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22616952 No.22616952 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that talk about the influence that television and cinema have as propaganda tools for the elite? I think it's the most important topic of our time but I don't know anyone who was written about it.... since the early 1920s film and television has been used for political reasons... you can change the opinion of the masses based on the shows and films you make

>> No.22616965

Not quite what you're looking for I think, but I did start reading Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children quite a long time ago and never got back around to finishing it
It's the only rec I have but I seem to recall TV and ads were pretty major elements of the argument and evidence, and it's no huge tome

>> No.22617021

https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm LOL die Kulturindustrie!!!!!!

>> No.22617084

Literally a billion books have been written on it. Bernays, Debord, McLuhan, Baudrillard, etc.

>> No.22617129

Looking for more of a right wing perspective...

>> No.22617134

"99 Francs" and "Generation P"

>> No.22617201

Right wingers largely don't discuss propaganda in any real depth because it would cripple their own ability to spread propaganda, and their ideology is hugely dependent on it. At best you get an extremely brief reference to liberals polluting minds by putting gay people in movies.

>> No.22617209

The most famous propagandist in history was Joseph Goebbels who wrote books on this exact topic....

>> No.22617464
File: 147 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow

Nazis are gay

>> No.22617471


>> No.22617479

It's discussed implicitly in Wagner, Nietzsche, Jung, Spengler, Schmitt, Heidegger, Junger when they criticise mass culture/the modern technological world. See the Conservative Revolution in general.

>> No.22617482

Manufacturing Consent.

>> No.22617880
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This may be adjacent... But suppose you approach it from a different angle: Perhaps it isn't so much a top-down thing, but an inherent property of the medium itself, which happens to serve the elites very nicely. There are shadowy elites pulling strings and pushing agendas, yes, but it's not only about the content per se.

This is a main theme in Neil Postman's work, especially Technopoly and Amusing Ourselves To Death. The form and modes of Television and the Internet lends themselves to trivial ephemera, rather than depth, which changes the nature of our "collective conversation" or consciousness. The media (both the physical *mediums*, and media in the journalistic sense) are essentially a huge framing devices. None of this was planned during the design of early TV or the Internet, these are properties of the media which were uncovered and eventually exploited, once understood by powerful people. Mediums attract to it content consistent with it's limits. Truly contrarian stuff simply can't gain traction, there isn't fertile ground there. It's like trying to grow an oak tree in the middle of the Pacific ocean.

>> No.22618002
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>> No.22618879

> Looking for more of a right wing perspective...

When criticizing the centralized ideology-shaping power of media, the anti-authoritarian left and right have the same perspective. The authors mentioned above are going to have the same insights about how malleable minds are as right-wingers.

Is the part that interests you, *how* the media came to be dominated by socially progressive ideas and images? And not right-wing ones? 'Cause that's about the unresolveable tension between free-marketers and social conservatives. go to youtube and watch Roger Scruton at thr end of his life realizing that his rich Conservative Party friends don't care at all about classical culture.

>> No.22618899

"Elites" are never secret, a secret elite is not an elite, or only in the broadest conceivable sense, like saying that cooks are an elite because they control the production in the kitchens. It's just a nonsensical statement.
The 'elite' is whoever is responsible for the government.
Without elite, there is no government, just plain anarchy.
> muh socialism
Socialism could be classified as the only non-aristocratic form of government if it wasn't for the fact that socialism has nothing aristocratic but the fact itself of it's existence, e.g. they justify the presence of an elite by saying that this elite has the goal of abolishing itself.
Thus, all governments are aristocratic in nature, and without aristocracy, there is no state.

>> No.22618935

>i have a poorly articulated desire to read books about [incredibly gigantic subject with hundreds of years of scholarship]
>i want a right wing perspective

>> No.22619354

If every single book is leftist why is it wrong to want to read a different perspective?

>> No.22619441 [SPOILER] 
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If every single book is leftist then there are no right wing perspective books, retard. This level of politicization is fairly new.

>> No.22619467

Elites are too retarded to control masses that way. Rather, a small group is controlling the "elite" in that method

>> No.22619502
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you're going to color your opinion and have a incomplete understanding of authoritarianisms, it would be like only reading marx.
either read both sides shit flinging or read a real book about philosophy or scientific studies of psycho-sociology.

youre probably a type of pathological skeptic or contrarian so youre reading wont have any real value anyway.

picrel when you adgendise or politicize your learning

>> No.22619565

Any book on social psychology talks about this, those are also a good read to realize how retarded you are.

>> No.22619669
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Not OP but this seems like an appropriate thread.
Anybody writing about targeted propaganda in the age of the internet?
All the modern stuff I've come across just talks about cambridge analytica and le orange man bad or academic papers in fields I have no background in (psychology etc).

>> No.22619850

If the only book that exist are Marx is it wrong to ask for something else?? The answer in that situation isn't to read more Marx

>> No.22619875

best song on the topic

>> No.22619879


Combine lust with terrorism with think-of-the-children, and you have the power to absolutely control a mind via emotion. Transgender children being forced to receive genital surgery, even if they beg the doctor not to do it. They're crying and screaming, trying to run away, but the therapist, the doctor, and their parents are all brainwashed to mutilate.

In other words, any mention of children transitioning to be transgender, with an element of fear-mongering involved, will basically get clicks.

As to what the actual meaning of that sort of clickbait is, I wouldn't be surprised if it has NOTHING to do with transgender children. Instead, that sort of thing might have references to alternative ideologies or religions or potential laws that a person wants passed, in the sense that the clickbait topic, "transgender children," is NOT the purpose of the article. It's just enough to get clicked on, and then the article will deliberately go off on a tangent to manipulate you in a direction you might not expect.

And so if you fear this sort of memetic virus, there is essentially only one thing that can save you, and that is a law that will advocate for censorship of what is essentially "clickbait." Once we can control this clickbait issue by ensuring that people can't just write articles with whatever content or headline they want, we can finally be rid of clickbait for good! That will certainly help society out greatly. In essence, the government needs the power to directly censor news headlines on the internet, so that nothing gets unfairly clicked. They all need to apply for a headline the way brands need to apply for a trademark, and if rejected, they cannot use that headline or article.

A perfect solution, no? We already have the law all written up, and a truthful-headline committee assigned to do the hard labor of doing this, and now all we need are votes. Your vote. Do not delay. Save the children today! Or else this malicious clickbait and emotion-manipulating headlines and overly dramatic articles will continue to manipulate people.

>> No.22621199

dude trannies lmao

>> No.22621275

I've seen this guy get recommended many a time; is he really worth the read?

>> No.22621278

Television = Tel-Aviv Zion

>> No.22621642

It's a classic red-pill, but they're not particularly difficult reads or anything. His stuff was written before the internet and when you read him talk about TV, you'll realize how truly fucked we are.

If you decide to pick them up and find them useful, read Marshall McLuhan.

>> No.22621799

doumo arigatou gozaimashita

>> No.22621804

Tell a vision.

>> No.22621817
File: 6 KB, 190x265, Z(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start from the beginning.

Walter Benjamin. He discussed the Nazi's pioneering use of film as a propaganda device.

>> No.22621823

Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman - This classic book explores the impact of television on culture and how it can be used as a tool for shaping public opinion.

"Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky - This book delves into how media, including television, can be influenced by elite interests and shape public perception.

"The Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion" by Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson - While not solely focused on television and cinema, this book provides insights into the broader realm of propaganda and persuasion techniques.

"Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" by Jerry Mander - This book critically examines the effects of television on society, including its potential as a tool for manipulation and control.

"Television Is the New Television: The Unexpected Triumph of Old Media in the Digital Age" by Michael Wolff - While discussing the changing landscape of media, it touches on the power of traditional television as a means of influence.

>> No.22621837

Ask chatgpt for right wing perspectives on the topic please