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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 211 KB, 1059x827, Death do them part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22643802 No.22643802 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about happy endings?

>> No.22643809

it's always funny to see both atheists and christians being scared of death

>> No.22643830

Your pic is what I aspire to be/have one day.

>> No.22643845


>> No.22643863


>> No.22643869

No, loving and loved

>> No.22643873

how did they manage to die at the same time

>> No.22643884

After the wife passed, a nurse shot him in the fucking head, it was brutal.

>> No.22643901

Kind of a love/hate thing because I hate happiness but would love for things to end

>> No.22643910
File: 293 KB, 1080x1334, Divorced people die early.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were sharing each other's lifeforce. This extended their lifespans but made it so one couldn't live without the other. This is the power of taking and maintaining vows. Divorcees die earlier than alcoholics for this reason.

>> No.22644026

>hurr durr muh magic lifeforce
what it really is:
1) Stress shortens life
2) Divorcees experience more stress due to their divorce
3) Happily married people experience less stress due to their happiness
4) Happily married people have a reason to continue living (their loved one), and once they start to die that reason progressively goes away, which is why married couples often "die together" or shortly one after another

>> No.22644034

I'll let you know once all jews are dead

>> No.22644104

>drinking heavily isn't a reaction to stress
>money problems don't cause stress
You a woman? You seem to be reacting emotionally.

>> No.22644151

They're a good ending to a massage

>> No.22644173

People really underplay how their minds has a physiological impact on their bodies. At a certain age, if you mentally give up so does your body. Your partner dying is as good as any to give up living.

>> No.22644178

Audibly cackled, as a matter of actual fact.

>> No.22644214

Medfagging but recently had patients like this, they were 80 something married for 60 years and both sick. When the wife died the husband gave up and stopped eating and drinking, his mental and physical state got worse without any medical reason and died a few days later in his sleep.

>> No.22644223

69 fucking years?
I'm on my 7th year of being happily married and sometimes I feel like I want to go back to when I cried at the park for not having a gf and slap myself. Sometimes I really do crave what my life used to be before getting a girlfriend. I can tell she feels the same way too sometimes. It's all lovey dovey at one moment and at the next we kind of want to be alone and we can't stand each other. All of our defects become patently clear, yet somehow we stick together and support each other. Is it love? Or is it that both of us had to settle for the other and are afraid of losing this?
At least we're still having sex.

>> No.22644257

>All of our defects become patently clear, yet somehow we stick together and support each other. Is it love?
Yes. True love doesn't let those defects become actual problems in marriage. There is ot a single couple in this world that hasn't had a fight. It is only natural when two different people have different perceptions on things, but you don't ket those make you hate your wife

>> No.22644309

Dunno man I've been married for 11 years with kids and things aren't perfect but I've never for a second felt like I want to go back. Then again maybe that's why lazy spoiled people get divorced so much nowadays, the second everything isn't perfect they want to give up.

>> No.22644315

okay reddit i fucking love science too

>> No.22644329

ew gross as fuck

>> No.22644347

>something something love is like a tree growing around obstacles and becoming stronger with age in spite of obstacles or compromised to the core and doomed to fall apart around the obstacle one day

>> No.22644361

My grandparents are having their 75th wedding anniversary this year.

>> No.22644365

I remember feeling so hopeless and alone back then. Somehow not having a girlfriend sapped all motivation and drive from my life, I spent so much time groveling I my own misery and wasted so much of my youth feeling miserable.

>> No.22644452

The 'ol 7 year slump

>> No.22644491

That’s rad dude.

>> No.22644501

>trying to rationalize the miracle of human relationships

>> No.22644503

Don't let /pol/ meme you into getting married if you have any reservations. It sucks if you're an introverted loner. You lose a lot of freedom and you'll never have a moment of peace and solitude again.
If you have to get married, make sure it's to someone richer than you.

>> No.22644510

many such cases

>> No.22644516

Isn't this board about literature?

>> No.22644527

>without any medical reason
>stopped eating and drinking

>> No.22644579

I deliberately misspent my youth as a notorious manwhore to destroy my belief that sex can provide meaning or contentment in life, and then had a series of awful marriage-like long term relationships that I harnessed and reverse engineered as they were collapsing so that I could similarly destroy my faith in love and marriage. I am now comfortably poised to enjoy middle and old as a bachelor. My time is my own, I have infinite freedom, and I have budgeted $14,000 a year (at my current budget) to spend on prostitutes. I happen to have very easily satisfied fetishes that border on being nonsexual for the other party, so I get a lot of bang for my buck. I also typically recruit my 'prostitutes' from the non-whore female population because my fetishes are so benign.

The sole remaining loose end in my lifestyle is that I would still like to have children in 5-15 years. Luckily I have a lot of upward mobility in my career and good savings, so I anticipate I will be able to entice a younger companion with good genes to act as a brood mare, with offers of financial security and a comfortable lifestyle. In the event this falls through, I am saving up for a surrogate and researching mail-order brides as a potential avenue. I also anticipate that the economy will worsen in the coming two decades, causing a sharp increase in the number of young women without savings and with worthless degrees who are willing to consider alternative survival strategies.

I have run the numbers on all this and concluded it is vastly less stressful and less costly than the conventional route, which (I have calculated) is 85%+ likely to end in alimony and child support slavery, the destruction of my mental and spiritual wellbeing, and the derailment of all my own life plans.

>> No.22644600

In India, they burn the wife alive after the husband goes. It is a funerary custom.

>> No.22644602

What retarded take is this?

>> No.22644657

They linked up.

>> No.22644684

Cringe fucking redditor

>> No.22644696
File: 16 KB, 640x373, heavy-is-sad-what-do-you-do-v0-2gyoaycnloqb1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both 91
>married for 69 years which means they married at 22
>probably been together since high school at least
>died together
>meanwhile im at the age that they married without having any warm female interaction for years
How is this fucking fair?

>> No.22644699

I want to write a story about a guy like you. Bitter smut.

>> No.22644703

You're very young. You can make it as long as you don't become a neet.

>> No.22645277

You should read about the Seventh Year Itch.

>> No.22645401

I gave up long time ago but my body won't die. What do

>> No.22645412

I'm exactly the same minus the marriage and the still having sex

>> No.22645436

You have no idea how quickly life can improve in your 20s. Everything is kinetic and shifting, just don't get caught up mopin around and waiting for the dust to settle and you'll be fine. Keep kickin it up.

>> No.22645444

you will never make it. you will never even know anyone who's made it. nobody in this thread will.

>> No.22645578

it was a suicide pact

>> No.22645589

after his wife passed away a stray bullet fired by some youth killed is white cracker bitch ass

>> No.22645598

Youre nearly tired of each other because you aren't moving anywhere, and not having kids.