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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 816 KB, 920x1080, &amp-The-End-920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22628053 No.22628053 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying to wait but fuck it. I can't compete on time with no lifers.

Hartley here boiz and I'm sorry to say that you must be living in the bad timeline. I've decided it's time to call it quits with &amp. I'm out and &amp is going with me.

Before I get into the details I want to thank everyone. All the anons. All the writers. All the haters. Couldn't have done it without you. &amp was special thanks to you. You helped keep the fire in me.

My dream since 2021 had been to grow the &amp empire and really see how high all us crazy fuckers can get on raw gumption. We soared. Now I'm seeing that I put that dream before a lot of really important things in my life. My friends. My ex. Myself. Stability. Success. I threw a lot away and I always turned back to &amp. But this is not a healthy relationship anymore and I won't drag it on longer. Things felt good but I stopped caring about the writing. I stopped wanting to do the work. I tried to redirect all my energy to new &amp possibilities but it's the same loop. The rush just burns me out. Instead of putting the work in on charging up the magazine I got my fix another way. I'm a junkie to the core.

I thought I was doing something important. Overseeing the growth of &amp. Trying to supervise. I wanted to elevate people. Channel my wisdom. But every supervisor knows they don't do jack. Maybe they used to be good. Maybe they used to be great. But they don't do the work. They don't love it. That's where I'm at. I'm just standing around in a flashy orange vest watching people fill potholes.

I've been falling into bad patterns. The patterns I had with my ex I started to repeat with Atlas. I've been called charismatic but I've also been called manipulative. Same thing. Once she left I felt bored. So bored. I realized then that I tried to trade &amp for pussy. I'm a primal man and it makes me lose my focus. Every great man has that weakness.

So now I need to look inward. I want to pack it all up. I know lots of you are going to be sad to see &amp go but the captain has to go down with the ship. Maybe some people will want to keep it alive. We've got some hard workers. But if I'm the King then the castle is mine. Experience shows that I'm the only one who can handle it all. This is a burden only I can carry. Best y'all can do is give it up. That's life.

After this the next time you hear about me will be when I make my first trillion. You'll all be invited to the party. When I blow it all you'll watch me make my second trillion.

lampbylit.com will stay up so long as I can keep the lights on. That's my Word. That's your Bible. Call it the New New Testament. Logos. Beware the false prophets (you know them). You can call today the new Sabbath because I need to rest.


>> No.22628060

Oh and a big BEWARE to all you bad actors. In my next act I'm making Hell.

>> No.22628071

you sound like an insufferable faggit. glad i never visited these threads.

>> No.22628154

yea, verily

>> No.22628202

See you in two weeks OP. Never submitted to &mp but I was always fond of your threads and appreciate everything you've done for the community.

Hope things work out for you.

>> No.22628209

Why not just make an &amp google doc where people can create, shitpost, and grief to their hearts content?

>> No.22628253
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>> No.22628257

This thread was made by Lewis Woolston.

>> No.22628268
File: 110 KB, 833x317, IMG_4157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Frank. You're a cyst.

>> No.22628281

So long and good riddance.

>> No.22628284

Gotta respect the hustle. Domestic abuse is a full time job. Peace, &ampbro.

>> No.22628300

I don't know who's trolling who any more

>> No.22628301

The fuck? Is this why Atlas left?

>> No.22628306

Everything but the release threads with a link to an actual issue is a psyop.

>> No.22628320
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>> No.22628332


>> No.22628350
File: 29 KB, 761x608, seems legit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Page not found

>> No.22628380

Kiss my arse

>> No.22628452

Probably fake. Though I'd get it that all this bullshit is demoralizing. Some of us just like the mag, and'd like to see more of it.

>> No.22628469

I'd like to see the editor's dick sucking video

>> No.22628521

Is it finally over?

>> No.22628618
File: 6 KB, 259x194, Andrew McGahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if this faggotry could ever end in any way other than the sweet release of death

>> No.22628958

>That's where I'm at. I'm just standing around in a flashy orange vest watching people fill potholes.
Good on you man. A real job is a great way to further your artistic ambitions. Really gets you hyped you up to get home and crank out all the pent up creativity you’ve been forced to bottle.
Honestly been kind of worried about you, This drug shit and hippy shit and domestic abuse shit and fake celebrity shit is no way for someone in their 40s to be living. I’ll say it again: good on you. I hope this is the start of a real recovery this time.

>> No.22629177 [DELETED] 
File: 540 KB, 508x2940, The&ampPrEditor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the editor’s public Facebook he openly admits that he’s been abusing women for years. Disturbing stuff. Glad to see he’s ending this shit.

>> No.22629194

Sounds like some revenge fantasy larp of an incel.

>> No.22629545

> lThe patterns I had with my ex I started to repeat with Atlas. I've been called charismatic but I've also been called manipulative. Same thing. Once she left I felt bored. So bored. I realized then that I tried to trade &amp for pussy. I'm a primal man and it makes me lose my focus. Every great man has that weakness.

So this confirms that they were fucking? LMAO

>> No.22629556

I predict that you'll soon find out that having a creative outlet like &amp prevents you from getting really, really bored. Waging can't fill your life and make it worth living. (No need to even consider the incel NEET shutins...they're in a downward spiral of irrelevancy that everyone but they can see.) Given the utterly apathetic response to my writing, I'm sure it'll never amount to anything, but I still do it, because otherwise my life is really boring. You may take a break from &amp for a while, but you'll likely reach the same conclusion & resurrect some semblance of it.

>> No.22629604
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I find just stepping away and doing something new for awhile helps to re-focus the mind. We're living in totally insane times and 2023 has so many more challenges than 2018, much more difficult to survive as a writer in Canada and writing in Canada has never been less valued.

Culturally, this country is completely divided and conquered, and unless you have a built-in group to market to, nobody is going to read your shit. We are just too atomized up here. Why do you think we only have a couple known "artists" in this country? Because Canada has been completely globohomofied and people only discover "culture" by being spoon-fed their information through their smartphones which are controlled by foreign-designed algorithms that are sure as fuck designed to keep you on the plantation and consooooooming the culture the establishment wants you to consume.

We should all show respect that &amp has made it this far. I hope Ryan takes a break for awhile and then returns with his batteries re-charged. I spent a bunch of time this summer just fixing up the rock garden with my kid and building hamster mazes to get my mind off current events and the continued injustices towards people who refused the COVID "vaccine", as that shit has been memoryholed but the damage to people's incomes and trust of society is permanent at this point.

>> No.22629652
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I'm pretty sure they're on opposite ends of a continent, so this guy was hounding after e-pussy. The dude's dick is non-functioning anyway.

>> No.22629858
File: 53 KB, 1589x1031, can't submit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's actually going on? The submit page says 'not found' but does &amp usually close submissions? Or is Ryan really packing it up? I figured I was late for this month anyway but I thought submissions were rolling ...

>> No.22630122

She’s dead Jim.

>> No.22630150

In the worst moments of his addiction the editor sucked his dealer's dick in exchange for drugs. His dealer, a nigger, filmed it on his phone and I now have this footage. When the next edition of &Amp comes out I'm going to release the footage here and we can all laugh at it.
Stay tuned for the dick sucking webm that will destroy &Amp

>> No.22630177

>When the next edition of &Amp comes out I'm going to
Is this the real reason he’s quitting?

>> No.22630209

That plus Gardner is sueing him

>> No.22630449

Like >>22629652 said, I don’t think they even live in the same province.
>The patterns I had with my ex I started to repeat with Atlas.
sounds more like he was emotionally abusing her and treating her badly. And
>tried to trade &amp for pussy
suggests that he didn’t succeed. Shit is fucked either way though.

>> No.22630467

For what?

>> No.22630480

Editor fag tried to dox and harass him or so Gardner claims. It's like a battle between dysfunctional retards but it might be entertaining.

>> No.22630489

Someone sent a bunch of spurious DMCAs to Gardner’s projects and got him blacklisted from 4chan’s self serve advertising. He got his dad involved it seems.

>> No.22630501

Someone should write a John Grisham style legal thriller about it.

>> No.22630503

Good riddance to bad rubbish. It was dogshit and won't be missed.

>> No.22630516

My wife kicked me out the house again this arvo. Ooh hoo hoo I think I'm gonna have another Fosters. Kiss my arse and I mean it.

>> No.22630532

no you kiss my arse arvo

>> No.22630543

think of a circle in which each Woolston kisses the arse of the next one. Each Woolston is defined not by his own characteristics but rather by who he is not in the circle. The head Woolston is the only one not kissing an arse this arvo, and his not-kissingness is what defines him. They are all connected but also exist only by comparison.

>> No.22630564

Hey this reminds me of the time Gardner fraudulently DMCA'd several of his competitors books off Amazon and then stopped because ARX-han's lawyer told Gardner's dad what he was doing.

>> No.22630569
File: 41 KB, 1025x415, f-gardner-DMCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Like Gardner did to others? Karma is a bitch. You'd think a self-described Buddhist like Gardner would understand karma, but apparently that's too much to expect.

>> No.22630574

Karma doesn't mean eye for an eye in Buddhism. That's a misconception made by christian westerners.

>> No.22630590

is anything in this thread nonfiction?
do people actually communicate this poorly in real life? on /lit/, with all the writers, no less.
everything is so insane and vague. only the minority asking questions, with schizo piling on irrelevant speculation.
it's wonderful and insane, but this can't be for real.

>> No.22630597

I love my wife but she kicked me out again. That's not fiction and you can kiss my arse if you don't believe me.

>> No.22630605

god all this shit is so boring

>> No.22630611


>> No.22630612

i agree, only because i know there will never be a conclusion. why bother?

>> No.22630613

What in the fuck is going on here on /lit/?

>> No.22630617

I guess you guys are gonna learn a very valuable life lesson: spiteful trust fund kids rarely lose in legal matters, especially when their parents are lawyers.

>> No.22630619

That guy isn't the real Belcea anyway so he deserves to get copyright claimed for stealing the brand.

>> No.22630624

kill yourself

>> No.22630644

this is all lies the editor was killed by the IDF when a missile struck the Hamas command post in his bathroom.

>> No.22630653

Presumably. I hope shes okay

>> No.22630703
File: 69 KB, 965x934, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked out what the one anon said (>>22629858) and the submit page is definitely closed. Atlas definitely seems to have left, and the bizarre Facebook post is real.

I was thinking maybe the editor really did try to call it off, but changed his mind after? The 'epilogue' or whatever was also up on the site at the 'amp-is-dead' link last night but is gone now, while the 'alive' link is still up but links to a Gardner shill.

When going through the archives I noticed that the editor is apparently an Apple phonefag since a bunch of his posts seem to come up with the IMG_XXXX.jpg type of filename. It's definitely a mixed bag, but you can kind of tell when it's him if you go to some of the old threads. You can see him going off in the thread where Atlas apparently left. I'll post a new pic to shwo you what I mean.

Def weird.

>> No.22630724
File: 230 KB, 1214x1314, filenames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so here's the ones with the filenames. If the bottom one was really him then it kind of looks like he was calling it quits there similar to the OP. I guess it's speculative but makes sense.

>> No.22630755

Print submissions have always been by email (the real one)—everyone knows this. Website seems just to be updating a bit (reviews section). Fake pic.

>> No.22630776

you seem invested enough that you'd be on the discord. why not just ask him yourself? no need to speculate lol

>> No.22630843

Cope and seethe

>> No.22630941

Before or after he sucked his dealer's dick for heroin?

>> No.22631006

The screenshot was from last night. I know it's not up anymore.

I thought submissions were by email or the site. There definitely used to be a way to submit through there but now it's blocked.

>> No.22631066

cool, right. anyway, kill yourself

>> No.22631116

So you're saying that big Submit button doesn't exist? That it's not a little weird to get a 404 when you click it?

>> No.22631304

if you don't mind, share some of your writing here and ill submit it for you

>> No.22631381

>please let me into the building
>the door is right here
>yes but the window is stuck
>please use the door
>yes but the window, the window is stuck
>yes, do you want in or not?
>but the window...

>> No.22631399

Man you can really dodge a question.
>hey what's with this locked door over here
>there is no door
Incredible finesse. Does the editor pay you to do this or does he beat your ass if you don't?

>> No.22631411

i dont run amped, this is just how it looks. speaking of dodging the question.. you can ask the guy yourself, why the fuck dont you?

>> No.22631416

here you go, buddy

>> No.22631420

>does the editor pay you
That fucker is too broke to pay anyone, he spends all his money on crack and fent

>> No.22631427

You can't be serious.

>> No.22631429
File: 124 KB, 449x311, TKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont run amped
Well you've got the right IQ to edit it. I wasn't asking where to submit I was pointing out the Submit page was disabled. I know the email is a thing. I don't have a Discord.

Don't forget how he tried to convince people he totally didn't beat his girlfriend. I don't know how stupid that guy must have been to post this publicly but I marvel at the fact that he can still walk after five more years of frying his brain.

>> No.22631600

not reading this
you're already in there

>> No.22631610
File: 219 KB, 900x655, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22631625

come get bullied in real-time

>> No.22631627

this doesn't have much to do with this thread but please explain why you even bother posting on an anonymous imageboard if you just go off and circlejerk with your buddies in your discord group anyways
ever since that retarded app started being mentioned on this site every day I never understood that

>> No.22631658
File: 3.91 MB, 1170x2429, ThankGodForTheProstate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he’s been shoving things up his ass to compensate for his broken dick for at least a decade, his Facebook has pics of him showing off his favorite dildo

>> No.22631672

Give me a rare Hartley and I'll throw something together in PS for &non.

>> No.22631685

what else don't you understand?

>> No.22631730

Isn't /lit/ wonderful? When a writer is going through a difficult time, the crabs come out and attack them.

>> No.22631735
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>> No.22631813

Because it obviously didn't happen. Only an autistic incel would write something like this.

>> No.22631850
File: 639 KB, 540x357, 1694579188884089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is &amp dead or not? I was in communication with their book press about potentially getting something published.

>> No.22631866

it's alive, they're working in issue 19.

>> No.22631922

Even if this thread is a troll I don't have high hopes for &amp's future. Main editor for the mag is gone and Hartley is in another tailspin. I don't have much faith in Zulu to keep it running past 19.

>> No.22631930
File: 113 KB, 540x303, 1690616877728661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darn it.

How the hell am I going to get my book published now?

>> No.22631953

Anon, don't go looking for other people to self publish you. It might feel good to say you're a published author but everyone can see through that in the same way they see through Woolston or Card's "published" works. &amp Standard was going to be the bargain basement version of the same vanity publishing scheme. There's far less shame in self publishing through Amazon.

>> No.22632114
File: 1.03 MB, 504x272, Bunny react.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish I could find an easy way to get people to read me. I struggle with finding an audience despite the fact that everyone who actually bothers to read me seems to think my stuff is really good. I've even gotten a couple of short stories and poems published by reputable establishments, too, so I actually do have some external validation that I'm a good artist from people that "matter."

But I have this big story and publication of the first book has eluded me for going on three years now. I thought &amp was going to offer me a venue going forward. At the very least, the notoriety and chaotic energy of being "a book published by 4chan" could have helped me gain an audience.

What the fuck do I do? My greatest fear is winding up as Melville, a great author nobody reads in his lifetime. I know based on the feedback of everyone who's read me that I am on my way to achieving the first half of that sentence, but the thought of achieving the second half of it too fills me with dread.

>> No.22632155

>gave the magazine away to an unrealtranny
It's worse than dead.

>> No.22632461

chill, all that is /wg/ talk

>> No.22632590

I have ordained a &amp for mine anointed.

>> No.22632650

It sounds like you should work on publishing more poetry and short stories, especially if it has really only been a "couple" so far. And it seems unrealistic to start comparing yourself to Melville in terms of greatness; you're only making it worse for yourself by creating even larger expectations that you're not living up to. The Lamp Standard thing is just vanity self-publishing, and if you think &amp has some prestige or readership then (unless the editor has become a total miser) you can drop ads and excerpts in the standard issues anyway without having to hand your entire work over to them. Anyway I don't think &amp has the readership to bring you the numbers you think you need.

Don't just throw your work to the first person who'll take it if you think you're great (or even if you suck). If right now nobody takes it, write shorter things, submit them, and keep revising your larger work until you think you've improved enough to try a new round of submissions with it (to real publishers). Drop the unrealistic expectations because all they're giving you is frustration and an ego.

>> No.22632712

>My greatest fear is winding up as Melville, a great author nobody reads in his lifetime
Lmao you don't have to worry about becoming a great author, that's for sure.

>> No.22632725
File: 2.05 MB, 1080x1080, sooveramp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad if true, it was fun

>> No.22632737

Nobody reads dude, reading is not cool in 2023.

>> No.22633342

Kek, this makes me think that the editor was the one who kept calling Ari a cuck in the &amp release threads. Dude was posturing to overcompensate

>> No.22633528

i always saw these threads and never read them and never understood the drama, best of luck bro!

>> No.22633552

i have no idea what to believe in this reality war, you all are eristic avatars, i'm glad I never submitted anything

>> No.22633576

Gotta keep the misfits down and the establishment in power

>> No.22633700

Just join the &amp discord you retard the editor is still publishing books for the press. This is a meme thread. Personally, I don't find his work to be that great in terms of cover design anyway. You can look at the cover for Shards and it seems like something done in MS Paint. I don't know what his ideas are for distribution. You should submit your novel to other small online presses as well who look like they have a better idea of what's going on.

>> No.22633702


>> No.22633726

Telling people to submit to any of these fraudulent 'presses' is simply bad advice period. That is not how you get read in this day and age. Ignorance or malice or both.

>> No.22633777

He obviously wants to. Let him. There are better options than &amp Standard. If you paid attention you would know that.

>> No.22633785 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, sl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to get read in 2023 is to be a tranny, brown, or a faggot.

Culture is all top-down.

>> No.22633797

You wrote shitkickers, clearly you know nothing about writing.

>> No.22633834
File: 55 KB, 320x240, Tin_foil_hat_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The website says it's just Amazon KDP.
>Lamp Standard Press is scouting for writing talent to join the ranks of our new publishing house, authors who are willing to lend their names to the official roster of the &amp Elite in exchange for a publishing kit, files and configuration instructions necessary to publish your novel on brand via KDP.
>Lamp Standard Press is offering free formatting: design work that will render your manuscript into a document, with cover art, print-ready for upload to KDP.

He went into more detail in a thread about it (>>22460623), but my first read of the above would be that it's a quasi scam in the same sense as those sorts of $X00 "exclusive" courses that'll show you how to make $X000 doing XX. But knowing more about the editor, I'd guess it's something along the lines of a internet cult kind of thing. You get a bunch of people committed to hyping you up and shilling your work in exchange for dedicating your own work to the "brand". He really seems to shill it from the perspective of community and all the free work he'll do for you. It's all the sort of thing you can't really say is wrong on the surface, but carries the aura of being a sketchy mess.

Given the dude's ego, manipulative tendencies, and past internet cult excursions (Tumple), the promise that you can leave any time (vaguely bypassing the discussion of copyright) probably means that he's just going to apply social pressure to keep you in and keep the "brand" growing. Given the guy's sudden jump to making &amp a Discord thing with more concrete hierarchy, it's clear he values the command and optics of power, regardless of what the outcome is. That's a paranoid take on it, but anyone promising you something for free is getting something else out of you in return.
>if you're not paying for a product
>then you're the product

I'll also throw in that the current trolling probably reinforces the cult garrison mentality. Dude sees himself as the Great Leader, and anything he can interpret as people being out to get him reinforces his belief in his importance, and the importance of his mission, and makes the people buying into it believe the same thing. The Discord shift even has the sort of social isolation element you'd expect out of a cult.

Oh and attracting vulnerable women so you can exert emotional/sexual power over them? That's like every cult leader ever.

Maybe I'm having too much fun with this interpretation, so feel free to tell me where I've got it wrong. Doesn't have to strictly turn out to be a cult in some religious/new-age sense, but it hits the notes of a manipulative social group. Dude is a cheerleader and a salesman at the bottom line.

>> No.22634163

I appreciate your perspective and concerns, but I'd like to address some of the assumptions and assertions made about Lamp Standard Press. As the editor of the internet magazine in question, I feel it's important to clarify the situation and defend our name.
First and foremost, Lamp Standard Press is not a cult or any form of manipulative social group. Our aim is to provide a platform for emerging writers to share their work, offering assistance with formatting and cover design to help authors self-publish through Amazon KDP. We do not ask for a commitment to any "brand" or engage in any coercive tactics to retain writers.
It's true that we emphasize the sense of community, as we believe in supporting one another in the writing and self-publishing journey. This sense of community is a positive aspect that many authors appreciate, but it is always voluntary. No one is pressured to stay or to dedicate their work to our "brand."
The recent move to create a Discord community is simply an effort to provide more direct and efficient communication and support for our authors. It is not a power grab or any attempt to isolate anyone; rather, it's a response to feedback from our authors who desired a more organized and interactive space. As for the suggestion that we attract vulnerable women for emotional or sexual power, I must strongly refute this claim. Such insinuations are baseless and damaging. Our intention is to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all writers, regardless of their gender or background.
While skepticism is healthy when evaluating online opportunities, it's also important to give the benefit of the doubt and engage in open and honest communication to clarify any concerns. Lamp Standard Press is committed to providing valuable resources to authors and supporting their creative endeavors without ulterior motives or manipulative tactics.

>> No.22634179

This reads as though it was written by ChatGPT.

>> No.22634214

'&' is not pronounced 'L' you mouthbreathing retard.

>> No.22634223

Sorry, the &amp magazine editor only communications through Discord messages or screenshots thereof. This is clearly an imposter.

>editor beats women
>editor was a fervent e-cult member
>editor has a god complex
>Atlas was being groomed
>&amp is a Discord cult

The patrician pronunciation is "amp" ("and-amp" is permissible for internal monologues). Only posers called it Lamp.

>> No.22634238

Who does Ken return his shoes to in exchange for new ones?
>he never read the books

>> No.22634242

I dunno, King Shitkicker?
The first page is sufficient to judge someone's writing by. Most publishing houses don't even read that much.

>> No.22634254

Yeah you're a fucking faggot nigger, you didn't read shit and you're a nobody.

First page of 2020 International Booker Award book is absolute shit, fucking boring, nothing special at all. But the author is a zippertits FtM delusional faggot so the establishment falls over itself to platform child rape and animal sex as an award-winner.

>> No.22634264

Aww what happened to Mr. Positivity? Where's your big neon heart?
Now you show your true colors. You're a bitter self-absorbed faggot who thinks he's a somebody because ten people bought your rag.

>> No.22634298 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, sl15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit dawg, for living in white genocide faggot Canada I'm as positive as you can get!

Writing is 100% dead, I'm still here for shits and giggles. If you cut your tits or dick off and write some shit about how browns have it hard in Canada I'm sure you'll get published.

>> No.22634315

You can't posture as a legit writer while saying the medium is dead. Deep down you know you're just not good. And instead of putting effort into your craft you spread the same chud excuse as the rest of them. What a sack of sadness you are. BTW I live off of this lol

>> No.22634316

>Writing is 100% dead
Do you think that applies to &amp? What should the editor do?

>> No.22634489

kill yourself
If I ever see you in real life, I'll kick your ass.

>> No.22634606

Do you have an actual point to make, or can you only offer mindless seething?

>> No.22634919

End this whole project

>> No.22634928

What are you going to start in its place? Or have you never started anything in your life?

>> No.22634943

&non already mogs this gay crackhead edited 'mag'

>> No.22634950

.......... anon...

>> No.22634957

Are (You) the crackhead groomer editor zherself? Your shit is a fucking joke and is barely on the level of a high school magazine

>> No.22634978

&amp is already destined for greatness. Especially with the heat that these threads bring. By this time next year, Lamp Standard Press will be one of the hottest independent publishing houses in North America. People can continue trying to sabotage the literary revolution/renaissance that /lit/ has created but the future is now!

>> No.22634981

no one believes this, not even you

>> No.22634998

Please link your book. I'll buy a copy and review it.

>> No.22635005

why is this anon raging against &amp? it seems based on jealousy, given their attacks.

>> No.22635121

isn't the editor a drug addict

>> No.22635176

Your favorite writer was probably a drug addict. Who made you the fucking purveyor of purity?

>> No.22635177

I think there's one nutjob who's been around at least since the best-of threads a year ago, but maybe I'm reaching with that. Used to repeat a chorus of "this sucks fuck you", which isn't far off from what the current schizo is chanting.

>> No.22635201

(crackhead retard editor with dreams of moving to cocaine)

>> No.22635208
File: 485 KB, 900x660, miss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22635214

Never heard of &amp but you strike me as a massive e-drama faggot that would do better on Plebbit. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.22635226

yep the discord gave it away

>> No.22635388
File: 64 KB, 358x250, 1676780502240662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there's non-zero odds something like this actually happens.

The sheer rubberneck potential of "4chan is starting a small press" has to be worth a decent amount of eyes, right? Like that writer Anon was saying above. People will delve into the press and its books purely out of morbid curiosity, you would think. It at least wouldn't get ignored.

>> No.22635391

>4chan is starting a small press
no one would think that since the editor is a drug addicted fuckup who has been screwing this project up and sexually harassing its only woman writer

>> No.22635410

>The sheer rubberneck potential of "4chan is starting a small press" has to be worth a decent amount of eyes, right?
Unreal repeated the exact same thing about themselves for years. The internets will learn about our edgy and subversive press any day now… any day now... any day now…
Fun fact: the only video Unreal did that ever reached over 5k views was their first video and that video was viewbotted. They tried to blame it on Frank Gardner when it was revealed but everyone knows they bought views because they wanted their first video to look successful

>> No.22635415

When Woolston drops his next book it's going to blow up and everyone will be talking about the dissident lit scene.

>> No.22635435
File: 15 KB, 233x216, 1692299858519242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord drama faggots make a maagzine that was supposed to be just about anon's submitting their work all about themselves and ruined it
Wow who could have possibly seen this coming???? Even that OP is the most gay attention fag shit I've ever read. Each and every one of you who were in that discord acting like you were doing anything more than putting fucking word documents onto pages with clip art should fucking kill yourselves

>> No.22635597

t. rejected story

>> No.22635619

It’s not 2009 bro, no one gives a fuck about 4chan anymore. The internet may as well be 4 websites to the average person

>> No.22635644

Hey man it's Johnny, don't shut down the magazine it was really cool! :'(

>> No.22635713

Can somebody save all the issues and put them on the internet archive? He didn't actually archive anything

>> No.22635979

No. Fuck &amp. It deserves to be buried. True anons know this.

>> No.22635987

i agree with this but it would take 5 mins for the retarded crackhead editor to post them
instead he's now harassing atlas in the other thread

>> No.22636011


>> No.22636136

&amp has multiple real/cis woman writers with tight virgin pussies, including Honor Levy

>> No.22636692

I dreamt I emailed Honor Levy about her piece in &amp and then met her by her locker at school. I woke up when she kissed me.

>> No.22636746
File: 53 KB, 1827x746, independent-press-looking-for-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

&amp / LampByLit Archive

The dude didn't archive anything so I put it on IA





>> No.22636772

Shame you don't have Ideology or Quarterly PDFs. I dug pretty deep but couldn't get them from the archive. It looks like the &amp site just has some other anon's old Google Drive links (I think they were getting posted around pre-&amp), which are now locked up. Kinda pisses me off that the editor didn't think to re-upload his own copies and just re-linked that guy's stuff (unless I'm confused about who owns the files).

If you're going to go as far as to archive the social media, &amp has a TikTok where the editor advertised his AI-gen books.

Anyway, nice job.

>> No.22636858

>&amp was
cmon dude

>> No.22636934

i liked this h.l. dream better:

>> No.22637059

There is only honor in this Honor.

>> No.22637062

Yeah well I had my dream first and that guy can fucking stuff it.

>> No.22637274

yeah, prior to Aug. 25?

>> No.22637287

Actually I'm realising now that it was that post that made me have the dream. I woke up wondering if I'd actually emailed Honor Levy but alas, I had not.

Pretty sure I wrote about this in my diary.

>> No.22637313

August 28th, 2023:
>Up so early because I had a dream some up-and-coming young writer with recognition and accolades (Honor Levy) turned out to be an &amp contributor (Prayer of the Minimum Wage Burger).
>Dreamt of finding it scrolling through her Facebook (lol), and of speaking to her at a college but not realising the significance in the moment.
>That led me to somewhat desperately try to re-connect later (I had her number).
>Involved walking through school halls.

wa la

>> No.22637371


>> No.22637511
File: 90 KB, 973x1360, F8xch9OaQAAdIqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... is it actually dead, or what?

>> No.22637843
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>> No.22638488


>> No.22638576
File: 111 KB, 855x937, &amp-atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat's sorta out of the bag now anyway.

>> No.22638868

So this confirms that Hartley was grooming her?

>> No.22638878

It was very obviousy from the beginning

>> No.22638924

What does any of this shit have to do with literature or publishing? I always check and see if my publishers or writers are morally sound before I support them. Hahaha fucking idiots

>> No.22638997

Has anyone talked to Atlas? Is she okay? Getting kinda worried

>> No.22639330

I don't know who is psyopping who anymore

>> No.22639338


>> No.22640013


>> No.22640499
File: 113 KB, 640x640, let's go boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya Atlas,

Ryan is a repeat offender and the cops probably don't like him much already. Keep a log of all your communications with him and file a police report for criminal harassment. If you've told him to stop, and he hasn't, you already have a case!

You can directly call the police station in his locale or nearby, probably the Vancouver PD, since if you call your local it'll just get transferred out anyway and you won't have direct communications. But if you go to your local you can do it in person and they'll get it to the right people.

If he's making threats, it's because he's scared (synonymous with anger for him) and hoping to make you more scared than he is. His Discord friends probably think he's a big retard right now, so are they going to back up his charade? Probably not. Plus, he's scared because you've put him in a bad spot, not because you're in trouble. He'll lie and threaten you, but that's about all he can do if you IGNORE him. The more he does, the bigger your case against him! And since he can't see you in person, everything he does will be logged somehow! He'll get angry if you IGNORE him, but the less you interact the less control he has!

Discord can be harder to log, but if you delete your account it'll force him to contact you by means you can log more easily! Look into features for auto-recording all phone calls and keep everything backed up.

Oh, and don't forget to use that Block feature! Turns out you can block all unknown numbers too! But you may need to take calls back from the police, and you may not know what number they'll use in advance, so be judicious. The police will want to help you.

Find someone you know IRL, like a counsellor, to talk to about this so that you have some contact with reality. They can help keep you in check if you get paranoid, and having someone stable outside of the problem will help deal with any dependence you had on Ryan for support! Remember: BE HONEST WITH THEM! They can only really help if you tell them the truth about everything! Counsellors also have a code of conduct and hear way more screwed up things, so don't be ashamed! Find someone IRL to help you make the report and speak to the police if you're too scared to do it alone!


Alex Prestia

P.S. Ryan is a pussy!

P.P.S. Submit to miniMAG!

>> No.22640748



>> No.22641076
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 1653936912787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright, Hartley! C'mon out now, nice and easy.

>> No.22641495

Is he really Canadian? Fuck, that would explain a lot.

>> No.22641857

this isn't the real minimag guy. Cap but no cigar.

>> No.22641998

You could always do it yourself if it’s so easy lol
All the moaning and begging for someone else to present an alternative
Any of you could just start your own
Until then, enjoy the ride operated by people who are actually willing to work.

>> No.22642066

Imagine if I did. Imagine if for one second that I took 3 months off my job and dedicated myself to making the best magazine/anthology I possibly could, what would you and the rest of your discord have to say about that? Would you warmly embrace my efforts to raise our anonymous authors from the muck you wallow in? Or, the more likely scenario, would you shitpost every one of my threads into the ground with accusations of being your discord blood enemy while posting his face and home address every time you find a clean IP to do so from?
You’re not the only option because no one else can Ctrl+v some text into Canva, you’re the only option because no one wants to deal with the petty retribution that is sure to come to anyone who sticks their head up without attributing that action to you.

>> No.22642192
File: 35 KB, 699x361, 1697175038367067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord attention whore drama
How low will this board sink before it's put out of its misery? I wish I could kill everyone in this thread, including myself for even opening it.

>> No.22642506

You can hate us all you want. You’re not going to do anything better so you’re irrelevant.

>> No.22642599

Hey, I appreciate the advice that I’ve been given in this thread, and I’m taking it all into consideration. I’m sorry that I didn’t follow up yesterday—Ryan convinced me to speak with him on the phone after I posted, and threatened that if I continued to go against him he would call in a false wellness check and have the police show up at my apartment. At this point I don’t know what he’ll do in retaliation for me speaking out against him, but I can’t let him intimidate me. I’ve written everything out here.


>> No.22642612

tldr lol

>> No.22642652

go to the cops before he does jfc

>> No.22642656
File: 70 KB, 1169x886, trippin-0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this dude is a legit retard

>> No.22642743
File: 68 KB, 788x730, cum-eater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go
>the editor thinks he has magic powers
>as in literally believes he has magic powers
>he's back on drugs
>hasn't done shit with &amp since August
>ate cult leader cum at some point
>watched a lady get murdered
>stabbed a dude to death
and the kicker
>Atlas is a woman
Yes the editor did indeed try to trade &amp for pussy but apparently he couldn't get that part right. Cult status was also confirmed.

>> No.22642756

Cantos anon here, very enlightening. I see the same thorough meticulousness in this recap as in your Brenda Sellers piece, so it's pretty obvious this is actually you and not just the most elaborate Gardner troll ever executed. It's saddening and unfortunate that you've gone through this.
At this point you'd be right to distrust offers of help/camaraderie/etc, but you were always a pleasant person to talk to, and that's a rare thing. All I'll say is you're welcome to drop a line anytime, and good luck in your studies.

>> No.22642768

I second what the above anon has to say from bitter experience. Go to the police.

>> No.22642771

How can I contact you? I would like to talk about creating an alternative magazine and would be eager to learn from you experience. Perhaps cooperate on a project together.

>> No.22642783

Atlas was the good guy all along... Kino. For the record, you should have gone through with the psyop, I can see his goal there it would have been a huge victory and pretty funny for the reveal. But you're right that rehashing the subs in/for 019 would have spoiled it as well. &amp is already run into the ground. It's all over. I fully support you Atlas and the best advice I can give you now is to go nuclearly offline.

>> No.22642789

oh hey ryan

>> No.22642849

You should visit the police station tomorrow to get everything straight. Def not worth it to wait since who knows you might relapse and get manipulated again. Make a report because that will send a message and even better if he gets arrested. The police will also know better if he tries to swat you after. If he threatens to go after you he has thousands of miles to go and the cops will grab him on the freeway easy. It's always better to deal with things before they get worse.

Also I didn't want to say it before but I think it was Ryan posting the edited doxx pic. That was my gut feeling before and I think it fits what you wrote about.

>> No.22642875
File: 117 KB, 750x1037, trippin-0028-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buddy you know who I am?
>I'm Ryan
>If you saw me irl you'd understand
>I'm not mad my girl
im fuckin looooosin it
>do you know who I am my girl?

>> No.22642894

I would invite you on the Unreal Press Podcast.
There’s about 25 dollars to squeeze from the /lit/ market and I don’t mind spreading it around. I hope that lil manifesto raised your heart rate though you seem impassioned.

>> No.22642909
File: 77 KB, 1169x983, trippin-0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more gold

>> No.22642914

this nigga is 1000% a deranged simp poor drug nutcase woman beater loser
just lol that women accept this
just fucking lol

>> No.22642920
File: 174 KB, 1080x1062, lamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you saw me irl you'd understand

>> No.22642922

I see a man deftly manipulated by feminine charms. The classic “there’s nothing to say” non communicative tick is a hallmark of the female psychological dominator.
It’s a shame you’re all buying this. The last two men to entwine themselves with Atlas have literally lost their minds and careers. They’ve been ostracized from &amp and smeared all over the board. How any of you can be eager to be her third victim is beyond me.

Keep Yourselves Safe

>> No.22642928
File: 38 KB, 200x200, mfw thinking about you hurting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thinking about you hurting
Listen here little magical fairy. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, fairy girl. or else

>> No.22642931

this nigga doesn't even have a fucking phone HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
schizo nutcase loser

>> No.22642932

I would simply never behave like this because of a woman.

>> No.22642940

Atlas is more than a woman. She’s a genuine article cognitohazard. I bet Hartley also thought he’d never get run over by a broad, given his history. She gutted a Physics PhD with a few alt accounts. But I’m sure you’re built different buddy.

>> No.22642943

sorry you're too much of a fucking loser too get pussy normally and have to e-beg like a gooner e-simp (probably because you're too poor to even have a phone)

>> No.22642945

>Atlas is more than a woman.
No, she's not. She's an ordinary bitch with mental health issues.

>> No.22642959

Yo, juicy fact for you guys: Ryan disabled the "Submit" page because I was posting the epilogue (my magnum opus) and his schizo woman-beater rambles to the site. With seemingly zero oversight, each article would get its own page on lampbylit.com/magazine/[name], which was the same as his stupid messages. Sadly I couldn't overwrite pages this way, but believe me, I tried. Maybe if I timed things better and noticed the behaviour before his own message I could have pulled it off. Sadly there are some things you only get one shot at. Believe me that >>22628320 and >>22628350 were genuine for a brief and beautiful moment.


>> No.22642962

You don’t understand. Powerful neuroemitters create a physical “print” on the psychosphere. It’s not a palpable indentation more like a scent. As soon as I opened this thread I got a gust of toasted Eggo Waffles. I knew Atlas was here. You guys think this shit is a joke. You really underestimate the ability for ideas to embed themselves in your cognitosediment. They aren’t little bugs burrowing deep. They propagate. Mutate. Eventually they become malignant and you can’t recognize the wrinkles on your brain anymore. Anyway keep playing with it boy. This bitch will have you seeing stars.

>> No.22642968 [DELETED] 

Im really going to end your life witch. Yuk it up while you can still aspirate.

>> No.22642969

(The 'editor Ryan' of &amp, a gay homo who doesn't have a phone bc 2 poor and literally eats cum and was a bottom bitch in prison)

>> No.22642971

That's wizard to you, homo.

>> No.22642972

actual mental illness itt

>> No.22642974

mods jannies

>> No.22642976

discord faggotry ALWAYS ends like this

>> No.22642979

how else do you organize a project?

>> No.22642982

by making friends IRL, fucktard
hope this helps

>> No.22642991
File: 48 KB, 795x381, ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-it's over, anon... it's finally over

>> No.22642992

are we allowed to use discord at that point?

>> No.22642995

You don’t believe that you can be seen, do you?

What rests at the center of sight? It’s important that you answer

>> No.22643000

Can you see the shape of the wind by the lines it draws in the sand?

>> No.22643001


>> No.22643012

Are you the guy (Ryan, amp 'editor') who was a bottom bitch in prison, begs for e-pussy and is too poor for a phone plan? be honest

>> No.22643021

Does it all rest on your shoulders, Atlas?
Though my burden be great let my yoke be easy.
Do you know what it means to move without thought? To be without motion?

>> No.22643027

Cry moar bitch boi

>> No.22643030

i love how women are never responsible for their own decisions, it's always that they were being manipulated

I'm the middle (you) and i don't know anyone, im just bumping the thread and trying to get a read on the insanity

>> No.22643031

Pretentious 105 IQ drivel
no wonder you were a bottom bitch in prison
you'd fit in great on reddit FAGGOT

>> No.22643032

why are you upset?

>> No.22643035

Learn at first concentration without effort.
I am one point of light. Better still am I one grain of sand beneath your feet. Every tide displaces me. Every tide I return.

>> No.22643038

some literal schizo ex-convict bisexual was revealed to be the 'editor' of &amp and was grooming some chick on discord and through text
just another day on 4cjn

>> No.22643042

fair enough

>> No.22643047

You are a literal faggot who got fucked up the and a prison bitch fucking KEK

>> No.22643051

Fear exists in the knowledge gap. It is the knowledge of ill knowledge. What do you know?

>> No.22643052
File: 4 KB, 180x133, tprBfuU8Ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is shared with many curious people, who's default state isn't sneed

>> No.22643055

(105 iq prison bitch trying to be eloquent on reddit)

>> No.22643063

Ten trillion little holes in your skin big enough for the wind to blow through. Would you like to be aware?

>> No.22643065
File: 81 KB, 710x604, email_sent_censor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know how to respond until now.

>> No.22643067

>Ten trillion little holes in your skin big enough for the wind to blow through
is this what big donte told (You) before making (You) his bottom bitch in jail
or were you one of those queens who liked it

>> No.22643071

You queers gonna start a club? Black pussy really drive a man crazy.

>> No.22643072

you both sound like huge fucking faggots and considering one is a schizophrenic literal homo that's quite a feat

>> No.22643074


>> No.22643077

Have you considered that the penetration of a white orifice by a black cock is the nearest we will come to witnessing Total Annihilation on the earth
The death drive commands black men to see themselves truly destroyed if only in brief intervals. I think about this a lot.

>> No.22643078
File: 425 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gay and have aids lil bro

>> No.22643086

Does anyone know what Atlas looks like? All this makes me really curious.

>> No.22643091

I'm starting to think this is a ruse to get people talking about &amp and Lamp Standard Press projects. Isn't this Hartley guy self-publishing a bunch of books under pen names?

>> No.22643092

I contain multitudes. You’ll hear me playing as you sleep. See if you can recognize the notes.

>> No.22643100

105 iq brainmelted schizo trying to sound profound shtick would work great on reddit
Wow, you know the most famous quote by whitman! SO HECKIN SMART DOOD UPDOOTED XD

>> No.22643105

Did you find relief in recognition? You can be honest with me

>> No.22643117

throwaway here you deserve ALL the multitudes and notes of this flute of upboats sir

>> No.22643126

It's completely over for this guy holy shit embarrassing

>> No.22643129

I'm still going to submit to &amp

>> No.22643130

this entire project was fucking LOL
captcha: GAGTVH

>> No.22643198
File: 18 KB, 761x761, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

End of &amp 2: Electric Boogaloo


&amp is officially shuttering, folks. I, Ryan (btw do you know who I am my girl? if you saw me IRL you'd understand), would like to apologize for some things. I brought all this down on &amp. I thought I was channelling The Good, I thought I was hearing His Voice, but it turns out those messages were just the after effects of a bad can of beans. Hard to get the good ones these days. Cash don't come easy when you're screwing fent into your veins.

But I do believe things will get better someday. &amp may never return, but, with a little luck (and lots of magic), I might one day beat a woman again. In the mean time I'll be stealing your submissions and sending them all off to real magazines. With your help I might scrape by enough for an hour with a whore. Or for a rock of crack. But probably more fent.

My final message to you was written up by our very own Atlas here:

Remember that I loved you all, but not nearly as much as I love myself. And now I hate you. Fuckers. Untrustworthy little snipes. You'll fucking miss me!


>> No.22643205 [DELETED] 

you're a bitch boi who's gonna have mounties at your door soon
I'm told gay ex-convict drug dealers are their favorite kind of person to do a wellness check on

>> No.22643233

issue 019 when?

>> No.22643234

after the crackhead editor goes to jail for violating parole? better get it done quick

>> No.22643256

Jesus Christ you sound so self-absorbed, telling your life story like we give a shit. It's a basketweaving forum.

>> No.22643259


>> No.22643262

the editor was outted as a schizo druggie kek

>> No.22643424

Is it finally over? Is this putrid eceleb arc finally over? Can we go back to anonymous projects now?

>> No.22643425


>> No.22643497

and what was stopping you before?

>> No.22643520

being doxed and harassed by you discord freaks?

>> No.22643524
File: 123 KB, 458x333, 1698295531891455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm glad I found out about all this before I made any positive moves towards doing any work for this magazine or their press. I'd gone back and forth with Ryan about potentially doing something with a book of mine, but, yeesh, I'm glad it never really got further than the discussion stages.

>> No.22643566

Me too thank fuck

>> No.22643614

Why not post all this story in 019? Now there's a juicy, attention-reinvigorating Issue! But no, waste it on cluttery threads…

>> No.22643616

what is there juicy about it? the editor is a gay ex con faggot junkie who grooms discord bitches? wow

>> No.22643624

it has kept (you) up all night

>> No.22643626

nice projection?

>> No.22643645

>implying there's going to be a 19 now
The entire thread is going to be nothing shitposting about how Harley eats cum. I'd be amazed if he doesn't distance himself fully from /lit/. The man would need to have an all consuming humiliation fetish not to.

>> No.22643651

>The man would need to have an all consuming humiliation fetish not to.
lel you would think this but the fact is that the nigga has been revealed to be gay, a cult follower, a criminal, a guy who can't even buy a phone plan, and is STILL posting ITT
some people are truly nutcases and that nigga is one of them, too bad's that nig is retarded and has to troll for e pussy

>> No.22643684

issue 19 is still happening, you can't stop it

>> No.22643720

I want 19 to happen. Lolcows who believe they are at rock bottom are always the most interesting so please keep this shitshow rolling.

>> No.22644000

Reposting the crackheaditor’s Facebook Manifesto about abusing women since the screencap got deleted LMAO

>when i was a little kid my mom would tell me i had a heart of gold. i protected my little brother so ferociously; i loved my bestie charlotte so warmly. i remember crying as a child when annie lennox sang that she 'dont love you anymore' because How Could You Not Love Someone Anymore?
>i have abused women physically and emotionally for about my whole adult life. it began in highschool when i learned that sex could be stolen like anything else, tho by lying to and manipulating women.
>sociopathic liars convince ourselves of our lies and as my lies layer by layer covered my life my identity solidified as a snake in the grass.
i cycled through relationships, using and abusing, cheating and stealing, gaslighting, assaulting, and deeply harming women. i sent girlfriends to family photos with bruises and cuts; i kidnapped girlfriends and kept them confined. my physical abuse was outweighed by my emotional abuse as i broke confidence and betrayed trust and convinced those i thought i loved that they were only worthy of being the object of my cruelty. the tiny light inside of me from my childhood that reflected off what was once my golden heart waned as my behaviours spiralled. i went in and out of jail. i became a criminal.
>i slowly transformed from a snake to a full scale monster. i got out of jail for the last time having been covered in so many layers of self-harm that i was unable to see the light inside. my mom cried for me and reassured me that my heart was still there, only buried.
> i searched myself for that shit hard under the influence of my shitty conditioning and i came up emptyhanded. i cycled more, but this time i knew i wanted out.
> flipping my shit has almost become a hobby for me it seems because after my dad's brain rebooted itself i realized a very inevitable path of servitude and conformity had been cleared for me as long as i was willing to sacrifice or at least compromise my creative spirit for security and routine.
> hungry for belonging but feeling disenfranchised by college and work and money and my own brutal self i decided to leave my toxic feedback loop and i split for smalltown bc to learn to become a farmer.
>i joined in a farm,
>i joined in a relationship,
>i joined in a business,
>a community, a clique, a co-op
> i honed my self-love, sometimes in peace, other times off the backs of others. i tried to inspect myself but i was unable to. i was still allowing my conditioning to dominate my behaviours towards women.
> i met a woman who changed everything for me and she was the softest most delicate thing ever
to bless me, and i learned how to practice greater care than ever before and within a couple years i was flying so high;
> hobbies, yoga, art, money, travel, food, adventure, music, laughter, and love i had it all. so much love.

>> No.22644005

>i was there. i could see the peak and i was climbing. i became so focused on this, money and bitcoin and hustles and planning, that i lost sight of the details id become known for taking such care of, id lost sight of The Now in which i was used to seizing, and before i could gasp, i was alone again.
>i cant see myself. there was no abuse, no cruelty, no harm. just an invisible selfishness that had an undetectable effect. my castle was dismantled in a day when i was asked to move out.
> my wig cannot flip any further. my smithereens cannot be crushed to be any smaller. my mind and my heart and my philosophy and my spirituality cannot be tested against my experiences any longer.
>i moved to vancouver and i fucked with a cult.
>Tumple has taught me that if my mode of self development is the reciprocation of emotional bonds, then i should be fostering those bonds primarily, and NOT attempting to realize directly the often sacred secondary situations those bonds release like friendship or love or sex while i’m unable to actually be responsible for my emotions and behaviours.
>Tumple has taught me that if sex is so sacred then i have been abusing myself and that is the reason why my heart and my dick dont speak anymore.
>Tumple has taught me that by being very careful and very deliberate, i can retain all of the good attention that i crave while avoiding that which im afraid of, that standing out for the right reasons can feed my spirit.
>Tumple has taught me that there are friends everywhere just waiting to be contacted and invested in and believed in and challenged, and that the internet is the new block party and that developing friends only happens when youre ready to stick your neck out.
>#Tumple has taught me, or allowed me to learn the degree to which sex is sacred and that has helped me choose celibacy for myself.
>ive learned that things are not what they seem, almost ever.
>ive learned that the strange truth ive always known isnt an illusion at all.
>ive learned that my power levels explode with potential when i stop talking from my broken ass heart and start channelling my true nature.
>i am learning a lot daily and most of it comes after ive spoiled or sullied something or someone within this cult and so one of the largest lessons ive learned is
>the harder i try
>the less it works
>and so now im entering a mode where i just sort of sit
>and feel
>and power up as the universe drops itself on me.

>> No.22644095

Atlas is literally Brenda Sellers you dumb fuck. She's a master of manipulation.

>> No.22644101

>dissident editor of an underground magazine is weird
Why are people surprised and/or replused by this lol. I'd be disappointed if the guy was a 9-5 normie like ogden nesmer

>> No.22644152

I'm fucking crying. This is the funniest shit I've seen all year

>> No.22644167

The man is literally eating cum.

>> No.22644370


>> No.22644410

are not we all?

>> No.22644542

Jesus Christ, this guy is a fucking predator. Just a total creep. He deserves all the ridicule he's getting and more.

>> No.22644718

Yeah, he’s slimy.

>> No.22645096

It goes beyond weirdness. The dude is a criminal

>> No.22645136
File: 7 KB, 183x275, Woolston2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue 19 will be dedicated to the life and work of Lewis Woolston.
It will feature some of his best stories, some previously unpublished stories and critical examinations of his work by literary highbrows.
Working title for issue 19 is "Yeah, Nah, You're a cunt."

>> No.22645152

I like my artists weird, not spending hours on discord tormenting some already BPD bitch for a personal mini power trip, and by the way, not even doing that well. It's not about moral policing, it's just embarrassing.

>> No.22645295

so many screenshots here where hartley is just hating on and demonizing ari. why does he hate the guy so much?

>> No.22645304
File: 403 KB, 970x1400, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he died?
and will there be dedications to arse kissing?

>> No.22645365
File: 122 KB, 828x372, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22645369

Now that we know Atlas is addicted to making sockpuppet accounts and co-opting threads via bad actor alt posts why should I believe any of these replies sympathizing with her are genuine? Even if they are genuine (a chunk of them are not), this seems like limp-wristed discord pansy ass tranny drama. Stick to the writing, and the mag. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.22645397

>Ari and Atlas are reunited at last
Sounds like editor’s 6D chess to grant her wish. She should be thanking him.

>> No.22645399

9:30am? Russian poster? New Zealand? Fiji? That's the timezone you're in. The search for discord capper narrows.

>> No.22645440

>co-opting threads via bad actor alt posts
Proof? I’ve seen no evidence of her doing that

>> No.22645459

That's Australia, there are a ton of Aussies in that server

>> No.22645462

It's 7:00am - 8:00am in Australia right now.

>> No.22645562

t. crackheaditor

>> No.22645587

and this negatively affects the publication how?

>> No.22645636

This whole fiasco has been very sobering, very enlightening. I had high hopes for &non; it felt like a new day. Come to find out it was tainted from the start.
I guess there truly is nothing new beneath our accursed sun

>> No.22645641

Start it. That was the point of &non. &amp staff proving that despite all the hate they get, they are the only ones doing anything new for the scene. If it matters to you, start the next mag.

>> No.22645659
File: 185 KB, 1169x1828, trippin-0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this dude being kept as some discord's pet lolcow
>the inevitable tantrum when he notices the attention fading
it'll be funny but only for about 5 minutes

the dude sold out for attention earlier this year and is now apparently sitting on his ass getting high. being the grudge project and grooming enterprise of a lifelong grifter is showing now that 019 is vaporware. he's gone off the rails and is now relying on others doing the work for him while he maintains control like some pissy inbred monarch

the fact that this guy is so obviously stupid might be what really does it in
but maybe if i saw him irl i'd understand

>compete with the drugged up schizo who'll treat you like a mortal enemy
the scene is polluted by this shit

>> No.22645719

>compete with the drugged up schizo who'll treat you like a mortal enemy
Lmao. Just ignore him hahahahahahahah. He is a proven powerless faggot.

>> No.22645739

lmao fair enough but give him credit for being a persistent and annoying powerless faggot

>> No.22645763

Pretty obvious that he's jealous of Atlas's attachment to Ari and so he tries to make himself look better by shitting on his rival

>> No.22645802

Were he simply a criminal, it would enhance the prestige. Manslaughter? Fine. Selling and/or doing drugs? Whatever.
But histrionic behavior and the recurring drive to manipulate those around him into subservience to himself and his undeserved grandeur? Extraordinarily cringe.

>> No.22645833


>> No.22645847
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, book3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan is an enigmatic character and he owns this board. Whatever Ryan does next will have the full attention of /lit/, because he has established himself as an icon here. This will attract the people who admire him for his talent and perseverance, but will also attract people who will hate him because he does and creates despite his flaws. We all have flaws, but it is what we do with our strengths that counts.

This will just be a blip in the &amp radar eventually, because Ryan will come back even stronger in the next chapter of his life. The question is, will the haters drown out the people that cheer him on?

>> No.22645895

>the dude sold out for attention earlier this year

How exactly? Its been business as usual afaik

>> No.22645939
File: 1.13 MB, 1587x1600, autistic shrieks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>competing with the guy that calls the cops on your oneitis
why isn't my magic

>> No.22645970

Please stop bringing up what you did as though it’s in any way funny. If it’s all a joke to you then fine; just keep it to yourself. You’ve gloated enough.

>> No.22645996

>owns this board
Ryan you're too poor to have a working phone, are a crackhead and are a literal faggot try owning those things first boyo

>> No.22646157

A man can be destroyed, but not an identity

>> No.22646213

Your identity? pauper faggot duped by a cult, possibly bound for jail kek

>> No.22646233

You’re a fat nigger and I hated you the first day I saw you. Like he said, kill yourself.

>> No.22646300

what happened to &non mag? is that already dead? hard to coordinate without discord huh

>> No.22646313

>hard to coordinate without discord huh
Really seems like it. I wonder how the katawa shoujo team coordinated things. Big ol' skype group chat?

>> No.22646326

mirc, but yea. same idea

>> No.22646357

&non is 100% dead once Atlas reads >>22646233 and necks herself. There won't be anyone to finish the mag unless Hartley takes it over. Another /lit/ mag bites the dust.

>> No.22646401

I don't care about any of this drama bullshit. I just hope &amp is still produced. Good luck and I hope you feel better.

>> No.22646442

Atlas should just steal &amp. It's in the public domain.

>> No.22646490
File: 88 KB, 1024x1000, 1682293171849347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The KS team literally had a MESSAGE BOARD, you fucking Zoomer. You know, the way people used to do things BEFORE Discord rotted everyone's brains?

It's not even hard to set up a forum, or even an IRC chat, I don't know why nobody does it any more.

>> No.22646505

Please direct the remainder of your ill will to the new thread

>> No.22646608

the only thing fagley is finishing is some crack