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File: 73 KB, 600x769, Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22619751 No.22619751 [Reply] [Original]

Did it ever occur to him that his Paradox of Tolerance could be used to show that progressives or tolerant people are not actually tolerant?

Think about it, who is Popper, a progressive, actually tolerant towards? The answer is obviously just other progressives. They might speak different languages or cook weird foods and say that god exists, but at the end of the day, their political opinions just happen to align with him. It's progressives and conservatives who are "kept in check"

He says that so long as he can keep the intolerant in check with "rational argument" and "public opinion" then suppressing the intolerant won't be necessary until they start to actually do something about their ideas, or "refuse to listen to reason." One can wonder just how exactly someone can argue with a Taliban fighter to convince him that women should not be forced to wear a Burqa. One can also wonder how the Taliban could convince him that they should. Do either of them hold the final argument to the ultimate truth of the universe? If critical thinking, something that is championed by progressives, has taught me anything then no. And if we don't actually have certain truth about anything, to think so would require one to be uncritical, then what even is the point of arguing? Rhetoric? Persuasion?

>> No.22619945

"Truth" and "Fact" are too completely different things.

Consult John 18:28-40

>> No.22619948

>Misspells two
>References desert manual

Too perfect

>> No.22619954


>> No.22619956

eat shit and die FAGGOT

>> No.22620010

die in hellfire, troon

>> No.22620025

jew worshipers seething

>> No.22620035


I would pity the three of you for your mere existence, but I personally have the honor to never desire anyone to pity me, so in turn, I've decided to never pity anyone ever.

But to defy the transgender atheist 948, I will state that three states exist: Truth, fact, honesty, and all three are different.

A person can honestly believe a lie.
A person can use facts to support a truth.
A person can speak a truth to convince people of lies.

And in total, there are 720 total combinations of how to mix and match truth, facts, honesty, falsity, lies, and deception.

Yes, literally 720 ways to mix all those things together. Fuck. We are so screwed.

>> No.22620042


A pathetic lashing out, I am neither jewish nor transsexual. Is that all you've got, crybaby retards?

>> No.22620046

>Plato was LE BAD because he believed that best way to organize the state was to have a ruling elite
>That's why we need to have the ruling elite run social experiments to figure out the best way to run the state
>pads out all of his weak arguments and every fucking chapter with voluminous schizo bable about what means to say something is true
another pseudo trying to grapple with Hegel and getting merk'd

>> No.22620066

You are a COWARD and a FAGGOT. What do you bench? I can fucking pummel your faggot troon ass.

>> No.22620078

He wants people to not tolerate discrimination because he is a jew
Simple as that

>> No.22620085

Surely it would take critical thinking to know we do not have certain truth about anything, and so our arguments must still do more than merely persuade, right?

>> No.22620095

>critical thinking, something that is championed by progressives
Lol, only with the "no, not like that!" qualifier.

>> No.22620099


i hardly see much difference between fundamentalism and any other brand of secular or non-secular control. imposing a warped culture of dependency, subservience and brainwashing upon a people leaves them in the same aesthetic state as decapitation. it would be one thing if they ran the place with any amount of taste, but modern american culture is just ugly and miserable.

>> No.22620128


just look at the place. it's a soulless, postmodern corporate wreck with a hundred million identical hamster wheels. what they haven't ruined costs several times more than what you'd get for a kidney.

>> No.22620144

>Censorship is good when it's bad things and bad when it censors good things
Simple as. But your desire for "impartiality" will blind you to the evident truth

>> No.22620153

>Lol, only with the "no, not like that!" qualifier
Yeah... I but the thing is, I don't think they criticallu examine critical thinking all that much. How can critical thinking ever tell you when it is time to take a stance? When have you gathered enough information, consulted enough viewpoints, etc to be able to take a stance? I don't think critical thinking can do that because the moment we take something as truth we stop being critical. Of course, this doesn't apply to questions of facts which can be easily observed and verified.

>> No.22620159

More like tolerance is impossible. It's a paradox after all.

>> No.22620193


even most of the progressive nonsense would be somewhat tolerable with actual liberty.

>> No.22620221

>Yeah... I but the thing is, I don't think they criticallu examine critical thinking all that much. How can critical thinking ever tell you when it is time to take a stance? When have you gathered enough information, consulted enough viewpoints, etc to be able to take a stance? I don't think critical thinking can do that because the moment we take something as truth we stop being critical. Of course, this doesn't apply to questions of facts which can be easily observed and verified.

arbitrary, but that's good enough for statisticians so it's good enough for me.

>> No.22620227

shut up bitch

>> No.22620256

fasciods dont care about rational arguments and deserve to have their heads bashed in before they can destroy liberal institutions and round people into camps

do I need to spell it out any clearer for you?

>> No.22620283

>do I need to spell it out any clearer for you?

i'm afraid so

>> No.22620390

Open Society is a contract.
Fascists didn’t subscribe to it, so they are not entitled to its protection.
Boom, paradox resolved.

>> No.22620400
File: 151 KB, 800x1009, IMG_1384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal institutions
Are these things really worth keeping around? Serious question

>> No.22620409
File: 3 KB, 201x250, kantsong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you apply this to daily life there is no expectation to be tolerant

>> No.22620427

The really grating thing with this compliant midwit concept is that paradoxes apply to natural laws and concepts. A system of governance being unable to defend itself if it actually adheres to its principles is just a shitty system.

>> No.22620463

Pol Pot was right about college