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22623886 No.22623886 [Reply] [Original]

>greatest philosopher of our time is some australian hobo

>> No.22623888

Why is he the greatest?

>> No.22623898
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>greatest journalist of our time is some Australian hobo
Australians are the most powerful race in the world...FACT!!!

>> No.22623904
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This surprises you?

>> No.22623938

autistic christcuck cargo-culting david chalmers despite never having read a page of his writings thread

>> No.22624182

his most important paper really isn't that long

>> No.22624186

>oy cunt, got any qualia?

>> No.22624228

What's his great insight again? That consciousness is ontologically distinct from physical reality?

Seems dumb. Why not just be panpsychist? The obvious logical position. It actually cracks me up all these philosophers tying themselves into knots going HOW CAN NON MENTAL MAKE MENTAL???

But if you actually study like what is physics, what is physics doing? It's not really saying anything about the intrinsic nature of material reality, but merely formulating mathematical descriptions and formulas etc abkut how it behaves. Which you use to make predictions etc.

As in nobody really knows what the nature of an atom is. We know what shows up on our measurements and instruments only.

So why not just posit there's some sort of intrinsic phenomenality to it? Because we know by our conscious RIGHT NOW that if materialism is true then consciousness IS a fundamental feature of at least some matter. So why not all?


>> No.22624234

lol you fucking retard he is a panpsychist

>> No.22624313

Adam is that guy who tries to play Chad once he was found by Jesus in purgatory and is too cool for school so you want to be his friend but he doesn't allow you to because he is stuck up. In the 2nd grade I even asked myself what is a friend.

>> No.22624321

I thought he was a dualist like Descartes where he thinks there's a physical brain and ontoligxally separate mind

But I'm reading a paper where he defends panpsychism now. I guess you're right

>> No.22624386

>metaphysical dualist
midwit exposed

>> No.22624427

absolutely retarded. you don't even understand the core terms you are throwing around lmfao

>> No.22624444

WTF I love david chalmers now

>> No.22624744

Why even bother with him? Just read Peter Hacker and be done.

>> No.22624748

so you were talking out of your ass last post? why are you faggots like this?

>> No.22624774

another faggot using the term cargo cult despite not knowing what it means post

>> No.22624803

I lost my respect for him when in his paper about fading and dancing qualia he said he's more of functionalist.

Functionalism is easily debunked. The mind-body problem has literally been solved by Cartesian dualism.

>> No.22624902

How could an immaterial thinking substance interact with a material world ? Cartesian dualism is nonsense.

>> No.22624904
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>How could an immaterial thinking substance interact with a material world ?
Quantum mechanics


>> No.22624939

I will read this later and give it a proper response if the thread is still up but I'm instinctively skeptical (and rightly so) of any scientific attempt to solve what is a conceptual, and thereby philosophical, problem.

>> No.22624955

This question is based on a categorical error. You presuppose a causal mechanism even though causality itself is not an empirical fact but merely an explanatory abstraction and the scope of this abstraction is limited strictly to correlations happening within the physical world. There is no reason to assume that physical causality is applicable to the more funda-mental connection between the physical and the mental realm.

>> No.22625713

I've met him in person since he came to visit my PhD program once. I still do like him but he hasn't done as much work in the fields that now interest me. He's actually got himself involved in it, but it doesn't amount to as much. But as a result I cannot consider him the greatest living philosopher.

>> No.22625721

Chalmers and Sarvapriyananda linked up


>> No.22625745
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Jung-tier Panpsychic-monadism with souls is the obvious truth but NPC bugmen and hylics would sooner kill themselves than recognize the truth. Mind is all and all is mind.

I will not explain further.

>> No.22625826

you dont believe in that

>> No.22625851

this. the only reason people deny it is because of the implications (they'd have to consider their actions in this life have consequences beyond this life-- in other words, they are afraid their immorality will actually have consequences)

>> No.22625894

as a synchronistically guided entity could you explain further? the monadism is a piece of the puzzle i haven't heard about before and i'd be interested to learn

>> No.22625899

He writes the sickest riffs

>> No.22626003
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My use of the monad might be a bit different than say Leibniz, but I meant it in terms of everything being whole & unified, with separation being the greatest of illusions next to materialism/physicalism. On top of Mind is All and All is Mind, is One is All and All is One.

The monad in this case is equivalent to Jung's collective unconscious, or the world soul (or God), that everything manifests from, and since it plays by much of the same rules/physics as mental dreams, things like synchronicity are possible. I recommend Kastrups book on Jung if you want a concise run down.

>> No.22627082

What happened to him? Last I heard Americans kidnapped him. He's probably been circumcised and tortured by now...