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22622496 No.22622496 [Reply] [Original]

thinking about going into a teaching career
what are the best books about teachers/teaching?
I've already read stoner. depressing books are welcome too.

>> No.22622530

For philosophy of education, I recommend Plato’s Republic (duh) and Meno, Aristotle’s argument for teaching in Physics, most of Montaigne, and Rousseau’s Emile (especially "Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar", a powerful teaching tool).

>> No.22622546
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>> No.22622698

Unless you're a pedophile - what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.22622824

Only retards become teachers or cops these days. You're going to be dealing with a diverse mob of violent retards and management won't do anything about it but fuck you over. Unless OP can make it into an elite private school, he's fucked.

>> No.22622969

This, run away. Private schools are legal landmines. It’s all a mess and no one will value or respect you in any way, shape or form.
t. Math Ed degree, career software engineer

>> No.22623003

listen I've got a completely different bachelor's degree and if I want to do something else I can. but my so-far limited experience as a language assistant in a foreign country (been here a little over a month) has been pretty positive. I like working with kids, I have a lot of patience, and I have a good sense of humor.
I think I'd enjoy being a teacher. and I don't care too much about the low pay, especially since you get so many breaks.
I just want some good novels about teachers.

>> No.22623043

GTO (Great teacher Onizuka).
Polya, How to solve it.
Everything else I read was pretty forgettable.
I hear that you don’t want our advice so let me double down. I taught in Chicago public schools as part of my teacher ed program. It’s cool having gangbangers shake your hand and thank you for teaching algebra. I get what you are saying.
The system is completely fucked up and corrupts everything. Stay out of US, do volunteer work, whatever. The educational system, at every level, public and private, is anti-life and fucked up. I send my kids to private schools but I don’t trust them and hate it. If I wasn’t a total debt slave I would home school them. I am already teaching them a lot of what they learn at home.

>> No.22623058

I was thinking about becoming a teacher these last weeks (I’m still pretty young), but these replies are making me somewhat anxious.

>> No.22623080

It’s one of those things where the letter kills but the spirit vivifies. Your heart is in the right place but there are other avenues for realizing what you are feeling. Volunteer tutoring has a much lower barrier of entry and the kids actually want to be there.

>> No.22623085

I guess it's fine to teach kids in asia. But being a teacher in the West is worst thing anyone can do

>> No.22623094

I have nothing but contempt for public school teachers. I graduated in 2009 and even then school was a complete joke. I can remember so many times hearing a teacher say something like "these standardized tests are basically meaningless, but the state says we have to do it for funding, so..." and it's impossible to respect a person who thinks like that. I don't believe all the bullshit about "I want to make a difference in young people's lives" because you will literally never see a teacher go on strike for anything that would actually improve education, just for an increase in their own salary. Just consider the concept of homework: something that no self-respecting employed adult would tolerate, but when you point that out, the teachers always say "No, I spent four hours a night grading papers" or some horseshit like that, as if revealing this fact about themselves will do anything other than make them look like complete cucks.

I mean, fuck, really stop and think about what kind of person becomes a teacher. 12 years of public school, four years of college, and then right back to school. No experience in the real world whatsoever. No concept of how real employment or business actually functions, just an endless adolescence based on acquiring and passing along second-hand information.

>> No.22623129

School was a compete joke because 90% of people (yourself included) going to school were retarded clowns.
Why would teachers bother if kids don't give a shit. I have to agree on homework with you, asking retards to study at home is again a waste of time.

>> No.22623246

I'm in Europe

>> No.22623247

Why would kids give a shit if they're just being taught how to conform to state standards?

>> No.22623331

I am so sorry. Teaching in Europe is almost as bad as teaching in the USA (it can even be worse sometimes)

Not really, math and science hardly have anything to do with the state. Literature can be retarded but it is enough to get a passing grade.
Regarding state standards. No one is conforming to these standards anymore therefore you have 18 years old who finish highschool and can barely read but otherwise have been violent thugs involved with gangs, dealing drugs etc since they were 12. This is what not conforming to even basic state standards leads to.

>> No.22623346

Teacher here.

DO NOT go into teaching if you even THINK you want to make a difference in kids lives. Don't do it. The minute you try to do ANYTHING to help a child, whether justified or not, you WILL get fired.

That's how I got fired.

>> No.22623361

the truth about blacks (anonymous, 2024)
Those who can't do, teach (anonymous 2024)
Gender spectrum isn't real (anonymous, 2024

>> No.22623372

I'm not going to work in some nigger-infested ghetto.

>> No.22623374

that's what you think

>> No.22623423

Average white public school in Europe is garbage. Expect every single kid to be on their phones constantly vaping while in class, if they keep to themselves and don't pick on you then you are in a good school. And g-d help you if you want to teach in France.

>> No.22623793
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Done ESL / TEFL for a decade. Southeast Asia is decent. Avoid US / UK at all costs. Trying to teach kids in a pozzed country is pure suffering. Although a mild wage and occasionally frustrating, teaching kids in SEA is on the whole fun, wholesome and rewarding. If you want money, Saudi Arabia is a gold mine for teachers, but the downside is that it's Saudi Arabia, alongside all the laws and customs that it comes with.

If you must teach in a pozzed country, then get in a ESL school teaching young foreign adults. Prime young legal pussy of every colour for days, living in a country beyond their parents' supervision the first time, a fresh batch every summer.

>> No.22623818

UK/Italy/France Europe or Denmark/Poland/Croatia Europe?

Come on, Anon, stop making us pull teeth...how wrecked have your decisions been?

>> No.22623858
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>an endless adolescence based on acquiring and passing along second-hand information.
/lit in a nutshell

>> No.22624176

It's too late, OP was actually a teacher in France, he won't be posting anymore.

>> No.22624351

I was going to pursue History Education at college until my HS history teacher, who I'm still friends with today, pulled me aside and talked me out of it. Now I'm fresh out of college and working on DoD contracts.

>> No.22624890
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>> No.22624893

The profession is glorified babysitting for your moron kids.

He said it, I just agreed with it!

>> No.22624909

I'm an american english teaching assistant in france. small-ish town on the coast, been teaching for three weeks and I've enjoyed it.
I'm not really looking for advice, I just want book recs
they actually canceled school on monday because of the teacher stabbing lol

>> No.22624949

Yeah, no shit. Public school is literally where they send the braindead mass of people who will likely do unskilled labor for the rest of their lives. The entire point is to babysit your idiot spawn for you so they dont cause havoc on the streets. Anyone who actually cared about their kids would send them to a private school.

>> No.22624994
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I have lots of animosity towards public school because

1. I learned nothing there. Most of the teachers sucked.

2. I wasn’t even supposed to be there. I had been approached by a much better company private school I couldn’t be sent to likely for monetary reasons.

3. Most importantly, it saddled me with a bunch of drunken barmaids and alcoholic middle aged losers for the rest of my fucking life. I am STUCK with these shitbirds forever.

>> No.22625076

Politics fucked teachers over big time in the US. Schools have been stripped of all power and incentive to punish shit behaviour from kids, some of the behaviour being straight up illegal (violence, theft, destruction of property). There's also been a cultural shift where more and more parents let their kids run wild at home which results in ill-bred kids running the show at schools.

>> No.22625315

Ah, at least it isnt Belgium or the UK, though France is pretty high on "the list".
>I'm not really looking for advice,
Im looking to laugh at you. Youtube has all kinds of courses...especially since youre "three weeks in" and full of honeymoon phase.

>> No.22625626

it was only after i left that i started to appreciate my teachers. good luck

>> No.22626201

Maybe you shouldn't have diddled those poor kids, you sick fuck.