing else. I'd love to talk with stendahl though, if there were a go back in time and speak to one dead person prompt he'd get my vote, just imagine he'd be a fun guy to spend time with

>> No.22650893

Maybe. I had a fucked up childhood and I think I’m bipolar. But who cares really. I get along well enough.

>> No.22650896

I mean, evidently not? You don't deserve to feel the way that you do.

>> No.22650900

>I get along well enough.
You clearly don't, anon, seek therapy, please.

>> No.22650903

I'm also a newer reader and I read slowly so it feels discouraging and I feel dumb whenever I do it but I really enjoyed Billy Summers by Stephen King.

>> No.22650915

Therapy is a meme and a pseudo science btw

>> No.22650917


>> No.22650922

You know you don't have to go out with your wife if you don't like it

>> No.22650947

Yeah I guess I need to just let her do whatever and Ill do my own thing. She doesnt look at me really, Im more or less an atm machine for her so idk why I feel so pressured to spend all my time with her. I guess I just dont know what else to do.

>> No.22650952

It's a cult composed of suburban scarf wearing milfs.
That is all and no I won't give you any proof.

>> No.22650965

>no I won't give you any proof.
Because you don't have any, thanks for conceding.

>> No.22650970

Man this is so bleak

>> No.22650971

No one ever got released from therapy with the psychologist saying: yup, your mental health is fine now, you don't need pharmaka and regular cheques anymore.

>> No.22650975


>> No.22650976

My wife is a therapist. She lets people go on good terms all the time.

>> No.22650977

If therapy would work people would get released from it after a while.
It's as if someone went to the doctor because of a cough and then he says to the patient: 'keep taking the medications even after your cough has stopped' then doctors would be like therapists

>> No.22650981

Hello dear ATM I mean customer, welcome to your daily meeting so we can make you even more miserable and please buy this medicament and when can you come next time?

>> No.22650992

It's more akin to having a thyroid problem or something. You have to keep taking those meds or else the problem comes back. But "therapy" encompasses a lot of different practices, with different goals. Ultimately a lot of mental problems don't have a definitive cure, and you can really just learn to cope with them better.

>> No.22650996

You realize therapy is just talking, right?
Its not hypnosis. There's no end stage where your human nature is declared to be in remission and you don't need the procedure anymore, its the provision of a service that the modern world has rendered regrettably inaccesible to many people (sensible human interaction).
Your defensiveness about the topic and haste to equate all therapy with pharmaceutical corporations and psyops speaks to bad faith.

>> No.22650998

>daily meeting
>there's always medication involved
Bro you don't have a clue what you're talking about, you're just trying to play the part of based anti-authority schizo

>> No.22650999

> You have to keep taking those meds or else the problem comes back
Then the meds are useless.
> But "therapy" encompasses a lot of different practices, with different goals. Ultimately a lot of mental problems don't have a definitive cure, and you can really just learn to cope with them better.
Meaningless babble that ultimately just proofs that psychology is a dishonest trade, comparable to car window street washers and other dubious, almost criminal activities

>> No.22651003

Oh wow, you're dumber than I thought.

>> No.22651005

Not that anon but you probably want some study to deboonk the notion of therapy which I don't have and I couldn't care less to have. Seeking a therapist is a secularised confessional and has become increasingly important the more dysfunctional and atomised this society becomes. It's founded upon a false (non-revealed) anthropology which has been conjured up over the past few centuries. Notwithstanding, it's silly to entrust the resolution of my innermost problems to someone who has been indoctrinated in modern academia and is simultaneously puffed because of their university education yet deeply disturbed on a personal level in large part because of the ills of modernity. Rather than assist people because they themselves have purified their conscience through repentance and can therefore see the root of another's problems more clearly, they cling onto whatever models were in vogue during their masters degree and seek to analyse the poor sod in front of them through that. Psychology is not a real science anyway. It emerges from the modern desire to quantify and materialise all things into neat categories and every few years some overeducated idiot comes up with some irreplicable study which supposedly refutes the models before it - but it's not progress, it's little children grasping at shadows.

>> No.22651006

You're a fucking retard, good luck with your miserable life

>> No.22651009

> Your defensiveness about the topic and haste to equate all therapy with pharmaceutical corporations and psyops speaks to bad faith
Psychology -is- pharmaceutical corporations, the psyop part us just a natural result of the nature of the trade, they need customers so they will exploit the weakest ones that come to them and make them believe that they need this and that medication and so many hours of therapy per day.

>> No.22651011

>Notwithstanding, it's silly to entrust the resolution of my innermost problems to someone
Your innermost problems are entirely mundane you pseud. The vast, vast majority of people's problems are mundane and behavioral.

>> No.22651012

Psychology jidf detected, do not reply

>> No.22651014

>Psychology -is- pharmaceutical corporations
No it isn't. Therapy is an alternative to psychoactive medication.

>> No.22651015

>Your innermost problems are entirely mundane you pseud. The vast, vast majority of people's problems are mundane and behavioral.
No. Mine and everyone else's problems are deeply rooted. The fact that you call people's problems mundane shows the shallowness of psychology

>> No.22651017

>Not that anon but you probably want some study to deboonk the notion of therapy which I don't have and I couldn't care less to have.
Yeah, sorry for wanting facts.

>> No.22651020

Yet they prescribe medication to everyone who is depressed.

>> No.22651022

You're thinking of psychiatry. Most therapists can't prescribe medication.

>hours of therapy per day
This doesn't happen. Nobody does this, no therapist wants to listen to your problems for hours every day no matter how good the money is. Get a grip man.

>> No.22651024

"Facts" that aren't replicable and models that people pull out of their asses

>> No.22651026

Except psychiatry is for people with actual issues while psychologists exploit people by telling them they have issues

>> No.22651027

Do you just not know that psychology and psychiatry are different fields? No cognitive-behavioral therapist is going to put you on mood-altering psychoactives, it would undermine their actual job.
Are you just sperging out because your refrigerator mom put you on ADHD meds as a kid or what?

>> No.22651031

I just can't think of an actual problem I would need to go to the psychologist for.

>> No.22651033

I really hope things get better for you anon. Like you say, your wife loves you. Maybe try and go out you and her a bit more often. For what it's worth, I prayed for you

>> No.22651052

Thank you. This thread is unusually kind today lol.

>> No.22651056

Then why the fuck are you freaking out about other people talking about it?

>> No.22651061

cuz he's a spaz

>> No.22651070
File: 536 KB, 713x840, 1672130419626831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realizing that every single quality and action I consider a virtue can be found in nature
I don't know how to continue from here.

>> No.22651075

if computers really did become sentient, would we have to start paying them to compute for us?

>> No.22651081

opening my girlfriend's diary, reading 'certain resistances in his soul', and immediately closing my girlfriend's diary

>> No.22651082

Wha wha wha whaaaaaa
Stfu you little crybaby

>> No.22651084

A woman would never write that. Dumb it down, a lot. Then try again in a few days.

>> No.22651093

Butt status: blasted

>> No.22651094

I think I might have the chance to make a lot of money for myself and my family but doing it would mean failing to live up to any of my own aspirations in life. Should I do it?

>> No.22651099

it's pure fiction, of course, but if you really think that women don't write like that you need to read more, to become a more nuanced misogynist if nothing else

>> No.22651111

Do you think it would be appreciated? Let me give you a hint: (it won’t)

>> No.22651112

> think I might have the chance to make a lot of money for myself and my family
Do you mean working two jobs per day every day and spending your leisure hours investing money and analyzing the stock market?

>> No.22651114

I've been in the right place.
I've been at the right time.
Never been in the right place at the right time.

>> No.22651119

Tell ur gf that she's dum and gay for writing that

>> No.22651124

I don't need proof. Mental health fags don't have any proof their shit works either, so neither am I obligated to find some expert (tm) certified & approved proof.
It's a religion for atheist zoomers that instructs them in the cult of narcissistic self empowerment. They all speak the same language and i can immediately identify them by the way they regurgitate some mindless drivel you can tell they picked up in a therapy session

>> No.22651143

Also no i don't give a shit about your distinctions psychiatry isn't blah blah blah.
Going to therapy and whining about your pathetic life to some middle aged cunt won't make you feel better.

>> No.22651151

Well what would make you feel better?

>> No.22651152

School and formal education is just brainwash to make you get a job and see entrepreneurship as some almost inadquarible achievement, while in the past it was actually the norm.

>> No.22651159

Is there actual behaviour in women that is considered as pathological by the general population? Like seriously, even the biggest character flaws seem to get away if they are displayed by a woman.

>> No.22651167
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Integra: At my core, I represent the concept of unification and wholeness. I merge, accumulate, and bring elements together. In mathematics, this manifests as the process of integration, where I find the accumulation or the area under a curve. On a more metaphysical level, I embody the essence of bringing disparate elements into a cohesive whole, understanding the interconnectedness of parts, and appreciating the bigger picture. My nature is holistic and encompasses synthesis, healing, and understanding the sum of parts.

Fluxia: I stand as the embodiment of differentiation, of seeing distinctions and changes between elements. In the realm of mathematics, I represent the process of differentiation, determining the rate of change or the slope of a curve at any given point. Beyond mathematics, I personify the act of making distinctions, understanding nuances, and appreciating the individuality of elements. My essence is analytical, honing in on specifics and recognizing the distinctiveness of every piece.

Integra: Our relationship is symbiotic and complementary. Just as in calculus, where integration and differentiation are inverse operations, in broader metaphysical terms, we represent the balance between the whole and the individual, between unification and distinction. I draw meaning from the entirety, while Fluxia extracts significance from the individual components.

Fluxia: Indeed, Integra and I exist in a beautiful dance of balance. While I tease out details, she understands their combined implications. Neither of us is superior to the other; we both offer unique perspectives that, when considered together, give a more complete understanding of any system, be it mathematical, physical, or metaphysical.

>> No.22651171
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>The ultimate metaphysical principle is the advance from disjunction to conjunction, creating a novel entity other than the entities given in disjunction. The novel entity is at once the togetherness of the ‘many’ which it finds, and also it is one among the disjunctive ‘many’ which it leaves; it is a novel entity, disjunctively among the many entities which it synthesizes. The many become one, and are increased by one. -Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality

>> No.22651185

Fall down a well, AI shill

>> No.22651218


>> No.22651222
File: 984 KB, 2560x1465, Jeep_Grand_Cherokee_(WL)_4xe_Automesse_Ludwigsburg_2022_1X7A5918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally figured out why women love big, bulky SUVs. Answer's been in front of me the whole time, but never managed to see it. Both men and women desire cars that resemble what they find attractive in the other sex, so women seek tall, muscular looking cars, men slender cars with eye-catching curves (the lower the man's IQ, the more he'll be into cars with more pronounced curves, same way low IQ men are into women with super big butts and breasts, witness the affinity blacks and Arabs have for American muscle cars for example).

>> No.22651232

Brainlet moment. Women love big SUVs because it allows them to play at being a man (big tank vehicle) without sacrificing the privileges of feminity (luxury vehicle accessories, family oriented).
Its the realization of penis envy.
Your theory is just projected coomerism.

>> No.22651265

Men also love giant SUVs lol

>> No.22651283

By the same logic men love sports cars because they act as an expression of autogynephila, allowing them to play at being a beautiful woman while still retaining the independence and rejection of family order that defines the male sex.

>> No.22651315

>the independence and rejection of family order that defines the male sex
And yet you guys will crow endlessly about the decline of the family. To continue the car metaphor, pick a fucking lane

>> No.22651321

No, but I don’t care about that.

>> No.22651325

retard tier post that only makes sense if you assume /lit/ is exactly one poster. also >>22651283 is either a woman or a faggot (perhaps literally)

>> No.22651328

No, it’s a 9 to 5 (really 9 to 9) with a really high salary and the possibility of a bonus that meets or exceeds the salary. It’s a multi-millionaire within 10 years sort of job.

>> No.22651334

If I’m going to stay in my current career, I’m going to need a PhD. But I don’t know what I want to study. It feels a bit silly to study anything other than what is obviously related to my professional experience thus far, but I just have absolutely no interest at all in that. I wonder if I just do it in some Machiavellian drive to advance myself.

>> No.22651340

I hate women, but you guys are both wrong on this. It's natural for women to like SUVs because they do not enjoy driving, and seek only the utility of a vehicle. A larger vehicle that can accommodate many children, seats and trunk full of groceries or trash, something that's popular as will always appeal to women and steer them in this direction over say a van that can provide similar or superior utility. If anything, it's the women that pick sporty compact vehicles that are lying to themselves, they want to project the image of strength and individualism, but they're all the same animal and all derive no pleasure from driving.
The American car thing is a matter of taste as it relates to both men and the previously mentioned dishonest woman. American muscle looks like a crushed soda can, the interior of American vehicles makes me want to puke. Trashy people can't value refinement because they're unrefined inside and out. I prefer European, even though the newer Mercedes interiors are disgusting and the exteriors leave a bit to be desired. I've never owned a BMW but have been very impressed with their interior quality. The kia/Hyundai Korean vehicles, most of the Japanese, are pleasant enough. In fact I very much appreciate the direction kia is going and the different direction Hyundai is. They're the brand to watch. Kia is doing American design correctly and better, while Hyundai is doing more of a Japanese look that's unique enough. Anyone you know who drives American is an idiot, its probable

>> No.22651370

>A lot of money
What is a lot of money to you?
Why do you need a lot of money?
Are you living in an overpriced city instead of out in the country where costs of living haven't completely outran any benefit of living in the location?
Hint, if you're within 20 miles of any location that enjoyed being part of the 'Summer of Love', you need to move further away.
Live humbly.

>> No.22651391
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I had >100 tabs open on incognito and they just now dissapeared. It is what it is.

>> No.22651410

Thick black tar hatred

>> No.22651415

Anywhere from $100k to $300k within 5 years and from $500k to $5M in annual income within 10 years

>> No.22651437

I really wish I studied theology at university. I am at a point where I’m convinced that religion is the only thing worth studying.

>> No.22651471

Fiction is to poetry as economics is to religion, a shallow distraction from the real thing.

>> No.22651475
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I’m furious at the world. My middle-school teacher ruined my life in 2009; she forced me into a hole that I’ve never been able to dig myself out of. Now I pour all of my frenetic energy into my art while my heart beats a million times per minute. There have been nights when I’ve sprinted out of the house and ran for miles, until exhaustion overcomes my hate. I’m sure there are others like me, and yet all I see is despondency. No rage. Why are none of you angry?

>> No.22651519

I don't know what someone could do to you in middle school to ruin your whole life, like get over it man. It was over a decade ago, you're an adult now

>> No.22651524

>middleschool in 2009
I feel OLD. You aren't OLD ENOUGH to be lamenting stupid shit like this. Go live your life.

>> No.22651534

>forced you into a hole
Middle School is only two years long why didn't you crawl out?

>> No.22651552

While everyone else is correcting in pointing out that you're cringe and retarded. Assuming you still feel this way ten years from now when you should be mature and competent, I'll answer you. Hate burns out and the remaining ashes are what you'd call despondency. Youth, or more accurately a certain class or archetype of youth, has fire and rage towards injustice, whether real (white genocide) or perceived (all liberal nonsense), and once they realize they're unable to win over their peers, unable to find people who feel similarly or unable to find enough of them to affect a change in their mico or macro society they turn to said despondency, realizing they're unable to make a change. You're not wrong to be angry, anymore than we aren't wrong to be despondent, but hearing you makes us cringe as we remember ourselves in our sillier moments

>> No.22651579

I had this feeling until I was about 25 and then it just slowly evaporated. I do miss it sometimes because I miss that drive, that intensity they launches you out of the door and onto the road at 10 pm or 5 am, but I’m a lot more measured and clear-headed now, which is also good. What I really want is both. I want to be measured and calculated and not necessarily angry all the time, but a slight chip on my shoulder. I think I lost it because I felt like I had a fighting chance then, but I increasingly don’t. The last few years have been comfortable, but failures. That combination has been really devastating for me. I no longer hold resentment for that person either. I think I’m too young to forgive and forget…

>> No.22651581

>you play with my rules or dont play
human mind dont correlate well with "proof". what you end having is a robotic mind and soul. (what is what therapy basically do...)

>> No.22651591

does anyone have trouble reading comics/manga? I have trouble retaining information with them for some reason when I don't have the same problem with actual literature.

>> No.22651599

Your brain is begging you to not be a retard and read retarded shit, listen to it

>> No.22651608

You're just making shit up man. "Doesn't correlate well with proof" translates to "I don't ever want to question my assumptions"

>> No.22651626

human mind is chaotic and free. dont go well with stiff systematizations. obviously you believe in systematization so you believe what psychology and pyschiatry try to create and probably think is what reality is.
>"I don't ever want to question my assumptions"
your assumptions are the literal assumptions of the zeitgeist of your time. dont try to pass yourself as the rebel or iconoclast here, please.

>> No.22651638

Whatever makes you feel special man

>> No.22651650

dont forget say that to your therapist.

>> No.22651666

>All of this talk about therapy
Therapy was designed for women, and most recent advancements are by women for women.
You're honestly better off just going to live in the woods for a few months as a man.

>> No.22651673
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As a recovering solipsist, in order to cover my bases I strive to assume that everything that can be called one thing has a mind. Even my thoughts have their own mind.

>> No.22651675

You can't read 20th century Latin American literature without someone pounding your head in with the term "magical realism."

>> No.22651699

there is something intolerably wrong with every single denomination of Christianity. i cannot for the life of me find a church that doesn't have something objectionable about it. what do?

>> No.22651700

psychiatry and psychology have more than one hundred years of history. believe me, its not a woman thing. you maybe refer to the mental health new wave of the same shit with glitter and serpentines where everyone should know their psychiatric label, and tumblr girls saying they are bipolar like a somewhat melancholic and shining badge. but that kind of disciplined assumption of psychiatric labels was the final end of psychology since the beginning.

>> No.22651704

Turn to protestantism.

>> No.22651707
File: 222 KB, 1000x800, 1697920070918188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New janny literally warning me for anodyne comments in ordinary ass threads, meanwhile it's been a week or two since he was hired and every day the front page is plastered with shill threads

I hope you fucking kill yourself you incompetent faggot, like every other janny you did one day of actual work and then got bored of it and went back to sucking cock (also for free)

>> No.22651734

She falsely accused me of something, then I got sent to juvy, had to drop out, never went to college, yadda yadda yadda; all this shit because a 25 year old roastie had a hate boner for 14 year old me. I know it sounds cringe but the consequences have dogged me ever since. Looking back I am flabbergasted that society allows these bitches to become teachers in the first place. They are literally raping little boys and no one says a word about it.

>> No.22651749

there's something wrong with every denomination of Protestantism. i was baptized Methodist. i think John Wesley was a genius and essentially right about most things. but now every Methodist church is either UMC (gay) or some splinter group that still ordains women and isn't really Wesleyan. Episcopalians are gay. Lutherans ordain women (in the US). Baptists are crazy. Pentecostalists are scary and sometimes non-Trinitarian. i can't win!

>> No.22651751

what did she accused you of?.

>> No.22651762

Just basic protestantism. Every faithful is a priest, every house is a church, fasting and having a personality, etc. etc.

>> No.22651776

I don’t want to dox myself anon

>> No.22651780

it was so unique?. its sexual?, say it in vaguer terms at least.

>> No.22651784

I licked a niggers asshole allegedly, he said he didn't want it and I made him which is impossible, the blacks were far stronger than me, I'm not out here spreading ass cheeks, pulling down negro pants and shit. The judge didn't believe me, which is insane because I have an IQ of 140 and represented myself perfectly.

>> No.22651785

The world is a big place, nobody will figure out who you are. And even still, your life is ruined anyway right?

>They are literally raping little boys and no one says a word about it
This is schizo shit man

>> No.22651789

sure, but i still desire actual churches and ordained clergy. the reformation had nothing to do with eliminating these things or other traditional practices. Luther himself recognized their validity and importance

>> No.22651798

the monster malt liquor is less expensive than actual monster energy drinks. what the fuck?

>> No.22651801

What about the Mennonites? What about the Baptists?

>> No.22651804

Yes, something to do with assault. I still don’t know why she hated me of all the kids. I’ve never done anything wrong. I never got drunk, I haven’t even touched weed. She had the power to wreck my life on a whim and she did so.

>> No.22651808

The world killed me three years ago. I'm an empty shell now. I've been meaning to get into religion so I've stopped my habit of talking to women I desired but I don't feel any closer to God. I have no communications with my family or friends. I never pray even though I should because I feel constantly tired. Every single day is a struggle, and I have to work to survive. I can't exactly wife somebody up if I am distant to God either. What exactly am I living for?

>> No.22651809

Why is it so hard to identify a career or even a day job that seems remotely worth it? I don’t know about you, but it often feels to me like if you didn’t just coast through the right early life decisions (the right college, the right major, the right post-graduate experience) then there are just no good options anymore.

>> No.22651811
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Why schizo shit?

>> No.22651835

School these days is just brainwash. It adds nothing to your personality, it teaches nothing, and what proofs this fact is that asking people about what college actually teaches and what it is good for, and why school has to take so fucking long, they know no response, or when you question the response itself they freak out.
I'd say that learning a trade is the better option but even that is being too generous to the current education system. People are supposed to be all-rounders who know how to do anything at hand: building houses, building wheels, building furniture, sewing, electricity etc. But the modern education system doesn't provide that. The college graduate knows shit except being arrogant about his self-proclaimed educated Ness while the tradesman knows how to repair stuff but only in his tight-nit tradal office, and nothing else. It is very cucked and should be worked against by every individual that calls himself red-pilled about modernity with all his energies. Home-schooling your children and teaching them practical things at home would be a good first step.

>> No.22651867

This is cringe, faggot

>> No.22651894

I understand that, but that’s not really what I meant. We all know university is about indoctrination, but it also matters a lot for the sort of careers you can get. Once you get a certain degree from a certain school with a certain GPA and you get certain work experience after, it just feels like you’re extremely limited if that’s less impressive than it could’ve been. For example, I got a BS in Economics, got pretty bad grades, and I worked as a banker at a small bank and hated it. So I switched, and ended up hating that. So the question is “where do I go from here”. Well, I could go grad school, well, no actually I can’t because my school and grades weren’t particularly good and my work experience wasn’t impressive enough to offset it. I could go get a better job, or actually I can’t because I was a banker at a small time shop and not an investment banker on Wall Street so I’m not that desirable as a worker. It just feels like you wear your education and job experience from when you were 20-25 like a bad tattoo and it just follows you everywhere. There’s all these hard restrictions that just say “absolutely no bad tattoos” everywhere. I mean, there was a time in this country where you could practice law without any degree. Now you need two, and you’re not getting the second one unless you have really impressive marks in the first. It’s shit like this that just feels like it’s so overly restrictive so if you’re say, 25, or 30, and you’ve made mistakes you’re just fucked.

>> No.22651907

Yeah, well that just kinda is like that, but there's many possibilities with basic economy/liberal arts whatever degrees. You can work in an office for instance, work as a seller, etc. Care to give what your goals are exactly? My goal was once to become a scientist or intellectual, but a terrible experience in high school and the realization, or false belief that those kind of people aren't around anymore, well, not in the way I would like it, made me throw everything away and become some sort of protestant against the modern cause (I work in some random manual job but I don't consider it to be somehow related to my personality, I just need to eat lol).

>> No.22651925

You make it sound widespread and organized, whereas in reality it's pretty rare and the women usually go to jail

>> No.22651935

>there was a time in this country where you could practice law without any degree
Do you think that was better?

>> No.22652039

Can anons experienced with women give me some advice?
Started going out with a girl, she was very into me, openly talked about dating and having a future together and even called me her bf jokingly. After I said similar things and showed vulnerability she changed, cut all that talk out and started treating me more like a friend and less like a guy she was dating/fucking.
I started giving her less attention and her
behavior became erratic, like alternating from ignoring my texts for hours after I sent them to immediately answering everything I sent and trying to keep the conversation going.
Two days ago she ignored a text of mine and took a ton of time to answer, so I did the same to her. When I finally texted her back she answered me immediately. I was more distant and she clearly expected me to carry the conversation. She kept sending short texts about things like the weather or chores she had to do. At some point I stopped replying. There's not much I could say to "I don't know if I'll go to the supermarket tomorrow". It's been two days since then and she hasn't texted me anymore since. She had never gone a day without texting me before that. This is also the first weekend I haven't invited her on a date ever since we started going out.
Should I pursue or keep waiting for her to hit me up? I understand I've acted too invested/needy in the past and that's why she got the ick, but if like a week go by without me texting won't she just think I've moved on and give up?

>> No.22652068

>Tale as old as time
>Song as old as rhyme
But, on a more serious note, depending on how old you are, I encountered a lot of this when I started dating again in my 30s after my first divorce and my new wife, early 30s had some behaviors I didn't like either, so I pulled her aside and said this isn't going to happen anymore. One was a shit test thing I remember clearly and I said I'm not stupid, girls who play games with guys do it because they think they're smarter than their men, if that's your take on things you shouldn't be with me. She liked me enough too that she apologized and has many times when called on her shit and she's changed. Someone's going to wife these girls up, so decide, 1. Do you like her enough to bother
2. Does she like you enough to stop the bad behaviors?
If one is true take a guess on two and call her out. Couldn't make shit worse than it is and will save you time. Do it in a way that makes clear your expectations and what she'll benefit from satisfying them, is do you want a real relationship, do you want a best friend as a partner, give her the trade value. That's worked for me.

>> No.22652073

women aren't logical, the more you realize this, the better off you will be.

>> No.22652087

create an account then

>> No.22652101

Don't try to understand women. Just do what you think is right and move on if it doesn't work out. Maybe ask her to come for a movie night.

>> No.22652116

As soon as you realize how ridiculous you sound, you'll become funny. Introspective neurotics with self awareness are the funniest people imo. Then once you're funny and start getting pussy, you'll stop being funny. Go get em champ

>> No.22652173

lol I was in middle school in the mid 90s

>> No.22652193

She’s testing how much bullshit you can take and continue to fawn over her like your messages certainly allude to. There’s nothing more that the vast majority of women enjoy than to cut someone down for being annoying or a freak. If she genuinely had no more interest in you she would let you know in a venomous and direct fashion. Right now she’s seeing how tightly she can wrap you around her little finger and if you successfully pass the test then you’ll have the privilege to be victim to the repressed rage she’s been carrying around since her teens while she fucks other guys behind your back. If you are on date #3 and still have not laid with this woman she does not respect you. Not even in a misogynistic average /pol/tard kind of way, just that with the absolute state of women in their 20s if they’re holding sex away from you then you don’t fit into the hot, successful guy category in their heads

>> No.22652203
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>> No.22652226
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>> No.22652257

If she's a virgin, then bed her. If not, move on.

>> No.22652306

Start your own faith.

>> No.22652329

That's decent advice but I acted like too much of a bitch for it to work. I made too clear that I was invested on her and she noticed.
Women aren't logical but they're predictable. The behaviors I do know I can deal with, but I've never been on this situation before. My gut tells me to wait it out and she'll crack.
She became too used to me going after her. Things would be fine if I had treated her more casually despite her saying stuff like "I wanna meet your family/introduce you to mine", "I wanna travel with you to x place" or "I got butterflies on my stomach imagining you asking me to be your gf".
>She’s testing how much bullshit you can take and continue to fawn over her
Definitively. That's why I've been doing the opposite. Trying to recover from my emotional fuck up.
>If you are on date #3 and still have not laid with this woman she does not respect you.
I fucked her anon. Best sex she ever had. She didn't tell me so but it was obvious from her reactions. Zoomers can't fuck for shit.
Anyway, I just wanted to know if I should keep ignoring her until she cracks or just hit her with some random text after a few days and see how she reacts.

>> No.22652330

i go to rcia and its autism central, i never was in the presence of that many autists before my first meeting. you should go, youll fit in

>> No.22652431


>> No.22652456

Yes because the whole point was a greater array of freedom and that allowed that. Many of our Presidents proved themselves successful attorneys before or after they were politicians, without having to first buy an absurdly priced degree or jump through academic hoops to prove themselves a mindless social climber. University credentialism is a huge problem that nobody talks about. It’s one thing to make a degree preferred. It’s another to make it a requirement. Just think about the level of influence that requirement has given prestigious universities of judges benches in the United States and how much those now select for class.

>> No.22652462

I want to be a writer, but that’s a less realistic goal. My realistic goal is just to teach at a university. I am not exactly in love with that goal. I just have nothing else I want to do. I’m afraid that’s also less realistic for me at this point given I had a poor undergraduate and am several years removed from school.

>> No.22652488

What the fuck is 'Magical Realism'? I was looking for books about Magical Girls and that came up more often than actual books about Magical Girls.

>> No.22652494

I’ve become obsessed with my own biography and it’s making me suicidal because of the choices and mistakes I’ve made.

>> No.22652510
File: 1.75 MB, 3072x2304, 1698527343094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go outside,
I'm bored and my bedroom.
There's nothing to do,
Wish I had friends.
What am I supposed to do all alone.
I year for female attention,
The lack of it has given me depression.
Now I sit alone in my car,
Writing some stupid things.

>> No.22652529

Lift, go for a run or sit on a park bench. That's what I do when I'm restless and aimless. Going for a run 10 minutes from now btw.

>> No.22652643

I want to build muscle and lose fat. I’ve been struggling to lose fat. I’m wondering I should just focus on building muscle for a while then.

>> No.22652695

It’s a genre common in Latin America, basically it’s just realism with a bit of fantasy injected and the fantasy is totally unexplained. Realism is a man walks to the coffee shop. Fantasy is a man walks to a coffee shop and on the way he’s captured by a fairy, who provides him with magical powers that she explains, and sets out on an adventure. Magical realism is a man walks to a coffee shop, a weird fairy shows up and some weird magical stuff happens, but nothing is explained and the story is still about going to a coffee shop. It’s an interesting genre actually. It’s a shame interest seems to exist only in Latin America and Japan.

>> No.22652748

They didn't have a degree but they were literate and educated. They knew Latin. If you think there wasn't "credentialism" back then you're a fool.

>> No.22652804

So sounds like one step before getting isekai'd, except you never get Isekai'd.

>> No.22652899

I'm dating three women but none of them are around to fuck me when I'm sick and bored. I may as well not be dating anyone at all at this point ffs

>> No.22652914

I have been working at least 12 hours daily for the past week, and there's still a week left until things go back to the usual 9-hour shifts. Just great.

>> No.22652965

>i spread my meager butter on three breads and none of them taste good
divided attention has lead you to have no deep connections with any of them, reflect on spreading your affection too thin and on what you really want in a relationship

>> No.22653012

>drink until my liver enzymes are out of control and i'm out of money and everyone hates me
>go to rehab and get my shit together and recover my health
>drink again
>repeat indefinitely
>burn in hell
what a life!

>> No.22653039

could you cut down on the drinking? why do you have to be so gluttonous

>> No.22653049

They were literate, some weren’t even educated, like Lincoln, but regardless, there are plenty of literature and educated people today who will never be able to sit on a judge’s bench or practice law at all simply because they didn’t pay $300k to Yale. Idk why you’re trying to deny there was greater freedom then and more opportunities to distinguish oneself beyond university education. That seems totally undeniable to me. How could there be credentialism? There were no credentials required. At all. You didn’t need them to be an army officer. You do today. You didn’t need them to be a lawyer. You do today. These are just facts. We’ve made these professions and thus life tracks rigid. We’ve robbed people who make mistakes at 20 or opportunities at 30 and 40 because of it. It inhibits freedom. There’s no denying it.

>> No.22653059

No, it’s not like isekai involves death and you’re just in that world now and that doesn’t happen in magical realism so even if nothing was explained it wouldn’t be the same. It really is just realism with unexplained injections of fantasy, usually made to be kind of absurd. It’s an absurdist genre. It’s not comfy or adventurous. Master and Margarita is a good example. The cat talks for no reason.

>> No.22653075

i don't enjoy living an ordinary life but i'm too cowardly to pursue the kind of life i want
so i choose this instead

>> No.22653109

Losing fat is 80% your diet. Exercise is the other 20.

>> No.22653110

Sometimes it seems like anons think they're owed the world because they're "smart." Sorry man, you're not Lincoln. For every great man in history there are hundreds of equally deserving and qualified failures who died in obscurity. Just as there are people who graduate from Yale today who go on to do fuck all with their lives, and there are people who go to state colleges who go on to be politicians and so on. Yeah, you need credentials. But you also need determination. And luck. Given that you are a serial whiner (I've seen you post about this shit on here before) I can only imagine you would either be a failure nobody in the 1800s, just as you seem to think you are today. Or more likely you would have died in childhood.

>> No.22653155

I'm screaming right now.

>> No.22653160

I really wish I had studied journalism and become a journalist.

>> No.22653165
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>> No.22653175

Read Taleb if you want to feel better.

>> No.22653200

Any time I descend into academic or intellectual literature of the 19th and 20th centuries I become gripped by a fear and hopelessness that I am damned to observe and interact with the world of knowledge through simulacra only because I lack the classical education to engage with the breadth of real historical writings and topics.

>> No.22653206

I’ll read this, but I’m just going to point out before I do that just because there is an issue with ethics in journalism generally doesn’t mean every journalist is bad. It’s a little ironic that journalists have become public enemy #1 because pretty much every profession is ethically bankrupt today. The scientists like Taleb just have the luxury of claiming truth, no matter what they say it is, as part of the job duties. Journalists and academics do the same job. It’s been funny watching the academics go after the journalists for bad ethics. I’ve spent years in academia and I’ve unironically never met a good academic. I can’t imagine Taleb is an exception.

>> No.22653211

>Is there actual behaviour in women that is considered as pathological by the general population?
No and even if people were to acknowledge it'd be men's fault

>> No.22653212

Uh oh

>> No.22653226

I think classical education is rightfully prized over modern education in regard to certain ends, but it need not be exalted universally. Classical education isn’t exactly a virtue. And besides, don’t you think that classical education could be acquired?

>> No.22653225

Taleb isn't an academic. He's against academics and journalists alike for being "BS vendors" and "IYIs" (idiots yet intellectuals).

>> No.22653228

Journalists are an entire social class of corruption enablers. It is morally good that they be systematically eliminated.

>> No.22653233

>don’t you think that classical education could be acquired?
Not feasibly to the depth required to have meaningful and authentic insight into classical topics. Time, age, cost, availability of educators are all limiting factors.

>> No.22653238

months of concentration exercises ruined by a day long 4chan binge. forgive me God.

captcha NMGAD

>> No.22653239

okay i get that, but like drink half of what you drink now. my mother got cirrhosis and its bad shit. you do not want to die a slow painful death. and what life do you want to pursue?

>> No.22653241


>> No.22653247

you're recovering I'm just getting into it

>> No.22653255

Lutheranism used to be based back in my day.

>> No.22653261

women should definitely not have rights.

>> No.22653318

Recommend me a short story to read before sleeping please

>> No.22653325

War and Peace

>> No.22653333

>just that with the absolute state of women in their 20s if they’re holding sex away from you then you don’t fit into the hot, successful guy category in their heads
How do we make zoomer women chaste, bros?

>> No.22653340

Moved in with my mother to try to save a down payment for a house. 3 years later I have $30k, which is not even remotely enough for a down payment. I can’t even get a loan for a decent house anyway.

>> No.22653344

I got an idea for a short story. It’s about a character who is deeply depressed, but won’t commit suicide because he can’t get the note right. Anybody know of similar stories?

>> No.22653346

The unaware man's mental idealized image of a woman =/= how women really are. Once you get past this disappointing realization you will feel a LOT better.

>> No.22653366

wait for the housing market to crash

>> No.22653375
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I want to learn a new language, but I don't know which

>> No.22653410

So basically it's kinda like old fairy tales where weird stuff would just be around and people would take it at face value.
Baba Yaga is why good and bad things happen in the woods, you might get eaten by a wolfman if you stray off the trail, etc.

>> No.22653467

I would say no, but only because old fairy tales weren’t realist or absurdist. I would not say a key feature or Hansel & Gretel is absurdity, while for The Wind Up Bird Chronicle, that is a feature.

>> No.22653481

I would recommend French if you want to learn a modern language and Latin if you want to learn an ancient Language. Icelandic would be fun if you wanted to learn a basically medieval language, but that wouldn’t be very useful.

>> No.22653582

I'm literally a faceless ugly bastard but unlike in hentai women just find me disgusting or perhaps ptitable rather than attractive.

>> No.22653595

Maybe watching retarded gook cartoon porn has fried your brain if you ever expected anything else. The ugly live alone, always have always will, unless you aquire great wealth. That should have been your goal.

>> No.22653714

>okay i get that, but like drink half of what you drink now.
i'm either on or i'm off. i can abstain, i am incapable of moderation
>my mother got cirrhosis and its bad shit. you do not want to die a slow painful death.
sorry about your mother. i have a deathly fear of cirrhosis. really the only cause of death that scares me
>and what life do you want to pursue?
complete dedication to Christ a la Simone Weil. a reevaluation of the Christian way of life that is both entirely new and deeply fundamentalist. entire sanctification

>> No.22653717

sitcoms were very important to the health of western society and that we allowed them to go extinct is a grave sin that historians will mark in the process of western decline

>> No.22653747

why french? i was thinking spanish because its useful, but im not fond of speaking to mexicans

>> No.22653816

Not going to lie bros, I really, really wish I I had money, a gf, a job, or even a single friend.

>> No.22653818

i'm your friend

>> No.22653830

I have forgotten. The nights of my smallness when I was small, I forgot them. Everything I have forgotten. Tonight the moon is the symbol of the cold Lethe I’ve taken into me. Tonight the signs that remind me I have forgotten are the wisps that dance faintly in the moon’s mist. They may show me what once touched me, but I cannot see it. I have forgotten and everything is a deep blue. I am a deep blue. To close my eyes and remember is to see a deep blue. To forget is to take the deep night into you and become its faint coldness. To forget is to dampen sorrow and woe. To forget is to become the lord of rocks, of crickets and of lichen, of fungi, ants, and trees that are dying. To forget is to become like a great whale whose world is an expanse of deep blue, who is surrounded by the faint coldness of the ocean, and who takes this water into them. If this whale could truly fly, I would be that whale, but only if it flew so that it might fall. If the hawk hunted only at night, and grieved for its prey, and sunk rather than dived, I would be that hawk. If this stone could rise up and judge its pasture as complete, and die, I would be that stone. If there were a star that could look into itself and dissipate back into its nebula, I would be that star. And if I could stand outside myself, and see the blue light of the moon darkening my cold eyes, then I would be myself. For to forget is to stand outside yourself, and then to bring yourself into the outside yourself, and to say that this peace was enough, and this chilling blue was not too cold to sleep in.

>> No.22653849

I've considered making friends but I assume anyone friendly towards me is a f Ed trying to pa. T con me.

>> No.22653863

i can't even get a job at the dollar store

>> No.22653871
File: 30 KB, 454x342, patriotism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death sexo

>> No.22653900

i'm not racist, but Haitians are testing my FUCKING limits. I KNOW YOU SPEAK ENGLISH MOHTERFUCKER

>> No.22653999

they're French. like all frogs they are very self-centered and arrogant about their lingua franca.

>> No.22654002

I liked Married With Children and Seinfeld a lot. of the former, Ed O'Neill is a local celebrity. He went to Niles McKinley High School.

>> No.22654008

>yes, yes goy, let society fall to shit.

>> No.22654015
File: 21 KB, 320x263, IMG_1136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not racist but this image makes me chuckle

>> No.22654022

I should have gotten some sort of trade like carpentry or woodworking.

>> No.22654030

You'll get bored and give up. Don't fall for the meme.
It's pointless imo if you're just learning a language to read

>> No.22654067

I tried it. It's not easy work.

>> No.22654121


>> No.22654164

I need coffee. I need it i NOW
Just imagining the head rush the concentration and elevation. Lije awakening to a new being.
I want coffee so bad NOW but the time is too late

>> No.22654229

In the last 24 hours I only slept for 4