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/lit/ - Literature

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22620302 No.22620302 [Reply] [Original]

No one cares about your christcuckery or how much you hate women or de jooz or nigger or evola or guenon or spengler or dosto

Just shut the fuck up up and leave now you fucking CHUDS

>> No.22620304

This used to be a semi-intelligent left-leaning board and now all the election tourists have made it an intellecutal wasteland

>> No.22620311
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>/mu/dditors think this board used to be left wing

>> No.22620315

You’re free to make your own board

>> No.22620318

Stop trying to gaslight. People used to read and discuss theory on here. Now it's just a bunch of right wing dipshits sucking off Spengler and Guenon and other woowoo philosophers

>> No.22620328

Yeah. The silver lining is I rarely spend more than a minute here before going back to reading or something better. Habit is the only reason I come here anymore I think

>> No.22620347

What happened to /lit/? Who let the barbarians in?

>> No.22620362

>Nooooo they should be discussing irrelevant Marxists from the 70s

>> No.22620364

>Stop trying to gaslight.
Exactly what you're doing, you fucking left wing leaning parasite.

>> No.22620371
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>discuss theory

>> No.22620389

Holy cope. 3 election tourists outed in one go.

>> No.22620396
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Just go the fuck back to one of the thousand leftist infested safe spaces.

>> No.22620398

Board drama is not /lit/ related

Yes it‘s still drama if it‘s directed at imaginary archetypes of anonymous posters

>> No.22620403

This is not your safespace, chudly. Your dogma deserves to be challenged.

>> No.22620417

/lit/ used to larp as the sophisticated grad student DFW type. Now it larps as fascist, white nationalist intellectuals, or a Frollo god fearing religious type. Both are cringe but the former was better. Anons read more

>> No.22620441

Now it's time to larp as Bataillean transgressive sexual mystics

>> No.22620484

Yeah that's what the grad school fags larp as nowadays. I swear to God some of you marxists must be from Wisconsin or some shit to be this behind on the hip things those days are doing.

>> No.22620499

i guess i mostly am

>> No.22620501

/lit/ was always a WN board where people posted Evola so that dude is full of shit. The only actual difference I noticed over the years is that people posting genre fiction outside of the science fiction general don’t get nearly as dogpiled and told to fuck off as they used to.

>> No.22620528
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>this used to be a semi hidden board where me and a few other anon's opinions could be shared in a safe space
>but then the board became more popular and anon's with different opinions came in and started sharing ideas that go against ours
>rather than being an actual intellectual, I begun to bitch and complain and use irrational ingroup outgroup reputation destruction tactics to try and keep the bad guys away from hurting my feefees

Weightlifting should comprise 50% of reading a book for this very reason.

>> No.22620537

you sound like a retarded meathead

>> No.22620547
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>> No.22620567

Knowledge without the strength and courage and bravery to actualize it and test it in order to refine it and improve it is not knowledge at all.
>tl;dr lift weights and drink water

>> No.22620569

But courage and bravery are themselves forms of knowledge. Red the Laches of Plato.

>> No.22620580
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At the very least /lit/ has always been sympathetic to Christianity. I've been here since the board started, I remember. Paradoxically, /lit/ being one of the smarter boards has left it open to seriously considering the arguments of the Christian religion, rather than just knee-jerking to the atheism and consumerist materialism of current popular culture.

It's also why /lit/ is the only board where you can hope to have a sane conversation about Islam. Or Buddhism, for that matter.

>> No.22620581

You do not attain courage by reading a book. You attain it by overcoming challenges and facing fears. Without courage, you have no wisdom. Without wisdom, there is no knowledge to be learned because how would you even know? What can you even know, without wisdom?

>> No.22620586

>You do not attain courage by reading a book.

You attain it for instance, from surveying a battle and realiing whether you would live or die by attempting a risk such as saving a fallen comrade. Without knowledge, rushing the battle isn't honor or bravery. It is no different than what an animal does. Unthinking and stupid risk of life.

In summation, read the Laches of Plato.

>> No.22620588

You didn't read Laches though. Courage isn't just facing fears head on.

>> No.22620590

I can distinctly remember there being a Marxism general for a very long time on this board where theory and praxis were discussed with the same weight as if the October revolution had happened last week. Yes newfag, /lit/ used to be a left leaning board on the whole. /pol/ used to literally strategically organize shitposting incursions on this board because we were so left leaning. It used to be a mark of shame on this board to have not read at least the first volume of capital.

>> No.22620591
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Just continue gatekeeping the board by letting obvious /his/ tier bait/troll threads slide and refute bait/troll posts - if they do not reply with actual counterarguments but rather just continue waging reputation destruction to delegitimize you while avoiding the argument(s), then let their posts after that fall silent. Simple as.

>> No.22620592

>It's also why /lit/ is the only board where you can hope to have a sane conversation about Islam. Or Buddhism, for that matter.
/his/ and /x/ do exist THOUGH

>> No.22620595

/his/ has been full of retards for three years now.

>> No.22620596

Humans are not rational first, irrational second, especially in moments of passion such as war. If you cannot even operate while under stress, then there is nothing you can do.

>> No.22620608

If courage were just brute force then the most courageous soldier would be an unthinking moron who rushes the battlefield without a weapon and screaming at the top of his lungs. You need intellect to properly weigh the situation at hand and make the right move which is what Socrates was saying. Courage is itself a subset of intellect.

>> No.22620611

>This board is GAY.
Quasi-literate and circle jerked to hell, pretty low-IQ board overall.

Tons of liars, you people need to stop letting lies fly, thats a cause of this downward spiral of "no u r"s and bad faith arguments.

>> No.22620617

You mean the /theory/ general that lasted 2 months with anons posting their twitter accounts and baiting each other?

>> No.22620627
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Was there really a fucking /theory/ general? Holy shit, and I thought I was retarded.

Why do fucking idiots from Discord or Twitter or whatever think they can come here and turn this place into their commie hugbox? This might be one of the smarter and more patient boards on 4chan but it's still 4chan. You WILL get called a faggot and relentlessly bullied if you are a twee little fuck going on about retarded "theory" bullshit.

>> No.22620631

Jannies on this whole website are just collectively retarded. It would improve this site so much if they just got rid of low-quality threads that are shat out all the time

>> No.22620633

YWNBAW newfag.

>> No.22620640

do you realize that posters like you are the exact types we are talking about ?

>> No.22620646 [SPOILER] 

seething about guenonposting is among the first newfag check
I don't remember a time when he wasn't shilled here

>> No.22620649

No, I mean /Marxism/ from around 2010-12.

>> No.22620652

The big problem with 4chan over the years is that people keep making topical threads that are outrageous and desperate for attention, but they don't actually post in existing threads anymore. This is especially seen on /lit/, a slow board where threads are supposed to last for days and yet most of them die within 1 day because normies won't stop shitting out new uninteresting trash threads which mostly pertain to whatever is being discussed on Twitter. There are plenty of other boards that met the same fate, even super popular ones like /tv/

>> No.22620657

>The big problem with 4chan over the years

No, he's right, the REAL big problem is that for 20 fucking years the mods have only occasionally ever actually done their jobs. If they just pruned the shit threads on a regular basis the entire site would be better.

But they do it >for free, so there's an extent to which their poor effort cannot be helped. And I'm never going to fucking pay for 4chan so I can't expect the mods here to be paid, either. It's bad enough that Elon the idiot wants to try and make me pay for Twitter.

>> No.22620659

>thinks crying about rightwingers is "challenging dogma"
poor triggered snowflake. 4chan isn't your safespace, rightwingers are the majority and you'll have to cope with that fact like you're doing right now

>> No.22620660

Sorry, your quasi-literate, bullshit philosophy reading, circle jerk, is trash, you fucks arent literate. Your cukture is a bunch if charlatan liars and pseudo-adults larping as academics.

You fuck dont know shit about literature.

You just hate that someone from the outside can see it so clearly.

>> No.22620663
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The intellect is the knowledge of something good that needs to be attained, but with the going through with the action(s) to attain the good will bring bad down upon either the one(s) attempting the attainment or upon others whos impact with the bad is perceived as bad from the one(s) committing the actions to reach the attainment.

>you are a soldier who is running away from a battle gone wrong
>a comrade is wounded on the ground and is calling for help
>you know that the "right thing" to do is to go back and get your comrade but in doing so not only puts your own life in jeopardy, but also runs the risks at further compromising your unit upon your loss
>You decide that saving your comrade is the right thing to do despite the bad that may come

>You are a political dissident within a regime you believe to be bad
>you are called to act and behave and follow through with orders that you disagree with
>you know what you are told to do is wrong but if you disobey you will be punished....you or your close ones will be punished
>you make the decision that it is wrong to follow through with your orders and choose to disobey, in spite knowing of the consequences that will come

(self)Sacrificial sentiment plays a role in this.

>> No.22620665

>if they do not reply with actual counterarguments but rather just continue waging reputation destruction to delegitimize you while avoiding the argument(s)
this fits the leftist shill playbook to a T

>> No.22620666


>> No.22620667
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>this entire post

>> No.22620672

This argument is getting way out of hand but you do agree with me about the premise of honor being a form of intellect. We can agree on that at least. Any mindless animal could fight another for food or resources. What sets humanity apart is the intellect to realize right frm wrong and the necessry way to apply this when the risks involved are not heavily in your favor.

>> No.22620674

Thanks for the input Mr. Enlightened
I suppose now that you hate us so much, you may have decided to leave this shithole and never post again ?
If yes, the please do and don't let me catch you lurking here again like a diseased whore

>> No.22620677

he's typing you fucking imbecile, take your meds and tranny hormones. also, NOT AN ARGUMENT. This isn't your safespace, go back to r3ddit, newfag.

2016 was 7 years ago, it's time to get over Donald Trump. And most of the people who came after the election were redditor leftists things they were going to fight the nazis for getting cheeto hitler elected or whatever. Do you know fucking anything about this website?

>> No.22620678

That's a literal schizophrenic guy from /his/. Pay him no mind. He claims to have 12 phds and to be a veteran of Afghanistan who killed dozens of Taliban and survived suicide attacks and IEDs. He also claims God personally spoke to him.

>> No.22620681

all me btw

>> No.22620684

I know him from /sci/
retard just can't let go of his attention whoring so migrates to other boards

>> No.22620685

How exactly is Dosto a chud author?

>> No.22620689

peterson made him one. no one read dosto before that

>> No.22620696
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I'll concede with the knowledge of good and bad/evil. But I would posit still that the true mark of courage is the striving for said good despite the bad. Which suggests that the lacking element in the debate that I think answers what courage is, is sacrifice. Voluntary sacrifice. Whether it be the sacrifice of ones time or resources, or the sacrifice of ones life for the good. I would then imply that in order to fulfill this requirement demands the mental/spiritual strengthening of oneself (and ones people if we're talking on a larger scale) in order to follow through with the good in order to reach the good.

That's just my take at least.

>> No.22620697

opinion descarted

>> No.22620699
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>from /his/
IM FROM /sci/.

You know....fucking REALITY n sheeit, both /lit/ and /his/ are utterly scientifically illiterate and struggle hard with basic knowledge, let alone cutting edge or beyond.

You motherfukers are striaght up highschool level while LARPing as peer reviewing professors, its fucking disgusting to have to parent grown ass men....

>> No.22620702

That's like saying Schopenhauer is a nazi because Hitler carried his book around with him

>> No.22620703

>attention whoring
No, I no longer learn anything form them on a SCIENCE basis, theyre still a go to place for Math but my math path and their are too seperated.

STOP APPLYING YOUR EGO ONTO ME...its offensive you think Im like you retards, a fucking mockery of manhood and a bitch mentality.

>> No.22620708

What's your IQ? I bet mine's bigger.

>> No.22620712

>wojak OP
>buzzowrds in title
>obligatory tranny baits
>schizos posing their asses for more whoring

>> No.22620714

Ive been told its the highest in the world and I believe it as IQ isnt just raw number crunching, otherwise Rain Man would be #1 but also retarded at the same time.

I would know...I met a rain man earlier this year, he is a Mathematical savant but also incapable of functioning in society, I studied his for Psychology and questioned him about his works in Theology.

>> No.22620717

Only faggots took the COVID "vaccine"

>> No.22620726



>Nah, youre a piece of shit thats ruins everything you touch, stop fucking lying in every post. Be man. You are so TRIGGERED by a label that you cannot function like an autistic reee-ing invalid.
"I need you to make life bearable for me"


>> No.22620728

This. Everything on here is basically just an extension of twitter and readit culture wars, but for some reason it's different because you can say more bad words and there's a different aesthetic here.

>> No.22620738

Found the faggot that cries to the mods

>> No.22620741

>You fuck dont know shit about literature.
learn English you benchod indian

>> No.22620743

>I don't like you
>No I can't stop posting here either
were you fucked by a moose to have such severe attachment issues ?

>> No.22620744

>nooo muh heckin spacespace!

>> No.22620758

Evola wrote about him 90 years ago lmfao

>> No.22620767

Dosto isn’t a right wing only writer. Pasolini also wrote a script based on his novel which is included alongside the novel in Italian translations.

>> No.22620768

>world is on fire and his home is slowly becoming shittier, more violent and with looming great threats

Fuck leftoids. And fuck this egalitarian we are all le equally oppressed by shadowy technocapital and what not its pussy stuff. We need strong leaders who aren’t afraid to flex their shit and cleanse the land. What people are discussing just reflects that. Now shoo, go post more about Palestine and how much you support hatred of whites.

>> No.22620772

>s didnt register on the screen
Stop checkmatting yourself with these kinds of posts. Not only do you look stupid, feeds the demon.

STOP. You wont win with lies, feigning, cheap tricks that kids play...be real or die.

>> No.22620773


>> No.22620777

As did Nietzsche. As did Freud. Etc. He's been a popular author ever since he was translated.

>> No.22620778

>be real or die.
Oh...and to everyone...this is the #1 killer of board culture.

LARPing to win as an idiot instead of winning to LARP as stupid when not.

>> No.22620782
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>> No.22620786

Good goy.

>> No.22620791

Replace him with an authentic kraut, it makes no difference.

>> No.22620811


>> No.22620840

I’m not encouraging anyone to read theory. Actually, I quite like having my secret knowledge that I dare not share with the plebeians. You are cold, on the day of judgement you will be spit from Jesus’s mouth. You don’t have the fire of Logos. You are a Hylic.

>> No.22620847

Fair enough but weightlifters also tend to be, more often than not, lifting for other men subconsciously.

>> No.22620849

That’s all your theory is good for, stroking yourself while the state burns and huemans degrade even more. Yes, I’ll be tortured for going against you, the least sadistic Christian.

>> No.22620856
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>while the state burns and huemans degrade even more.
>Yes, I’ll be tortured for going against you,

>> No.22620860

At least you don’t deny how much of a sick christcuck you are

>> No.22620861

I don’t have a problem with Guenon inherently but there’s a conclusion that can be drawn from his works that isn’t applicable to someone like myself

>> No.22620864

You guys gonna compare cock sizes too? Cute. Real cute.

>> No.22620866

I literally size up, for a hypothetical fight to the death, every male I see, constantly scanning for threats and probabilities of success.

I dont like low odds and do everything I can to ensure a flawless fictory.

>> No.22620872

I used to have a coworker who bragged about ideating about killing people like this to look tough. He had 4 teeth in his head, had his dealer pull up to work to buy meth, and tried to convince me that mermaids were real several times. His cousin worked with us also and he had golfball sized tumor in his chest that made his shirt stick out. I’d imagine you’d enjoy their company.

>> No.22620874

Are you paranoid? Damn dude. PTSD? Surely you have a justification for this beyond just the theoretical.

>> No.22620878

>This used to be a semi-intelligent left-leaning
Left-leaning does indeed equal semi-intelligent

>> No.22620891

Thank you

>> No.22620897

Youre exactly the type of poster non faggots mean when they say the board is an intellectual wasteland, left wingers and right wingers are barbaric cocksmokers who miss the meaning of art itself not to mention fucking literature, fuggin forget about it, borges' the immortal is what should be discussed not your politic faggot shit go to pol if you want to seethe with your direction brain shit, ITS ALL RIGGED AND OWNED BY CORPORATIONS, POLITICS MEAN NOTHING EXCEPT SCHEMES FOR CONTROL PERPRETRATED BY FASCIST SCUM CUNTS STFU, blow your theory up your ass muzhik faggot

>> No.22620901

>thinks we're the ones operated by dogma
Lol, el mayo, rolling on floor cumming

>> No.22620908

this guy gets it.

>> No.22620910

IQ 145+ is for Traditionalists.

>> No.22620938

>Actually, I quite like having my secret knowledge that I dare not share with the plebeians
What do you mean "actually"? everyone already knew that, all pseuds are like that, and you obviously enjoy bragging about it too, like an imbecile. You'll keep reading irrelevant leftcuck theory while you have no influence or respect and your city degenerates while you play videogames in the prime years of your life and watch jewish tv shows, blaming everything on sub-conscious racism or something equally as vapid, like a lobotomized drooling faggot.

You aren't smart, you're a midwit/pseud, defending idiot theories written by subversive jewish weaklings funded by intel agencies that history and reality has already proven incorrect. True knowledge doesn't come from books either, it comes from experience, which you probably don't have in anything other than anal furry play.

>> No.22620950
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Im stating blatant facts about me.

You seem to think like a bitch, just like your faggot coworker....I DONT DO THAT.

>Are you paranoid?
No, its called logical. Ive been to a lot of dangerous places, warzones, war itself, lots of ghettos, third world countries, I plan to go to DRC in 2024 to visit rebel territory, being shot at isnt super scary or anything.

I simply am uncomfortable with the idea of being in a room with a man that can clearly overpower me. I want to never be in a situation with a high degree of tactical disadvantage. Even larger men I can assess as winnable, but if theyre larger, and taller, and tougher, it really bothers me.

Guns dont bother me, its a binary object, where muscles are dynamic.

This is basically what it feels like, literally, I rather enjoy it usually...except when it goes into "sexual mode" and mind gropes and I try to be a good boy and resist it. Its automatic, hence why I literally scan for threats non stop, its easy...I dont do it, it does.

>> No.22620958

>except when it goes into "sexual mode"
What do you mean by this? It's normal to size women up for sex. Or men, if you're homosexual.

>> No.22620960

Not sexual for men, but walking through a city, its not just a "threat scanning" but also sexual mate scanning, etc.

It too complicated to fully explain without a PhD or two for self referencing (Medical or Biology).

>> No.22620966

I don't understand men who don't do this. It's like they've never been in a threatening situation ever, even minor ones.

>> No.22620982

Reminder that this is what leftists think everytime they see someone slightly fit or in better shape than them.

>> No.22620985
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>actively scanning and energetically chewing gum
(Reeeing internally because the results are low of a success and all results have be *very* bloodied or critically injured, if not lossed.)
I like not losing, not losing. Yeah.

>> No.22620988

Knowledge of what sacrifice even is still constitutes as knowledge. We are going round and round in circles.

>> No.22620994

>This used to be a semi-intelligent left-leaning board

Just because people agree with your ideology doesn't mean it's intellectual

>> No.22621027

That is intuition. It can even be broken down to the feeling of pain itself and the intuitive desire to avoid it. Even an animal would be averse to pain without requiring higher knowledge to understand it or to recognize it.

>> No.22621526

/lit/ went downhill once fiction and poetry lost popularity. Too many threads made. Not enough jannying. Too many totally literature related off topic threads. Too much tribalism and culture war BS

>> No.22621568
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As a newfag, I sense all this "philosophy" is a major part of the issue too. Its heavy, like...the main course, and cicle jerked...a lot.

People should be writting philosophy here, not ingesting so much of it.

>> No.22621576

Philosophy needs its own board, just like religion. If anons are making their own philosophy it’s /qa/ tier

>> No.22621589

These are the only topics that matter in 2023... the west has fallen... there is no point in talking about anything else

>> No.22621597

Evola sounds fascinating but I don't feel like becoming a nazi

>> No.22621605

Good thing you don't have to become one to read him and make your own opinion on what he actually says. Read bown and the club

>> No.22621624

Most of his books are not political and most of the political parts aren't edgy or extreme at all.

>> No.22621629

Just downloaded it, thanks anon.
That's good, I'm especially interested in his occult research and esoteric ideas without the christian god. I'm pretty ambivalent when it comes to pure politics desu

>> No.22621632

That's because the left has gone way further left in recent years and reasonable people who a couple of years ago were considered "left-leaning" are now seen as chuds. I mean, are you even allowed to read classic literature nowadays if you are a lefty? Aren't all authors from the 19th century or older problematic chuds?

>> No.22621652

Meditations on the Peaks is my favorite. His easiest and shortest book. Just comfy writings on climbing mountains

>> No.22621661

Holy shit based, you get it

>> No.22621664

Also Bow and the Club like that other guy said is not what you want... that's mostly a political book with his more extreme opinions.. I would start with Meditations on the Peaks, Introduction to Magic (best for Esoteric/occult rituals), The Doctrine of Awakening, The Yoga of Power, The Mystery of the Grail..

>> No.22621676

Bro you are just lifting heavy things what the fuck are you on about, you aren't fighting enemy city states for the glory of rome or something

>> No.22621689

>you aren't fighting enemy city states for the glory of rome or something
Not him but if you don't have that mindset you aren't really living

>> No.22621695

If you have that mindset but the only "brave" thing you do is lifting weights, I think that you should be fucking ashamed to say the things this guy is saying.

>> No.22621709

What else is brave in this day and age? Dying for Ukraine? Being a firefighter? Getting control of your willpower and mind is the only brave thing one can do now.

>> No.22621722

If you really want to be brave become a vigilante and kill rapists and muggers but you won't

>> No.22621733

That's not brave... that's suicide.

>> No.22621742

I rest my case

>> No.22621745

Having to live the rest of my life in prison with Tyrone as my cellmate because I killed some random gangbanger who did a crime to someone who voted for Biden... that's brave?

>> No.22621747


>> No.22621751

>appeals to /pol/ ideology and politics to avoid being brave
ngmi anon

>> No.22621760
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Its supposed to be a dojo, blade sharpens blade, the best rising to the top...Philosophy is inextricably connected to Cognition and Developmental Psychology, aka...reality.

...instead we have "lol no u r", LIES...infested with liars. /lit/ and /his/ are two boards that cannot speak the truth, if you defeat them they LIE.

All growth, all manhood, all maturity is thrown out the window.

>> No.22621765

>Dying in Ukraine
Death in combat in our day and age is devoid of beauty.
Yeah pretty much, they are pretty brave.
If you want to go on about bravery and warriors and all of that, practice a martial arts and fight in tournaments. Everybody can lift, it's okay to larp as a warrior as you do so but in reality, it will take more than that to become one.

>> No.22621766


>> No.22621772

>practice a martial arts and fight in tournaments.
I do BJJ and am undefeated in tournaments.. although I don't know how brave BJJ is... you have to worry about getting your arm or knee broken which is a big worry but competing is fun and a thrill.. not very brave. maybe getting punched in the face in boxing or mma is more brave but id like to try it

>> No.22621775

Kill yourselves tranny faggots, YWNBAW

>> No.22621776

>fighting enemy city states for the glory of rome or something
how is not this not political? liberals arent doing this

>> No.22621778

>instead of hiding threads he dislikes, OP throws a school-shooter tantrum


>> No.22621784

1.Learn English
2. Romans were Social Dems

>> No.22621785

I would have voted for Bernie if he talked about the glory of Rome

>> No.22621883

This board is too retarded to read any serious political philosophy, which is why they stick to memes like Guenon or Evola

>> No.22621887

What is serious political philosophy lol... Rawls?

>> No.22621901

I was talking about becoming a vigilante

>> No.22621954

Philosophy actually belongs on /his/, but nobody wants to go there and jannies have no idea, so it's allowed here as well.
>left-leaning board
That is just objectively not true, perhaps you were in those bubbles, but the difference is that those lefty bubbles were able to exist without retards invading and shitting them up. Rightwingers existed in the same way, but pre election politics was just a normal topic to discuss and argue about, while ever since then retards have built their whole personality and existence around being a commie or a chud. Americans are so retarded. It's like I was talking to autistic children not intelligent enough to comprehend that the world is broader than their personal experience.
To be fair, this board is still among the friendliest towards lefties, but ragebait metathreads like this will inevitably result in more hate.

>> No.22621960

Technically yes. Every now and then someone does throw up a Rawls thread.

>> No.22621963

True, they should read Othmar Spann's history of economic thought and The True State.

Or Louis de Bonald

>> No.22621995

>we are le intellectuals we discuss THEORY hyuk hyuk
Effeminate faggots