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/lit/ - Literature

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22627733 No.22627733 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Matthew and John so amazing? Mark and luke have crackhouse vibes in comparison.

>> No.22627738

Luke has some good parts
>Parable of Prodigal Son
>Penitent Thief

>> No.22627743

I was referring to the prose and not the content itself .

>> No.22627753

But the prose is the same for the synoptic gospels. John is a bit different, yes.

>> No.22627757


God wrote the Bible, you falseflagging gaythiest/mudslime.

>> No.22627762
File: 39 KB, 731x543, 567824CC-BC33-44C8-A7E4-04794A68D66A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prose is shit

>> No.22627777

Is this redditor (lol) seriously upset that a book from at least 3,000 years ago doesn't read like Game of Thrones or something?

>> No.22627796

some people believe the Bible contains mystical knowledge encoded in the language, so there could be deeper meaning to the creation myth
it's not like they were trying to write something cool based on nothing like your redditor there

>> No.22627820

Luke is a historian. compare him to Tacitus and the like, and not to prose stylists.
his writing is amazing.

>> No.22627843
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Matthew is the oldest gospel and the """Q document""" never existed.

>> No.22627885

Luke > Matthew > John > Mark

>> No.22627902

I think so too. But the Mark case is striking when noted that Mt and Lk agree with it and not each other.

>> No.22628548

> Matthew
are you a wannabe jew?

>> No.22628558

Matthew is indeed the gospel of oldest Jewish Christian sect. But not the first. They got scooped by Mark and scrambled to make their own, translate it to Hebrew, and claim priority. However, they copied a ton of Mark and corrected his references to the old testament. Which is why we know Mark came first.

>> No.22628659

Not literature

>> No.22628711
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>> No.22628896

>Big Yud wrote this
holy shit how embarrassing. jews' racial +10 iq points really doesn't come out to much does it?