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22638400 No.22638400 [Reply] [Original]

I do not want to see this tankie rat being shilled here ever again

>> No.22638406

Paternal Jews are not considered real Jews.

>> No.22638407

Is this retard expecting to get a standing ovation from the Canadian government for revealing that his grandfather was a member of one of the most brutal Communist regimes in Europe?

>> No.22638417

>communism bad
Killing people is based actually.

>> No.22638429

Kill yourself or cap

>> No.22638439

this guy is shady as fuck
american right wingers are giga low IQ, why tf are all of their pundits jews?

>> No.22638454

if I was an american nationalist i'd rally behind people with names like aethelbert pebbleton whose ancestors arrived with the mayflower.
but they prefer to be talked down to by ashkenazim from eastern europe apparently.

>> No.22638545

>tfw your antisemitic fascist homophobe e-celeb is a gay Jewish neoconservative

>> No.22638595
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>> No.22638614

Nobody cares about verification of continuity rules that jews had to make because their women are whores. If it has more than 1/8 of its blood from a jewish source, it is a whole ass jew.

>> No.22638633
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Nice try, as their numbers dwindle the ruling Rabbi's will reconsider their ruling on what is an is not a jew, soon there will be only the vaguest idea of what one is and when that happens, the world will know peace.

>> No.22638638



>> No.22638649

Kek. Groypers eternally seething. Keep posting his threads btw.

>> No.22638683

i don't like spic fuentes either

>> No.22638825

The only people allowed in American media or academia are jews and their shills.

>> No.22638945

chudsissies...our response?

>> No.22639066

Chuds don’t take this guy seriously, he’s an eceleb for failed normalfags and the dirtbag left to namedrop to signal their BASED credentials and how plugged-in they are to the internet culture. Glenn greenwald and ron unz are doing 10x more to dismantle GAEZOG than this nigga

>> No.22639079

>yeah that gay jew is a total clown here’s two more gay jews

>> No.22639095

That’s the point. Greenwald is a gay jewish liberal and he’s done more work for chuds than BAP despite BAP supposedly being a fascist

>> No.22639474

him being a jew is not surprising, him being a descendant of a jewish commissar is funny ngl, another reason why he shouldn't be taken seriously

>> No.22639513

>tankie grandpa
>nietszchan zionist podcaster grandson
Degeneration is a real phenomenon

>> No.22639596

I wonder if BAP's father and Yarvin's parents ever met in one of those global communist meetings

>> No.22639657


>> No.22639660

I'm very much a philosemite, juden peterstein

>> No.22639971

Imagine being a Jewish communist elite committed to dialectic materialism and world revolution for the under classes committed to killing and torturing everyone who gets in your way. However your own grandson turns out to be an elite layabout antisemitic racist podcaster who LARPS about violence on Twitter. Pretty funny world we live in.

>> No.22639979

Is he still trying to throw parties for NYC "elite" with Moldbug and his gf or not?

>> No.22639982

Right wingers have been effectively locked out of politics and resort to intellectualism, or what passes for intellectualism these days, as a way of coping and feeling like steps in the right direction are occurring. Most right wingers sincerely see no path forward and so the natural thing to do is escape into ideas and critiques.

>> No.22639985

Those people are gone. In so far as they remain, they no longer matter in mainstream institutions and they have no novel ideas or actions to put forward.

>> No.22639989

It’s actually hysterical how the right hasn’t yet picked up on how all all their big names have careers getting signal boosted by the left first. They are too dumb to realize that BAP matters to the right in part because there are NYT articles about him, and not that there are NYT articles about him because he matters to the right.

>> No.22640014

BAP is just a shitposter who somehow has duped both the right and the left into taking him seriously, this has always been the correct approach. I don't really mind BAP, i find him quite entertaining, rather it's the people around him that i do not like, bunch of fart sniffing midwits with their superficial knowledge of things trying to offer their shit opinions.

>> No.22640021

It’s not correct to say that all of his readers and people who think is book is good think it’s good mainly as a little joke. There is a segment of the right which really does take it seriously. And frankly, this sort of intellectualism or pseudo-intellectualism is a huge problem for the right. While they’re reading fantasies about Bronze Age bodybuilders or Renaissance-Progressive Era monarchs or whatever, leftists are stacking state courts and legislatures and drafting legal innovations to make said right wingers second class citizens.

>> No.22640238

It's a very modest improvement, and I'm being generous here. From active subversion to passive subversion.

>> No.22640401

As I said he doesn’t matter to the right because he’s a zionist crypto-liberal individualist. Of course by the right i’m talking about internet extremists but they’re the only ones directing the discourse so they’re the only ones that matter ultimately. Bap can just join the legions of ziocons with institutional support - he is the same as them both ideologically and literally as he’s an ivy grad who has always been personally Md professionally surrounded by zionists

>> No.22640446

Unz is gay?

>> No.22640771

You actually think this faggot has fans? Nearly every post in his shill threads on this board expose him as a jewish communist faggot, i guess you just have trouble reading basic English.

>> No.22640782

Do you really think his grandfather was committed to Marxism / dialectical materialism? Cmon now. If you can recognize BAPs grift, you should be able to see that his Grandpa was doing the same shit under the veneer of communism.

>> No.22640784

He's an astroturfed kike. Have you seen how he's shilled on /lit/? Or heard about his being coached by jews and mossad at Yale? Or his jewish-communist family? The articles advertizing him in mainstream news? Use your brain, he's another controlled opposition kike designed to misdirect political White racial sentiment which keeps growing. I'm not saying he's actually set up by some agency or whatever, but that he has this same ultimate effect whether he was or not.

>> No.22640785

Moldbug‘s “aristocratism,” or whatever, is the gayest shit ever.

>> No.22640790

>it wasn't le real communism!
Who gives a fuck about gay marxist theories and whether or not some anti-White kike was a true marxist or not, you total fucking faggot. Notice instead the fact that yet another jew is pushing communism in a White country, and his faggot grandson was trained by jews at Yale and grifts online to the right to misdirect White men, and is shilled in other jewish media.

>> No.22640791

Another jewish hack. If you give a fuck about that fucking loser you're a pseud.

>> No.22640794 [DELETED] 

As much as I'm not an avid fan of the joos, the hate they get for being joos is ridiculous. Like it's not that there's a fundamental difference between joos and other ethnicities, just that the joos compose the same elements in a somewhat different proportion. Or, they are a group of ancient whites anciently mixed with Hamites, an ancient group of whites who themselves became anciently mixed with blacks. From this prospect, there is nothing to be feared from the Jews. Like the Hindoos, like the Persians, like many people of Europe, they can be pitied for having lost a considerable proportion of their ethnic faculties for having committed the stupid act of mixing with races of non-white origin. In a happy return, the latter have accordingly improved, and as such, the overall loss was zero-sum.

>> No.22640803

>If you give a fuck about that fucking loser you're a pseud.

>> No.22640827

He does matter to the right though. So does Curtis Yarvin. People listen to these guys and care about what they have to say.

>> No.22640862

Early marxism was breddy chad, not gonna lie

>> No.22640872

My dad is a socialist of old stock.
What I mean by this is that he once kicked an annoying boss at the factory right into the balls.

>> No.22640887

>People listen to these guys and care about what they have to say.
Who? Maybe the perpetually online right consisting of tranny neet shut-ins only interested in mental masturbation. There are more influential figures out there. Yarvin is just some faggot nobody reads with his own meme theories, BAP is basically the same except less intelligent and more overtly jewish and became a minor e-celeb for a time 5 years ago. I don't see many people talking about them or taking them seriously. That isn't to say it's a popularity contest, but I don't see them having much influence either. Vox Day isn't well known but he invented the sigma male meme and the term midwit and predicted the fall of jbp years ago.

>> No.22640892

>shitty materialistic philosophy pushed by bankers to destroy countries is chad
Off yourself nonwhite

>> No.22640984
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>> No.22640997

R1based master race. You're mad

>> No.22641035

Romanian here. People should understand that to be a communist in Romania in the 1930s or early 1940s meant a hell of a lot more than to be a communist in most other countries. I find it much more likely that this picture is from the late 1940s, when the communists took over Romania, and basically destroyed it as a nation and a people, led by the Jew Ana Pauker. That is when they took their revenge on Romanians. Prior to that, it took actual balls to be a communist because right wing politics was so dominant that there basically was no effective leftist opposition in Romania, only some isolated intellectuals.

Also if you are wondering about the Jews in Romania like Costin's family, they were mostly recent arrivals from Russia in the last 80 years, or from Hungary where they were always ultra "civic" nationalists because they controlled half the wealth. Tons of Jews who came to Romania used their wealth to immigrate to America quickly, and the ones left behind were mostly communists who hated Romanians. Ask a Romanian Jew today what they think of Romanians, they saw them as cattle useful only for getting addicted to illegal alcohol, they have no nostalgia for the country.

In case you were wondering what Costin's background is. He is in a long tradition.

>> No.22641132

>Romanian here.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.22641146

he's handsome

>> No.22641157
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>> No.22641194

He correctly intuits and spreads the message that the only issue of import is Europe (and America's) demographic replacement. That he makes more people read Nietzsche is just a bonus. I fail to see how his Jewishness actually impacts his philosophy.
Most people who complain about BAP complain about any rightwinger with any clout: they're either controlled opposition, feds, ineffective, whatever.
Like people will say BAP is a gay nazi homo jew and then you bring up a guy like Nick Fuentes who's basically the opposite and you'll get the same 'critiques'.
You people just don't want to win, and any rightwinger who gets any kind of audience must be dragged down into the bucket again.

>> No.22641208

> Dude just LARP as a Bronze Age warrior-aristocratic by bodybuilding, going to trendy bars and restaurants, and having casual sex via dating apps. You’re totally a Bronze Age warrior. By the way, accept the writings of the clinically insane atheist anti-Christian as gospel.

>> No.22641213 [DELETED] 

Americans think that the Middle Easterners that immigrate to Urope come in getting citizenship and right to vote immediately together with a super qualified job and a huge appartment loft in the middle of the capital.
The truth is that many of them are homeless, filthy, nasty, unshowered, and they are no more valued by the general society than were niggers during the Jim Crow era. Most of them work some filthy Uber job and return to their home country as soon as they saved some capital. Some stay in Europe for longer but rarely do they get to buy a property or become part of the core of European society.
The ones that do are Europeans or Turks the furthest. Immigration between European countries accounts for most of the immigrants to European countries.
I'm going off a tangent, the point is that the immigrants are the last to be blamed for how shitty Western civilization has become.

>> No.22641218
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He’s a Zionist faggot

>> No.22641222

He actually tells you to find like-minded people, become presentable, get out of your house and live life and infiltrate your local politics.
>immigrants actually aren't that bad
In my country 30% of the people in jail are in the country illegally. Yet I'm paying taxes to clothe, bathe, feed them. Half of the prisoners are of Moroccan/Turkish/African descent. They steal, they're violent, they don't pay for the bus, cause trouble on trains, are violent on the street, commit robberies and steal from stores. Life would be a million times better if they weren't here. All the other stuff about demographic replacement, I haven't even touched upon yet.

>> No.22641223

Also, unrestricted immigration and demographic replacement is a symptom of a dying civilization at best. Thinking that it’s the primary cause and maybe the primary issue is unironically retarded. Even if immigration were halted to zero, you’d still be run by a bunch of ignoble and unvirtuous social climbers with Ivy League degrees that would run the civilization into the ground and their hyper-bourgeois sympathies. He probably doesn’t get that because he’s clearly one of them and their defining trait is thinking that they’re always right and ethical.

>> No.22641228


>> No.22641232



>> No.22641233

Oh wow guess which guy is all about breeding a new elite and overthrowing the existing institutions and replacing them with an elite that serves our interests instead of theirs?

>> No.22641236

> dude just do this totally obvious shit, that was so deserving of a book
These people are jokes quite frankly. The left has plenty of people engaged in a useless intellectual circle jerk but at least they say meaningful practical shit that is not obvious about economics and politics and other things. The rest of them are too busy doing all of the things that actually affect politics, you know, like becoming judges, getting people registered to vote, dominating universities and high schools. But as long as the right has BAP to tell them to look presentable in 300 pages then surely they’ll win in the end!

>> No.22641240

And what are you doing with your life, retard?

>> No.22641245

Yeah, it’s only a coincidence that this is totally a pipe dream for which he prescribes no practical plan at all but clearly identifies this new elite as more or less the same old bourgeois freaks than those in power now only more muscular.

>> No.22641248

>no practical plan at all
Which practical plan do you propose instead?

>> No.22641252

I sure don’t read pointless masturbatory gay fantasy and pretend that it’s political theory.

>> No.22641260

> In my country 30% of the people in jail are in the country illegally. Yet I'm paying taxes to clothe, bathe, feed them. Half of the prisoners are of Moroccan/Turkish/African descent. They steal, they're violent, they don't pay for the bus, cause trouble on trains, are violent on the street, commit robberies and steal from stores. Life would be a million times better if they weren't here. All the other stuff about demographic replacement, I haven't even touched upon yet
Ok, I don't disagree with anything, you probably live in some rather illiberal Western country where the police is bothered with persecuting petty criminality rather than smashing down the big buff cartels. I'm not even against diminishing the immigration rates to almost zero, of course the immigrants are causing problems, but it's because we ourselves have become too weak not to tolerate it. But the cultural life between the authochtonous Europeans itself has disappeared before they even arrived.

>> No.22641266

Do what the left does for starters. If your politics can’t get to a judge’s bench or supplant the judge’s bench, then your politics are doomed just as a matter of indisputable fact, not that it matters because BAP has no real politics.

>> No.22641269

Atomization and anarchy at state level.

>> No.22641272

Yeah you're shitposting on 4chan, much better and less masturbatory for sure

>> No.22641291

but BAP literally says you should do this

>> No.22641300

Get real. It’s a social media website. We’re modern people and we use it. We don’t go around pretending that because we say things on here that we’re Bronze Age warrior aristocrats and we certainly don’t pretend the dumber shit we say is profound political theory. I don’t plan on compiling my worst /lit/ posts into a work of political philosophy any time soon because I’m not a retard.

>> No.22641311

>I don’t plan on compiling my worst /lit/ posts into a work of political philosophy any time soon because I’m not a retard.
maybe you would've made a modest $100K out of it if you did

>> No.22641322

I'm not too cool to admit I'm simply jealous of BAP having written a book that lots of people read and enjoy and spinning that off into a podcast series that makes over $10k per month. I'm trying to build my own location independent online business but the fact that he did it with a philosophical flair and with a creative endeavor like that book, I honestly wish it were me.
Lots of failed academics on /lit/ too (yeah they're just too smart or based for academia or whatever, sure) are probably resentful of his PhD too.

>> No.22641326

>jew instinctively mentions profit incentive

>> No.22641346

I know /lit/ has been shitting on Twitter Rightists for a while now but it has been a real treat seeing BAP and his entire sphere of retards reveal themselves as neocon Zionists during this Israel stuff. What a pathetic fucking "intellectual" movement of "dissidents." They are just basic bitch Republicans.

>> No.22641348
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>Be hispanic
>Fools everyone into believing you are a jew

>> No.22641358

Wtf are you talking about, the "BAP-sphere" stance is that America shouldn't give a fuck either way about what browns are doing to each other on the other side of the planet.

>> No.22641370

you are jealous of an entirely fabricated person and their entirely fabricated "literature" that is lauded by entirely fabricated bots and shills lmao but as you admitted you are really only jealous of their money. you are lesser pls stop posting

>> No.22641375

No, I'm jealous of the ability to travel the world while making internet money. Enjoy being a wageslave or NEET though Anon

>> No.22641380

money wont make you any less stupid

>> No.22641384

I have a Master's degree in philosophy. I know you're just going to shit on academica/credentialism now but then again you're spending your time getting angry at some guy on /lit/, so you do you

>> No.22641391

(((Costin))) is getting desperate

>> No.22641397

not angry at all, its just very telling you feel the need to announce your credentials to be taken seriously, after cursing your poorfag existence. what im saying is you arent someone to be taken seriously, you are no different from a retard that looks up to rich sportsballers or influencers

>> No.22641401

>I have a Master's degree in philosophy

>> No.22641402

No, he doesn’t. He suggests young men should join the military so they can take part in the coup that is quite obviously now never going to happen. BAP never tells you to game the law and voting like the left does. And more importantly, he doesn’t tell you how or why those actions will result in victory or how to do them in the first place considering the dogmatic rank closing that’s taken place. That’s totally ignoring the fact that what BAP basically wants out of these actions is not only delusional fantasy, but just totally undesirable for any practical right wing. It’s almost as bad as Curtis Yarvin prescribing just a sort of techie startup presidential campaign to win.

>> No.22641403

that is absolutely not what they believe

>> No.22641404

>what im saying is you arent someone to be taken seriously, you are no different from a retard that looks up to rich sportsballers or influencers
This. He sounds like a brown virgin who worships Andrew tate.

>> No.22641406

You called me stupid so I'm telling you I did a thing that requires intelligence. The fact that you don't get that, and you do exactly what I said you'd do, is more telling about you than about me
I'm also making $7k per month now from my poor European shithole, wbu?

>> No.22641414

>I'm also making $7k per month
No you aren't. Do it for 5 years.
You're a dirty brown immigrant with stinky faggot immigrant parents.

>> No.22641419

>No you aren't. Do it for 5 years.
I quit my wageslave job when I started making $2k consistently three years ago, and my income has been growing ever since obviously. In 5 years I'll make much more than what I do now. Keep seething
>You're a dirty brown immigrant with stinky faggot immigrant parents.
Sorry anon, white skin blue eyes and blonde hair.

>> No.22641433

If you're telling the truth, then good for you.
>white skin blue eyes and blonde hair.
Really? I guess it's just a coincidence that you sound like every brown virgin I've talked to who worships Andrew tate. Stop viewing the world like a ghetto nigger. Use your money to do great things and be a credit to your race, don't be a hedonistic (inner) loser.

>> No.22641438

I care about money so one day I don't have to care about money

>> No.22641445

you have a meaningless life now, and that will never change

>> No.22641454

Everyone's life is meaningless, only difference is at 2 PM I can take a walk in the sunlight or sit in the sauna of my gym while others are chained to their cubicle while also making less money

>> No.22641467

>Everyone's life is meaningless
super copium bro you should take a break from the internet

>> No.22641487

Hate to bring it up again but I did my master's degree in philosophy, I've done my fair share of reading and thinking about the meaning of life. And from what I can tell, the way I'm living life now with the freedom I have, definitely beats the lives of 90% of people on the planet, and that includes wageslaves in the West.

>> No.22641523

Money is only a means to an end. You have to do great things with it otherwise you'll just be a hedonistic faggot who may as well be a woman. Visiting expensive bars and restaurants and traveling to be a tourist seeking pleasure is feminine and meaningless. There's no end to it and it will just distract you from finding true meaning. This is a mistake I assume BAP makes. Or maybe he truly is satisfied with it. In that case he's just of a less than noble nature.

>> No.22641529

The entirety of profane philosophy does not hold a candle to the Mysteries of antiquity.

>> No.22641534

I actually agree with this, but since I'm not born into wealth, I need to create it. I assume it's easier to do "great things" with your life (even something as humble as taking some time off to write a book or whatever) when you have cash on hand.

>> No.22641537

>1/8 of its blood from a jewish source, it is a whole ass jew.

>> No.22641547

>Romanian here
God damn it, where's my wallet?!

>> No.22641569

It's the communists and liberals who let them proliferate again after 50 years of suppression and 100 years of forced integration.

>> No.22641585

Literally who is this? Stop posting about e-celebs. Stop caring about e-celebs. Stop talking about e-celebs. Stop giving your attention to e-celebs. Stop having parasocial relationships with e-celebs. Stop posting tweets from e-celebs. No one cares. I'm so sick of this.

>> No.22642451
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>your own grandson turns out to be an elite layabout antisemitic racist podcaster
That's just your own make-belief trying to save face. Own up, admit you were duped, and move on. You're not the first, you won't be the last.

>> No.22642459

Ye exactly. I am far from a commie, I just think Marxism was always jewish scheming. None of these people take their ideologies seriously.

>> No.22642480

>Own up, admit you were duped, and move on
>Posts a pic of multipolar axistards
kek lmao, throwing stones from a glass house i see

>> No.22642494
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That was the point, anon.

>> No.22642543

i see, do forgive my misunderstanding

>> No.22642653 [DELETED] 

>You people just don't want to win, and any rightwinger who gets any kind of audience must be dragged down into the bucket again.
BAP and 0hp lovecraft have spent the past few days attacking that Dutch woman, Ava something, because she posted a photo of a church, saying it's performative. That woman unabashedly advocates for Whites and mass shitskin deportation and she has a large following. No reason to countersignal her whatsoever unless you are a filthy kike.

>> No.22643023

>he prescribes no practical plan at all
penus in vajna u dumb virgin

>> No.22643119

BP actually said that you have to wear suits and ties and then proceed to infiltrate the system, not that they matter though, most of his audiences are chronically online autists to begin with.

>> No.22643136

The body can only withstand so much Jewish blood, anon

>> No.22643570

Why is it always slavic immigrants being most loud about homoerotic conservatism? Can't they suck dick in their own shit hole?

>> No.22643573

Question from a white male: Why can't you stay in your own country but always need to migrate to western white countries. You have right wingers in your shit hole, so why not stay there?

>> No.22643574

>I only exist for monopoly money
Third worlders will always be greedy conservative cunts.

>> No.22643578

>pretends to be hetero but is really misunderstood phenotype

>> No.22643600

Does Nick Land actually support Order of Nine Angles which used to count David Myatt as a member?

>> No.22643647

no wonder he never posted or spoke about Codreanu, ever. I thought he would, being Romanian and all. The Jewish revelation made it all make sense.

>> No.22643656

Codreanu was quite Zionist himself.

>> No.22643659

Why would he bring up such an embarrassing failure

>> No.22643668

that's no way to talk about romanians

>> No.22643670


>> No.22644731
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You should've screencapped the whole thread as it raised some very interesting points.

After showing some more pictures of his grandfather, from more of his public speaking to his training in Moscow, he concludes by stating that he think he was handome. Imagine that, the online epitome of masculinity resorting to the purest and vainest of femoid observations as a closing remark.
>yeah soo ughh maybe he was a subhuman, genocidal maniac but he cute tho thehe
Literally no different than the leftoid drooling over that one picture of young Stalin, or women swooning over serial killers in general.

Moreover, one Romanian in the comments says part of his grandparents were killed because they were priests and the other had all they had confiscated, to which he replies in English that his mother also had a vineyard near the Capital which was seized and never returned to this day. So it all evened out eventually, his lineage utterly destroyed a country and genocided what little good was left but in the end Saturn turned around and they also lost a vineyard. He was quickly advised by fellow right wingers to sue, though, rest assured.

What most of you fear acknowledging is that this is but a beast of your own creation. The abyss you've stared down into is now staring back at you. It was your own self-hatred and cultural oikophobia that allowed all of this to thrive. It made you not only even put up with his ebonics, but actually find it funny and imitate it. No different from the zoomers with their rap negro speak you make fun of. There's a reason he's pandering to you. For all their flaws, Romanians are simple people and would've rewarded his heeb bafflegab with a pitchfork to the jugular. You, on the other hand, made him an icon of the Pissident Right.

>> No.22644834

Someone pointed it out in another thread, BAP and his circle are fine supporting Russia and anti-NATO conventiently ignoring that Russia is saying they are poor victims of evil Nazi colonialist globalists. Most are also anti-white and Putin panders to muslims and chinks in his borders and outside of them. Countless marxoids support Russia for being "anti-colonialist"

But when it's Palestinians attacking Israel, then suddenly western libtards viewing them just like Russia is verbotten

These zionists are easy to see through. BAP is a larper who did an 180 on whatever he grifted because he never believed in it in the first place. He only believes in Jews being chosen

>> No.22644837

> Countless marxoids support Russia for being "anti-colonialist

>> No.22644857

BAP is a zionist who turns ethnonationalists into philosemites.

>> No.22644865

Early Marxism was a fat NEET jew

>> No.22644871

Most Mexicans and other spics are R1b lol

>> No.22644879

>the only issue of import is Europe (and America's) demographic replacement
>That he makes more people read Nietzsche
He doesn't

>> No.22644888

weird how jews are behind that and every other issue, weird how leaves that little piece of detail out
wot mean?

>> No.22644898

Just breed a new elite bro.
Also lift weights and eat the Ray Peat carrot sald.

>> No.22644899

>He actually tells you to find like-minded people, become presentable, get out of your house and live life and infiltrate your local politics.
So basically 90% of what jews do for centuries now

That's also 0,1% of what he says and he or his fans dont follow that "advice". Weird how you mistake grift for actual sentiment.

>> No.22644906

>They steal, they're violent, they don't pay for the bus, cause trouble on trains, are violent on the street, commit robberies and steal from stores.

This is what BAP advocated for lol

All White Nationalists and Nazi organizations. They also likely have more power to achieve it. I can be all about it from in front of my computer too
>serves our interests
serves Zionism
Funny how all it takes to dupe western right wingers is to just tell them "I'm with you guys, pinky promise!" Lmao

>> No.22644914

>no practical plan
False. Just open a casino bro. Run a brothel. Do drugs. Post on twitter from your twitter account registered to your email address.
This is what being Ubermensch is about, clearly.

Deflection, he has 0 plans and this makes him equal to BAP who also has 0. Actually it makes him better because BAP misdirects

>> No.22644915

I think the bigger problem with this advice is that everyone knows this already. It does nothing to address the practical difficulty of seizing power. Revolutions and ideological 180°s occur so rarely in history they might as well be flukes.
That's why his hated "trads" usually say it's better to render unto ceasar what is caesar's and live a secluded life like the mormons.

>> No.22644921

Yea, just like leftism is all about equality just like they say huh?

>> No.22644933

Romania is one of the saddest tales of the 20th century. You know the only reason they had Jews is because the Allies after ww1 forced them to make Jews citizens. The Jews were emigrating until then.

Imagine you are tiny weak Romania and only got your independence so recently everybody alive still remembers it. Then the Bolshevik revolution happens next door and you hear they are murdering priests and burning churches constantly, and what do you know, every Jew in the country supports it and is joking about opening the doors for them if the revolution comes to the borders. You literally just beat the Bela Kun uprising in Hungary a year or two earlier and all the Jews are clamoring to open the gates for Bela Kun X100 to your east. The cities are swamped with Jews, if you go into the city from your village to buy something you see 50-60% Jews in certain cities. All stores are owned by Jews. Lawyers are all Jews. Half the university students are Jews, and all Bolsheviks. They don't speak Romanian or they speak shit Romanian and only talk to eachother.

If you're curious about it. This would be a perfect time to read Codreanu's For My Legionaries which is about exactly this. It wasn't like Germany where the Jews were part of their society. However, when you read about Hitler's reactions in Vienna at the beginning of MK, he is talking about the same merchant elite types of Jews. They both had the same awakening at the same time without knowing eachother until later.

Also this is common, where Jews from that period and area say shit like "they took away our ten businesses/villas! they persecuted us!" Why? Because they were all rich upper class.

>> No.22644934

BAP is now busy countersignaling antisemites lmao
Hes antinatalist. No surprise coming from a middle aged childless urbanite man

>> No.22644947

Great poast.

>> No.22644958

>wear suits and ties and then proceed to infiltrate the system,
This doesnt mean anything and lays out no plan
>The abyss you've stared down into is now staring back at you.
What's worse, it's gay and jewish too. Just more confirmation that westerners are cattle for performative pilpuling semites.
Yep, anti-NATO ebil capitalist goolonialism
Brown and black third worlders are pro-Russia and anti-NATO

>> No.22644979

BAP isn't even clear about what he wants. Total collapse to annihilate everything that exists and greening the cities alongside animools? Subversion of government jewish style? Simping for "anti-left" (but overall tame) zionist politicians? He shitposts about contradictory things, and for him it's fine because he doesn't care doing anything but for his handful of followers it's just misdirection
He basically ensures the failure of whatever he wanted to do which is really an attempt to enact a virtual socratic academy as outlined in his thesis

>> No.22645085

an issue with this guy and his dickriders is that they can just pull a its just a prank bro, i was trolling card when pressured. "your fault for taking me seriously"
this leads to looking at what they do being the only accurate assessment of their beliefs. in which case its gay jewish zionist ivy league asocial nerds doing nothing of note while circlejerking eachother. i'd love for them to be bloodthirsty like they pretend to be but sadly their hands are too soft and so theyre stuck being just another /ptg/ but with a slight nietzschean twist in rhetoric and somehow even more jews
stop posting these irrelevant faggot kikes

>> No.22645098

The "dirtbag leftists" you are referring to are ex-dirtbaggers who embraced the post-left Thiel right-wing populist clique because they failed to be popular amongst the dirtbag crowd (Aimee Terese,Red Scare,etc).

>> No.22645122
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-frightens-the-jews-more-than-a-perfect-unity-in-others-the-unity-of-feeling-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-121-93-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't if crazy how BAP the vitalist, Romanian, orthodox, christian, nationalist has never ever mentioned Corneliu Codreanu? Codreanu being most famous and vitalistic Romanian, Orthodox, Christian, Nationalist who led the militant Order of the Archangel Michael?

Im sure it has nothing to do with BAP being a jew and Codreanu being a passionate man of action and antisemite.

>For My Legionaires

Do not read
>Anything by BAP

>> No.22645139
File: 161 KB, 960x599, 2D8dzFSoMdeMYCX46-KBtUgXIuq2LuU_Biq4NGYEv7U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post.

>> No.22645148

>He correctly intuits and spreads the message that the only issue of import is Europe (and America's) demographic replacement.
So do white nationalists and JQers except they also identify numerous more problems
And what BAP advocates for is what led to a very orderly and nomos-based society and culture. Which is the opposite of what BAP wants as he states in his book
BAP is ironically against immigration. He considers it good and destructive for the cities and for society, which are things he hates.

>> No.22645151

> nations should be united and one
> but not democratic though, democracy splits nations
Actual double-think at play here

>> No.22645161

Isn't Thiel a zionist?

Adolf was right. Name them and they recoil.
>gets called a homo
"Haha umad?"
>gets called a subversive grifter
"Haha cope sclerotic boomer
>gets called anything else
"[Nonchalant rebuttal]
>gets called a jew

It really is that easy. Costin's been found out.

>> No.22645242

>tfw this was painted the year hitler was born

>Dietrich expressed his anticipation in a poem he wrote months before he first met Hitler. In the poem, Eckart refers to ‘the Great One’, ‘the Nameless One’, ‘Whom all can sense but no one saw’. When Eckart met Hitler, Eckart was convinced that he had encountered the prophesied redeemer.

>The two first met when Hitler gave a speech before the DAP membership in the winter of 1919. Hitler immediately impressed Eckart, who said of him "I felt myself attracted by his whole way of being, and very soon I realized that he was exactly the right man for our young movement."[15] It is probably Nazi legend that Eckart said about Hitler on their first meeting "That's Germany's next great man –one day the whole world will talk about him."

>Although Hitler did not mention Eckart in the first volume of Mein Kampf, after Eckart's death he dedicated the second volume to him,[25] writing that Eckart was "one of the best, who devoted his life to the awakening of our people, in his writings and his thoughts and finally in his deeds."[57] In private, he would admit Eckart's role as his mentor and teacher, and said of him in 1942: "We have all moved forward since then, that's why we don't see what [Eckart] used to be back then: a polar star. The writings of all others were filled with platitudes, but if he told you off: such wit! I was a mere infant then in terms of style."

>Hitler later told one of his secretaries that his friendship with Eckart was "one of the best things he experienced in the 1920s" and that he never again had a friend with whom he felt such "a harmony of thinking and feeling."

>> No.22645253
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>> No.22645337
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>all male bonding must be predicated on homosexual behavior, latent or overt

>> No.22645354

mimimimimi it's DA JUICE™

>> No.22645357
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>schizo JIDF poster shows up to post cringe DA JOOZ + nazis were secret trannies

>> No.22645408
File: 568 KB, 970x806, neocon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>descendant to a jewish communist
>also has neocon sentiments
lol, What's with jews and communism and neoconservatism? Always seems like Jews and their ideologies are always intrinsically linked to their ethnic identities.

Why does this guy even shill Mishima when Mishima would hate him

>> No.22645421
File: 30 KB, 417x425, arndxk7m_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neocons are the biggest obstacle to ethno-centrism and nationalist politics. They are also the only group that supports jews in any capacity, be it religious, social or financial.

>> No.22645424

so the rumors were true...
why did he hide his jewish background?
I thought this was something to be proud of?

>> No.22645428
File: 49 KB, 500x500, Mishima_Yukio600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, Bela Kun and his cohorts were almost entire Jewish, too, lol. In a country were jews were like less than 5% of the population. And after they were defeated, there was a massive pogrom against Jews. Wow, I wonder why

>> No.22645430

>What's with jews and communism and neoconservatism?
It's called the Esau gambit:

>Trotskyism emerged as the most common standpoint among these anti-Stalinist Marxists. Irving Kristol, Irving Howe, Seymour Martin Lipset, Leslie Fiedler and Nathan Glazer were members of the Trotskyist Young People's Socialist League.[1]
>associated in the next two decades with the left-wing political journals Partisan Review and Dissent, as well as the then-left-wing but later neoconservative-leaning journal Commentary.
>Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of Neoconservatism.[13]

Paul Gottfried on Strauss:
As a Jew, he wished to be in a society in which he
felt safe, although the nationalist entity he desired for Jews would not
necessarily be the kind of society that he would wish to reside in as a
Jew in exile. While in Germany before the rise of the Nazis, he may
have hoped for a time to see the land of his birth become such a haven,
but when forced to emigrate, he transferred his hopes to Anglophone
societies. In England, where he found temporary employment at
Cambridge in 1935, Strauss came to idolize Churchill, the adversary
of the Nazis and, perhaps even more significantly, the personification
for him of Anglo-American democratic practice.

But whether deutsche Kultur was to be admired or demonized may have
been less important for Strauss than a more practical concern. Given
what he considered his Jewish marginality, it seemed best to promote a
“liberal democratic” society in which he and others of his kind would feel secure.

The cure for this problem of discrimination against Jews, Strauss
indicates in the preface, was “political Zionism,” a solution that he
backed in principle. What had to be done at the same time, however,
was to make life tolerable for those Jews who, like Strauss, did not
embrace the Zionist option. Their alternative was “liberal democracy,”
by which the writer meant something more fortifying than freedom as
that term would be understandable to nineteenth-century European
bourgeoisie or contemporary libertarians. Strauss may have favored
a strong democracy, of the kind that has appealed to Jaffa, Berns,
and Bloom. This democracy would be actively committed to universal
principles and would see itself in a tradition of democratic heroes
stretching back to Lincoln and the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

>> No.22645434
File: 164 KB, 1703x606, Irving Kristol - Trotskyist Neoconservatism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's with jews and communism and neoconservatism?
I got you answered senpai.

>> No.22645435
File: 96 KB, 640x631, 1697815498043861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More from Gottfried:
This sanitized or virtual Right has found a powerful voice in Harry
Jaffa’s Claremont Institute, a foundation that combines a generally
interventionist approach to dealing with America’s undemocratic
enemies abroad with generally progressive positions on racial and
immigration questions. After thirty years, this foundation is a
well-endowed presence in the movement conservative community,
and figures who are affiliated with the Institute, like Charles Kesler
and William Bennett, appear frequently on network TV, including the
Today show.

"What Strauss privileged were “liberal democratic” values, and he
scolded his fellow academics for not rallying to this political cause
with suitable enthusiasm. The other loyalty that Strauss passionately
expressed throughout his life was to Jewishness and the Jewish state.
This loyalty came through with unmistakable force in his conversations
and social judgments, even if Strauss spent only a single year of his
life in Israel and even if he observed on more than one occasion that
Zionism would not suffice to hold Jews together."

>> No.22645437
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>The central passage in Strauss’s lecture “Why we remain Jews” is a long quotation of Nietzsche’s Dawn of Day aphorism 205, in which Nietzsche predicts that the Jews will become “the lords of Europe”. After eighteen centuries of training in Europe, says Nietzsche, “the psychic and spiritual resources of today’s Jews are extraordinary.” Among other strengths, “they have understood how to create a feeling of power and eternal vengeance out of the very trades that were left to them.” Because of this, says Nietzsche (as quoted by Strauss):
>“at some time Europe may fall like a perfectly ripe fruit into their hand, which only casually reaches out. In the meantime it is necessary for them to distinguish themselves in all the areas of European distinction and to stand among the first, until they will be far enough along to determine themselves that which distinguishes. Then they will be called the inventors and guides of the Europeans.”

>Strauss notes that “Europe” should now be replaced by “the West” in Nietzsche’s aphorism, and comments that it is “the most profound and radical statement on assimilation that I have read.” It may well be, in fact, the key to the Straussian agenda. Assimilation as dissimulation and as a long-term strategy for Jewish supremacism is the only assimilation that Strauss approves of.

>In this same lecture, Strauss criticizes political Zionism as belonging to the wrong kind of assimilation, since it sought to create a nation like others. If Israel became a nation like others, Jewish identity would perish, because Jewish identity is based on the persecution inherent in the dispersion. Strauss calls for a “religious Zionism” that transcends the national project. He believes that Jews must continue to be a nation dispersed among other nations. Yet Strauss commends the State of Israel for setting an example with its prohibition of mixed marriages, fulfilling “an act of national cleansing or purification”, “a reassertion of the difference between Jews and non-Jews.” Strauss also defended Israel’s State racism in the National Review: political Zionism, he wrote, “fulfilled a conservative function” by stemming the “tide of ‘progressive’ leveling of venerable ancestral differences.”[20]



>> No.22645446

Ignore this link, meant this one:

An interesting watch:

Also the entire current mass immigration debacle is due to, you guessed it:
Jewish historian describes how the current state of America is due to Jewish manipulation of immigration law against the wishes of the country's actual inhabitants:
>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

>> No.22645450

>saying it's performative
It is. That doesn't mean that BAP or Philipino-Lovecraft should be allowed to live in a Western country or interact with White women, but it is performative. It's an attempt at creating a false reality to project outwards on social media, it is by definition performative. You can like the performance, but it's just a performance.

What a bizarre collage.

>> No.22645460

Yep Thiel is pro Israel and a Likudnik too (one of his influencers Benjamin Braddock supported Likud during the anti-Netanyahu protests), and BAP worked for neocon orgs/publications and supports a Hindu nationalist/Zionist/Zoroastrian Iran alliance against Muslims.
The last one is quite stupid.
1.Israel may pander to anti-Muslim sentiment, but they will use pro-Muslim sentiment when needed and all the Arab dictators/monarchs (even Assad) are on good terms with them despite the antisemitic rhetoric.
2.99% of Iranians who leave Shiism become hyper-Westernized atheists/agnostics and neo-Zoroastrians are a tiny mostly online clique of secularized larpers.
3.India is too incompetent to lead a global struggle against Muslims or even China, anti-Muslim persecution is mainly relegated to their country and they make dealings with the Arab regimes.

>> No.22645485

That Dutch woman is no saint, but populist politics has to be perfomative otherwise it doesn't work.
BAP's entire shtick is performative.

Normies aren't following the most intelligent or insightful pundits, they follow whom they find entertaining or sexy. That's why I don't necessarily hold the waifu-baiting against her.

>> No.22645494

If I were to engange in democratic politics I'd simply hire beautiful actors and have them read the speeches I'm preparing for them. I think it would work.

>> No.22645504

Fair enough.

>> No.22645622

>advocate for le epic blood and steel bronze age mentality
>bunch of towelheads rape and pillage
>noooo not like that!
Aesthetes truly are pathetic

>> No.22645628

>An interesting watch:
This rabbi's channel is revelatory: https://www.youtube.com/@YaronReuvenRabbi/videos

>> No.22645632

I'm glad you called that soundbite quite stupid before I had to do the honors
>caring about the opinions of a twitter literal who

>> No.22645663

The connection between modern “Nazis” and trannies cannot be ignored. Any niche community with Nazis will also have transfolk
I started to notice this pattern with GAB. In the early days of GAB, there were only 3 types of communities
Pro-Trump boomers
White Supremacists
Tranny lovers
Also, it's funny to call Hitler a homo

Israel is in the wrong, but it also has the right to exist (it has been over 70 years). The entire conflict is a problem that cannot have a good ending, Palestine and the Palestinians will be destroyed. But then again, it's like a pedophile being acquitted in Greece, sure it's wrong and bad, but it doesn't interfere in my life in any way, so why should I stress about it?

>> No.22645669

Im an Israeli AI bot, by the way

>> No.22645673

>Israel is in the wrong, but it also has the right to exist (it has been over 70 years)

>> No.22645693

>1.Israel may pander to anti-Muslim sentiment, but they will use pro-Muslim sentiment when needed and all the Arab dictators/monarchs (even Assad) are on good terms with them despite the antisemitic rhetoric.
To add a important detail, Israel is the principal supporter of Pakistan (literally, Pakistan continues to function because of Jewish aid at basically every level) and the reason why the Mullah regime stays in power in Iran (the Guardians can only keep the regime from collapsing into Liberal Democracy due to the threat of Israel).

A "Hindu nationalist/Zionist/Zoroastrian alliance against Muslims" would be fantastic if Zionists weren't fucking Jews.

>neo-Zoroastrians are a tiny mostly online clique
I've often wondered why ZOG doesn't lean more into this. Like, they were theorycrafting how to weaponize the fucking Mari and Ossetians against Russia on the pretense of some kind of Pagan revival, but they won't even take the OBVIOUS position against the Mullah Regime?

>> No.22645700


>> No.22645706

Threadly reminder that the only reason this jew is against immigration is because white ethnostates with jews are very susceptible to their manipulation

>> No.22645712
File: 1.15 MB, 2278x3787, latest-final-zarathushtra_june-14-2013-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paganism in Russia would be anti-Christian, which is acceptable to Americans. But anti-Islamic paganism would probably seem racist to the American intelligentsia.

>> No.22645724

Surely at least one glowy would be smart enough to do some bit like
>Uh Persians are actually White because of the Indo-European migrations and Sunni Islam is the real Islam so Zoroastrian revanchism is actually fighting Nazi colonialism or something

>> No.22645742

The current state of Israel has no right to exist. Israel will become a West Berlin managed jointly by various great powers and the rich Jews who live there will emigrate elsewhere, since they aren't even real religious Jews and don't give a shit about the land except as an excuse to treat goyim like shit.

>> No.22646205

no shit it's performative to a degree, every post everyone has ever made on social media is. the point is they're looking for any arbitrary reason to attack a white rights advocate

>> No.22646347

You have failed to explain why.

>> No.22646494

>After showing some more pictures of his grandfather, from more of his public speaking to his training in Moscow, he concludes by stating that he think he was handome. Imagine that, the online epitome of masculinity resorting to the purest and vainest of femoid observations as a closing remark.
Physiognomy matters you stupid dysgenic faggot.

>> No.22646634

reminds me when varg got blocked and got his account suspended by twitter (again) after calling him a jew kek

>> No.22646676

I don't want to see these shit threads that have nothing to do with (real) literature either, but we can't always get what we want.

>> No.22646914

Like half of his Jewish grandpa's new commie friends used to be legionaries. You're underestimating their ability to such a variety of dicks.

>> No.22646919

Do you want us to emmigrate to Western non-white countries instead?

>> No.22646923

not that anon but if you're conservative and a goy thats what the uk and england / usa need

>> No.22647048

>Tons of Jews who came to Romania used their wealth to immigrate to America quickly, and the ones left behind were mostly communists who hated Romanians.
Costin's family migrated to america in 1990, just after the revolution

>> No.22647409

Why not, and I know this sounds crazy, try not abandoning your home and fixing it instead?

>> No.22647535
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>Be over represented in a system that has destroyed the native culture, history, progress and world-view of Europeans
>Be over represented in the party that leads countries to their doom
>Be over represented in the intelligence organs that purge and genocide hundreds of millions of Europeans
>flee when the system collapses


>> No.22647544

Aristocracy is much like apartheid society except the nobilities take the role of whites and serfs the role of blacks

>> No.22647630
File: 101 KB, 1024x689, george-lincoln-rockwell-1024x689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristocracy takes the mantle of leadership. Protection is the only metric by which a people can justify a postion of priviledge. The aristocracy provided that, they provided leadership and protection and in return asked for some amount of obligation. This is the basis for all verticle heirarchies because the masses are incapable of leadeeship.

This also renders all Liberal Democracies invalid by their inability to protect its native peoples.

>> No.22648202

The only people who actually stan BAP is jews like him, often jews who desperately want to pass as European.

I find this bizarre. It's through grifters and performative retards that many people come to hate the globalists. The masses want leaders no matter how fake they are and if they normalize being right wing then that's a net positive. Why would they counter-signal it, unless they A) don't actually give a fuck about the right wing and don't want goys to become ethnonationalist, B) are grifters themselves and view other grifters as competition.


>> No.22648229

Costin is inconsistent with his views because he doesn't actually believe in anything. He has no actual plan besides shitposting. He's a mentally ill and terminally online bugman who is coping about being powerless, irrelevant and jewish. His "ironic poasting" is an expression of his psychological complexes and jewish schizophrenia as well as resentment over his uneventful and irrelevant life. He's essentially a smart /r9k/ user.

>> No.22648245

PS There's an attempt by some jews to present jews as "European".
First of all they will have to define what European is the way they use it, and then acknowledge that Askhenazis are still >50% Levantine/Arab with additional admixture from Sicilians and some Russians. Not very "European" innit?
Jews also all act as a monolithic entity. They are highly accepting of even 1/3 Jews. They are not particularly genetically diverse, you can find more diversity in Slavs. But even recent jewmutts, they consider jewish. And because the jewmutts are naturally told to fuck off from their 50% European side, they always side with the Tribe.

>> No.22648312
File: 156 KB, 616x1716, how are you my fellow goys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point. Askhenazi Jews are less European-like than Turks lmao.

>> No.22648321

Never forget that your most ironic "self-hating" "based" Jewish friends will be frothing at the mouth for Israel the second some Palestinian kid flushes a cherry bomb down a Jew's toilet

>> No.22648355

Aristocracy is not nationalist though. It's much more a nation of people oppressing another nation of people. But double think makes you believe otherwise. There's no rational form of government. All of them require double think to work.

>> No.22648360

What's European to you then though? There's many different ethnicities in Europe.

>> No.22648365
File: 551 KB, 936x1226, how are you my fellow goys 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one, this time not genetic composition breakdown but genetic similarity. Jews, even Askhenazi ones, are similar to MENAs and other West Asians. Turks and some other Middle Easterners are actually closer to Europeans than Jews (including Askhenazis) are.
It's over. This is who you are, kikes. NOT resembling anything European and you will never be.

>> No.22648375

Oligarchy is not aristocracy. Aristocracy simply means rule of the best. The best societies are ones in which the best are meritocratically selected and channeled into leadership positions. That's a platonic ideal toward which all societies strive, at least all societies that acknowledge differences among human beings and don't presuppose total "social constructibility" of the human by the state (a demonic idea arising from French materialism in the 18th century).

>As today his surroundings do not so force him, the eternal mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to any authority other than himself, and feels himself lord of his own existence. Conversely the select man, the excellent man is urged by interior necessity to appeal to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, into whose service he freely enters. ... Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendent. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.
(Ortega y Gasset)

>> No.22648376

Their obscurantist attempts to protect Israel from hate is really their only stable position throughout the years. Kek

Genetically they are more distant to even the Southernmost Europeans than even some other MENAs are. Some jews pull the "well I was born in le Europe in le Middle Ages so AKSHUALLY this makes me European" pilpul though. Obviously does not pass.

Jews are the trannies of ethnicities (they even have the mental illnesses!). They claim to be European but don't pass as European.

>> No.22648397

It's kind of funny because in Hungary the stereotype is that the bolshevizing bourgeois jews found tactical allies in transylvanian romanian nationalists before the war broke out because both of them hated the hungarian political elite of the monarchy, despite that elite being super philosemitic.

>> No.22648409

yeah the exact opposite happened in transylvania, anti-hungarian and anti-jewish basically meant the same thing because most of the local rich elites claiming to be hungarian supremacists were jews who wanted a strong civic nationalist hungarian elite because they were already half of the bourgeoisie lol

romanian and hungary hatred for eachother is one of the great moden tragedies

>> No.22648438

This is just more double think at play here. All aristocratic societies of history defined power as inherited by birth. Saying that 'but it's just government of the best' is double think.

>> No.22648441

PS for the anons who don't know what they're looking at.
Europe_LNBA is more or less the modern NW European genetic composition. Mostly half Steppe and half Neolithic Farmer. There are various Middle Easterners closer to this type of genetic composition than Jews are.
Steppe_EMBA is Yamnaya. Nobody is particularly close to it but it's noteworthy that Askhenazis (square dot in Poland) are as distant to them as regular Middle Easterners are despite the supposed "East European admixture" they supposedly have (they don't).
Steppe_MLBA is Sintashta-like, Steppe_EMBA + 30-40% Anatolian Farmer ancestry. It's similar to Europe_LNBA. Askhenazis are against more distant to this than some Middle Easterners are and distant in general.

>> No.22648445

>Mostly half Steppe and half Neolithic Farmer
I say "mostly" because there's some excess EHG and Nganasan somewhere in there in the North but it's 5-10% or less.

>> No.22648447

From a political standpoint it always seemed to me that the most problematic element of annexing Transylvania was inheriting a bourgeoisie and elite that was 95 percent not romanian but rather hungarian, german, or jewish. Plus I heard that transylvanian romanians and trans-carpathian romanians often did not really know what to make of each other either because of their differing cultures.

>> No.22648448

Ok but you're just arbitrarily defining what European genetically means like they could theoretically be an endemic population even if they don't share genetically with other groups

>> No.22648459

One of the dumbest things I've read.

>> No.22648476
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Your definitions are circular. What is an "aristocratic society?" I just told you, it's any society in which there is a relatively free circulation of elites in an environment that promotes meritocratic competition.

Ancient Athenian democracy used a ballot system deliberately to divide power as much as possible among political officials and prevent oligarchies or families from dominating. Many Greek cities experimented with such constitutions, often in imitation of successful neighboring ones, precisely because they wanted to avoid oligarchic feuds and stasis. Do you know much Greek history? They were a pretty self-conscious people, perfectly capable of saying "let's install measures to prevent a re-do of what we just did for the preceding century." They were also willing to just up and start a new city down the road if the existing city didn't want to try the new constitution. What do you think Draco's and Solon's constitutions were aimed at? Why do you think tyrants in Greece are so often associated with the implementation of democratic regimes? Because they were both anti-oligarchic measures.

Read Hanson's The Other Greeks (pic related) and J.G.A. Pocock's The Machiavellien Moment. And Christopher Lasch's True and Only Heaven. Modern republican thought is very often predicated on a desire to avoid all hereditary ruling principles, including oligarchic and monarchic. They can still be relatively exclusive, using wealth grades to measure "merit," which is dubious, but one has to keep in mind that back then the peasantry was much more numerous and almost completely inert intellectually, which also had the paradoxical effect of making it easier to distinguish oneself in the odd chance that one was some kind of genius peasant parvenu.

An interesting example of this phenomenon is that almost all the Enlightenment "liberals" (as they're now seen) were brutally anti-mob, anti-democratic, etc., because to them "democratic" meant "letting millions of literally retarded illiterate peasants vote." Almost all Enlighteners in practice were supporters of monarchy and despotism because they believed merit only really generated among the leisured wealthy classes. This view continued into Victorian England, in which the "gentry" was also considered meritocratic though in reality it created the superficially charming but secretly ugly social system underlying all Victorian/Edwardian novels, in which the only people who are full people are a small caste of educated elites and everybody else is a cockney retard.

To be against all this and be a "radical" democrat put you in very strange company. See Jonathan Israel's books about the "Spinozist" radical democrats e.g.

So there are multiple kinds of meritocracy, aristocracy, and democracy in practice and in theory. The first regimes to really try to synthesize all these currents and create a true democratic-aristocratic-meritocratic society were the fascist regimes. And they largely succeeded.

>> No.22648482

Ok, there's no reason to disagree with any of this but ultimately an aristocratic government is not nationalistic. It cannot be, it oppresses a considerable fraction of the nation, as if belonging to an inferior human variety. A nationalist government considers all it's citizens as basically equal.

>> No.22648483

Yes. The Southern part of South America has been historically used for such purposes actually.

>> No.22648503

My intention isn't to find a concrete definition of "European", only to remind them that they have nothing in common with the native people of the European subcontinent and the cultures and civilizations these people created.
BAP and his jewish followers (redundant) like this prospect very much, unfortunately it does not agree with reality.

>> No.22648514

Your friendly reminder to cancel your Caribbean Rhythms subscription lmao:

>> No.22648522
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To add to this, Marx's whole critique in the 1830s and 1840s really began to take form out of Marx's realization that the democratic "civil society" promised by Hegel's interpretation of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, in which class divisions are only contingent and are continuously absorbed into a fundamentally meritocratic (i.e. rational) and highly excellent society that balances freedom with structure, was not actually appearing in Europe. Instead Europe was maintaining de facto caste systems and even worsening them because now they are more "rationally" administered. So Marx concluded that "ideal" (notional, consciously claimed) democracy and equality are apparently not sufficient for the creation of actual democratic CONDITIONS, de facto. Hence his statement: "The point is not to understand the world, but to change it." What he meant was that creating a notional ideal world in which Hegelian civil society works great is fine, but it's not the END GOAL. The point is to actually determine whether that world exists, and if not, to make it exist.

You don't need to be a Marxist to understand that this kind of "de facto oligarchy / de jure democracy" critique of bourgeois society is valid.

Again, you interpret aristocracy to mean oligarchy. ANY social formation will have elites. The question is how those elites are selected, filtered to the top, etc. The fascist regimes did an excellent job of releasing elite energies and channeling them to where they "wanted" to go. An aristocratic (excellent) individual in an aristocratic social system (whether classical republicanism or modern fascism) does not need to consider people beneath him his "inferiors" except in the sense that he is better suited to lead in the military or government, or to be a mathematician, or whatever. And there are obviously different sorts of excellence. Excellence is pluralistic.

In a platonically ideal aristocratic society, there is no NEED to "oppress" anyone. I don't interrupt mathematicians when they are writing impressive proofs on the board because I know instinctively that I am an inferior mathematician. I don't run onto the racetrack and start trying to commandeer a horse during the race, because I know the people racing have trained to do it for years and I both admire their skill and want to see their excellence in action. The rails on the track aren't even there to keep me "out," because it's simply unthinkable in a functional society that I would desire to get onto the track in the first place. Everybody knows that everybody else knows that it would be retarded, and that no one would have such a desire. Only an unhealthy society displays such desires, as described by Gasset above (the mass man always thinks he's qualified, that's why he never shuts the fuck up).

>> No.22648531
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The aristocratic ideal is simply that the same mutual recognition and automatic filtering processes will take place in the government and in society. And elite theory like Mosca's and Pareto's posits that such processes are always "trying" to take place regardless, i.e., there is always pressure build-up from energetic proto-elites who want to vent and display their excellence. This concept is similar to Ibn Khaldun's concept of asabiyyah and the cyclical process of empires rising and declining. People on the inside for reasons other than merit (i.e., through capturing institutions through corruption and/or making their roles hereditary) become weak and complacent, and are replaced by more energetic outsiders, who are initially at a disadvantage but eventually build up enough motivation and momentum that they'd rather crash the whole system than continue to be left in the cold.

This is also basically Marx's conception of the proletariat, which Lukacs radicalized in the '20s. The proletariat is the bearer of the revolution against bourgeois hypocrisy because it's the class that is compressed to the point that it has both nothing to lose and everything to gain. The capital-owning class tends inexorably (through systemic rationalization) toward the impoverishment and dehumanization of the worker, until he is only an abstraction. This creates the first radically "ideal" division between human types in history: the totally leisured owner who does nothing but accrue, and the totally abstract worker who does nothing but work to live another day to work to live another day etc.

Ultimately it is a simple question of: who works and who enjoys the fruits of work? The Marxist answer is that this inevitable revolution will be a global one in which the workers spontaneously, rationally recognize their situation, etc. But the fascist answer via Sorel's syndicalist synthesis of Marx, which proved correct, is that such things don't take place purely rationally, because man is not a purely rational being, he is not an autistic calculator. People are family men, and men of their neighborhood and church and nation, before they are abstract calculators. So fascism simply harnesses these identities and raise them to a dialectical synthesis with the state, creating in effect Platonic republics for every nation.

These are the three alternatives of modernity: 1) steady as she goes, i.e. lumpenproletarianization under Kojeve's universal homogenous state (Agambenian biopolitical totalitarianism that reduces all of humanity to Camus' "undifferentiated human material"), 2) praying that Marx was right even though not even 20th century leading Marxists thought Marx was right, 3) fascism, which empirically worked and integrated everything valuable about Marxism and left-wing critiques of capitalism without also being an autistic atheist death-cult.

>> No.22648545

The commonly agreed upon definition of aristocracy is rule by hereditary nobles. The Greek aristoi were a hereditary class.
You just made up your own definition which makes discussion difficult.

>> No.22648558

Hmm not quite, oligarchy is a society ruled by some obscure elite but with a republic-democratic face.
In aristocracy, your place in society is simply defined by birth. If you are born to aristocrats, you will be an aristocrat too. If you are born to non-aristocrats, your children will be non-aristocrats too.
Why you feel the need to call aristocracy not oppressive is obscure to me. If you want a system that is not oppressive aristocracy is not for you. Objectively the lower classes are oppressed in aristocracy, denied of participation in the government, denied of participation in the sciences, denied of participation in the war as leaders, and the ones were some of these rules were abolished were demi-aristocracies that had already ceded a few rights to the lower classes. And this oppression is perpetualized by only allowing entrance into aristocracy to those who can claim to be aristocrats by nobility of descent.

>> No.22648571

Here is a description of the aristocratic social revolution accomplished by the National Socialist party in barely half a generation (HJ = Hitler Youth):
>What was the psychological state and social condition of German youth as the war came to an end? There is little doubt that the Nazis' comprehensive youth programme had left a deep impression. More than any previous regime, the Third Reich had created a unified youth, with mentality, attitudes and values that transcended differences of class and region
>In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the movement, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out to be filled with new activity ... The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for recognition and personal advancement.
>The lesson the HJ generation drew from the past, then, was Pflichtbewusstsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system happened to be in operation at the time.
All this took was 5-10 years of membership in a fascist, or national socialist youth cadre that combined the left-wing conception of self-sacrifice for the greater good with the right-wing belief in a national, religious community. It's that simple. Fascism literally gets you the best of democracy, aristocracy, AND egalitarianism by dissolving the bourgeois system of property relations (a communist revolution "in one state" - which Stalinism also did, albeit violently, using terror rather than general cooperation) and creating a spiritually healthy people.

The right-wing optimist view of human nature is simply correct: healthy people naturally self-sacrifice for their communities and enjoy being part of those communities, so you don't need coercion or social engineering to force them to, or cynical "incentives" that start from a position that presumes everybody is a self-serving asshole "rational individualist."

Incorrect. Very many aristocracies throughout history have not been hereditary. Aristocracy is sometimes used, inaccurately and stupidly, to mean oligarchy, but even oligarchy doesn't necessarily imply heredity. Many oligarchies have also not been hereditary, or have even been explicitly anti-hereditary (typically wealth- or land-based). These in effect often become hereditary because families and clans organize to benefit from them.

>> No.22648577

There have been non-hereditary aristocracies like the mamluk eunuch state but they aren't really the norm. In Europe they're absent to my knowledge that's why the word aristocracy is used to describe the rule of a hereditary nobility. Re-defining words in that way is tedious and dishonest - just say meritocracy.

>> No.22648581

It was just a term used for noblemen and those descending from them, but many noblemen were not descending from earlier noblemen.
>Originally, the Aristoi were tightly knit families who had noble lineage, such as the Bacchiadae in ancient Corinth.
Often that lineage was made up too. We wuz Herculez' sons n sheit. Happens throughout antiquity by emerging players.

>> No.22648586

>Aristocracy is sometimes used, inaccurately and stupidly, to mean oligarchy, but even oligarchy doesn't necessarily imply heredity.
I mostly encounter it as something that describes the not-at-all-aristoi decadent "aristocrats" of post-Middle Ages, which was just nobility in general. Hereditary nobility always goes to shit after longs periods of time anyway, that's why with Greks you see constant upheavals and agon.
One could say that modern Westerners are descendants of a long line of aristocratic nobility... too long, in fact, for their own good.

>> No.22648594

Classes were often permeable true, but the upwards mobile would constitute a small percentage in every generation. Privilege, wealth & reputation are remarkably heritable in most societies, especially where class systems exist.

>> No.22648653
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Aristocracy was predicated on leadership in war, be it the county, the country, the tribe, the polis or something other else. Without martial leadership one has no aristocracy but a simulacrum. No different from a trans woman, they can adopt the dress, the mannerisms and have all law bent towards enforcing this charade but will never be the real thing as they lack the most fundemental aspect.

>> No.22648766

>Half of the prisoners are of Moroccan/Turkish/African descent.
Do you have any idea why Turks bring a lot of crime? Turkey is secular and seems well off, so I am confused why they would bring a lot of crime. Do you have any actual *unbiased* stats? I am honestly interested.
Also, saying Moroccan and African is redundant because Moroccans are African.

>> No.22648779

That's pretty much every society but yeah. New aristocracy wasn't somehow increasing the number of total aristocrats, they just replaced the older ones. The numbers were still pretty small at any given time. Even in the most supposedly commiegalitarian abomination you can think of the elite classes (not just ruling) are still like 1% of the population at most kek.

>> No.22648793

To clarify, by class systems I meant codified classes. America has an upper class in practice but it's only defined by wealth and its members have no privileges beyond what their wealth can afford them. In older societies classes were often more rigid.

>> No.22648829

Different racial groups have a different proclivity to crime. The idea of crime itself is conceptualized differently.

>> No.22648865

Turkish people and Cypriots and Armenians are racially close. Why do the latter two do less crime then? Do you even think that deeply about this topic or is it all just surface-level memey racism?

>> No.22648871

NTA, have met both many Cypriots and Turks. Turks are more openly contemptuous of wealthy European countries while not seeing themselves as subjected to it. Cypriots and by extension Greeks do have a lot of contempt for other Europeans (mostly Western ones from what I've seen, they don't care about Scandinavians) but still see themselves subjected to them through IMF so they won't do any violent crime but a lot of economic/tax crime.

>> No.22648899

lol nice
there's some faggot jew bapist who desperately thinks he is white and jews are white

>> No.22648936

Armenia and Cyprus are two seperate pockets that obviously have far more indo-european cultural influence than the turks. Is it that complicated? As a general rule, race is the major factor, tardo.

>> No.22648947

Turks are secular but not irreligious, so the Muslim-Christian enmity is still a factor. Keep in mind that until recently it was mainly the rural peasants who emigrated to Europe.

>> No.22648962

>that obviously have far more indo-european cultural influence
What does this even mean? Also Turks are culturally influenced from Turkic raider nomads, and Indo-Europeans were raider nomads. Cypriots and Armenians are influenced by urban sedentary civilizations.

>> No.22648965

There's nothing significantly culturally Indo-European about Europe. Take your LARP to pol.

>> No.22648966

It means they were more influenced by white Europeans and Persians than the Turks.

>> No.22648968
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I used the term indo-european to indicate the influence of Persia on Armenia.

>> No.22648982

This literally does not mean anything. Europe has had several highly contrasting cultures. And Persians were highly warlike for basically all of their history, they were just more decadent Assyrians.
Actually all of Europe was warlike too. What the fuck are you even about lmao

>> No.22648983

Persia/Iran has barely any cultural connection with Europe, you LARPing faggot. You're a mentally ill tranny who doesn't understand basic causal reasoning. It doesn't make sense how Persian influence would lead to less crime. You're a joke.

>> No.22648985

>makes fun of /pol/ users by calling them non-white
tbqh almost nobody in /pol/ is white. that place is full of spics and arabs

>> No.22648988

Low-class whites in America aren't really different from negroes in mannerisms and speech.

>> No.22648999

Lmao the seethe. It does make sense how persian or european influence would lead to less crime, as every ethnic group that has heavily intermixed with them has relatively less crime.

>> No.22649004

>It does make sense how influence of highly warlike cultures would lead to less crime
>as every ethnic group that has heavily intermixed with them has relatively less crime
Why would genetic intermixing be related with cultural influence?
You're low IQ, stop posting.

>> No.22649007

niggers are under the influence of whites and have also intermixed with them yet are highly violent. your argument is shit and youre a pseud

>> No.22649022

Pre-Islamic Persians were actually way more brutal than post-Islamic ones, and I am saying this from impartial research. Just read about Barashnûm, Gomez, etc.

>The cleanser who has not performed the cleansing according to the rites, shall be taken to a desert place; there they shall nail him with four nails, they shall take off the skin from his body, and cut off his head. If he has performed Patet for his sin, he shall be holy (that is, he shall go to paradise); if he has not performed Patet, he shall stay in hell till the day of resurrection[12]
>—The Vendidad, Fargard III

Stuff like Apostasy laws, in-breeding, Sharia punishments, etc. all have precedence in Sassanian brutality. Even Kerdir Hangirpe was a racial zealot who persecuted many minorities. Sassanids were an oppressive theocratic monarchism.

I am sick and tired of racial autists like you. Open up a history book, you disgusting stupid faggot. Stop being overly reductionist about complex social problems.

Also, all of Mazdaeism and Abrahamism, including Pisslam and Christcuckery, are absolute garbage without anything of value.

>> No.22649117

>racial zealot who persecuted many minorities.
radical zealot who persecuted many *religious minorities. Damn autocorrect.

>> No.22649186

Warlike =\= criminal, you retard.

I can see that you think you are an intellectual titan, so I will just leave this discussion