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22645249 No.22645249 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so underrated?

>> No.22645298

Because he is associated with anarchism and tranny spheres for no other reason than that marx and marxist adjacent circles are the ones who originally read him. This means only retards have been interested him and this deters intelligent people from recognizing him as a philosopher and not marxist political theorist #247753. If you actually understand him you realize he isn’t even an anarchist and has no political ideology, but everyone who reads him is a retard.

>> No.22645680

To this day I still don’t know what he’s getting at.

No I don’t feel bad because even the government didn’t fucking know so they never really fucked with him as much as Marx.

>> No.22645686

That’s my point what the fuck is he getting at?

Bro do things you want to do because ummm because why not lmao!

>> No.22645687

He is appropriately rated.

>> No.22645692

Too radical for normies. He reaches many of the same conclusions as Buddhists, only he takes a very different route to get there.

>> No.22645694

He takes the gay one
[insert got ‘em photo]

>> No.22645695

He wants you to cast away the institutions and ideologies around you and serve yourself. You say this but look around you most people are utter slaves to this shit.

>> No.22645701

Okay, but why though?

Because just hekin yea pupperion!!!

He fails to realize that, maybe I like watching porn and working a low effort job.

Maybe i like watching Netflix and having a routine.

Maybe I like going to events and living in a society.

What’s my boys alternative shitting in a hole in the woods and not watching Netflix or getting Starbucks?

Miss me with that gay ass philosophy.

>> No.22645703
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Just wait. I'm sure in due time some YouTube pseud is gonna make some preposterous 5 hour video about his philosophy, allowing him to be gobbled up by normies like pic related.

>> No.22645707

That book sucked ass too.

Bad men do bad things in bad world

Sooooo deep

>> No.22645708

holy based

>> No.22645709

>anon is so mad that someone made a video about blood meridian he brings it up in random threads months later

>> No.22645718

What a fucking Chad

>> No.22645725

Online discussion about Cormac and Blood Meridian was very limited and far more concise until this shit video was made, and I'm sure the same thing will happen to Stirner,

>> No.22645728

None of this existed in his time you whiney fag, also it’s much deeper than just some dreg gooning in his bedroom.

>> No.22645730

there were cormac threads every day long before that video was released. you're literally delusional. You seethe that he is a "normie" and so you automatically look for more reasons to hate it and start imagining that online conversation about blood meridian was significantly affected.

>> No.22645733

If you’re so scared that someone is going to make your shit philosophy cuck gay man more accessible and easier to understand.

Then it’s because you know what he’s saying is very retarded

>> No.22645736

>there were cormac threads every day long before that video was released.
Yeah, there were Cormac threads. On 4chan. And they were filled with 4channers, on 4chan, discussing stuff in the manner that 4channers do. They weren't youtube normies and all manner of strange dregs and trash coming in and shitting the place up.

>> No.22645738

Even on Reddit I saw a thread that was just “zomg I’m here from wendigoon” for 300 posts. That shit definitely did destroy a lot of possible discussion.

>> No.22645748

Prove it, cause all he said was some real

14 year old 2Deep4Me cringe smooth brain ass shit.
Offered no alternatives and didn’t even make a real argument as to why should live the gay man way other then
Hurrrr people live better this way.

Wow very deep thoughts.

Honestly his philosophy lost any real relevance right around the time humanity discovered fire.

Everyone thought he was gay then and everyone still thinks it now.

No, I will not live like a bare assed savage in the woods.

I will buy the chicken nuggets
I will slack off at work and get paid for it
I will watch the anime and eat the fast food and ihop

>> No.22645751

It’s bad when thing I like gets liked by people i dont like.

Now thing I like is bad because someone else likes it too.

That thing was just for me

>> No.22645755

there can only be so many different kinds of material conditions. also what works for one type of person doesn't work for another type of person. his problem is the concept is discerning?

>> No.22645756

Are you retarded? The point isn't that you should live in the woods. You’re just an 80iq hedonist as well, so there’s that. The fact that the extent of your grip on all this is McDonald’s, Netflix and porn says it all. You’re young, go out and do something retard you sound fucking retarded trying to troll with your Reddit spacing.

>> No.22645769

His point was do shit that you want to do and don’t do stuff people want you to do.

Hella smooth brain take, not brave, not engaging, and contributed nothing to the intellectual space.

Most egoist are fucking gay and don’t get bitches.

I Can imagine you are the same since you’ve failed to state his point at every opportunity.

You know by stating what he’s getting at we are all going to laugh at you and call his philosophy gay and lame.

>> No.22645786

This is all coming from a professed hedonist who’s doing nothing with himself, don’t talk about depth and intellectualism when you have neither. All your talk of getting bitches and action yet you spend your time making low effort posts on 4chan, you’re not fooling anybody.

>> No.22645815

Who said anything about being a hedonist. That’s something you’re pushing on me the same way your dad pushed his sad little cock into your mothers loose cavern of womb to spurt your lame ass into existence.

I simply believe that material conditions are more important than psuedo ones.

That what matters more is heavy bread and circus. That if a society cannot provide you with cheap bread and circus it cannot and should not govern you.

That we are all intertwined

Quite simply that Anime and video games cannot exist without society and should be accessible to all.

>> No.22645822

>broo all I wanna do is watch porn, jerk off, eat McDonald’s and work my menial job
You are a hedonist. The extent of your life revolves around base pleasure.

>> No.22645826

At the end of the day he only really makes Marxoids seethe. He undermines them hard and rejects the idea of “coming together” which is what prompted Marx to do a whole write up response. Marxoids are fighting the good fight when they sperg out about how much they don’t like Stirner.

>> No.22645849

What can I say. I am happy. The people around me are happy. We are secure and if we are ever not we will strike.

>> No.22645852

>happy go lucker consoomer bot

>> No.22645856

The problem is that their interest isn't authentic. The only reason they're interested is because it's popular, not because they personally enjoy it. They'll probably buy the book (or more likely get an Audible), listen to the first few pages, and then just spend the rest of the time making memes and shitposts.

>> No.22645859

He is an underdeveloped Nietzsche

>> No.22645877
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He’s difficult to read, his philosophy isn’t easily appropriated into political projects, he attacks beliefs without substituting them for new ones, and his following consists almost entirely of redditors who don’t understand him.

>> No.22645936

reddit spacing samefag kys

>> No.22646098

That’s already happening

>> No.22646400

>broo all I wanna do is watch porn, jerk off, eat McDonald’s and work my menial job

Same tbqh, same…

>> No.22646409

I have my bread and I have my circus. Why would anyone want to live in some kind of hell hole that doesn’t give you treats and social Interaction.

Hypocrite that you are, you cannot even see that you too indulge in the minor sweetness that the modern world provides. If nothing else the very lame, pathetic hobby of reading virgin books like stierner instead of some Chad racoon like zizek, Neitzcha, or Jung.

I bet your sad shriveled wiener hasn’t felt the love of your palm or another women because that would be hedonistic.

If you want to live a sad ascetic lifestyle do so in the woods like other animals.

>> No.22646437

i can never tell if "reddit spacing" posters like you are newfags or just baiting

>> No.22646439

I never understood the Reddit spacing gatekeeping being done here. What is writing like an ignorant nigger cool?

>> No.22647443


>> No.22647473

Stirner actually reached the logical conclusion of Nietzsche's philosophy, well before Neitzsche. Neitzsche was too much of a coward to embrace egoism fully.

>> No.22647488

I don’t think you read any Neitzsche if that’s your conclusion.

>> No.22647525

For them that must obey authority/That they do not respect in any degree/Who despise their jobs, their destiny/Speak jealously of them that are free/Do what they do just to be/Nothing more than something they invest in

>> No.22647646

Yeah but that’s like everyone these days. No one wants to work, but not starving is pretty aight

>> No.22647748

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on him is good.

>> No.22647865

If anything, he's overrated by reddit anarchists and online lefties.

>> No.22647965

Because he is a faggot and if more people adopted his thinking then society would not function. He's literally just preaching the nigger mindset and pretending like it's some genius philosophy, he just had the soul of a darkie

>> No.22647973
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>> No.22647983

no one in this thread has read him, let alone understood him

>> No.22647989

And that includes (you)

>> No.22647995

>no one in this thread has read him
Why would we?

>> No.22648690

I read him, he debunked philosophy

>> No.22648861
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Too dangerous

>Stirner, [Klages] says, is the reason why Nietzsche is of paramount importance, because “the day on which Stirner’s program becomes the will-guiding conviction of all, this alone would suffice for it to be the ‘doomsday’ of mankind.”

>A philosopher of completely different intellectual background, the Marxist Hans Heinz Holz, expressed a quite similar view. He warned that “Stirner’s egoism, if practically realized, would lead to the self-destruction of mankind.” The ex-Marxist Leszek Kolakowski develops a similar apocalyptic vision when confronted by ‘The Ego’.

>The “destruction of alienation”, that Stirner aims for, he says, amounts to “the return to authenticity”, and this would be “nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality […] the return to the pre-human status.” Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, “weak and inconsistent compared to him [Stirner].

>And Roberto Calasso, laureate of the “Premio Nietzsche” of 1989, writes: “From certain quarters is to be heard, that it goes without saying that a professional philosopher does not deal with such a matter as Stirner […] from the realm of culture Stirner still remains sequestered […] Stirner’s presence is particularly perceptible […] in authors who are completely silent about him or who talk about him in unpublished texts, which is to say, in Nietzsche and Marx.” Calasso too regards Stirner’s “Egoist” or rather “Owner” as an “artificial barbarian”, an “anthropological monster” etc.. ‘The Egoist’ is the “writing on the wall”, signalling the doom of occidental culture.

>In some authors who worked more carefully and were more disciplined, mention of Stirner looks like a (Freudian) slip. For example, Edmund Husserl does not name him in any of his texts, letters etc.; this, however, not on grounds that he did not know Stirner’s ideas or that he considered them insignificant. No, the intrinsic reason, which was passed down probably by accident, was that he wanted to protect his students (and perhaps himself?) against their “temptational power”.

>Another case is that of Carl Schmitt, who was ready to disclose something of his secretive relationship to Stirner, kept since his youth, only after being detained in 1946 in a prison of the Allies (which he experienced as an existential affliction). Theodor Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had “let the cat out of the bag”. However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner’s name.

>> No.22648917
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>> No.22648945

So just shitting in the woods and dying of water contracted diarrhea?

Such a deep and well thought out plan.