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22643374 No.22643374 [Reply] [Original]

The most honest statement ever uttered in philosophy

>> No.22643377

How does he know that?

>> No.22643390
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He doesn't even trust himself
socrates was the original pic related

>> No.22643420

beckett had 4 things
kmowledge has increased exactly 4 fold between plato and beckett

>> No.22643445

I see someone is taking philosophy 101 this fall

>> No.22643459

No I've just been getting to the point of realisation that nothing is truly knowable. And everything is subject to doubt and I can't help but think back to Sorcrates famous quote.

>> No.22643465

Why does this quote make me want to commit suicide?

>> No.22643468

Because you value knowledge as a mark of attainment and not for it's own sake.

>> No.22643470

>haha bro I don't know anything bro lol I'm so intellectually honest it's like lmao what do I even know dawg heh turns out literally nothing at all kek m8 you should send your pretty boy sons to hang out with me

>> No.22643473

good post

>> No.22643500

Based and truthpilled. It's a great display of humbleness to be able to admit and find comfort in the fact that you don't have all the answers. Love this fat nigga.

>> No.22643526

>nothing is truly knowable
Is that a true statement?

>> No.22643533

The first step to solve a problem (in this case ignorance), is to acknowledge it. Kant has all the answers in this regard.

>> No.22643543

>know nothing
>know something

>> No.22643552

This just reaffirms the same issue of truth with a paradox. You can't know anything which itself you're not sure you really know.

>> No.22643576

That's a creative way of saying it's self-refuting.

>> No.22643644

Fuck that fucking faggot. Self deprecating nonsense wrapped in false humility for the explicit purpose of gain. Do you usually piss when you drink fluids, Socrates? “I don’t know, who can be sure?” Fuck this Greek homo.

>> No.22643649

Christcuck dialectics
It’s not. You’re just a christard.

>> No.22643694

This literally makes no fucking sense, you don't have the possibility to know nothing. To "know nothing" or at least to come to this statement socrates had to understand the difference between his level of knowledge and that of others so it's canonically false. The worst part of this is that it's just logically bullshit, to know nothing you need to be aware of what nothing is and that indeed you do not know any of the things that are outside of nothing, thus to know nothing you must know that some elements or concept exist and you must know them all to be absolutely sure that you know nothing because if you don't you cannot be certain about what nothing is since nothing can only be known through a negative definition. So Socrates knows at least that : nothing exist, the definition of nothing, and thus the existence of everything outside of nothing and basic elements about all of those to be sure they aren't nothing. This statement is logically impossible and a paradox. Carnap demonstrated a fucking century ago and you're still there blabbering that it's genius while basic understanding of logic makes it clear that it's dumb shit. Go read.

>> No.22643751

The concept of nothing you describe is not the true nothing since you can refer to it, because of this it is something, even if you refer to it as an absence of everything, so long as you refer to it, it becomes something, because you can only refer to something. And this illustrates that you are mistaking what the quote means by taking it at face value because by saying that he knows only that he knows nothing he doesn't mean that he actually knows nothing as that is indeed logically impossible because he can formulate a sentence like this which implies the knowledge of language and how to use it.
What he actually says is that if he can be sure of something it would be that he can't be sure of anything, because if that is false and he can't be sure that he can't be sure of anything, that just proves that he can't be sure of anything, not even that he can be sure that he can't be sure of anything. So basically if it is false that he knows that he knows nothing then he doesn't actually know it which proves that he knows nothing, because if he can't know that he knows nothing he can't know if he knows anything either.

>> No.22644021

How is it refuting

>> No.22644025

Yeah he’s totally telling the truth there. I’m serious.

>> No.22644053

Is the Christian in the room with us right now?

>> No.22644077

>i KNOW that nothing is KNOWABLE

>> No.22644485

>le Instagram whore lingo

>> No.22644489
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Σωκράτης more like Σῳκράτης am I right fellas

>> No.22644493

Humility is a virtue, whoever expresses this simple truth.

That is to say, pride is a sin. One with intellectual pride is closed to learning and growing, thinking they know everything, or afraid to appear as if they don't.

>> No.22644508

Socrates/Plato are great litmus tests for retardation. If you actually read Plato's position on anything its unfalsifiable blatant nonsense that was fucking revealed to him in a dream, but people have parroted it endlessly as TOTALLY DEEP AND TRUE because someone else in a position of authority told them Plato/Socrates was like, the smartest person EVER or something.

>> No.22644551

Good quote but I don't think he meant it. Socrates in the platonic dialogues is extremely committed to his conceived truth and doesn't care about actually looking for it. He also makes a ton of bad arguments and his opponents many times are forced to lose.

>> No.22644604

His work on jurisprudence and politics is not bad and the aporia dialogues are sorta fun. Pretty much the entire middle period does nothing for me.

>> No.22644610

Contrast this with
> I think, therefore I am

>> No.22644615

The first one is meant as a takedown of other schools of philosophy in Athens he felt were misleading people. The second is an ontological statement meant to explain the author’s stance on the mind and body issue. They are entirely unrelated except for being out of context quotes spammed by Redditors.

>> No.22644626

Because it sounds like shit in English. In Greek it is melodic (not the pitiable Erasmian version).

>> No.22644655

Plato's politics are fucking insane

>> No.22644686

Keep crying you little bitch made fuck

>> No.22646038
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What he meant by that statement was that he had Gnosis of Agnostos Theos that is: "Unknown God" that Athenians worshipped and the Neoplatonists ascribed the The One. Pretty simple double entendre.

>> No.22646348

The god Apollo told him through the oracle that he was the smartest. But he himself thought he was dumb. His conclusion was that everyone else was dumber.

The whole point is that no one knows anything, but he is the only one who knows that no one knows anything, which means he is better than everyone. Smarter than the poets, politicians, etc.

Did you guys even read the Apology?

>> No.22646361

Nice quote, but personally I'm more partial to
>οἴμοι τάλας δείλαιος ἀποπνιγήσομαι.

>> No.22646363
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Wagner on Socrates:

>At seven in the morning R. wishes me a good morning and says he has already been thinking a lot about Socrates. It is very remarkable (he says) that his whole approach Is negative; this means he is wise, but no philosopher, he is always trying to fathom where wisdom can be found, in Heaven and beneath the ground in Hades, everywhere. In this sense he can be compared with Kant, who in his Critique of Pure Reason declares that this problem cannot be solved, and he stands in relation to Plato more or less as Schopenhauer’s first book stands to his second. To this extent he is also the clearest example of a step forward in the development of the human spirit. He could only be mild and benevolent, since all around him he saw error. But he must have been terribly irritating, since he could not be put into any category, not even among the philosophers, and yet he attracted everyone to him; if he had only accepted money, all would have been well. Plato was the first philosopher—Socrates was simply his forerunner, of the greatest importance to him, since he threw doubt on all recognized values. Such earlier men as Anaxagoras, Pythagoras, etc., were practicians, they sought to explain the objective world. Plato was the first to recognize the world’s ideality, that the species was everything, the individual nothing.

>In the morning we again talk about Socrates. “Beyond this moral code Christianity could not go—-Christianity generated ecstasy, the complete destruction of the world, but as regards what the world itself can bring about, no one can ever go higher than Socrates. In the greatness of his heart the saint sees, but he can only speak in symbols, the symbols of religion, and those who do not see the picture in the same way as he cannot understand the symbols.”

>> No.22646411

In fact, this is a misquote and Socrates said that he knew nothing except for love.

>> No.22646457

But is it factual?

>> No.22646509
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If he was actually sincere then he would know to shut the fuck up instead of making a living out of being a rabble-rouser.

>> No.22646515

>Humility is a virtue, whoever expresses this simple truth.
Someone who touts this is inherently prideful.

>> No.22646531

right but if he knows that then he technically knows one thing

>> No.22646621

He knows infinite things: that he knows nothing, that he knows that he knows nothing, that he knows that he knows nothing is a thing that he knows is a thing he knows not, that he knows not that he knows that nothing that he knows not nothing that he knows, and so on.

>> No.22646726

>you should send your pretty boy sons to hang out with me

>> No.22646734

No, they're simply idealistic.
You on the other hand are a moralizing little bitch.

>> No.22646737

>you're the moralizer even doe plato wants you to give up your kids to the state for the sake of a morally righteous society

>> No.22646781

The State does a better job taking care of children than your single mom did in raising you. Just yet another instance of Plato being based and epic.

>> No.22646786

The State would want to turn me into a tranny like it has to you. KYS

>> No.22646791

>The State would want to turn me into a tranny
Yes, but only if you kept acting like one.

>> No.22646802

Stfu cuck and go give up your wife to the commune like Plato wanted you to.

>> No.22646833

>treating women like public cows is a bad idea
Not everyone is a little whiny simp like you, anon.

>> No.22646837

you sound like a redditor so scamper back on there
/r/polyamory sounds like your scene

>> No.22646862
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>> No.22647212

Based wisdom-lovers
So called wisdom-havers could never

>> No.22647550

Complete disingenuous. Socrates believed that reason allowed him to know everything.

>> No.22648768


4 x 0 = 0

>> No.22648794


false modesty, that is, a dishonest assessment of one's own capabilities (I know nothing, I am a sinner, I am hopeless etc). It is the way by which cowards avoid an actual assessment of their own faculties and a practiced scrutinisation of the flaws in their character or gaps in their knowledge. Never ever trust anyone who claims to know nothing