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22633003 No.22633003 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you had the opportunity to implement a new education system in your country (and your country had very poor educational rates), what books and models would you study to get an initial sense of which ideas could be successfully replicated in your country?

In summary: the best books about education/the best books about the best education systems.

>> No.22633043

>no US flag

>> No.22633061

I made a YouTube video discussing this book (don't watch it. It was before I learned to write a script and edit)


I'm a libertarian but even I'm tempted by the Finnish model. All they had to do was pass a law saying that to be a teacher you need to graduate in the top 30% of your class in the top 3 schools and be mentored by 3 teachers. And lo and behold they are now top in the world. I know the author said it's not the unions. But it definitely is the unions, because the unions in America would never allow that to happen. It's crazy and infuriating to read that in America you don't need to be a math major to be a math teacher. You don't even need to be a math minor. You can score a 21 in the ACT and be a teacher, and while the average is 21.5 that means you can be dumber that the average American and become a teacher.

The other great observation the author made was that everywhere she went, every body resisted and pushed against any change. When in Minnesota they tried to have higher standards for teachers, even though there's a teacher surplus of like 100%, they fought it. Some parents even argued that dumb teachers are better because they'll be able to sympathize with the dumb students.

If the US abolished teacher's unions, and the parents became the customers (as opposed to the school board) we'd shoot to the top

>> No.22633071

>If the US abolished teacher's unions, and the parents became the customers
And teacher pay rose more than 50%. No on is going to graduate in the top 30% in a top 3 school and then go work for 60k

>> No.22633089

Rousseau's model of education obviously. No books until the age of 12. At the age of 12, let them discover him by himself. Then have him choose a trade wich he should finish around 18. At this point he can have his first history lesson, his first theology lesson (if he is taught about the God's he might become technically an anthropomorphist or later become an atheist altogether and we want to avoid that) and his first sex Ed lesson (unless he lives in a shitty neighborhood, than there's no reason not to tell him about the birds and bees at the age of 9, if you make a secrecy around it he won't stay a virgin until he's 20 but if it's physically manageable to keep him in ignorance until his mid-teens it would be ideal). And many other details I won't explain further these are just the ones that fell from the top of my head. Not sending him to school of course because school sucks lol.

>> No.22633133
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>I'm a libertarian but even I'm tempted by the Finnish model.

I have found out just a few minutes before I saw your post a book that deals with this very topic:


>don't watch it. It was before I learned to write a script and edit
Don't worry. We all need to start somewhere. I myself am trying to learn video editing so I know that some things might seem simple for people that are used to it, but are quite hard for a begginer.

>> No.22633151

>All they had to do was pass a law saying that to be a teacher you need to graduate in the top 30% of your class in the top 3 schools and be mentored by 3 teachers.

Brainlet here. I have a doubt.

That sees very good, but how would you solve the problem of a lack of teachers in big, continental countries, like the US, Brazil, India, etc? Would you be able to supply the demand for teachers if you allow only the 30% best to become teachers?

And what about all the rest of the 70% of people that graduate in english, history, geography, math, physics, biology...since there's limited jobs in research and in companies, what would they end up doing to earn a living?

>> No.22633192

I'd separate all the brown kids from the human kids

>> No.22633199

Would work if there was still white people...

>> No.22633292
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freedom to learn by carl rogers. basically along those same lines of non-directed therapy. the teacher/educator provides the student with resources (books, the teacher's own expertise, other experts, films, tapes, field-trips and so on), doesn't present any curriculum, doesn't direct the student as to what they need to learn, doesn't grade or assess the student, makes the student aware that they're available as a resource and a gateway to other potential resources and just sits back and follows the student's lead. this creates children who are self-directing, and who are inherently interested in what they learn

>> No.22633333

> canadian flag

>> No.22633334

I think school shouldn't be mandatory for everyone. There's no reason to waste qualified teachers at ghetto schools where the kids don't want to learn anyways.

>> No.22633384

You mean ChatGPT?

>> No.22633755

Something else

>> No.22633764

Plato’s Republic critiqued by Spinoza’s Ethics critiqued by Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Or a remix.

>> No.22633818

I show them Hollywood movies, show them how the same actor can appear in multiple movies as mutiple people, and even cannonically die then come back in the next blockbuster. Then I tell them that if they die they'll come back, like in a Hollywood movie, and that I have magic powers to make them invincible to bullets.

Then I give them an AK47 and send them over the border to rape and pillage my enemies. Younger kids are better at this because they lack life experience and will feel nothing at killing a man.

>> No.22634296
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The issue with America is already dealing with violent apes who can no longer be disciplined by bleeding hearts, and importing more violent retards. You can't ahead in that market.

>> No.22634448

Ban everything but STEM and Vocational Training and ban women from attending school

>> No.22634451

Pretty sure Jethro from Alabama has nothing to do with that, but Europoids cheer it on like some kind of hollow victory.

>> No.22634457
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This is probably the best book on education ever

>> No.22634459

>Then have him choose a trade wich he should finish around 18.

Great, Then we should have a bunch of 18 yr old astronauts, cowboys, professional wrestlers.

>> No.22634467
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The best books I've read on education are (Atheists be warned ahead of time, these are all Christian authors):

Some Thoughts Concerning Education by John Locke
On Education by John Milton
Belles Lettres and on Taste and Criticism by Hugh Blair

And while it isn't a treatise directly on education, The Republic by Plato talks a lot about the education of youth and citizens, particularly in books 3-5 iirc.

>> No.22634812

Hell yeah, brother

>> No.22634847

If I could start a new education system in my country it would be radically departed from the systematized, Prussian-model derived education in most modern first world countries. I doubt books exist that accurately describe a model that seeks to achieve what I'd hope to achieve, since real experimentation outside the paradigm doesn't exist in modernity.

>> No.22634850

>unironically citing Plato as a good influence on children

>> No.22634863
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I was too obsessed with girls to focus on school work. Are there books about that?

>> No.22635261

Everyone gets to read Three Books
Robinson Crusoe
Plutarch's Morals
Book of Job

>> No.22635306

The Republic could very well be renamed The Education of Plato. It’s meant to be returned to often enough for it to be called an educative work through and through.

>> No.22635811

Care to explain?

>> No.22635833

There isn't much to change, most schools are just daycare so wagies can work and thats all they are really intended to be

>> No.22636492

The US right now has a unique problem. We talk about teachers being underpaid, but the majority of them graduate in the bottom third, and most of the ones who do have good private sector employment prospects leave.

The problem is that this creates a cycle of low talent retention leading to worse outcomes leading to the public being more averse to wanting to compensate them. This in turn leads to a situation where to keep the schools full at all you offer job security in leiu of money, so it gets very hard to change anything,

>> No.22637032

As a burger I would do unspeakable things for an system wherein I could just take a test to get placed fairly into college and then get a career, books about the contemporary Japanese or Chinese education system would explain more. From what I gather the former is starting to focus more on interviews for college admission which I reflexively see as a vector for diversity hiring and petty HR screening, but it might have noble motivations.

The underlying contradiction is that everyone understands schooling to be a hybrid daycare for wagie children/future wagie training course for better performing children, but it justifies itself with platitudes relating to "citizenship" and "values". Inspiration from Wilhelm von Humboldt and the Prussian model of education are blamed for causing conformity and strictness in America, but this is probably a mistake when Britain and France had similar compulsive schooling and Humboldt specifically stressed individual autonomy. Ironically, it would be more accurate to blame them for Weltbürgertum (cosmopolitanism) becoming a tenant of education. Of course Aristotle advocated for a kind of liberal arts education over a purely vocational one as well, so it's not anything completely new.

Regardless of the origin, when you take the attempt at moral teaching by low-quality women who spent their 20's clubbing, and combine it with teachers unions/book publishers/universities debt trapping students in typical boomer-Kronid fashion, of course the result is something so ineffective that practically any education system or (even the absence of one) would be preferable. You would need to separate each role of education (moral teaching, vocational training, research) to delineated pathways, but most important of all, remove status-seeking midwits (mostly women) and profit motive from it.