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22631493 No.22631493 [Reply] [Original]

How many decimal numbers are there in between any two whole numbers such as 0 and 1? Infinity.

How many whole numbers are there? Infinity.

Therefore, there are an infinite number of infinities.

>> No.22631497

I don't know what a decimal number is but there are more real numbers between 0 and 1 than there are whole numbers. Guenon was so butt hurt by that he wrote a whole cranky book about calculus.

>> No.22631514 [DELETED] 

Numbers aren't real.

1.1, 1.2, 1.10, 1.50,000, 1.90,000,000, etc. The joke that we can never read 2 is satire old man's joke.

>> No.22631518

Numbers aren't real.

1.1, 1.2, 1.10, 1.50,000, 1.90,000,000, etc. The joke that we can never read 2 is such an old man's joke.

>> No.22631520

Ah decimal notation for the real numbers. The crucial part is that there an infinite number of places in the decimal expansion. There are no decimal numbers if my snark wasn't apparent enough.

>> No.22631536

I see. Well in that case, allow me to snirk with you.

>> No.22632345

Countable vs uncountable infinities exist.

I'm not all that interested in your topic, but boy do I love Stapledon's work. Last & First Men was a treat as well.

>> No.22632411

>Numbers aren't real.
heres your downvote faggot

youre a humanities faggot too dumb for actual hard sciences like maths

>> No.22632424

>Countable vs uncountable infinities exist.
Retroactively refuted by Guenon (pbuh). Quantitative infinity (Anglo-Saxon fabrication for the personal enjoyment of pseud academicians) is at odds with the essential nature of infinitude properly understood. Even the apex point of modernism, Hegel, rejects such an understanding of infinity

>> No.22632441

>Quantitative infinity (Anglo-Saxon fabrication for the personal enjoyment of pseud academicians) is at odds with the essential nature of infinitude properly understood.
No it isn't, and Guenon was a pseud who wasn't actually good at math, and if you actually read his writings, you'll see his thoughts on math and man are superficial and don't add up.

>> No.22632446

I won't defend Guenon's (pbuh) work on infinitesimal calculus, but the divergence of infinitude from quantity properly speaking isn't proposed in the realm of mathematics, as that would be contradictory. The henological nature of infinitude doesn't require knowledge of mathematics for you to divorce it from quantity

>> No.22632498

The micro limits of physical space are defined by planck units, beyond them the physics break and the very notion of distance becomes nonsensical. You can talk about infinite real numbers in pure maths but the reality we occupy is ultimately discrete. It it wasn't Zeno's paradox would be unsolvable and covering any distance would be impossible

>> No.22632502

early game apple chuds need to be reminded

>> No.22632504

Zeno's paradox is easily solved by the limit of the infinite series. Take a calculus class.

>> No.22632522
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I wish some math nerds would create a modern version of the cult of pythagoras.

>> No.22632525

I am unironically working on it.