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22627572 No.22627572 [Reply] [Original]

preferably philosophy/nonfiction

>> No.22627670

kierkegaard The Concept of Anxiety

>> No.22627689

Gitanjali helped me a lot bro. It’s all about acceptance and it’s simply beautiful. And true.

>> No.22627702

On Providence, from Seneca.

>> No.22628171
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You will become physically incapable of feeling anxiety if you get your amygdala surgically removed.


>> No.22628176

Anxiety doesnt operate alone. He often works with his accomplices: Depression and sadness.

Thats what people don't get a lot of times. Anxiety is often a symptom of something else. I had intense anxiety because of my circumstance but it was coupled with depression because even though I was nervous of what could happen I was depressed on what I already lost.

>> No.22628186

alan watts lectures on youtube

>> No.22628192

What does your anxiety center around? Are you anxious all the time or only in specific situations?

>> No.22628193

That picture is how I feel
My body is a plastic shell and I am a camera

>> No.22628210

How did you get cured?

>> No.22628292
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Patience, understanding, and pic related book

The first thing you need to know is that anxiety isn't actually a bad thing. Its there to protect you, without anxiety you'd be dead, Injured, or in social ruin. So dont operate under the mindset of "Anxiety is my enem," but rather "Anxiety is a good part of me, and it's hurt and confused and in need of healing." Since anxiety is actually a part of you, dont disassociate yourself from it. Show love and openness.

The 2nd thing you need to know is what your anxiety stems from. I had existential anxiety. To be vague, I fantasized about a dream and escapist world I had hope to make real and when that fantasy world was threatened by something I did I was hit with immense exenstial depression and I genuinely considered suicide for the first time in my life. My hopes and dreams and worldview were attacked from what I found out. I now see this as a blessing and learning experience from God, but I digress, find out what your anxiety is, and see it in full honesty of what it is. Because just like the first point I mentioned, anxiety exists as something to help us grow even though it is dreadfully painful. I found out I needed to abandon some core beliefs about myself and the world, and I needed to wake up to things that Ive done and their consequences and work on then so they won't happen again.

And finally read the book on the left. This basically killed my 99% of my anxiety. Sometimes doing the first two isn't enough. You've given yourself love, you've given yourself understsnding, but your understanding is incomplete and the principles of the book helped me cope better with my anxiety.

>> No.22628312

Not OP, but I have debilitating social anxiety that makes me shake and spill my spaghetti around strangers. I’ve tried pretty much everything to make it go away but nothing works. It stems from bullying in school and having a very stressful home life. Any advice?

>> No.22628313
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>She has been held up at both knifepoint and gunpoint, was almost killed in a domestic violence incident, and has received explicit death threats on multiple occasions.
Why would anyone do something bad to this person? Too good for the world.

>> No.22628327

I have that problem of thinking the world should be a certain way and Isuffer when it's not. But I feel conflicted. If there is such a thing as wrong way for the world to be, then I might be right in thinking the world is wrong and not my expectations, so instead of acceptance it would be moral defeat.
But then I make a real exercise of visualizing my "ideal" world and I still find reasons to be unhappy in it, and it's so painful I just wanna stop thinking and live a dog like diogenes.

>> No.22628333
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You may suffer from low self esteem which contributes to your anxiety. Social anxiety can come in two forms.

1.) irrational learned fear from social abuse and neglect from peers or close family members. You can still have good self esteem but you have an irrational fear that someone can actually hurt you because of what happened in your past. For this I genuinely recommend a therapist.

2.). Low self esteem induced anxiety.. This is different although not exclusive to the first one. Where as the first one is as irrational as a fear of bunnies because whenever a bunny appeared a loud noise came when you were a baby, this one has to do with your personal self image. You may feel that everything you say is stupid, boring, or irrelevant because of how people made you feel so you develop an anxiety that tries to protect you from social ruin by stating silent or speaking from safe avenues like questions which while it is safe doesnt help you build genuine friendships. The cure to this is to increase your personal self esteem so you feel that you have a right to exist and express yourself. I recommend this book.

I'm not an anxiety expert. This is based on my personal view of things. You could have both.

>> No.22628367

I think it’s the first one. Sometimes I do have low self-esteem due to the anxiety, but I still respect myself.
>For this I genuinely recommend a therapist.
Therapy hasn’t worked for me so far and I’ve been in and out of it for nearly a decade. I’ve also tried exposure but it only works for as long as I do it and as soon as I stop the anxiety returns, so I know it’s not addressing the root problem. Might check out one of the book recs, thanks for the reply.

>> No.22628373

Or if you take a shit ton of benzos. In both cases you run the risk of becoming a retard and making fatal mistakes because you are removing a process evolved over billions of years literally to prevent you from dying just because it feels bad.
It's the same as people who are born without pain receptors and end up with a getting 3rd degree burns etc.

>> No.22628613

try LSD