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22647348 No.22647348 [Reply] [Original]

Will homoconservatism save the west?

>> No.22647351
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>> No.22647356

No gay sex until marriage

>> No.22647358

Yeah, I think one day enough gay, Jewish, black women will write enough books that the leftists will go “huh, you know they have a sensible point” and the West will be saved, and all these guys can go back to their corporate board seats and university-as-debt-farming-scheme posts while the patriots give their lives to bomb Arabs and expand Israeli settlement.

>> No.22647369
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Remember that the jew promotes homophobia in order the weaken the bonds between men, thus creating a matriarchal system prone to economic subversion.

The most fundamental problem with conservatism is that it's an ideology that panders to married men. And marriage in a matriarchal society implies emasculation and degradation of the male nature.

>> No.22647376
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>Remember that the jew promotes homophobia in order the weaken the bonds between men

>> No.22647391

There is no conservatism in democratic republics.

What is there to even conserve in republics when republics are the latest toy by humanists to impose their dogmas?

Can you piece of shit atheists answer this? Tell me what you want to ''conserve''?

>> No.22647396

There is no conservatism in agricultural societies.

What is there to even conserve in kingdoms when kingdoms are the latest toy by priests to impose their dogmas?

Can you piece of shit polytheists answer this? Tell me what you want to ''conserve''?

>> No.22647397

No, conservatism is contrary to human nature.

>> No.22647451

I have soft spot for Murray and Malice. At least they don't throw they gayness in your face like conservatives of Rubin type.
Then again, you can also call it sneaky, if you don't want to be generous.

>> No.22647480


People with deep attachments through love to other people are of course resistant to outside distant governance and tyranny. For some time the nuclear family was a fine replacement for sacred bands of male lovers (and possibly even stronger given the familial bonds in addition to the erotic ones), but there's been a war against the nuclear family going on for the last 50 years. The deterioration of the nuclear family absolutely crippled social advancement of historically unfortunate groups in the United States. Sad.

>> No.22647485

I think there's a book about this, about the family as a bulwark against tyranny. I forget the name though

>> No.22647511

I was a fan of his until he began his nauseatingly pathetic fawning over Israel in light of its attack on Gaza.

>> No.22647518


>> No.22647527

Fags have always been degenerates, but the recently introduced gay marriage smeared it with cringe on the top.

>> No.22647530

>there's been a war against the nuclear family going on for the last 50 years
lmao, no. Sorry, anon, but your critique is misguided.
Governments want citizens to have children. The problem is that governments also want to secure women's rights, so they can double tax revenues. Those two interests heavily conflict with each other in the long run. All damage done against the nuclear family has been collateral damage only.

The way that governments try to fix this problem is by convincing men to become family men deprived of natural patriarchal authority. Doesn't seem to be working, given the birth rates in western countries. Rightists fail to grasp the dialectics of reproduction, so they just endlessly complain about degeneration and leftism and other platitudes.

>> No.22647591
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at a surface level a sexual act between a man and another man seems indeed pure, but this dessertous impression is created due to the implication of love
still to the core there is something very disturbing about it:
>you are putting your dick inside of another man s shitter
>you are putting your dick inside the poopoo hole
>your dick is getting smeared with another man s excrement, while at the same time you are destroying his colon
on the other hand the sexual act between a man and a woman is something clean, which is so pure, when love is involved, that it leads to the creation of another being
what is more beautiful than creation
this is what love is about
that is why the love of a man for another man, can only be expressed trough creation, not in the physical world, but in the world of ideas

>> No.22647596

I'm gay but never been very interested in anal sex... I can understand Plato's emphasis on intellectual procreation though

>> No.22647601
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This one?

>> No.22647637

>one day enough gay
Things that OP never said to himself.

>> No.22647674

Douglass Murray is gay and this pisses off other gay people.

“Sorry, liking the taste of cock isn’t an identity.”

>> No.22647680

sounds like a bunch of faggots coping with their homosexuality

>> No.22647699

just because you can't deal with your queerness doesn't mean others can't

>> No.22647711
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>Hello, my name is Fred, and I am gay

>Why are you telling me this?

>It’s who I am!

>Okay. Hello, my name is Bob, and I like eating vagina.

>Ewwww, why are you telling me this.

>> No.22647723
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>> No.22647729
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quick rundown..?

>> No.22647739

nice projection faggot

>> No.22647745

Nationalism is not ''conservative''. It's not ''right-wing''. Its not ''reactionary''. the problem with nationalism is that is another inorganic creation by atheists to replace monarchies with nations. nations existed before atheists took power, but nations as a basis for a political system is a leftist invention only to subvert the previous system. Like anything made up by leftists, it turned to shit quickly and leftists killed each other over this lol. Nationalism is so devoid of any substance that you have right wing atheists defending nationalism, just like you have left wing atheists defending it lol, and this since the first day of the revolutions. LOL.

Here is the cope of the nationalists: people who said nationalism existed said it was the language who unified people. The truth is that languages were so numerous that basically only a tiny group of people spoke the same language. The paucity of languages nowadays stem from the revolutionists who killed people who didnt want to speak the unified language. During monarchies, there was a humongous quantity of languages and the kings didnt give a shit about unifying people thru languages. and they were proud to speak differently form the peasants, whereas they lived in the same tiny area.
After being BTFO, they move on to saying nationalism existed due to folklore. folklore is by definition very local. folklore at the north of a ''nation'' is completely different than the one at the south, same with counties, boroughs whatever.
Then they seethe and their last cope is ethnicity which is a very vague idea. If there were mass migrations, then ethnicity is meaningless and if people didnt migrate a lot, then ethnicity just means ''my tiny shitty village'' which has nothing to do with nationalism.

Don't forget it's the french leftists who created nationalism. And, just like today, the only way they did it is by killing anybody who shitted on their dogmas, ie being pro pro democratic republics, ie pro mercantilism.

>> No.22647752

wait, so are you saying you can indeed deal with your homosexuality? I'm so proud of you, anon :)

>> No.22647779

How many times has this thread been posted and why isn't it deleted for being off topic?

>> No.22647837

My penis is not big enough to destroy a man's colon. When i take it in the ass i just take a shit beforehand and maybe i can douche it a little bit. Never really had any bad poop accidents.

Now africans and such having gay sex is totally gross because their grotesquely large penises are not suited for man to man love.

White people and asians can have pure homosexual love. Indians and such are excluded from this despite their small penises due to their nature as streetshitters and incapability of hygiene

>> No.22647840

because /lit/ is a homofascist board. now go back to /pol/ if you don't like that.

>> No.22647841

Why is homosexuality most common in black communities?

>> No.22647847

You don't pass btw.

>> No.22647857

It is because of the western culture's obsession with the genitalia and sexual dominance of the black man. Black youth are very impressionable and they fall for this as well, despite their incapability for true homosexuality.

>> No.22647875

Then why is there even more of it in Africa even whether the culture is Western or not?
>western culture's obsession with the genitalia and sexual dominance of the black man
Sounds like you're gay and projecting

>> No.22647883

The largest average penis length is in Nordic countries. Maybe you should stop watching so much jew-produced porn you faggot loser.

>> No.22647902
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>wait, so are you saying you can indeed deal with your homosexuality? I'm so proud of you, anon :)

>> No.22647913
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>Less than 50 years ago he would have been viciously kicked to death for being a homosexual in conservative circles
>Now is Conservatives must popular figure
>I wonder where we will be in another 50 years

>> No.22647923

>ziocon civnats don't do anything to stop the left and care more about preserving israel
that's why they're called controlled opposition

>> No.22647975

All of them are in hell now so who cares about what they had to say?

>> No.22647981

lol, lmao even

>> No.22648032

Out of context quotes that aren't even saying what you probably think they say because you read at the level of a 7th grader

>> No.22648040

>goys I mean guys, please don't be fascist, it's actually gay!
It's gay in the same way a puerile woman thinks LOTR is gay.

>> No.22648048

>Less than 50 years ago he would have been viciously kicked to death for being a homosexual in conservative circles
anon, conservatives 100 years ago worshipped queers like Evelyn Waugh

>> No.22648050

what do you think I think they're saying? the entire point is to showcase a diversity of opinion. and what do you think they're saying? what context is missing?

>> No.22648060

Conservatives don't have any coherent beliefs, just shifting hatred and alliances based on whatever they happen to be nostalgic for, in whatever shitty part of time or space they happen to find themselves born.

>> No.22648080


If you were honest, then you would acknowledge the truth that every clause of this applies equally well to leftists.

>> No.22648103


>> No.22648110
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-frightens-the-jews-more-than-a-perfect-unity-in-others-the-unity-of-feeling-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-121-93-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so very close to realizing that the Left and Right in the modern context are the exact same thing.