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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 230 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20231025-224610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22642554 No.22642554 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me talking to a cute girl on hinge
>We're getting along well but then we start talking about reading
>Pic related occurs
Goosebumps? Goosebumps...

>> No.22642567


>> No.22642731

"im really smart"
"im pretty dumb"
"well trust me, Im really *really* smart"

you truly are a genius OP, you will get laid in no time

>> No.22642744

OP is a based auster who deals in reality and isn't interested in social games with obnoxious women.

>> No.22642749

tell them that you read "highbrow" stuff that they would recognize like Edgar Allan Poe or Sherlock Holmes. Leave the Russian and German namedrops for the art hoes.

>> No.22642754
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Whew lad

>> No.22642757
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>I read pretty advanced books haha

>> No.22642760
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>girl ghosts
>send her "Hello?" once every few days for 2 months
>she finally says "Hello"
>ghost her

>> No.22642762

>ahhhh valid

>> No.22642765

She seems cute and self aware. Would. Youre a pretentious idiot OP.

What a whore

>> No.22642823

Thankfully I think she actually is that innocent that she doesn't realize that I am feeling superior to her. She is getting her Masters in education though. How are these people our teachers?

>> No.22642844

I think there is a 99.999% chance you are autistic. No one who knows the word "advanced" is going around telling people that fucking Goosebumps is too much for them. She's just doing a basic screen for autism and pretentiousness and you failed spectacularly.

If I'm wrong, God help us all.

>> No.22642854

>I read history, philosophy, politics
Her pussy is as dry as the Sahara desert. Better luck next time

>> No.22642867

ok then Mr. fuckboy, which literary genres make a woman wet?

>> No.22642877

Horror, adventure, erotica.

>> No.22642880
File: 5 KB, 250x217, pepe crowd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be fake. Please Christ Jesus be fake

>> No.22642882

Blatavsky theosophy

>> No.22642888

None of them do you fucking dork.
Women have zero interest in literature (or anything else for that matter) beyond how much attention ghey can harvest by pretending to care about it.

>> No.22642890

>She's just doing a basic screen for autism and pretentiousness and you failed spectacularly.
supposing that's the case, what's the "correct" answer here?

>> No.22642906

>good one bitch u want som fuck

>> No.22642949

What >>22642906 said. It's a joke, you need to relax and be able to have fun.

>> No.22642953

These 110%

>> No.22642955

If you want to impress women, 1) be objectively impressive, 2) act unaware of it / genuinely modest about it, 3) don't take "bait" or low hanging fruit when it comes to self-aggrandizing

Modesty is becoming

>> No.22642957
File: 23 KB, 250x250, pedobear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a pedophile who specializes in grooming stupid children.

>> No.22642980

You have 2 moves
A: Bitch out and play along with the little "haha I am also incredibly safe and uninteresting and also partake in societally-approved pasttimes such as consuming Marvel films." You may believe this will get you pussy but really it just makes it more likely the girl will continue speaking to you (wasting your fucking time)
B: Don't be a little fucking pussy and represent yourself earnestly while avoiding your incel drive to lord yourself over women for having any insight at all into the things you're interested. The definition of artificial difficulty. This increases the odds the woman fucks off and leaves you alone if she has no real interest in you personally (which scares simps, provoking them to misrepresent themselves) but will actually be a positive to the 3 women on the planet into the same weird bullshit as you.
If you fuck up on the part where you conceal your incel superiority complex its so fucking over do not pass Go do not collect $200.

>> No.22642985

Never reveal your power level, especially not to women. “I read pretty advanced books”. Come on, pal.

>> No.22642988

Jeez, girls really play with men like a cat batting a mouse around

>> No.22642990

Lol why do men even waste their time on such vapid whores. Bitches like this deserve absolutely nothing.

>> No.22643002

Sadly not my friend.

>> No.22643016

Shes 23 and in grad school

>> No.22643045

She was just playing around, faggot. No one thinks Goosebumps is advanced stuff lmao so you could’ve just played around and said something like “Yea I know the feeling, I never could get through The Very Hungry Caterpillar lol” but you had to show your superior intellectual. Dick measuring with a girl you’re trying to fuck is cringe.

>> No.22643053

>social games are not real
>your pseud ranking of literature is the pinnacle of real
great take, mate

>> No.22643060

Modesty is becoming what

>> No.22643064

She was rude but is she wrong? I dont think so. Enough with the chit chat, be a useful man and buy your woman gifts, thats the whole reason for the earthly side of marriage - Man receives sex and offspring in exchange he lends a woman resources.

>> No.22643068

prove this is real. the time given in the screenshot and the time of the post lines up but I'm still skeptical. OP I hope you're genuinely not this fucking retarded

>> No.22643075

Discussion about the relative qualities of literature based on genuine and intellectually honest experience with the text is more real than womens' shit tests, yes.
That's not even an ironic statement, sometimes I wish I could be autistic enough to totally heartlessly sandbag women whenever they start this dumb shit.

>> No.22643080

This is the next part of the conversation if it matters to you. I managed to recover and let her talk about herself.

>> No.22643081

You are a fucking retard she was clearly trying to riff with you and you decided to act like a pretentious jerk so you could get approval from a mongolian anime imageboard. This is why you have no sex. It's not because of some grand woman conspiracy it's because you're a dick

>> No.22643084
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>> No.22643106

>anons who are certain she's fucking with OP have no idea of the extent to which american education has degenerated

>> No.22643107
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Damn, she seems clever and fun and you exposed yourself as an insecure plebbit pseud.

>> No.22643110

This got a hearty kekaroo out of me.

>> No.22643113

Damn well she still hasn't ghosted me so I guess I'll tip my hat to you in a few days if she does.

>> No.22643114

She was just psychoanalyzing you lol clearly hiding her power level, unlike you

>> No.22643118

>No I never read Goosebumps because they are terrifying, and terrifying things go against G-O-D GOD.

Unironically. You have to talk to women as if you were talking to the police and you know that they have nothing on you. Mess with them.

Then when she inevitably says

>Are you serious? Are you religious?

You say "No, I'm just riffing"

Done. Easy. But hey, enjoy your advanced reading.

>> No.22643128

>my love language
Kill her and flay her corpse as an example to others.

>> No.22643134

Ease a little on trying to show yourself off with what you're reading, and just let it naturally show as a part of who you are. You'll never impress people with Hegel or Dostoevsky, they don't care about that, they care about you and getting to know you.

>> No.22643159

do NOT listen to these faggots:
you MUST assert yourself. women are whores and they KNOW it. put them in their place, hold them down by the throat with your superior sensibilities, and SLAM your cock of knowledge into their holes.
make her remember her dad and feel small again

>> No.22643163

Closeted small penis homo detected.

>> No.22643165

I really do hope this is fake, but I'm too jaded to believe it is.

>> No.22643167

woman detected.
you dont even know what you want, until im giving it to you

>> No.22643170

I know what I want, it'll never be (You).

>> No.22643171


>> No.22643179

You have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.22643183

post fat fold lines

>> No.22643187

You're a simp

>> No.22643189


>> No.22643197

>I'm starting to feel the edible
and straight into the trash with her

>> No.22643200 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, me & donna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /lit/, check out my girl, ain’t she a hottie? I’m introducing her to the Greeks. She thinks Diomedes is a badass.

>> No.22643204

she'll cuck you for Alcibiades

>> No.22643206
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, me & donna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /lit/, check out my girl, ain’t she a hottie? I’m introducing her to the Greeks. She thinks Diomedes (Iliad) is a badass.

>> No.22643216


>> No.22643226

No. I prefer ducks to geese.

>> No.22643230

>my love language
>buy me shit
>i pay in sex
We have a word for this.

>> No.22643243

She's joking, you idiot. You think you're the smart one and you can't even pick up on her simple irony. She's probably too smart for you.

>> No.22643245

The edible what?

>> No.22643247

It's Reddit humor. This is why American wom*n are inferior to the cute submissive Japanese wives.

>> No.22643249

She probably means she ingested an edible cannabis product and is starting to feel high.

>> No.22643253

Jap humor is even worse

>> No.22643257

"No I struggle with compound sentences, so I prefer cat in the hat"

>> No.22643258

Yeah, it's not funny but she's just trying to keep things light since OP is still a stranger. Also the best Japanese women don't like foreigners. I'd highly recommend you avoid gaijin hunters.

>> No.22643261

Wrong is a matter of perspective in this case. She's at least being honest, and from the tone and length of the messages it looks like they've been somewhat involved for a while already, so that it's as if she's trying to spell something out to a very dense person who just doesn't get it.

>> No.22643265

>ah valid
People use this language?

>> No.22643273

Yes. Either learn about it or get left behind. You don't have to utilise these words, but not knowing about them puts you at an obvious disadvantage.

>> No.22643275


>> No.22643278
File: 281 KB, 828x714, 1697960806180951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please use a more flattering picture of me next time

>> No.22643279

Holy shit shut up please
You just want OP to make a fool of himself

>> No.22643282

and 4cheddit said woman can't be based....

>> No.22643295

This, even more.

>> No.22643301

Based alpha female wants a man who’s actually CONQEURING

>> No.22643308

Big red flag.

>> No.22643313

sperg women don't care about your hobbies discuss those with men

>> No.22643345

Um... what do I talk about with sperg women then?

>> No.22643348

tell them about your new cock ring bro

>> No.22643366

>get left behind
Kek you are such an insecure loser

>> No.22643372

Irony is never funny but resentment disguised as comedy and/or a reddit mating ritual like the other anon said.

>> No.22643380

Tell her your favorite is Night of the Living Dummy because you love slapping dummies. Then send her a bunch of slap emojis.

>> No.22643383

The OP should have contacted FBI immediately. If they kicked her door in and took her down to the station for 48 hours she might have reconsidered her drug addict ways. At the very least they would have made her give up her drug dealer, keeping a degenerate off the streets.

>> No.22643389


>> No.22643452

people like this who think she's being ironic or joking are the actual autists by the way. There is a 99% chance she was completely serious about the Goosebumps stuff. Women don't intentionally make themselves look stupid while getting to know someone. If it was indeed a joke and the guy didn't get it, they would immediately follow it up with a "lol j/k"

>> No.22643454

you have autism bro sorry this is a person with a master's degree it's not some chick you know at some hick town

>> No.22643456

The conversation died when you told her about your interest in German and French lit and philosophy. She probably did have a hard time with goosebumps as a kid and hasn't read anything since. I have mentioned philosophy before with some success, but I keep my French Lit habit a secret, even from the 5 or so French women I have hooked up with.

>> No.22643457

unless her masters degree is in literature, it's still completely plausible. Again, why would she just gloss over the fact that the guy missed her "joke" and just went along with the new premise that he now thinks of her as a simpleton?

>> No.22643458

yeah, you have actual autism bro
people even in the shittiest programs have to read texts over 200 pages
if you want to believe this girl cant manage anything beyond goosebumps as advanced you do you tho my lil aspie

>> No.22643464

I mean, if you are going into any specific literature at all as a conversation topic with a woman that isn't into books, then french lit is probably the best one you can possibly mention because there's at least always a chance she's into Les Mis the musical.

>> No.22643481

Obviously if she even went to highschool, she has read more difficult books than goosebumps and at least read something like Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gatsby like all other highschool students have. That's not the point though because that's books she had to read, which is psychologically treated differently than books you read voluntarely in your own time, so she didn't think about those at all.
But by all means, continue calling me an autist while at the same time you genuinely believe that a woman would make a self-depricating joke to a stranger, the stranger misses the joke completely and she would then just go along with it, perfectly content that this stranger now thinks of her as an idiot. Your non-existent understanding of female psychology is so sad that I don't even want to insult you for it, I just feel pity.

>> No.22643483

>Man receives sex and offspring

>> No.22643486

>he stranger misses the joke completely and she would then just go along with it,
this is what people without autism do nonironically
nobody explains a fucking joke are you fucking for real man

>> No.22643488

Not that anon but I know a number of people who graduated high-school and didn't read the assigned material. I mean didn't even attempt it, saying someone graduated high school doesn't mean anything in regards to their reading.

>> No.22643493
File: 36 KB, 340x296, 1610224336765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a tinder girl once outright asked if i have autism

I did end up fucking her though.

>> No.22643501

kek, kinda based

>> No.22643503
File: 178 KB, 500x500, 45219393_2025157200887386_5719684450040676352_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might not even be a real person. This among other things is why you don't text with matches. When was the last time you met a girl at a bar? Did you fail to connect because you hadn't spent any time texting each other? Why is there anything to gain from Internet small talk with a woman before you meet her?
>i'm sold, let's get a drink
>got a favorite spot?
Nothing more. This lets her know that your attraction to her is confirmed and you are not interested in a friendship. It puts no pressure on her because she is invited to choose a place where she is a regular and/or otherwise feels safe. She is probably too ignorant to appreciate this fact, but it also denies you the opportunity to research her interest and ponder her demeanor, and rehearse an approach tailored to what you believe will hold her interest or build her attraction. In fact a woman's safest and smartest option is to NEVER have communication with interested men except in a social setting where the encounter includes body language, eye contact, and other physical behavior.

>> No.22643506

The word gets thrown around alot these days. Glad to hear you still fucked her though.

>> No.22643509


>> No.22643530

this post fucked up my neck

>> No.22643546

>purple hair
why are you even wasting your time talking about books? she's clearly not a long-term hold. should've gotten to date planning on the 2nd or 3rd message

>> No.22643579

that's why i hate texting
you miss out the tone, body language etc
texting is so vapid

>> No.22643581

This is americans talking, she spends tens of thousands of dollars on a master's degree in pedagogy, and that's somehow supposed to prove she's intelligent?

>> No.22643583

anywhere in the EU that would be the same autist

>> No.22643584

>purple hair
>drug addict
>dO wUt mAkEs yOu hApPy
DROPPED and kys
r3ddit is that way

>> No.22643585

Shouldn't you be asleep right now?

>> No.22643593

Bordeaux motherfucker. Germoid?

>> No.22643667

She knew OP's a simp and wouldn't call her out. She was making fun of him.

>> No.22643674

Why not though?

And what things are good to reveal or what should i lie about "to reveal"b

>> No.22643731

I think she's joking around so say you just finished a really good one called "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and see where she goes with that
If she gets offended because she's not joking I would clown on her until she blocked me because I don't want my future children to work at McDonalds

>> No.22643769

do normalfriends really?

>> No.22643775

Looks like she shit tested Op and he passed unlike 90% of everyone that responded heh, not that I would have

>> No.22643791

>If I'm wrong, God help us all.
Of course you're wrong. We live in a world that now refers to Harry Fucking Potter as classic literature.

Not everyone wants kids, but no, she's not wrong for asserting what she wants out of a relationship. We're all entitled to do this.

>> No.22643794

>talk pedagogy all day
Namely, she’s public school teacher who uses terms like scaffolding

>> No.22643796

Just because you read basic as fuck french lit, doesn’t mean anyone else gives a fuck especially actual french people

>> No.22643810

>"Women are inherently mindless irrational objects incapable of productivity, responcibility and creativity, they are just inherently this way, they exist to bt fucked and concieve offspring while the men build, fight, conquer, discover create and provide"
>"Ok provide then"

>> No.22643817

the man receives things that mutually benefit both panties? the fuck?

>> No.22643819

Women are incapable of love, orgasms or collective identity and therefore don't benefit from sex or offspring.

>> No.22643820

*parties, kek

>> No.22643829

>provide = buy me jewelry
You are a retard

>> No.22643831

American women*

>> No.22643833

you're certainly coping and seething more than anyone you quoted

>> No.22643837

I'm a worthless NEET manchild who only brings her shame and yet my mom still hugs me and buys me presents for Christmas and hasn't kicked me out, I'm pretty sure she loves me

>> No.22643844

Women are meant to be treasured posessions who derive satisfaction from holding and displaying this status. If you can't make a women present her status of a treausured posession of a high-status male to other women then you don't provide for her at all, and she percieves active search for possession by higher status males as an inherent necessity in this situation.

>> No.22643846

Unironically vampire smut

>> No.22643856

Do you understand how gay this sounds, how much it sounds like you've watched like 25 dating videos but have no sustainable relationships?

>> No.22643859

>useful man
>Man receives
what a sad cuck mindset. Feels good being a chad desu

>> No.22643860

>it sounds like you've watched
I'm not the one who came up with this and I am not arguing in good faith, cope with it.

>> No.22643864

This isn't how things work in the democratic age and you're a dumbass simp for perpetuating it. Women wanted freedom, so they got freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility, like splitting the bills. Any man paying for a woman's way today is a fucking retard.

>> No.22643867

Yeah, no, this is equally gay.

>> No.22643878

The lengths some people go to cope with endless rejections and/or bpd mothers.

>> No.22643892

>Never reveal your power level, especially not to women
Either that or just go mask off and start ranting about repealing universal suffrage and be prepared laugh at however the cards may fall

>> No.22643896

Why do these types of threads get triple digit replies?

>> No.22643900

>bpd mothers
How does you identify the effects of this on oneself?

>> No.22643903

>incapable of love
massive lol
>collective identity
extreme lol

>> No.22643905

>tfw these are women who will be educating your sons if you refuse to homeschool them

>> No.22643914

Any thread concerning women brings out the armchair psychologists and chadlarpers, sometimes for better, mostly for worse

>> No.22643920

Threads like this attract both women haters and women defenders. Both don't know how to stop and insist on repeating their worldview ad infinitum

>> No.22643921

psssht now you know how to farm (You)s and distract stupid /lit/izens from actually reading

>> No.22643925

>le enlightened centrist

>> No.22643931

I am a woman hater, but it is retarded to go "this is the truth, no this is it, no you are wrong this is it" it is very womanesque
Now kys niggerfaggot

>> No.22643932

Flirty guy here, genuinely wtf are you even supposed to say to that in a text convo with someone you just started speaking to?
What's the move here?
>roast her for liking goosebumps
Then you're an asshole
>take her seriously and be nice and try to talk about ghost stories for small children written with insults like poopyhead
Then you come off as a nice guy autist or a try hard simp
>ask her why she likes goosebumps
This already comes off accusatory, but if you take it at face value and move on like OP then you're a simp or pretentious
And so after all this she's supposed to be like
>yeah this was just a shit test I was just messing with you back to the *real* conversation
A woman knows none of that would translate over text and wouldn't do something so autistic like that. If she was attracted to you she wouldn't send such a dumb thing so there's basically no point in continuing unless you like slow girls?

>> No.22643943

>>roast her for liking goosebumps
This is the correct response. But rather than just straight up calling her a retard just make some playful jabs. Anyway, these things should be bantered about in person if you've only started talking to her
How so? You'd rather see debate. Womanesque would be a desire to just shut down discourse

>> No.22643952

>no u
lol but thanks for the fembrain response, it is funny to see these threads

>> No.22643956

Yeah it's not easy to jab at someone over text who you've just met though. Easy with a gf or at least someone you've met once IRL but with a new girl on a dating app it's harder to get your meaning across cause everyone jokes in wildly different ways

>> No.22644258

This girl actually hid her power level in a funny way and it totally went over your head. You're lucky she still likes you despite that, she seems kinda based

>> No.22644262



>> No.22644287

You want them to use "kek"?

>> No.22644319

But OP has been reading books since he was a child (and he never stopped!). He should know how to read tone. Unless of course he's autistic.

>> No.22644331

That's not how marriage works. A man receives sex and offspring, and her father receives a dowry.

>> No.22644471

>/lit/ - Cams & Meetups

>> No.22644475

>/lit/ - ROBOT9001

>> No.22644520

Where do you think you are?

>> No.22644522

It depends on how stupid the woman you’re texting is. If she’s actually being genuine stay on the topic of kids books but pivot the conversation from how hard they are to how much you like some of them. If she’s joking, which is what I would bet here, then joke back with her in whatever capacity you like. Tell her that Clifford the big red dog is harder and that you wrote your doctoral thesis on it. Woe on us all if goosebumps is considered “advanced” by the average woman nowdays. Really you shouldn’t be talking about books at all. Women like to feel happy. Ask her about experiences where she’s felt happy. You want her to keep the conversation in motion at least at the start

>> No.22644526

Anything to make her laugh. Just say anything funny without being a sperg. It is that easy.

>> No.22644530

Man this is giving me throwbacks to when I reverse shit-tested a girl I was interested in. She had been reading Frankenstein and The Great Gatsby at the same time and I said wow that's cool that you're reading two books about creation and destruction. Cringe, I know. Then I asked her what she preferred between the two and she said Frankenstein because Mary Shelly has such a great way with words and that misspelling was a turnoff but I continued the conversation and I said have you heard of chatgpt? I thought you might appreciate it given that you're reading Frankenstein— and she said AI freaks her out and I said I like talking to it, I feel understood by it– and then things quickly spiralled down from there. I'm a fucking god.

>> No.22644543 [SPOILER] 

I learned nothing after reading this post. Would not recommend.

>> No.22644569

no flirting just
the west really must be going to hit a population decline

>> No.22644576

They're meant to be mothers.

That Apple Watch she wants is diaper money.

>> No.22644577

tell her you just finished a book on how to get away with murder

>> No.22644580

You laid a shit test out for yourself, sperged out, and failed the test. Total cringe throughout

>> No.22644592

Why are you being so cold and evasive with this woman? I would kill to have an educated woman flirt with me in a sly Casablanca kind of way. She literally watched you spill your spaghetti everywhere and gave you a get out of jail free card and is now trying to share her own academic interests with you in a flirty manner and all you can do is respond with one word answers? I’m scared of women too pal but this one is making it a cakewalk for you. Meaningfully engage with her before she pities you too much. This guy is right btw >>22644262

>> No.22644605 [DELETED] 

I can't speak for other anons but I can only talk about mundane things for so long. I work at a mom and pop cafe and I actually enjoy talking about the weather and exchanging pleasantries with people who come in but if I were to be friends and sit down and really talk I would want to exchange deeper feelings and ideas. I try to really enter the world of other people but frankly they feel dull in comparison to my own. My empathic and narcissistic qualities wrestle to gain dominance but ultimately it's just a very superficial desire to connect which disappears when the interaction is over.

>> No.22644645

>being useful means acquiring a bunch of useless things

>> No.22644693

At least she's upfront. Better to learn about this now than after you put a ring on her.

>> No.22644792

She wanted the Big Autistic Cock anon, they simply need it.

It's very obviously true though, the woman in that screencap feels anxiety because her man is not willing to signal her value via material investment, and she sees friends and/or influencers/celebrities who proudly flaunt the fact that their men *are* willing to do that. Do you think she actually just wants a fucking Apple Watch? That shit is both useless and grotesque, nobody wants an Apple Watch.

Of course the degree to which this is true depends upon the social sphere you inhabit, in some circles this dynamic is so muted as to be irrelevant, in others it's practically the central dynamic of most relationships.

As someone said above, it's obvious the relationship has been ongoing for

It's important as a case study in why Russian novels and German philosophy should be avoided in favor of poetry (the older the better), which has perennially been the true pussy getter's choice.

>not easy
Well, if you think it's not worth the effort then by all means look elsewhere. You're overthinking it though, seriously just try to have a bit of fun with it and stop treating it like some kind of super serious test (which, as I said, it is, but you have to forget about that in the moment). Also what this guy >>22644592 says, she's pretty personable in a way women often don't bother with (maybe just because she's high, idk) and in return you are giving her the energy of a frozen corpse in the morgue. Lighten up and gain as much life experience as you can so you don't have to ask this shithole for advice.

I kinda feel this desu but I think you're coping a bit because if you actually want to get people to open up to discuss things like that it has to be done indirectly rather than by just spilling your spaghetti out there.

>> No.22645229

I don't blame OP for missing the supposed "joke" due to two reasons:
1. It's difficult to understand sarcasm over text
2. Many women are fucking dumb so it's possible that she actually finds a horror series for teenagers to be challenging

>> No.22645239

Well I never spill my spaghetti because I am afraid of seeming pretentious or like I'm putting on airs. If I met lit anons IRL i'd probably get along pretty well and we'd have good conversations.

>> No.22645250

This, that girl is extremely rare by dating app standards. She actually has a personality and is saying things dynamically instead of just doing what you are doing and pushing your own one-sided desires and perspectives without any regard for the other party, and being obtuse and indifferent when the other party (against all odds) actually tries to engage anyway and give you another chance at mutual dialogue. For a woman to have sufficient interiority to do this is one in a trillion, because their lives are one continuous stream of men tolerating them and even rewarding them for doing what YOU are doing.

>> No.22645265

>It's difficult to understand sarcasm over text
Not if you've been a reader since you were a child. OP is just autistic.

>> No.22645270

is this simpsons?

>> No.22645276

>people in this thread are actually simping for a purple-haired trans-rights activist named Kat
What is wrong with you people?

>> No.22645292

No one is simping. We're just calling out autistic OP

>> No.22645296

yea just pretend to be someone else for the rest of your life

>> No.22645303

I will marry Kat

Autism is valid, as long as one grows and learns to see oneself from higher and higher perspectives and create counter-movements in oneself to one's innate tendencies

For example I used to hate condiments and garnishes on my burger but now I am a "the works" man

>> No.22645311

>t. Pussy repellent

>> No.22645553

I was just going off what you described, if you didn't care in that particular case then it's whatever but I'm just saying if someone isn't already speaking the same language in terms of interests you're gonna have to go through trust-building rituals to get them to go past small talk (and of course for most people their "real" "deep" thoughts are retarded anyway, but it's nice to connect regardless I guess).

Telling OP to relax when interacting with women is not simping, it's an attempt to save his genetic line from certain oblivion. If anything it's patronizing towards the woman because I'm acknowledging that she's operating primarily on "vibes" rather than engaging in enlightened rational discourse. And I'm not saying she's a saint for giving him extra chances, simply that it's rare and he should try to avoid immediately blowing it again.

>> No.22645575

I can save her

>> No.22645607

>love language

>> No.22645615
File: 31 KB, 409x393, 1343290819980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually the craziest shit I have ever seen on a dating app now that I've had time to stew on this thread for a day. Literally never in my life have I seen the roles reversed like this. What the fuck happened for the stars to align like this. How did OP get mentally pussywhipped into fulfilling the feminine role in courtship, and how is this random woman with purple hair already wearing the pants? so bizarre

>> No.22645619

>isn't interested in social games with obnoxious women
>chats with women on dating apps

>> No.22645620

She accuses him of lying when he may, in fact, be telling the truth.